Dawning Skye

Chapter 111

111 Capabilities

Skye slammed the restroom door after she and Peggy got into a yelling match. Feeling overwhelmed, the princess slipped into the shower. Letting the fresh, hot water seep into her weary bones. The images from her dreams of Tidas being killed with the spear replayed over and over again in her head. The water streamed down her body as she thought over everything that had happened.

From the moment she’d walked in, Shasta’s mere presence had been overwhelming. She was everything Skye expected a Pillar to be; aside from her attitude. It was hard to believe that she hadn’t used any magic for most of their fight. Her agility was off the charts, but she is a Fae.

Bakeneko are said to have started as long-lived house cats, and grow more human-like the older they get. At least that’s what the books that Skye read had said. The white patch on her chest had made Skye think that she might’ve been a Cat Sidhe, but from what she could remember, they were a type of Astral Fae, or spirit Fae.

Skye tried to recall the rest, but the only thing that came to mind was that it was something sad. She would have to re-research Bakenekos later. Deciding to begin her actual cleaning, the princess grabbed her wash rag, lathered it up, then began to scrub. She tried not to take her frustrations out on her skin, but the more she thought about her situation, the worse she felt.

Zas had discussed the importance of Skye understanding why she was joining. She hadn’t thought about much about her future past her studies; other than a family with Tidas whenever they were ready. Their life together was the only long-term commitment she’d planned on making at the moment.

Joining the RMC was a lifelong choice, no matter what the paperwork said. If there was a war or crisis, retired mages could be redrafted if their skills were needed. The further up in the rank you went, the more responsibilities and restrictions were placed on you as well(including travel restrictions).

Skye had hid her magic the majority of her life out of fear of being forcibly recruited into the RMC. Now, she was fighting tooth and nail to join. Tidas was the main reason she wanted to join, but she needed her own reasons too. Something to drive her throughout the years.

Her entire life, Skye had never turned away from helping someone whenever she could. From the servants and cotters, to the outlying villages scattered about the around Moonstone property. She’d never used her water magic to help; it had always been her knowledge and hard work. From fixing things, to making medical supplies; Skye was loved by everyone for her kindness, intelligence, and work ethic.

The powers she had now were extraordinary, making her capable of a great many things. With everyone doubting her, the princess began to wonder if she was actually capable of wielding it properly. Her initial excitement had been chipped away, and now she was starting to feel discouraged.


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After washing and rinsing her hair, Skye scrubbed her face and body one more time before getting out. She was procrastinating on purpose.. She didn’t want to face Peggy yet. They hadn’t said anything extreme to each other, but Skye knew she had acted like a child in a tantrum. And rightfully owed Peggy an apology.

Once rinsed clean, Skye crouched down in the shower a moment. She wanted to cry, she felt so frustrated with herself and everyone around her. All she wanted to do was help and keep her husband safe..

After drying her body, Skye wrapped her hair up so she could put on her moisturizer. It was made from cherry blossom oil, rose hip oil, clary sage oil, aloe juice, bog myrtle wax, and beeswax. Having the myrtle wax as a quarter of the base made it extra special. The stuff was so hard to obtain, due to the tedious process it took to extract it. But Skye had designed it herself, and loved the results.

Feeling much more relaxed, the princess dotted some perfume on herself from her little vial, checked her room for random visitors, then exited her restroom to dress. Peggy was sitting on the edge of her bed, opposite Skye’s dress an such, folding towels in a disgruntled state.

After putting on her undergarments and chemise, Skye walked around to face Peggy. She apologized for yelling at her, and asked if she would help her finish getting dressed. After finishing the towel she was working on; the old servant apologized as well.

“Ima sorry for hollerin’ at ye too. I was just so scared for ye, me bairn. I know yer a grown woman now, but ye will always be a babe to me.. Ima try and get better at treating ye as such, but ye must promise to do better to behave like one as well.. Like now,” Peggy replied; her voice strained with emotion.

“I can agree to that, if you can,” Skye added with a soft smile as they hugged it out to finish.

“Not to complicate things, but we have a slight problem: I don’t think I can wear me chemise with this dress,” Skye stated as she pulled away, and looked down at the fabric that went up past the bust line.

“And why not? At least this way, ye will have Some coverage,” Peggy quipped.

“The fabric and color is wrong.. I’ll have to wear that gods awful corset; the low-cut one,” Skye replied with discontentment.

Stripping back down, Skye had Peggy help her into an off-white corset that she absolutely hated wearing. While it made her breasts look stunning, the inability to breathe made it hard to enjoy one’s self. She instructed Peggy to leave the strings looser; “At least enough to be able to breath without poppin’ out me top, please?”

After the corset was situated, both Peggy and Skye were pleased to find that the dress had a zipper on the back. Most of Skye’s dresses were made with more sturdy, common materials and designs. The dresses Tidas’ aunt had given her were beautiful, but not very practical. Sitting down at the vanity so Peggy could brush her hair; Skye decided she’d save them for special occasions. As the thought left her head, she noticed a little jar with a note under it.


Dear Skye,

First: Congratulations!!! I’m so happy you’ve come to live with us!

The jar has a kind of soft gel in it that will help keep your frizz under control. And it will help keep your curls separated.

I hope you like the clothes I picked out for you and my nephew. If the material is too warm, Peggy has instructions for alternatives(but I highly suggest the first choice). Those pompous aristocrats won’t know what hit them! I won’t be back until after the trials are through. I look forward to you telling me all about them.

All My Love,

Aunt M


Don’t let those idiots bring you down!


“I miss her! I can’t wait until she comes back!” Skye exclaimed as she crinkled the letter in her hand.

“Aye, of course ye do.. The woman has always spoiled ye! Ye best thank her properly when ye see her next,” Peggy chided.

Chuckling as she worked, Peggy quickly brushed and sectioned Skye’s hair. The old woman hesitantly used the gel to smooth and shape her lady’s curls. It smelled like flowers, complimenting her perfume. Peggy was just finishing up as Tidas walked through the main door.

Skye didn’t even look in his direction when he called to her. She wanted him to apologize for not defending her in the slightest. She was ready to admit her faults, but not until Tidas said sorry for not backing her up. But instead of attempting to talk to her again, he’d begun to get ready.

Dressing with unusual speed, Tidas then went to the bathroom, and just as quickly washed up. The whole process had taken him about five minutes to finish, which annoyed Skye as she waited for him. ‘Why does everything have to be quicker and simpler for men?!’

As Skye’s inner thoughts began to run amuck, Tidas snapped a final cuff link to complete his outfit. He had to admit, his aunt had excellent taste. The suit she’d picked was called a ‘tuxedo’. Being so well-fitted; Skye annoyingly thought that her husband looked amazing in it. The dark blue and black made the green of his eyes stand out as he stared at her.

Tidas wanted to apologize, but not for the same reasons that his wife wanted him to. He didn’t feel bad for keeping quiet at the test. His father was evaluating her, and it wasn’t his place to convince him; it was Skye’s. She was the one who needed to prove herself, not have her husband making excuses for her. After all; that’s what the Trials were all about to begin with.

The reason the prince wanted to apologize was more to do with what Zas had pointed out. Tidas hadn’t taken the time to fully explain the commitment and responsibilities that came with being in the RMC. He’d been more worried about the immediate situations concerning his uncle, brother, and Skye’s general safety. It hadn’t fully sunken in that his wife, at some point; would be one of his soldiers.

Tidas was different when it came to his men. Male or female; he expected equal efforts from everyone he commanded. If you weren’t putting in one-hundred percent at all times in the field, your comrades died. It’s not an opinion or option; it’s a fact. And the prince made sure that the fact was ground into each soldier’s mind.

Tidas knew he wasn’t capable of treating Skye like everyone else. She was his true love, and his weak spot. He pushed his soldiers hard to prepare them for the rigors of battle. As he stared at her, the reality of it hit him, and he was speaking before he knew it.

“I know you’re mad at me, and I don’t blame you.. But I want you to understand that I do agree with them, most-”

Skye cut her husband off with anger in her tone; “Ima not mad because of that! Ima mad that ye didn’t back me on going as a healer! Even if I was only doing small things like changing dressings, or coordinating people; at least I’d be there!”

“To what? Protect me?! You can’t even protect yourself yet Skye! You’ve never fought a magic user until today, and look what happened?!” Tidas yelled.

“I know! I was there too! That’s not the point-”

Tidas cut his wife off, his frustration clear in his voice; “Yes it is! We’re the RMC; any magic users that any enemy has; they throw at Us! The people we fight the most ARE magic users! What would happen if the front line got overrun, or the enemy snuck around to get at you? What would you do then?”

“Kill them,” was Skye’s simplistic answer.

“Only if you can actually hit them,” the comment was out before the prince could stop himself.

Skye’s face switched between hurt and fury. Tidas knew he’d screwed up; instantly approaching his wife with pleading arms, and a regretful expression. She took a step back and put her hand in the air for him to stop.

Pivoting on her heel; Skye stormed passed her husband, and towards the main door. She stopped a moment to open the door, then turned back towards her husband. She glared at him with watery eyes before saying, “Yer a jackass, Tidas,” and then stormed out the door.

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