Dawning Skye

Chapter 115

115 Matched Passions

*** WARNING: This Chapter Has Extremely Descriptive And Graphic Sexual Content. Viewer Discretion Is Advised***

Skye played with spirited vigor that hypnotized the crowds. When she finished, there was a moment of utter silence before the room exploded with applause. Even some of the aristocrats had clapped, unable to deny her talent. She was breathing hard as she turned to look at her husband’s reaction.

Tidas was already walking towards Skye with a giant smile on his face an arms extended. Magnus Lawrence, and Marie were also heading her way, but Tidas held her focus. His outward appearance was cool, but his eyes burned with passion. When the prince wrapped his arms around her, he lightly dug his fingertips into her as he dragged his hand across her lower back.

The prince kissed her cheek politely, then breathed heavily into her ear and said; “That was inspiring, love.. I look forward to seeing how you’ll dance for me later..”

Skye’s cheeks were flushed when the others had approached. She played it off like it was due to her performance, but it was her husband who had been the true reason. Even as everyone came up to praise her, Tidas held his wife against him with one arm. It was slightly hindering, but the princess found it sensual, so she didn’t fight him on it in the slightest.

Tidas had no intention of allowing anyone else to whisk his wife away. After a short meeting with everyone, he planned to leave with her; whether they liked it or not. After Skye’d made plans to have a private dinner with his aunt a couple of days after the trials, the newlyweds readied to leave.

Magnus tried to get them to stay. He baited Tidas with talk of the trials, but the prince was obviously trying to leave. His aunt noticed his impatience as he declined his father’s excuse, and gripped his wife to him. Based on the fact that Skye was still slightly flushed, she deduced the newlyweds’ agenda. With a playfully evil smile, Marie tugged at her nephew’s arm to gain his attention.

Once Tidas looked at her, she whispered so only he could hear; “If you rip that dress, I’ll string you up myself.”

Looking at his aunt with a smirk, he replied; “Well you shouldn’t have picked-you know what? I’ll just reimburse you tomorrow.”


Marie laughed loudly at her audacious nephew, catching Skye’s attention. She’d asked what was so funny as she looked between the two, but all they did was share a knowing smile. Giving up on it, Skye covered her mouth as she yawned. Seeing an opportunity; Tidas explained of their long travels, and his even longer day tomorrow. And that it was past time for them to retire for the night.

After a few more farewells, Tidas and Skye headed off towards the main door they’d entered from. As they took a few steps; Zas, Shasta, Ronnie, and Klaus came into view. Tidas cursed inwardly after muttering; “Just can’t catch a break tonight..”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As they walked over, the party of four stood up and greeted them. Zas, Klaus, and Ronnie immediately began complimenting Skye on her playing. Then started to rapidly ask her questions about it. Tidas released his wife and stepped off to the side to speak with Shasta. She was openly glaring at Skye, and was obviously drunk.

Tidas smiled broadly before asking; “What’s the problem, purr-ball?”

“Don’t call me that! And I don’t have a problem, it’s does that you... I mean, it’s you that does,” Shasta slurred her speech as she mixed her words.

“And what is my problem?” Tidas asked in an amused tone.

“That your attention-seeking, country bumpkin...wife,” Shasta paused to find her words; “wants to learn the ‘Laws of Love’..”

Tidas’ irritation shot up drastically as he inquired; “Oh really? And what makes you think that?”

The Vice Commander straightened herself the best she could, then explained what she’d seen outside the main door. Tidas smiled at Shasta’s loyalty, but she’d been all wrong. When he told her that he’d been right in front of them at the time, she tried to deny it to be possible. Saying that she would’ve seen or smelt him.

“Was this right after your bath?” Tidas questioned.

Shasta glared at the prince before replying; “Yes, but what does it matter?”

Tidas shook his head in exasperation before rebutting; “Because your soap always throws off your sense of smell. And you wouldn’t have seen me because I was standing in front of them.”

“How can you be defending another man holding your wife?!” Shasta nearly screamed.

Tidas sighed loudly while rubbing his forehead; “For one, it’s Lawrence.. He’ll hit on her, she’ll decline, which she already has; then he’ll move on.”

“Secondly,” Tidas smirked before continuing; “Are you sure you’re not just jealous?”

Shasta practically hissed; “Of whom?”

“Of any woman who winds up in my brother’s arms-”

“Say something like that again and I’ll rip your arm off...” Shasta’s voice was low and threatening as she’d spoke.

Tidas knew he hit a nerve as she grabbed her bottle of cream, and walked off. No one but the prince knew, but Shasta had a crush on the Ruscovic King. It wasn’t acceptable in Alcon for beast men and humans to have romantic relationships. The nobles considered it too close to bestiality to be proper; even though Shasta, and most ‘beast men’ were actually Fae. He figured that it was the reason why she never told him. It was saddening, and she’d never know Lawrence’s feelings on the matter until she told him..

Skye talked about her talent for a few more minutes before Zas asked; “Are you excited to see our demo tomorrow?”

Smiling broadly at the general, Skye replied; “Aye! I’ve never seen Tidas fight before, so Ima excited for it.”

Zas quirked his ears and a single brow before quipping; “Oh, that’s right.. You saved Him from those Nomads.”

Tidas had heard the snark in Zas’ voice and rebutted; “Aye, my amazing wife saved my poisoned arse. I feel no shame in it.”

Zas’ ears went to the sides a moment in disappointment before he said; “Not shame, just general embarrassment that your tiny wife had to save your ass.”

“As I recall; this ‘tiny wife’ basically saved yer arse as well.. Or were you just playing fetch with the Cu Sith?” Skye defended her husband with a well-placed barb.

Zas looked as Skye a minute before he lifted his mug, cheered her, and simply said; “Touché..”

The group bantered back and forth a few minutes before Tidas insisted on their leave. Ronnie and Skye hugged, while Klaus accepted his standard handshake. Zas had literally picked her up in a bear hug, and squeezed her on and off until she laughed. Zas wasn’t drunk yet, but the buzz was extremely pleasant to him. Slowly turning him into a giant, happy drunk.

Finally prying his wife away from the overly-affectionate general, Tidas led Skye through the winding corridors and hallways. He took a direct route to their room; cutting the walk down to about five minutes or so. Peggy had popped out of her room right as they were reaching their door. She chatted a moment with Skye about their morning timetable, then returned to her room for the night.

Tidas practically yanked his wife into their room as Peggy closed her door. After closing theirs; he immediately turned around and pulled Skye against him. He kissed her with all the fervor he’d built in the ballroom as she had played and danced. The way she’d moved to her music had been entrancing, and not just to the prince.

Breaking away, Tidas looked at his sensuous wife and said; “Were you trying to entice me, wife?”

Skye broke through her haze long enough to reply; “No... I just played.”

Tidas smirked before saying; “Well, now it’s my turn to play..”

Tidas grabbed the shoulders of Skye’s dress and pulled down; effectively ripping it and exposing her upper undergarment. He grinned at the prominent display of his wife’s breasts before diving into them. He kissed and nipped at the tops of her corset as he reached around and yanked on the strings. Ripping them apart as he did so.

Skye sighed as her husband roamed over her upper body. He went from her breasts, to her neck, then finally paused on ear. He ran his teeth along the edge of it, then nipped and flicked at her lobe. The sensation caused her to press her body against him. She gripped his buttock with one hand, while slowly sliding her other along his back. A moment later, the prince separated from his wife to finish stripping her.

Once the tattered dress was removed, Skye kissed her husband with ardor. They panted sporadically; moaning softly into each other as their tongues fought for dominance. Tidas had unbuttoned his vest, but was taking too long; in Skye’s opinion.. After a few seconds, she abandoned her battle. She leaned back, smiled devilishly, then ripped his shirt open; sending buttons flying in random directions.

Tidas chuckled before bending his knees, grabbing Skye’s arse, and scooping her up to move her to the bed. She’d wrapped her arms and legs around him after he’d picked her up. She nipped at his neck as she pressed her naked body against his. Tidas made a kind of low growling noise as they walked across the bed on his knees.

Nearing the headboard; the prince turned around, sat down and laid flat on his back before saying; “I want you to sit like that, but above my head, and grab the top of the headboard for balance.”

Doing as her husband asked; Skye positioned herself above his face, but didn’t sit on him. The moment she’d grabbed the headboard, Tidas began to lick at her most sensitive place. Her back instantly arched, making her nearly smack herself against the board. She fought not to moan loudly, but when Tidas began to use his fingers, her voice went up in pitch.

Tidas used one hand to spread her lips, and the other to probe her depths. His fingers slid in and out in time with his tongue. He flicked and teased his wife until her wetness ran down his hand. She moaned his name right as he felt her contractions around his fingers; signaling her first release.

Skye’s body shuttered as she yelled. The effectiveness of her husband’s tongue was magic. She hazily wondered if he ever used his trait while licking at her, but lost it at the heavenly feeling of Tidas filling her. He slid into her with ease; grunting as his hips touched her backside. He bent down and nipped at her shoulder, sending goosebumps all over her body.

While cupping his wife’s breasts, Tidas began to move his hips. He pinched her nipples as she gripped the headboard. Skye was doing all she could to not moan with every thrust. His speed was picking up, and his breathing was getting heavier.

“You don’t have to hold back, love.. No one will hear us.. I want to hear you..” upon his last word; Tidas slammed into Skye.

Skye couldn’t hold back any more as her cries of pleasure echoed into the darkness of the room. The only light came from the fireplace, casting a single shadow against the wall. She screamed and slammed her hips against his, driving him as deep as possible inside her. They both panted and moaned as they reached the peaks of pleasure together.

Bellowing out each other’s names, Skye gripped the headboard as Tidas gripped her hips. They both collapsed to their side; still coupled and panting. Tidas scooted up to the pillows, dragging his half-conscious wife up with him. They laid in silence for a while just listening to the fire crackle.

Breaking the quiet, Tidas said; “I love you, Skye..”

Rolling over in her husband’s arms, she replied; “And I love you, Tidas.. Ima sorry I stomped off like a child earlier.”

“No, I’m sorry I made that foolish comment. I’m just worried for you, love.. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you..”

“And I worry about you; Oh! And on that note,” Skye scrambled off of the bed, grabbed Tidas’ shirt, then added; “I’ll be right back: I have a surprise for you!”

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