Dawning Skye

Chapter 116

116 Price of the Gift

*** WARNING: This Chapter Has Extremely Descriptive And Graphic Sexual Content. Viewer Discretion Is Advised***

Skye quickly wrapped her husband’s buttonless shirt around herself, opened the door, and dashed out into the hallway. Tidas had shot up in bed and called after her, but she was already through the door. He used his trait and listened to the patter of her bare feet on the floor, to see how far she was going. Hearing the familiar sound of the storage door unlatching, he felt better knowing she wasn’t going far.

The prince knew what his wife was getting, and was trying to figure out how to react. After overhearing Maevis and Aero; Tidas knew exactly what she’d gone through to make it. Her effort made him both love, and hate the armor. The intention warmed his heart, but the lengths she’d gone to made warning bells go off in his head.

Before he could make up his mind, Skye returned. She poked her head around the door and beamed at her husband. Her golden hair hung and swayed as she moved. She was obviously extremely excited to give him the armor, which only pricked at his conscience more.

“Are ye ready, husband?” Skye asked mischievously.

“Depends: is it something that will lead to sex again? Because if so, you should wait half an hour or so before giving it to me.”

“Nothing like that! Do ye want it or not?” Skye’s reply was huffy, but she’d kept a smile on her face.

Motioning to his wife to wait a moment; Tidas got up out of bed, and quickly put on his pants. After zipping his fly, Skye entered the room with the armor. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but the armor was pitch black and shimmery, just like Zazzy’s egg. It was incredibly light, and well shaped and made. Flipping the light switch on; it truly did resemble dragon scales in texture and appearance.

When Skye switched him for the forearm guards, her husband grinned ear to ear. She’d even reinforced the tops with extra leather, making them double as small shields. He slipped them on his arms, as was pleasantly surprised to find they fit perfectly. They were also more like gauntlets than guards. A flap came down over the top of his hand. It barely hindered him, and acted as extra protection.


“Sorry it doesn’t look the best, but I was in a wee bit of a rush to make it,” Skye stated as she re-handed him the main piece.

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“How did you make them, exactly?” Tidas asked in a stern voice.

“Well, it’s a bit of a story.. But know that I can’t ever do it again. I wanted to make ye shoulder guards as well, but making these three by themselves was.. difficult,” Skye averted her eyes as she’d spoken.

“How difficult?” Tidas could feel his heart pounding as Maevis’ words ran through his mind.

“To be honest; it was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. I honestly thought I’d lost my mind.. Finishing the three I did. I think Maevis may believe Ima wee bit off as well now. She helped me,” Skye replied.

“What do you mean? How bad-” Tidas was sliding the armor on over his head when he’d stopped mid-sentence.

Slowly lifting it back up; the prince held the body armor with one hand, and grabbed at something along the edging, where the seams met. A chunk of Skye’s flesh had been caught in the lining when she’d clamped the sides together. As soon as Tidas realized what it was, he went straight into the bathroom and flushed it. He then scrubbed his hands in the sink until they were pink before returning to his concerned wife.

Not giving her a chance to explain, Tidas revealed his cards; “To be honest, I knew about the armor.. I overheard Maevis telling Aero about it. I know you’re mad I didn’t tell you, but I wanted to give you a chance to tell me yourself.”

“I Was!” Skye screamed in her defense.

“I know, but by the Gods, Skye?! What the Hell were you doing?! What were you thinking?!” Tidas’ voice was as loud as his wife’s.

“I was thinkin of You! You almost died the last time ye fought yer uncle! I can heal me self just fine, but You Can’t! I can’t lose ye again, Tidas; I won’t. I WON’T!” Skye nearly started crying as she was screaming.

Seeing his wife’s state, Tidas wrapped his arms around her. The last time Skye’d had that look in her eyes was when she’d explained her nightmares to him. He recalled the fact that she’d dreamed of him dying repeatedly with no way to help him. The dreams were gone, but the fear was still real to her.

He wasn’t excusing her recklessness, but the prince could understand it. Skye loved him as deeply as he loved her. There wasn’t anything that he was aware of, that he wouldn’t do for her. If their situations were reversed; Tidas felt he might’ve done the same.

Exhaling in defeat, he leaned back and said; “I’m sorry for yelling, but if it’d been reversed..”

“Oh, if I literally found a chunk of you on me present? I would’ve smacked ye; no hesitation involved.. Ima sorry,” Skye replied as she hid her face against his chest.

“We seem to be saying that phrase to each other a lot lately,” Tidas stroked Skye’s hair as he looked down at her.


“Loving someone means never needing to say sorry,” Tidas stated.

Lifting her head, Skye retorted; “I love ye husband, but that’s utter bullshit. We’re all fallible creatures.. If you love someone, that’s when it’s most important to apologize!”

Tidas smiled softly at his wife before simply saying; “Aye,” then hugged her tightly.

The couple held each other for a few moments before Skye took the armor, and ran off to the restroom. She scrubbed it until it shined, then returned to her dozing husband. He was on the edge of the bed, propped against some pillows, with one foot still on the floor.

The princess had slept almost their entire journey, but Tidas was at his limit for the day. He breathed evenly with a content expression on his face. He still had his guards on, so Skye attempted to quietly remove them.

She’d nearly had the second one off when a sharp pain traveled from her wrist, up through the middle of her hand. She’d winced and lost her grip; sending the guard to the floor, and waking Tidas. Skye had instinctively grabbed her left wrist with her other hand while a distressing look covered her face.

‘Now that one hurt! What the hell?!’ Skye thought as her husband gingerly reached for her bad hand.

“What’s wrong? Does your hand hurt?” worry strained the prince’s voice.

Skye flashed a small smile, got up to set the guards on her vanity, then replied; “Aye.. It’s been hurting off and on for a while.”

Tidas got up off the bed to come and stand in front of his wife; “Since when? Was it the making armor?”

Sighing softly, Skye shook her head in the negative and added; “Since a wee bit after Jacob’s attack.”

Tidas sucked in a sharp breath at the mention of the bastard’s name. He recalled Skye’s mangled hand and arm; the images stoking his ire. His eyes unconsciously narrowed as he thought about his failure to protect his wife again. Before he could get lost in his thoughts, Skye gently cupped Tidas’ cheek as she looked into his eyes, and said; “Out your head, love.. Your place is here, with me..”

Tilting his head slightly, Skye leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss her husband at his height. He’d found the gesture adorable, and wrapped his arms around her. He squeezed her lightly as he deepened the kiss. Leaving her breathless when he pulled away. Her eyes were sunset as he looked into them, seeing the passion he’d stirred within her.

Tidas chuckled loudly before stating; “I believe I married a cleaverly disguised wanton..”

Skye’s eyes opened wide as she began to laugh and say; “Not knowingly, but I believe Ima in agreement with ye.. And blame ye, too.”

The prince laughed, then smirked as he replied; “With open arms, I accept!”

The two bantered back and forth as they readied themselves for bed. Peggy had left a warm flannel nightgown for Skye to wear, but Tidas had grabbed it and thrown it across the room. He wanted her naked, and wouldn’t take no for an answer. He threw a few more logs on their fire, removed his pants, then climbed into bed. Skye still had his shirt on, so he refused to lay down until she removed it.

When Skye laid back down, he kept the blanket pulled back. The fire had come back to life with the addition of the logs, casting a fair amount of light throughout the room. It illuminated well enough for the prince to see the details of his wife’s body.

The outline of her collarbone, the plump slopes of her breasts, the smoothness of her skin.. Tidas took in every inch of his wife; like an aesthete admiring a painting. He ran his fingers along her clavicle, then down the valley between her breasts. He then lightly trailed his fingers down along her belly, before moving farther down.

Skye squirmed under her husband’s feather-soft touches. She arched her back as he dragged his index and middle fingers across her nether lips; applying pressure as he did so. She gave him a pleading look that nearly caused him to take her right then. She was such a sensual person, Tidas couldn’t resist spoiling her.. And it was always a treat to see her in bliss.

“We need to sleep, love.. But I need to thank you for my gift first..”

As Tidas ran his hand back up to cup one of her breasts, Skye purred; “Mmmm... They do say generosity makes one a happier person..”

Tidas laughed at his wife’s joke before replying; “Well then.. I think I could stand to be a wee bit happier. What about you, love?”

As her husband locked his lips around her taunt nipple, Skye barely got out; “It’s w-what, a good s-spouse, would w-want..”

Skye lost her ability to talk; Tidas’ teeth and fingers were far too distracting. He nipped and suckled her as his finger rubbed at her bud. She writhed from the pleasure, moaning as she flailed her head. She tried several times to bring her legs together, but he pinched her jewel whenever she did. It sent a bolt of need through her every time.

When Tidas lifted he head up, the pleading expression on Skye’s face broke him. He turned her on her side, positioned himself at her entrance, and slowly slipped inside her. Pulling her hair back, he kissed the back of her neck while he cupped her breast with his free hand. His other was between her hip and the bed; gripping her for better impact.

As her husband began to move inside her, Skye covered his free-ish hand with her own. She moved to his pace, quickly bringing them near their peaks. Tidas had Skye roll over, to lay flat on her stomach as he pistoned her. She screamed into the pillow as he drove her up, and passed her peak. In a final sprint; Tidas reached his climax as he sent Skye into another realm of pure ecstasy.

Tidas could barely roll off of his wife, he was so exhausted. He hadn’t really had the energy to make love to Skye again, but she was just too enticing to him. All she was doing was laying still, naked on their bed. As the prince drifted off against his will, visions of his wife danced in his head; guaranteeing a night filled with wonderful dreams.

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