Dawning Skye

Chapter 107

107 Vice Commander Shasta

“Excuse me?! You don’t even know-” Skye tried to snap at the cat woman, but she cut her off.

“I know what the king does of your capabilities. I’ve been outside that door for quite some time. Your a very loud person...”

“Shasta, don’t pick at my wife. You Don’t know her,” Tidas chided his second in command.

Skye’s eyes bulged from her head at her husband’s name drop. Shasta was the Second Pillar; considered above Zas. The hostility the princess sensed unnerved her, but she refused to show it. Not that that mattered much.

Shasta’s senses were off the charts, even when compared to most Fae. Being a Bakeneko, her senses were far beyond that of any other human or feline to begin with. Tidas and herself had been trained at the around same time, and used the same techniques. While the prince was better at maintaining his speed and power simultaneously, Shasta was unbeatable at maintaining her speed and other senses.

It gave her the edge she needed to beat Zas during their yearly rankings. All members of the RMC got a chance to challenge the Pillars, to see if they could take their place. No one had ever beaten them, and most didn’t even want to try. As far as they were concerned, the titles rightfully belonged to those who held them.

Shasta was the only one who challenged the prince every year; except the last two. His injuries had been so extensive that he couldn’t participate. It had enraged Shasta to the point of her starting fights in Zas and her friend’s taverns. He was stronger than her, and one of the only two people that could deal with her drunken antics.

Whenever she’d drink cream, it was just like she drank whiskey, if not worse. Cream had a similar effect on most Fae, but Shasta preferred it to everything else in the world. There had been many times that Tidas and Zas had to wake her up, and she’d be curled up in a ball around an empty creamer bottle; purring away.

“I’m not picking; she’s the one that asked,” Shasta stalked around Skye as she spoke.


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“Ye didn’t give me an answer, just an ignorant commentary,” Skye said as Shasta came around to her from.

The two women stared daggers at each other as Shasta began to growl. Skye didn’t flinch, which scored a few points with the irate cat woman, in spite of herself. She knew men and beasts as big as Zas that backed off at her universal threat.

When Tidas stood between them, Magnus inquired; “So the Vice Commander of the RMC doesn’t think Skye is ready? What about the Master General?”

Zas walked away from Ronnie and Klaus to answer the king’s question directly in front of Skye. He wanted to explain his opinion. Being an instructor; Zas’ job involved evaluating and training the cadets and soldiers alike. He knew Skye had amazing raw talent, but she needed to refine it, and learn greater control.

Ronnie and Klaus were just happy that the General was walking away to answer. The king intimidated them greatly, and VC Shasta was down right terrifying to them. Klaus didn’t like how she had talked to the princess, but was too scared to say anything in her defense, like the prince did. It was another painful point made about his ineptitudes, but Klaus and Ronnie were both determined to become powerful and worthy enough to protect the princess..

Zas bowed to Magnus, then turned towards Skye. His ears occasionally bent backwards slightly, and flicked with his emotional fluctuations. Normally Zas didn’t have any problems with giving critiques, but the situation felt forced and awkward. It was more like an admonishment than helpful criticism. But he tried to explain his point of view with sincerity.

“It’s obvious you’re powerful, princess. And no one here doubts your ability to defend yourself-”

“Ha!” Shasta cackled derisively.

“Shut up, purr ball,” Zas calmly snipped before he continued; “But being in the RMC is about a lot more than just defending yourself. Depending on your roll or rank within your team, you may be responsible for the lives of all of your squad. Joining means wanting to protect more than just yourself or Tidas..”

“I know you know it, but you don’t understand it yet. The training you normally go through before the trials is critical to functioning in the RMC as a full member. I want you to seriously ask yourself; are you joining just for Tidas, or for all of us?”

Zas’ words stung at her conscience. Skye’s entire motivation was based off of wanting to be with Tidas. Her actual position or responsibilities of being a RMC member didn’t even register. She knew Tidas would never send her away from him, but that didn’t mean that they’d be guaranteed to be assigned together during battles.

The way Tidas had explained it to her; whenever more than one Pillar took to the battlefield, they were always separated. It gave more strategy options, and cut the amount of lives lost down drastically. Skye was powerful enough to be ranked near their statuses already. She would most likely be assigned her own section of the battlefield to clear, just like them.

The princess had planned to study up on everything; from battle strategies and theories, to her medical training. She’d even planned to have someone train her in proper swordsmanship, but that had been based off of taking next year’s trial.

Skye knew she needed the training, but the fear of something happening to her husband was too great; “I completely agree with you, General.. But if this is my only chance to accompany Tidas into the Highlands, then I must take it.. Unless the king will allow me to go along as a healer?”

Magnus rubbed at his trimmed white beard as he thought on his daughter in law’s request. He’d heard about her heroics at Dragonhorn, but sick people and dying soldiers were two different demons. The carnage he’d seen during war isn’t something he wished Skye to have to experience. Hearing people screaming and crying for their loved ones as they lay dying was nightmarish; especially when you know the ones you’re treating.

Magnus had experienced many wars and skirmishes over his seventy-three years. He’s seen men become so consumed with fear that they slash out at anything that moved; friend or foe. He’d seen comrades trampled by others running either to, or away from the battlefield. But the worst was seeing your comrades die all around you, with nothing you can do to stop it.

Magnus never wanted Tidas to join the RMC, but the prince had insisted upon it. He thought the lad would be far too gentle for the job, but shined when given the proper training, and an opportunity. The decimation of the slave trade was a personal crusade for Tidas that Magnus had been utterly surprised to hear about. He was beyond proud of his son for protecting the people, and making their kingdom a safer and better place.

The king could see similar greatness in Skye, but he could tell she wasn’t ready. Eighteen to twenty was the average age of those who participated in the trials each year. But they were all students that’d had experience, to some extent. Those who entered without proper training beforehand were usually the first ones taken out.

“I know how we can settle this; let us have a small bout.. If you win, you can participate tomorrow. If you don’t, you not only have to wait until next year, but you have to buy me cream every day-”

“SHASTA!” Zas roared at his some-what superior.

“Ok! Three times a week,” Shasta replied with a smile.

The sharp teeth that the cat woman flashed at Skye unnerved her, but she didn’t flinch. It annoyed Shasta that the lack of reaction earned her points, but it didn’t really matter. She stepped away from the prince and the princess to go and stand before the king.

Tail wagging in a wispy manner, Shasta bowed before speaking; “So what do you think my king? Should I mop the floor with her, or just spot clean?”

“Not happening..” Skye retorted.

“Do you really want to do this? She’s a Pillar, Skye,” Tidas inquired with unconcealed worry in his tone.

Skye sighed a moment before asking the king; “Unless he’s changed his mind about allowing me to go strictly as a Shaman?”

Seeing Magnus shake his head in the negative, Skye turned to her husband and added; “I have to try.. It’s me only chance to protect you..”

Shasta burst out in condescending laughter before looking at the king and quipping; “That’s a spill in aisle five; just let me mop it up already..”

Feeling slightly irritated with Shasta’s continued attitude, the king looked to Skye for an answer. She nodded in the positive, which angered Tidas. Magnus explained that they each got one hit, and that Shasta has to wait one full minute before she could attack Skye. The king figured that the limit should make up for their differences, and make it a quick affair.

Maevis had agreed to help fix any damage that occurred, which was a great relief to the king. Between his three sons being together for the first time in years, the recent construction all over the capital, the trials, and the visiting diplomats; Magnus was growing weary of seeing his coin disappear..

Magnus quirked an eyebrow at the feline Fae before answering; “Think ‘light dusting’, not mopping.. And you only get one hit.. And it can’t be powerful, just normal; a human version of normal..”

“You’re taking all of the fun away, old man..” Shasta said to the king low.

While Skye mentally prepared herself, Tidas was internally freaking out. He couldn’t believe the crazy turn the situation had taken. He wanted to rail at the king for his idiocy. Having his wife fight Shasta was inviting misfortune.. The prince knew that his father just wanted to see what Skye was capable of. He’d been enthralled when they’d told him of her fights with the nomads and Jacob.

No one had ever seen a magic user like Skye before, and Magnus was ecstatic to witness it. They couldn’t go all-out, but the king could at least properly gage his daughter in law’s skills. He still didn’t want her to go, but now he could have Zas give her viable reasons why she’s not ready instead of just his concern.

Maevis and Nicolas were intrigued by Zas and Shasta’s presence, even though they really didn’t like Shasta so far. Nicolas was already planning on talking with them while Maevis stared down the cat woman. The disrespectful way she’d entered, picked a fight with Skye, and Tidas’ lack of reaction to the whole thing had sparked her ire.

Peggy was nearly in tears by this point. Noticing her state, Maevis asked her for tea. The old servant was both angry, and thankful that she was being sent off. Watching her beloved bairn get into a fistfight with a beast woman was something she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle.

Ronnie and Klaus hadn’t moved since they’d entered the room. To be honest, they weren’t even sure why they had come. The general had told them to follow him, but they didn’t understand why. Skye was a kind person, and a princess. VC Shasta was terrifying, but they couldn’t stop themselves from being angry at her due to it. They felt terrible that all they could do to help was silently root for their princess from a safe distance.

Zas was borderline furious with Shasta for her attitude and disrespect. He’d told her about Skye when he’d seen her earlier. If he would’ve known that this was how she’d react, he would’ve kept his mouth shut.

Shasta loved to fight, and didn’t care whom with; so long as they were strong. Skye was strong, but inexperienced. Zas knew the real reason Shasta was targeting Skye.. He planned on spraying her down with a hose later, as punishment. Shasta hated many things, but getting wet was the one thing she hated most..

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