Dawning Skye

Chapter 133

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Tidas had nearly blown a gasket when he saw Marco holding Skye. If they hadn’t been in public, the prince most likely would’ve punched his brother; future king or not. He knew how drunk she’d been, and assumed she must’ve been passing out, or something along those lines. At least, that was the reasoning he’d used to keep himself in check.

Many of the guests had gathered close by to see what was happening. Even Magnus and Maevis had come over to check to see what was wrong. The old Fae could feel magic from Marco, but didn’t comment on it. The amount she was feeling from Tidas made him the priority.

Zas placed his hand on Tidas’ shoulder firmly, signaling him to calm down. He knew how the newlyweds felt about each other, and didn’t think of Marco would do any harm to Skye. Zas had no reason to think anything malicious of the situation, but the young prince knew better.

While staring down his oldest brother, Tidas took Skye from him. Her arms had been on her chest in a protective manner. Normally a person being carried bridal-style would wrap their arms around the person’s neck for stability. Skye’s hands were balled into a single fist, and if Tidas didn’t know any better; he’d swear his wife was shaking.

Skye made a mental note to give Lawrence the biggest hug Ever, the next time she saw him. She didn’t know what Marco had planned to do with her; all she knew was that her bedroom was in the other direction. If her body was more responsive, she would’ve shuddered with disgust, and fear.

After Marco left, Skye’s head had mostly cleared. She still felt groggy, but it was Nothing compared to how she’d felt before. Ether magic could effect a person’s perception by influencing their mind. It was closely related to how Shamans manipulated the physical magic within another person’s body to heal them. Pertaining to Ether; it was usually specifically limited to the brain. They could make a person see, touch, smell, or feel whatever they wanted.

Ether users were usually limited to being able to affect only one sense. A handful of mages in history managed to break the norm, but there had only been a few Ether users to throughout history begin with. The senses played a huge part in the development of a human’s soul. If a person’s instincts were sharp enough, they could tell when they were being manipulated; like Skye had.

Tidas looked Skye up and down after she felt well enough to stand. The prince, Zas, and Magnus hovered a few moments before several of the guests were yelling to know what happened. Skye curtsied prettily before announcing her gratitude to the crown prince for helping her back to her husband. She explained how the alcohol had gotten the best of her, and Marco wanted to make sure she’d gotten back to Tidas alright.

The crowds accepted her words easily. Skye had been quite drunk as she’d played and danced with Shasta earlier. They praised the Crown Prince for his efforts, then went back to celebrating. A few of the victors still wished to discuss some things with Tidas and Zas, but Tidas simply wanted to take his wife back to their quarters.


Magnus had been called away by a few of the nobles, leaving Maevis with Skye. She offered to escort the princess back to their rooms so the prince could continue his conversations. He didn’t want to; all Tidas wanted was to be alone with his wife. But at least this way, Skye could still retire without Tidas worrying.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“I swear no harm will come to her. We’ll go straight to your quarters; no dillydallying,” Maevis hovered next to the prince as she’d spoken.

The prince wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulders, then looked at the old Fae; “I know you’ll protect her.. Thank you, Mae. For keeping her safe during the incident before as well.”

Maevis wore a bright smile as she replied; “That was more teamwork than me saving her.. I think you need to give your wife a little more credit, laddie.”

Tidas looked down at his wife, whom was lost in her thoughts. Her brows were furrowed and she had a slight grimace, disconcerting her husband. He ran his fingertips along her jawline, and gently turned her head up before drawing her attention.

“Out your head, love.. Your place is here, with me..”

The words Tidas spoke brought Skye back. She’d been contemplating why Marco had used his magic on her. Best case scenario: she was being an obnoxious drunk in his eyes, and drunks were usually uncooperative. Instead of risking an argument, it was easier to just knock her out, then hand her over to Tidas.

‘If that had been the case, then why did he try to walk off with me? And not go straight to the banquet hall; to Tidas? If he truly was going to take me to me quarters, then why the wrong direction? Why did Lawrence need to yell at him? Was he trying to..No, no. Marco’s not like that; he’s too robotic. I doubt he even has those types of urges.. But then why?! Where the bloody hell was he taking me?! Certainly Not to his room: Karena and her guests were there.. So why?’

Skye wasn’t sure if she should tell her husband the full story or not. He was incredibly protective of her, and knew his temper better than most. Tidas was calm and collected most of the time, but Skye knew of his possessive tendencies towards her. It was intense at times, but in all fairness; she felt the same towards him.

Technically, she hadn’t needed Angelica to slam into the rock wall at high speeds to stop her. Skye could’ve simply tripped her, or created a cage of sorts around her. Skye boarderline hated her for what she did to Tidas. If their genders had been reversed, she would’ve been hanged for raping a princess. But Tidas was a man, and the crime wouldn’t register as that to most people; if they knew.

However, Skye had wanted to hurt her. It took everything she had not to kill her. Especially when the crowds were literally calling for it. A darkness within her urged her to make the wall spikes instead. If not for Tidas standing next to her, Skye might’ve lost herself to her anger...

Tidas bid Maevis goodnight and kissed his wife; promising to follow after her in an hour or so. Once walking down the hallway, Maevis stopped Skye, and pulled her into an empty restroom. After flipping the latch to lock it, Maevis asked Skye in a strained voice; “Why was the Crowned Prince carrying you like His precious cargo?!”

“Because I couldn’t stand, let alone fight back. I couldn’t even speak for the majority of it.. It was like a dense fog mucked up me thoughts. It’s actually becoming hazier as we speak.. Like Ima forgetting it or somethin,” Skye bit the tip of her thumb as she finished speaking.

Maevis looked at Skye with a pensive expression; “What type of magic does he have?”

“Had.. He was an Ether user, but lost his magic.. He’s got an amulet infused with it now; that’s what he used on me,” Skye replied while rubbing her arms like she was cold.

Skye explained the full story behind the attempt on the king’s life. Maevis knew of it, but not the details. The fact that Marco was stabbed by the Ethereal Spear, and survived, was astonishing to her. She was shocked that they’d found it in the first place.

Maevis and Tiberius had gone through a lot of trouble to bury it’s existence. They’d destroyed much of the information on it that was in the library, and requested various friends from other kingdoms do the same. Everything had been concealed back then, so it never fell into the wrong hands. But here it was; back to spread more misery.

The two discussed Marco’s intentions a few minutes before they left the restroom. They chatted about the banquet as they walked; saving more delicate topics for the privacy of her quarters. Maevis was leading the way since Skye had no clue where she was. Peggy had always been the one to usher her about the palace.

Maevis knew the layout of it like the back of her hand. Even with all the renovations, it was easy for her to make her way around. Many of the changes Marco was making, Maevis had suggested to Tiberius back in their day. He’d deemed them too great an expense with little benefit to the people, so he’d declined to do them.

Skye learned quite a bit about the MacArthur Family through Maevis. Like the fact that the family had only been personally wealthy since Magnus’ father. Before then, everything was “less extravagant”, as Maevis put it.

Tiberius was a fighter, not a businessman. He left most of the kingdom’s finances in the hands of his advisors and wife. Her family had been wealthy, and paid quite a large bride’s price to make her queen. It had saved the kingdom at the time, but at great personal sacrifice to Tiberius and Maevis...

Skye and Maevis were still talking when they entered the bedroom. Peggy wasn’t around, but she’d set out all of Skye’s things for her nighttime rituals. She continued to chat with the old Fae as she dressed and readied herself for bed. Right before Maevis was about to leave, Peggy came into the room to check on her charge.

As she crossed the room, a dower look came over Peggy’s face. When Skye questioned her, she sighed deeply as she took the brush the princess held in her hand. She began her task as she explained her problems.

“Ima nearly finished with the Yuletide gifts, but I ran out of the string I use to edge the ribbons for the wee lassies in the village.. I’d go buy more, but I have no idea where to buy it.. Ima never gonna finish on time!”

Skye chuckled slightly; “We can go to the markets tomorrow. I need to find a blacksmith, anyway. I still want to finish Tidas’ armor... Preferably without bodily injury this time.”

“Oh! Shopping! How delightful! May I come as well?”

Skye looked to Maevis and smiled; “I don’t see why not: everyone will know by tomorrow that ye exist.”

Peggy scoffed as she brushed Skye’s hair; “Oh yeah... In a crowded market with the only known-for-sure fairy in all existence... What could possibly go wrong?!”

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