Dawning Skye

Chapter 106

106 Complications..

“I knew my grandsire spoke the truth.. My father said that he was crazy, but I always believed him, and now here you are!” Magnus exclaimed like a child at Yuletide.

“Edmond was one of a kind.. like the soft side of his father. Tiberius was strong, kind, and truly cared about All within his domain. He taught your grandsire well, and from what we’ve seen; you as well. Your son here reminds us of them quite a bit also,” Maevis commented.

“Tis true.. It didn’t matter who or what the person was, so long as they didn’t hurt anyone. It was both easier, and harder times back then.. But Skye and Tidas give us hope for peace between our people,” Nicolas added.

Magnus extended his index finger in greeting, just like his grandfather had taught him to; in case he ever met a fairy. It was taking nearly all of his self control not to holler out his happiness. Meeting Mae and Nic was a dream the king never saw coming true. He looked to Tidas and Skye with a soft, emotional smile that the prince had never seen before.

Tidas was both shocked and elated at his father’s reaction. He figured it’d go well, but the king hadn’t even pressed them for details pertaining to the deals yet. Magnus was usually far more guarded with his emotions, and his son was extremely happy to witness his true feelings. He’d been raised to hold back as much as he could, except from family.

Tidas was different from his brothers in that regard. They listened to their father, but Tidas preferred to stay open about himself. All the MacArthurs were undeniably charismatic. They were born charmers with silver tongues, and could convince people of most anything. But usually refrained from sharing personal details or likes.

While he still watched how he spoke and what he said, Tidas was far more open about himself than most with so much to lose. When he was young lad, the prince told everyone that his favorite pie was pumpkin. On and off for two weeks straight: someone tried to poison the pies that were to be served to the royals. The culprit was some-what caught; he’d killed himself rather than talk.. But Magnus tried to use it as an example of why Tidas should keep personal details to a minimum.

The young prince had laughed at the king and rebutted; “I could die from falling off my horse, or get shot in the streets tomorrow. I won’t box myself away because some people are bad. I’ll block out the good ones too, if I were to do that.”

Tidas had been twelve at the time, and was progressing in his training very quickly. Magnus was very proud of his hero son, and wished he had another kingdom.. For Tidas would’ve made a good and just ruler. Marco promised to promote his brother to an advisor once he became king, but there hadn’t been any truth behind it; unknowingly to Magnus...


As most of the group chatted on about Tiberius and their adventures back in the day, Peggy came in carrying Zazzy. She looked about, then asked Skye if she wished to bathe again before dinner. The princess nodded enthusiastically as she remembered that the palace had something much better than a bath..

“What is that? A rock?” Magnus asked as he stared at the item Skye held in her arms like a baby.

The newlyweds shared a smile before Tidas replied; “This is what Lucas got for trading Warrick Forest. It took a liking to Skye, so he and the Fae gave it to her.”

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“Ok.. But what is it?” Magnus inquired with impatience lined in his voice.

“My baby dragon; I named her Zazzy!” Skye stated as she beamed.

Magnus stared at the black sphere in Skye’s hands with astonishment. It wasn’t a wyvern egg, he’d seen those before. He’d seen a picture of a dragon’s egg in a tome years ago.. The shape matched, but the color had been different.

“The Fae had a dragon’s egg? Can-Will it hatch?!” Magnus’ voice strained slightly at the end.

“It will, now that she’s with Skye. Dragons choose their bonds; you can’t force one, even with Tamer magic. In our opinion, Zazzy should stay with your son and daughter-in-law,” Nicolas answered.

“So Skye has two-no, three traits, and a dragon?! Hahaha! Good thing you’re my daughter-in-law! And I’d watch it if I were you, son!” the king chuckled even more after he finished speaking.

“Ima sorry I didn’t tell you, but I didn’t tell anyone... I was scared ye wouldn’t allow Tidas and I to wed if ye knew,” Skye stated, being mostly honest.

“And why wouldn’t I, lass?” Magnus asked, honestly confused.

Skye reluctantly replied; “First off, I Just got me other powers. I only had me Water trait until this past month. Ye would’ve had me join the RMC if ye knew, correct?”

After Magnus nodded hesitantly, Skye continued; “If ye would’ve done that, me life would be completely different right now. Would ye really have been ok with yer third son marrying a regular, commoner soldier? Me father’s daughter or not?”

The king looked about the room a split second, to see who was listening. The two recruits and Zas were talking over by the farthest door, on the other side of the room. Zas had known to move away after greeting Maevis and Nicolas; when the king had begun to question Skye. The two elder Fae were talking with Skye’s servant, and Tidas was looking directly at him.

He saw the scrutiny in his son’s eyes. Tidas was waiting for his excuses; he knew his father’s expectations. The only reason he’d signed the contract with Lucas was because he was a special case. As progressive as his father was, it was only in contrast to the other nobles and royalty.

Magnus still viewed servants only as their titles. He had never put forth the efforts that Tidas had to know his people. Except for the occasional pretty lass. The prince knew many of the names of the servants and his soldiers. He took an interest in their lives, and always attempted to keep up whenever he had the chance to chat.

The king referred to his youngest son whenever it came to moral issues. Tidas always had a knack for being empathetic towards people. He easily connected with others from various backgrounds and histories that differed from his own.

“Be honest, father.. Skye knows you, she’ll not hold your own truth against you,” Tidas added.

“Well, I might a little.. I am quite fond of ye, husband,” Skye added playfully.

“Come now, I am your king. Must you torture me with hypotheticals,” Magnus grumbled.

“If you don’t wish to answer, then that is an answer as well, father. You taught me that.. Skye: you know that’s not a fair line of questioning, either. Besides,” Tidas wrapped an arm around Skye before he added; “you know we were meant to be, and my father would’ve agreed, so long as we loved one another.”

The prince kissed his wife’s forehead as she replied with a blushing smile; “Yer lucky yer so cute and quick with yer tongue.. I apologize for my curt behavior.”

“No, you’re right Skye.. I don’t know if I would’ve been so open to him marrying someone that he was in charge of. A clear head is needed on the battlefield, at all times. To be honest, I’m still a little leery about you attempting to join the RMC next year,” Magnus was slightly stern as he spoke.

Tidas felt his wife tense in his arm. He knew Skye had no issues yelling at his father, but now wasn’t the time or place. Not with Zas and the others here. The one thing his father hardly ever let slide was public insults, or impunities towards his crown’s authority. Those gathered wouldn’t gossip, but Magnus still wouldn’t stand for public disrespect, on any level; earned or not.

Before Skye could say something regrettable, Tidas spoke; “That’s odd: I never knew you to be one to break your own laws, father.. You were the one who enacted the ‘Civic Duty Law’. It specifically states that all those, man or woman, with magic traits, are allowed to join at will even if they have served. And by the indoctrination Laws, she should already be a member.. Will you deny such a powerful mage and your daughter in law her right to serve her kingdom?”

Magnus fumed at his son, but was also proud of the monster he’d created. The king had originally wanted Tidas to be a diplomat, but his skills with magic were too far above par. He tried to split the difference by making him the Commander of the RMC, but it still didn’t work out how Magnus had wanted. Zas currently held the title, as far as the public was concerned. Even though everyone still called him a general.

It had been some ploy to fool his brother, but Magnus didn’t see a point to it. The illusion would be a moot point soon, anyway. Marco had sent word ahead of his arrival that the traitor had been spotted in the Northwestern part of the Highlands. And Magnus would want his son to move on the tip as soon as possible.

Tidas didn’t believe the tip for a moment. Every sighting ever reported placed his uncle in the Northeastern side of the Highlands. The old capital was on the coast there, and that was the next place he’d planned to search. Marco’s tip was obviously either unintentionally false, or purposefully. With Skye being in the capital now, Tidas got the distinct feeling that Marco was intentionally trying to get rid of him...

“Since it is my right, I wish to take the trials tomorrow then,” Skye announced suddenly; drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

Shocked at her declaration, Tidas dropped his arm from around her shoulder, and stepped back. Staring at her in disbelief, he asked if she was serious. Skye looked down a split second and huffed. Lifting her head up, she squared her shoulders in his direction, then spoke as calmly as she could.

“I defended both of us from the nomads. I even had me wits about me enough to recognize Petrie as a decent person. I fought off Jacob twice! I can defend me self just fine! I have Water, Earth, And Ima bloody Shaman! What, exactly am I missin’ that is so pivotal to taking the trial?!”

Right as Skye had finished her rant, the door to the hallway opened. A cat-like female came sauntering in like she owned the place. Her hair was long, but pulled back and intricately braided. Her ears were large and pointed on the top-sides of her head; just like a house cat. Her fur was a reddish-brown color in the light with a white patch at the base of her neck. The hair on top of her head was about two shades darker compared to her fur.

Her long tail swayed as she walked, protruding from a slit in her military-issued attire. She only wore the boots, pants, and a low-buttoned vest. If she’d been a human, Skye had no doubts she would’ve been considered quite breath-taking by everyone. Since she was a ‘beast man’, few openly considered her in such a way.

Her yellow-green eyes flipped back and forth, examining the various people in the room as she walked toward Skye. She reached up and slid her fingertips across her whiskers before stretching her arms up into the air. She turned her head to the side, popped her neck, then repeated the action on the other side.

Stopping in front of Skye, the cat woman lowered her arms and eyed her critically before she said; “You don’t know shit, little princess..”

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