Dawning Skye

Chapter 114

114 Aunt Marie

After the meal, everyone shifted from the banquet hall, to the ball room. Marie and Skye rapid-fired questions and answers at each other. They discussed her travels and Skye’s honeymoon, but left the other events for after they were out of the public’s eye. Rumors were already swirling over what had transpired at Moonstone Castle. From everything involving the Fowlers, to more sensational ones involving fairies.

Hearing the Fowler name had Tidas scanning the room with his enhanced hearing. He hoped to catch someone either being upset over their capture, or anything else that could lead to other slavers. Most in the room knew of his enhancements, but almost no one knew that he kept certain aspects of his trait active twenty-four hours a day.

Tank was a physical-type trait like a Shaman, Tamer, or Manic. It didn’t take much magic to heighten his sight and hearing continually, but it did require him to eat ridiculous amounts of food. The prince’s use of magic wasn’t noticeable unless one was looking for it.

The prince could also hear discussions about a monster being spotted outside of Dragonhorn. The gossip ranged from tales of Zas taking care of it, to the goddess Eir descending from the heavens to tame the beast herself. The prince had choked on his food slightly at the last one, considering it was somewhat close to the truth.

Skye and Marie spoke for a while before the dancing began. Tidas had stayed close to his wife, but not close enough to scare off the more brazen men. Three had approached her separately, only to be politely declined. Upon their leave; each received a cocky smile from the prince, and a cheers with his glass. Any idiot could see Skye’s beauty, and that also made her a target for them. It irritated Tidas, but he trusted Skye completely.

Shasta had come into the banquet room from the kitchen before everyone had shifted. She now sat with Zas and their guests; Ronnie and Klaus. Because they were Pillars, they’d been seated at the main table. They were offered seats nearer to the royal family, but Shasta, Ronnie, and Klaus all wished to decline. It was too in the spotlight for the lads’ tastes, and Shasta didn’t want to be near the princess.

Shasta watched Skye like a jaguar on the hunt. Zas and Klaus noticed as Ronnie obliviously sat and drank. Klaus was angry at how the Vice Commander was acting towards the princess, and was nearing his breaking point. Zas had watched Klaus decline Alcon’s best ale because he knew he would’ve snapped at her by now.

The general didn’t understand why Shasta was targeting the princess. The only thing he could think of was that she was angry about needing a bath. It still didn’t explain the extreme scrutiny Zas was seeing though. It was like she was waiting for her to stab someone in the heart or something.

Zas slammed the rest of his cup before he asked; “Alright, what’s with the dirty looks? Are you really that mad that you had to bathe?”


Shasta bent her ears back at the mention of it before she replied; “No.. I just don’t trust her.”

Zas let out an exasperated sigh; “And why is that?”

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“Because I saw her and that king being too friendly for a mated human,” Shasta replied as she sipped her cream.

“Of course they’re friendly; that’s his daughter in law!” Klaus snapped at her.

“I said that king, not the king.. Stupid duck,” Shasta quipped.

“Duck?” Ronnie finally spoke.

“He’s in ducky love with that preening princess,” the VC grabbed the pitcher of cream that was specifically hers, forwent the cup, and began to drink straight from the bottle.

Ronnie and Zas both looked at Shasta and said; “Ducky love?”

Shasta huffily slammed her bottle down onto the table and snipped; “He acts like a duckling around her! Following after her; squawking the whole time.”

“Ducks quack,” Klaus added with a smirk.

Shasta glared at the three and stated with a deadly calm tone; “Next one to poke fun at me gets their eyes clawed out: understand?”

Sensing that they’d gone too far; Ronnie and Zas backed off. Klaus didn’t say anything else, but kept a provocative smirk on his face. He didn’t like the VC, and wasn’t afraid to hide it. He knew she could easily rip his throat out, but it mattered little to him. The only reason he didn’t pick a fight then and there was because he’d sworn to help Skye with the trials next year. If not for that; Klaus would’ve done something very, very stupid.

As the evening progressed, Skye did wind up dancing with both of the kings. Magnus had offered first, then Lawrence shortly after. Shasta had literally growled at the sight of them. Klaus and Ronnie were currently in a deep conversation, but Zas had noticed it. He leaned over the table slightly and asked his friend what her real issue was.

“It’s exactly like I said; Law had his arm around Tidas’ wife. Her waist, to be exact.. Not exactly where a married woman should be. Especially not Tidas’ wife. I mean, does the bumpkin not understand his position?”Shasta’s ears had been mostly bent back as she’d spoken.

Zas wasn’t sure what Shasta had seen, but he knew it most likely was nothing what she thought it was. Based on how they’d acted in Dragonhorn; the prince and princess loved each other very much. Lawrence wasn’t a Shystie man, and Zas couldn’t see him sleeping with his brother’s wife; even if given the chance. Now that he was older, anyways.

As the song neared it’s end, Tidas cut in on his older brother. Lawrence conceded; albeit unwillingly. Skye was an excellent partner in both dancing and conversation. He hadn’t had that kind of fun since his wife still lived, and was disappointed at having his time cut short. Walking away; Lawrence made a mental note to reserve several dances with Skye at the next social event.

“Finally! Between my father, my aunt, and brother; I thought I’d never get to speak to you again,” Tidas jested as he took his wife into his arms as the next song started to play.

Giggling as her husband swept her along, Skye said; “Well, ye could’ve come over to me at any time.. Like when those men from before were asking me to dance.”

Grinning broadly at his wife as he looked down at her, Tidas chuckled and replied; “Aye..but the faces they’d made after asking you and seeing me were too funny to miss.”

Skye laughed again before saying; “Yer a naughty one, husband..”

Tidas leaned down to his wife’s ear and spoke in a deep, sultry voice; “And tonight I plan on finding out how naughty you can be, my sweet wee wife..”

A thrill of anticipation surged within Skye as her husband’s warm breath lingered in her ear. Leaning back, the smirk that played on Tidas’ lips provoked thoughts and feelings in her that were best saved for their bedroom. But his ensnaring green eyes pulled her in, and before they knew it: they were kissing passionately on the dance floor.

Lost in the moment; neither could hear the comments being made around them. Many thought it was sweet. A few older nobles and lords thought it was improper. Some found it displeasing out of jealousy, others just thought it was tacky. Most didn’t really care, other than for temporary conversation fodder.

The king smiled at the stir his youngest was causing. Skye was a catch in many ways, and she generally knew how to keep her cool. Tidas was an ideal son, aside from when he was a young child. It made Magnus grin wholeheartedly to see the two enjoying themselves so much so that they forgot where they were.

A boisterous laugh from Lawrence broke the trance that the newlyweds had placed on each other. He came up to them in a saunter, and handed them each a glass. It was then that Skye realized that they’d been practically making out in the middle of the dance floor. The princess still wasn’t used to drinking so much so often, and the combination of strong wine and her husband’s allure had sealed away her sense of propriety.

Looking down at the reddish liquid in her hand, Skye attempted to hand it back to Lawrence while saying; “I think I’ve had enough to drink..”

Lawrence smiled cheekily and replied; “I know, that’s why I had your servant fetch you some fruit juice instead. I just bought a ridiculously large amount of strawberries for Aunt Marie. I had them combine it with a fruit called a banana, and some cream. It’ll coat your stomach and taste good, too. Ana used to drink it whenever she could.”

Skye pulled the cup back to herself, sniffed it, then sipped it. Her eyes lit up as the sweetness of the fruits combined with the smoothness of the cream washed over her taste buds. She’d had each fruit before, but never together. She explained how bananas were hard to come by in the north, so she considered them a delicacy. The princess’ eyes sparkled as she thanked the Ruscovic King for the delightful treat, causing an enormous grin to spread across her face.

Shasta watched her friend’s wife make googley eyes at the foreign king; or so she thought. She could hear their conversation, and thought the way Skye was reacting was too cutesy. She simmered in her irritation as the night progressed. When Magnus requested Skye play for everyone, Shasta had blatantly rolled her eyes and scoffed out loud; drawing the attention of those with her.

Zas perked his ears up, looked at his friend with an exhausted expression, and asked; “What? You don’t like music now?”

Shasta bared her teeth for a split second as she watched the brothers, then replied; “Just not in the mood for it..”

After being brought a violin, Skye checked the tuning before she began to play. The bow glided across the strings as her fingers danced on the neck. She suddenly stopped her bow, and began to pluck at the strings a few moments. She then went back to normal playing; allowing the music to flow. The crowds were mesmerized by Skye as she swayed and moved as she played; especially her husband.

Watching his wife lightly dance around, lost in her music; the prince realized he’d finally reached his goal. Skye loved him, and they were together. It was everything he’d ever wanted for himself. As she moved to the beat of her creation, Tidas grinned devilishly as he imagined her similarly writhing in pleasure underneath him shortly. After she finished playing, they would say good night to everyone, and retire for the night. Although Tidas didn’t plan on letting Skye sleep yet...

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