Dawning Skye

Chapter 113

113 Aristocratic Opinion

Shasta had been walking down one of the smaller halls that connected to the main one. It ran around the entire floor, and all three floors had one. She’d been visiting a friend when she’d seen Tidas’ older brother with Skye. When she peeked around the corner, all she saw was King Lawrence wrap his arm around Skye’s waist. Growling low as she turned back down the small hall; Shasta made a mental note to have a little chat with the little wench later...

Lawrence entered first for two reasons: to inform the Herald of the new royal couple’s arrival, and to clear the way. The aristocratic nobles would most likely follow him over to his table to talk marriage proposals. Since the death of his wife, the King of Ruscovic had been plagued by them. The traditional morning period was usually a year, but some barely waited a month before they were spontaneously dropping by, with their daughters in tow.

Finding it amusing now, the foreign king didn’t mind it as much. He wasn’t planning on remarrying any time soon; Anastasia was his first and one true love. But it didn’t stop him from having some fun now and again with some of his consenting female suitors.

Tidas’ brother had been the perfect decoy; drawing away the most problematic nobles. He’d been surprised to see Lord Bibalow there, but now wasn’t the time to think on it. The Herald blew his horn, and announced the new royal couple; grabbing the attention of everyone within the banquet hall.

With their heads held high; Skye and Tidas entered the crowded room. It was as big as the throne room, but with a greater width versus length. Long tables wrapped around the room in a wide U shape in three rows. Gaps between the tables allowed servants and guests to move around less hindered. Nobility sat on the larger outer U, then lords, followed by guild masters and other high profile commoners.

People were in awe of the royal newlyweds as they seemingly sashayed through the crowds. Tidas exuded sex appeal with his dark hair, fetching features, and fitted tux. The prince smiled as he looked around the room; occasionally waving or nodding at those he passed. The women in the crowds threatened to swoon at his general glance; irritating a few husbands.

Skye’s golden curls lightly bounced as she walked arm in arm with her husband. She kept a courteous grin on her lips as she imitated Tidas’ gestures. Several of the noble men had openly spoken about her beauty, and how lucky the prince was. The comments had irritated him, but who had said them, made him laugh internally.

Many of those gawking were part of Marco’s inner circle. He was currently on his way back from a diplomatic visit to his wife’s former home. The Meccano kingdom was the southern most kingdom in Alcon, so it took weeks to travel back and forth. If Marco had been present, they would’ve been acting completely different..

Tidas was a little surprised at how quickly Skye had been willing to accept his apology. She’d been mad enough to storm out of their room, and now she was on his arm. It was confusing, but he went with it for now. They needed to present a united front while amongst the nobles. Skye was the first commoner to sit at the main table near the king; ever.

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Many of the nobles saw it as threatening in the same sense that they saw the commoners having access to tomes, and other artifacts. Most described a world completely different from theirs; a more equal one. The ideology was dangerous to their comfortable lifestyles, and feared the commoners organizing. Lord Moonstone’s daughter marrying a royal was a red flag, and one they wouldn’t ignore..

Cutting through the crowds; the newlyweds came to stand before the king. Magnus smiled broadly at his son and daughter in law. He was relieved to see that his little test earlier didn’t put a strain on their relationship. He knew that the two loved each other dearly, but that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t fight.

All healthy couples argue on occasion; it was simply a clash between the different parts of their personalities. No one was the exact same as another. The important part was to love all parts; even the aggravating ones. Tidas and Skye loved every side of each other, and looking at them now made Magnus feel a little silly for worrying in the first place.

After his wife had left to bathe earlier, Tidas explained Skye’s Shaman abilities in more detail. He was going to broach letting Skye go, but his father cut him off before he could start. Magnus made the same point that Klaus had to Ronnie. Healing townspeople and healing wounded soldiers was completely different in almost every way. Even if she had the skills, the king feared for Skye’s conscience. It was one thing to outright kill, but another to attempt to save someone, and fail due to error or fate.

Both father and son feared for Skye, put into that perspective. Tidas honestly didn’t know how his wife would react to that type of situation. If a person in front of her was suffering, Skye helped. It was what she’d always done, and had never failed to do so. If someone died in her arms due to her own actions in any way; Tidas believed it would crush her.

Fully understanding his father, Tidas had dropped the discussion, and moved back to the scouting mission. He proposed to send Ralph and a couple RMC members; keeping the group small. Technically the prince’s Guard Captain wasn’t a member of the RMC, but he used to be. And his position allowed him to function as whatever Tidas needed. The king agreed to his son’s plan, then the two joined the group of Fae.

Tidas hadn’t stayed long. It was nearing dinner time, and he needed to reconcile with his wife beforehand. Their argument had been expected, but not her storming off. The prince knew it’d been his fault, and had planned on apologizing for his folly. However, when he’d walked towards the banquet hall, expecting to see her; she’d been nowhere to be found.

Several of the servants had been sent off to look for her. Shortly after they’d gone, Tidas had seen his wife rounding the corner, with another man. His ire instantly spiked, but he remained outwardly calm. He’d felt a minuscule amount better to see that it was his brother, but only the minimum. Lawrence would’ve undoubtedly still hit on her, but at least he would respect her decline. Which the prince knew his wife would do.

The nobles’ attitudes had worried him, but without Marco around to either protect them, or egg them on, they were rendered harmless; for now. Most of the men in the room seemed quite taken with his beautiful wife. It tweaked at him, but it was better than them all disparaging her. Skye was the most worthy woman he’d ever met, and deserved her title. Whether it angered the king or not; he would defend his wife’s honor.

After seating themselves next to the king as the guests of honor, Skye and Tidas mostly enjoyed their meal. Occasionally a snarky comment made it to Tidas’ ear, but it hadn’t bothered him. The other conversations he was hearing were far more interesting.

It was in the throne and banquet rooms that the prince got most of his information from. With his ability to heighten his hearing whenever he wanted; Tidas could hear the entire room. He could even adjust himself to pick up specific voices or trigger words. It’d been one of his greatest tools in taking down most of the slave trade. For some reason; people thought it was a good idea to speak in crowded areas about the profane things they did behind closed doors.

The meal was extravagant, and more like a buffet. Servants offered platter after platter of food as they walked passed each guest. They moved around the room in a coordinated rotation; with pitchers and bottles of ale and wine between every few plates of food.

Skye ate with restrained enthusiasm. She didn’t care what others had thought of the amount she ate. Her table manners were impeccable, and the king was enjoying her company. No one would dare say a negative word within normal earshot, but a conversation near an alcove behind them sent his blood boiling.

Two young nobles known to constantly follow around Marco were whispering about ‘the commoner bitch that fucked her way to becoming a royal’. They made other derogatory remarks about how Skye and the king seemed very close, and made implications. Tidas was ready to beat them within an inch of their lives, but felt a familiar hand on his shoulder before he could stand.

Already knowing whom it was, Tidas turned in his seat, cupped her hand with his, and said; “It’s good to see you, Aunt Marie!”

Skye whipped her head around and exclaimed with a large grin; “Marie! It’s so good to see you! How was your trip? Oh, and I thank you for the dresses; they’re beautiful! Albeit, a bit daring for me.”

Smiling elegantly at her new niece, Marie replied; “You are a stunning woman, my dear. You do the world a great disservice by hiding away with your northern modesty.”

“Its not nearly as cold here as at Moonstone Castle, especially during the summertime. Besides..” Marie paused to turn towards the two young men Tidas was ready to pummel; “Few are Suicidal enough to make insulting comments while in Your presence, dear nephew..”

“You would think so,” Tides turned around to look at the men before saying; “But Some are still stupid enough.”

The two men coughed and fidgeted before scrambling away from sight. Tidas could hear their griping, but didn’t hear anything actually threatening, so he let it go for the time being. Skye was ecstatic about his aunt showing up early, which made the prince extra happy. The better of a mood she was in now, the better their talk would go later. With Marie there, things were about to become a bit lively.

Marie Kramer was both highly intelligent, and highly opinionated. She had common sense, and her book smarts. Magnus trusted her deeply; more than most. He knew she would be completely honest with him, no matter the circumstances. Even Marco asked for her opinion on occasion, whenever the matter pertained to something he wasn’t familiar with.

Being the ex-wife of a traitor had left a kind of mark on her, but Marie didn’t let it slow her down for long. Shortly after she came back from her temporary exile, Marie had started having issues with some of the more.. rigid nobility. She’d made it clear to any that attempted to stigmatize her that she wouldn’t stand for it; that the king, and all three princes wouldn’t tolerate it. Never allowing someone to disrespect their family was the one thing that all three agreed on.

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