Dawning Skye

Chapter 132

132 Alone..

Skye and Shasta played and danced for nearly two hours before the princess had exhausted herself. The musicians had needed to take two breaks while she played, and required a third by the time she’d stopped. Everyone in the banquet room applauded as they bowed. On her last bow, Shasta sat up, and kept going; falling from the table with a drunken grin. She was passed out before she’d even hit the floor.

Skye checked to make sure that Shasta didn’t have a concussion, but she’d simply been passed out. Tidas and Zas laughed boisterously at their friend’s state. She was still smiling as she drooled; curling into a ball to sleep.

Shasta’s tail curled up with her legs as she sleepily rubbed her whiskers. It took everything Skye had not pull her onto her lap, and scratch her behind her ears. She looked just like a contented house cat as a subtle purr began coming from her.

Lawrence walked over at that moment to check on her as well. She flicked her ear as he flashed a tender smile at her. He stood next to Skye as she talked with a slur to her speech; “It’s SO hard not to pet her! She’s so Cute right now!”

The foreign king leaned down a bit and spoke low; “I know! She’s adorable when she gets like this.”

Both Tidas and Zas exchanged disbelieving looks before saying sarcastically; “Cute..Sure..”

“I best take her back to her room. She’s going to need half the day to recover,” Zas stated as he took a step towards Shasta.

Lawrence put his arm up; “I can take her, I’m heading that way myself.”

Tidas smiled as he quirked an eyebrow at his brother; “Towards the barracks? Why would you be going there so late, I wonder?”


Lawrence had a mischievous grin as he spoke; “Just getting a little one-on-one ‘training’ in, with one of the new Squad Captains..”

“Training, huh?” Zas smacked Lawrence’s shoulder, adding a wink at the end.

As the men bantered pointlessly, Skye began to feel a little queasy. The alcohol and dancing were catching up to her quickly, and she did Not want to risk puking in front of the nobles. Excusing herself from the group, Skye went for the main doorway when Tidas stopped her. He asked if she was ok; noticing his wife looked paler than usual.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Patting his hand, Skye reassured her husband; “Ima fine, I just need some air is all..”

“Would you like me to go with you?”

Right as the prince asked, one of the victors called out to him. Tidas looked back at the young man as Skye told him that she’d be fine; that she was just stepping out into the main courtyard a moment, to catch her breath.

Tidas didn’t like her being out of his sight; not after today’s attack. He hesitated to speak, prompting Skye to; “We’re in the palace, husband; I seriously doubt anyone is stupid enough to do anything here.”

“Are you sure you don’t want my company?”

Skye placed her hand on her husband’s cheek; “I always want yer company, husband.. But I also know I cannot keep ye to me self all the time. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Tidas kissed Skye sweetly before she walked out the door. He didn’t like it, but Skye was right. He had an obligation to stay at least a bit longer. It was nearly midnight, but most of the victors were still present, as well as the king.

Magnus and Maevis had been in deep discussion for the majority of the night, about his great grandfather. She told him stories of their adventures together while the king listened intently. The elder Fae also had stories of playing with Magnus’ grandfather as a child. He loved his grandfather very much, and smiled like a child as she told him heartwarming stories of his youth.

Tidas was extremely happy his father got along well with the Fae Representatives. He worried that the king side of him would be annoyed or angry he’d established a relationship with another kingdom without his consent. Signing over a piece of Alcon to the Fae Nation could’ve blown up in his face, if not for Magnus’ budding friendship. At the very worst: it could’ve been considered an act of treason.

Tidas didn’t have the authority to sign anything with a foreign nation without the strict consent of Magnus or Marco. They were the current and future kings. Unless something happened to Marco; Tidas would never have true authority.

Any decision the young prince made, Marco could overturn, if he wanted. He’d done it several times over the years with Tidas’ public works projects. If Marco would’ve been king already, he probably would’ve charged Tidas with treason on principle. Marco was the Crowned Prince, and any infringement on his authority was punishable..

Skye stood staring up at the stars after she’d made her way to the courtyard. It was very cold outside, but it felt great on her hot skin. The nausea was made a hair better by it, but she still felt like she wanted to puke. She swallowed hard several times, trying to keep her bile from rising into the back of her throat. Unsure if she would make it; an idea popped into her head. Skye had a Shaman trait: it healed both others, and herself.

“I can’t be that lucky..”

Skye focused her magic, and thought deeply about the steps that the human body took to process alcohol. After several minutes of focus, her mind began to clear as her body pushed the wine through her system. Aside from an incredible urge to urinate; Skye was completely sober and normal.

Not thinking about her surroundings, Skye stated; “That. Is. AWESOME! Oh, and kinda dangerous, haha!”

“What’s dangerous?”

Skye instantly froze. The voice she’d heard was deep and familiar, and sent a shiver up her spine. Marco came out from the darkness of the doorway; his eyes fixed on the only other person around. Skye turned and curtsied to her brother in law as warning bells went off in her head. They were alone, and out of sight to anyone not looking for them. The lights to the doorway were dim, and there were no guards present. The walls and gates were closed up tight for the night, so any guards were stationed along the perimeter, and within the palace.

Marco was pleased he’d happened upon Skye alone; she so rarely was. Either her guard dog of servant, or his brother was always with her. Even when they were young, she was almost always surrounded by people. But now, she was alone..

“So? What’s dangerous?” Marco asked again with his standard placid expression.

“Oh, ah; nevermind me. I had a wee bit too much to drink,” Skye stated in a nervous tone.

Marco kept his face indifferent as he asked; “Are you alright? Do you need assistance?”

Skye put her hand up; “No, no thank you. Ima fine, just needed some fresh air. Where is Karena?”

“She’s still entertaining our guests. I told her I wanted to check on the banquet. How is it going?”

“It was fun! Shasta and I danced while I played violin,” Skye leaned against a small wall that jutted out just past the doorway; opposite Marco.

“Was that the ruckus we heard? Karena complained about it. Said it sounded like animals pretending to be people; I agreed,” Marco replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Irritation crossed Skye face a moment before she smiled and replied; “Well, everyone likes different things.”

Marco studied Skye a minute before asking; “And what are some things you like, Skye?”

The princess stared at Marco in confusion. His tone was higher, and his lips fought not to smirk as he took a step towards her. The warning bells screamed at her to leave, but Skye felt stuck. A strange haze began to cloud her mind, and for a moment, she swore she was drunk again.

Skye shook her head slightly, then looked up at Marco, who was now standing directly in front of her. Dread began to fill her head and heart as she fought at the cloud that filled her mind.

“I think I need to take you to bed,” Marco stated as he scooped Skye up into his arms to carry her.

A strange disorientation prevented the princess from doing more than muttering. She tried to tell him to put her down, and NOT to touch her. Her strength left her as realization dawned on her; Marco had magic. And not just any magic: Ether. It was known as ‘The Trickster’s Trait’ by scholars, and was the only magic that affected perception.

Using her panic; Skye managed to get out one word clearly and loudly; “NO!”

“What’s going on here?!”

Lawrence was just coming out of the banquet hall as Marco was carrying Skye into the palace. Four more steps, and he would’ve disappeared into the various hallways with Skye. Lawrence glared at Marco with Shasta in his arms, who scoffed upon seeing whom he carried.

“Your tastes have become boarderline barbaric, little brother..” Macro snipped with his signature placid expression.

“And your tastes have grown foul, brother.. What were you doing with Skye?”

“I was taking her to her room. She’s quite drunk,” Marco stated, his features unflinching.

Lawrence was hard pressed to keep his cool as he replied; “Don’t you think that’s something our brother should handle.. And in the right direction.”

“He wasn’t around to tend to her, so I was being kind,” Marco stated; ignoring his brother’s inference.

“I think the ‘kindest’ thing You can do, is give Skye to Tidas to take care of.. Or do I need to get Father involved?” Lawrence’s voice was threatening.

Marco quirked his head at his brother; “Father? Whatever for? Of course I’ll take her to Tidas, if that’s what she wants.”

Marco looked down at Skye as he cradled her; “Do you wish to go to sleep, or see Tidas?”

It took every ounce of willpower Skye had; “Ti-das..”

For the first time, Marco’s expression changed. It went from shock, to anger, then back to indifference again. Only Skye had seen the change, and she had a feeling that she was meant to. It was his subtle way of showing her his irritation over her choice, but she couldn’t care less.

Skye wasn’t sure exactly where Marco was going to take her, or why. All she knew was that she’d Never felt such fear. The fact that he had magic now scared Skye to no end. Grant it she hadn’t actually tried to fight him, but that didn’t change what she knew: Marco was stronger than her. He barely had magic, but he could overwhelm her in moments. As Marco walked over to the banquet room doorway, Skye made a mental note: NEVER chance being alone with Marco again.

Seeing Marco call out to their brother was the ok he needed to head off to the barracks. As he carried Shasta, she huffed and muttered about something. Lawrence was too busy contemplating Marco’s motives to focus on what Shasta was saying..

As Lawrence held Shasta before; she’d awoken some-what and saw Marco holding Skye. Her drunken brain didn’t register much else but the rage she’d felt at the sight of it. Skye was Tidas’ wife, but now she’d seen the princess in the arms of both of his brothers. The only thing that was keeping her from snapping out was a warm, musky scent that made her feel comfortable. As her anger festered, the fact that Lawrence was holding her in his arms was lost on her...

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