Dawning Skye

Chapter 112

112 Commitments

“Ye know.. For a prince, that was a shit job at diplomacy,” Peggy chided the prince.

“I know, I know! It was a stupid thing to say. I was mad, and.. it just kind of slipped out,” Tidas huffily ran his fingers through his hair as he spoke in a frustrated tone.

“Are ye going after her?” the old servant inquired.

After looking at the clock on the mantle, Tidas replied “No, I’ll just wait for her by the banquet hall entrance.. Give her some space and time.”

“Sure.. Wuss,” Peggy’d said it low, but the prince had heard her.

Skye was lost...

She’d been so utterly enraged and hurt at the same time, she hadn’t paid attention to where she was going. Tidas’ comment had pinched her pride and hurt her feelings. The only thing in her mind was that Tidas’ aunt’s room was the way she was going, or so she’d thought.

The amount of remodeling done to the palace the past few years made it difficult for Skye to navigate. She spent ten minutes trying to find her destination, but to no avail. Giving up, she’d started to make her way back. Several of the staircases she’d known about and used were removed, and rebuilt somewhere else. It was all extremely confusing.

“You look lost there, sweetness,” a deep, slightly familiar voice came from behind Skye as she tried to choose between two hallways.


Whipping around, Skye came face to face with an extremely handsome man. He had the same jawline and forehead as Tidas, but with a longer, and slightly more narrow face. His hair and trimmed beard were a chestnut color, and his eyes were a shade of hazel she’d only ever seen one person have. He was taller than Tidas, but not nearly as well built. He had broad shoulders, but was very lean.

It took a moment, but Skye knew who he was. His eye color gave him away, and his flirtatious smile. She’d only met him a handful of times, but the last meeting had been a memorable one.

“Good day to you, King Lawrence. It’s a pleasure to see you again,” Skye replied while ignoring his leering.

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The foreign king quirked his head slightly, flashed a smirk, and said; “Have we met before? I find it hard to believe that I’d forget such a beautiful woman, such as yourself.”

Skye was trying hard not to laugh at him. The first time she’d met him, he’d acted similarly, and incurred Tidas’ wrath for it. He was always hitting on women, and was known for calling himself the ‘Law of Love’ in his younger days. However; his looks, charm, and position had given credence to the ridiculous title.

Stifling a laugh, Skye smiled as she spoke; “Well, tis quite similar to the first time we met.. The only thing missing is my now-husband, punching you in the jaw for yer flattery.”

Lawrence’s eyes narrowed in attempted recognition, then nearly bulged out of his sockets like a cartoon as he realized who she was. The king’s jaw dropped as his arms went to the sides of his head. He couldn’t believe the beauty before him was the same girl from nearly five years ago.. The same woman that had just married his little brother.

Lawrence MacArthur was a characteristic and libidinous man who was also the King of the Ruscovic Kingdom. He was an odd cross between Marco and Tidas; with a bit more trickster thrown in. He and Tidas had gotten on well as children, as they pulled pranks together. Due to him being the second prince, Lawrence lived away from the palace most of the time.

Following the attack on the king, Magnus had sent his second son to live in their summer palace. Tidas would spend a month every summer with him, and he would spend a total of a month at the capital’s palace throughout the year. It was only when Marco wasn’t around, however. With the King and Crown Price’s near deaths; it was decided that all three princes should rarely occupy the same space, and never for long.

The rule had put a strain on the three brothers’ relationships with each other. Marco and Lawrence had been close as young children, but when Marco gained his powers, he’d steadily stopped spending time with him. After the attack, it had seemed like he didn’t care that he’d only see his brother a few times a year. It had hurt Lawrence at first, but he had grown closer to Tidas. As long as he could still see his kid brother, it didn’t hurt as much, and eventually stopped.

Five years ago was when Lawrence had married his wife. He’d met Skye before then, but she’d been a child. Even then, she was only thirteen, but one could see the beauty she’d eventually grow into. He told her that when she came of age, he would’ve been more than happy to teach her about ‘the pleasures of the world’. Tidas had come flying out of nowhere and punched him in the face; starting a fistfight.

Skye wound up yanking them apart by their ears, and lecturing them both on proper wedding etiquette. She especially tore into Lawrence for his behavior, considering it was his wedding day. He’d argued that he didn’t know his future wife, and that the arrangement was strictly business to him. His answer had boarder-line infuriated her, but she kept her cool.

Skye had verbally laid into the second prince; “And how do ye think She feels? Getting dragged off to a foreign country, to be married off to a foreign prince, and a lecherous one at that? She’s yer future Queen, wife, and the future mother of yer children.. Shouldn’t ye at least be friends? Because blatantly hitting on other women at yer Own Wedding, might start things off on a bad foot..”

Few had ever been so straightforward with him, and he enjoyed her feisty attitude. Lawrence wanted to whisk her off her feet, but the way she looked at his brother told him that her heart was already taken. He’d been irritated that Tidas had snatched up such a girl. But she was right; his head needed to be on his own wedding.

It had all turned out for the best after that, for the most part. Lawrence had fallen in love with his wife upon sight. He’d heard of her beauty, but she’d turned out to be everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. She was kind, feisty, and had a great sense of humor.

They loved each other very much, and were very happy when Anastasia had gotten pregnant, despite her constant illnesses. Lawrence was excited to be a father, and she, a mother... But she never got the chance. The Queen of Ruscovic died bringing her son and daughter into the world. Lawrence had been devastated, but would never regret or hate the time he had spent with his beloved.. Or the precious treasures she had left behind for him.

“Skye? Skye Moonstone?! By the gods! What happened to your hair?!” Lawrence smiled enthusiastically as he spoke.

Skye instantly deflated slightly before replying; “Ack! Always the first thing.. Ah, it’s a long story..”

“Well, you can fill me in along our way to the banquet hall.. Your husband is probably flipping out right now. I’m late myself, but I’m not the guests of honor,” Lawrence tugged Skye along as he spoke.

“Yippee...” Skye replied in a sarcastically flat tone.

Tidas was leaning against the wall next to the door, tapping his foot impatiently. He knew Skye was mad at him, but he didn’t think she’d risk his father’s anger. He’d told her five o’clock on purpose, even though their introduction was to be at five thirty. It was five minutes until the real time, and Skye’s still wasn’t there.

As the prince’s nerves began to work themselves into a bind, he could finally see his wife coming towards him. She exited one of the numerous smaller hallways that connected to the main one on the floor. His heart thumped in his chest at the sight of her, but then dropped when he saw her arm linked with a male escort.

The fact that his wife was with another man had obviously irritated Tidas. Lawrence cracked joke a about it, letting the prince know with whom she was with. His gate had also eased as his brother’s voice registered, but his face had remained pensive when they stopped in front of him.

Tidas and Skye’s eyes locked on each other. Lawrence could see the swirl of emotions that they exchanged with their eyes. Skye had told him the gist of what had happened. He’d been honest with her, and told her that he ultimately agreed with the others. She wasn’t ready for the front lines yet; in any capacity. But he didn’t agree with what Zas and Tidas had said; completely.

When Skye asked what he’d meant, Lawrence explained; “Hundreds of people join the military for personal reasons. From providing for their families, to earning a decent wage. Or sometimes they’re just trying to find their place in the world.. That doesn’t make their motives selfish or greedy.”

“I’m not a mage, and I haven’t served like Tidas has; I don’t think anyone has.. But I do know that it’s not to the military itself, that you need to commit to. Your commitments should help you decide if the RMC will Help You fulfill them.. It sounds like the first thing you need to do, is figure out what exactly your commitments are,” Lawrence had been rubbing his beard as he’d walked and talked.

Skye felt much better after talking to her husband’s brother. The perspective he’d given her helped her to find her convictions again. It didn’t matter if she couldn’t participate in the trials this year. Tidas was her biggest commitment, and she would protect him; regardless of anyone else’s say.

Due to her powers, however; Skye had another one. It was her duty as Prince Tidas’ wife, and as a decent human being, to use her powers to help those around her. The more powerful she became, the farther her reach. The princess had always liked helping people, and now she had the opportunity to help hundreds, if not thousands.. And all while being with the one she loved most; currently pissed at him or not.

Tidas broke their eye contact first. He gave his brother a curt smile and asked why he was with Skye. Lawrence smiled devilishly at his little brother before he wrapped his hand around Skye’s waist. Tidas visibly flexed his jaw as his brother began to speak in an amused tone.

“I found this delightful little thing lost in the halls. You should’ve gone after her,” Lawrence teased.

“Duly noted, now get your hands off of my wife,” Tidas was smiling as he spoke, but it was creepily hostile.

“Aye, now please?!” Skye yelped as she squirmed against him.

After releasing her, Skye brushed out a nonexistent wrinkle, and looked at her husband. He didn’t look happy about his brother, but it wasn’t her fault. Lawrence had done it intentionally, to stoke his brother’s ire, and it was working. He was winding him up; right before sending him into the wolves’ den...

Extending his arm to his wife, Tidas spoke in a low tone; “I’m sorry for what I said.. It was a jackass thing to say. I stand by the decision, but you’re right; I could’ve had them explain, question by question-”

Skye linked her arm through her husband’s, and lightly squeezed it against her. She looked up at him with a soft smile and said; “That’s all I wanted to hear, but I owe you an apology as well..After we make a bunch of snobby aristocrats very uncomfortable.”

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