Dawning Skye

Chapter 131

131 A Banquet And A Bakeneko

The banquet hall was much quieter than their previous meals. The main voice heard was Karena’s as she explained in detail, her traumatic experience. She blustered almost continuously, gaining sympathy from only her admirers. Many of the younger men talked with Marco about his possible future policies. The two that the prince nearly had a confrontation with were to his right side.

Tidas had heard his name several times from their mouths, but Marco would decline to talk about his brother. The final time, he’d looked in Tidas’ direction. Letting his littlest brother know that he knew of his eavesdropping. They smiled, raised their glasses, then nodded to each other before taking their respective drinks.

Anyone looking would see brotherly acknowledgment, but Lawrence knew better. He sat next to his father, who was in a very involved discussion with Maevis at the time. The king had glanced about the room on occasion, but was mostly preoccupied with the fairy.

Lawrence didn’t think his father detected their animosity, but he knew his brothers too well. Marco had been jealous of Tidas’ power for years, as well as for being with Skye.

Tidas was mainly jealous of Marco’s connection to their father. Lawrence wasn’t even sure if his little brother realized his other jealousy. He doubted it; Tidas’ self-righteousness probably prevented him from seeing it.. He was jealous of Marco for being the Crown Prince.

Lawrence knew Tidas would make both a good, and bad king. He had no doubts that his younger brother would rule well, but the length of his rule would be short. Tidas was greatly influenced by Sai politics. He believed decisions that affected hundreds of thousands of livelihoods should be made by those educated in such areas. He wouldn’t trust someone with no experience handling money, to figure out his taxes. He didn’t understand why those with no knowledge base were allowed into positions of power, based on privilege.

The few times he and Lawrence had discussed it, the King of Ruscovic couldn’t come up with a counter. His reasoning was simple: surround one’s self with specialists. Tidas’ rebuttal was logical; “So you don’t think having a basic understanding of economics, history, law, diplomacy; all of that: shouldn’t be required knowledge for people that run entire kingdoms?! For us?!”

“But we do know... Some of that stuff. And we have advisers for the things we don’t know. Father made sure we were educated-”

“Because Father wanted competent rulers; there’s no standards for royalty,” Tidas had nodded in Karena’s direction as he finished.


Tidas would either be killed by the nobles, or his monarchy dismantled: replaced by a government system like Sai’s. Lawrence laughed inwardly; ‘He’d probably spearhead the change himself.’ The memory stuck in his head as he excused himself from his father’s company.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Shasta and Skye were smiling at each other while seemingly in discussion. Magnus smiled to himself at the progress of their friendship. He could tell Shasta was drunk from where he sat with Maevis. When deep in her cream, Shasta usually picked a fight with anyone she didn’t like. The fact that they were smiling while talking made him sure that the two were becoming fast friends. Which only made him feel more sure about his decision...

Magnus was almost completely wrong in his assumptions. True; they appeared to be at least good acquaintances on the surface. Zas sat between the two woman as they snipped at each other. Shasta was unbelievably drunk, and Skye was getting there. She’d had three glasses of wine within an hour, and was not used to drinking as often as she had been lately. But the cat had pissed her off, and the alcohol made her care less about the opinions of others.

Shasta had been almost non-stop taunting Skye since she sat down. She would compliment the princess’ skills several times, then backhand her with three to five negative comments. Comparing her to the victors mainly; pointing to them as they chatted up Tidas. It was infuriating to the princess, and Zas saw it. He’d tried to flag Tidas down several times, but to no avail.

Every time the prince attempted to head in their direction, he was stopped by a victor or other guest. A large crowd began to gather around the youngest prince, irritating Karena. She was used to being the center of attention, and didn’t like being second. After about twenty minutes of seeing people falling over themselves to talk to her brother in law, Karena decided to have her own private dinner, out in her courtyard.

Marco hadn’t wanted to leave yet; he wanted a chance to dance with Skye. Dancing was something he rarely did, unless his wife dragged him out. She was nearly screaming at him to follow after her. Leaving him little choice but to follow, or trigger a scene. He looked at Skye a final time before bidding his father a good night, and leaving.

The atmosphere shifted shortly after the crowned couple had left. People talked louder, and with a jovial nature. Even the music had shifted from boring, to something with a bit more tempo. Shasta swayed in her seat before huffing loudly; drawing Zas and Skye’s attention.

“Good thing Marco left; I thought I was going to fall asleep.. It’s always so Boring with him around!” Shasta slurred her speech as she’d spoken.

“Watch your mouth! Drunkard..” Zas snapped.

Shasta took a long pull from her creamer bottle; “Just stating facts, Zas.. Damn it, I wanna dance! I wish they’d play better music..”

“I can play,” Skye stated with a tipsy, cocky smile.

Banging her bottle on the table, Shasta smirked; “I don’t mean to twirl about in a pretty dress. I. Want. To. Dance.”

Skye slammed her glass back, then stared the VC down; “I’ll get yer tail waggin’ just fine! Just sit pretty for a minute, and I’ll ask Mag-I mean, the king, haha!”

Skye nearly stumbled twice as she walked over to Magnus. Tidas watched her sway, and was ready to run over if she started to fall. When she stood before the king; Skye was straight, but not still. She wobbled as she requested to play the violin for everyone.

Loving her playing; the king agreed, and told a servant to bring out a violin for the princess. After several minutes, the servant returned, and Skye got busy tuning her instrument. Once completed; she walked over to the musicians, and explained the tempo that they needed to carry to accompany her.

Tidas watched and smiled as his tipsy wife explained and gave examples of the rhythm. After around seven minutes or so of her rambling, the musicians understood. They readied themselves as everyone cleared the floor, and Skye took her place in the center of the room. Everyone watched as she begun to play.

It wasn’t the usual music they heard at court. The tempo was much faster, and Skye played faster than the beat of it. She danced about to her own playing; losing herself as the music flowed. Her dress swayed and belled out at the bottom as she spun around. The guests and victors cheered for the impromptu entertainment.

Magnus watched his daughter in law dance and play with a smile on his face. Skye truly looked like Sorcha as she played; minus her golden hair. If her hair had still been it’s red color, she would’ve been the spitting image of his beloved.

Maevis noticed the king’s smile had an edge of sadness to it as he watched Skye. She wanted to ask him why, but didn’t think it was her place to pry. Something about his expression communicated heartbreak; like a happy memory darkened by loss. She understood well, the pain that opening old wounds could cause. The old Fae changed the subject right as Skye changed up the accent of the song.

Playing fast and hard; Skye’s fingers glided over the neck of the violin. They danced on the strings as she swayed her body. The musicians had a time trying to keep up with the princess. Whether they would consider it a good or bad time, was yet to be determined.

Shasta didn’t realize it, but she was already moving her tail to Skye’s melody. Whenever she thought of violin music, sad and boring usually came to mind. Fiddling was normally found in the country, or taverns in town. It was oddly refreshing to hear it in the palace.

Magnus was smiling and stomping his foot to the beat while Maevis clapped. The few nobles that had stayed behind from the crowned couple’s group were glaring at Skye, but none really cared. Her flamboyant happiness was spreading like wildfire; causing many to join in with the king.

Tidas kept an eye on the few men until they left a few minutes into Skye’s playing. He had no doubts that they were reporting to Marco, but a slightly more dire matter was developing in front of him. Shasta had gotten up from her seat, and was now climbing on top of one of the tables.

Kicking her feet like a sloppy river dancer; the Vice Commander of the RMC began to dance on top of the table. She moved her hips and tail in coordination with her feet; smiling and occasionally chuckling as she did so.

Zas had tried to stop her, but she threatened him; “I dance, or I fight! Your choice..”

Tidas watched the scene unfold, being careful to monitor everyone’s responses to his wife’s antics. A few of the nobles he wasn’t expecting to like Skye were smiling and stomping along to her music. She had an infectious personality, and those who met her were hard pressed to find fault with her.

As Skye rotated between a fast, and a very fast tempo; Shasta called out to her, “Hey Princess! Get up here! Dance with me!”

Tidas and Zas shared mutually befuddled expressions before watching Skye twirl her way to the table. She stepped up on a chair that had been pulled out slightly, and joined Shasta. They danced separately, in different styles, but somehow they still synchronized. Shasta’s full-body dance paired with the princess’ playing created an amazing performance.

As their show carried on, Shasta pulled out an old red handkerchief, and placed it on top of her head. Once she did; her dancing became more body-oriented, and less footwork. Skye stared at her as she played; a bell going off in her head at the sight of the handkerchief. An old Fae story popped into her head, that made her both excited, and empathetic..

The story was sad, but Skye smiled as another puzzle piece to her husband’s friend was found. As Shasta moved her arms and feet to the princess’ music, Skye now knew for sure: Shasta was a Bakeneko!

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