Dawning Skye

Chapter 276

276 Mage Trials: Through The Pain

Skye’s leg made it impossible to use her Tank trait for running the fair distance. She’d specifically been told not to use her Shaman trait to counteract the sensory suit. The thought irritated her almost as much as the numbing did.

She tried to protest the restriction, but was told that if they lifted hers, then the Tamers would want to use all their animals, and so on..

As Skye ran down the final stretch, two of the three competitors that were in the bug holes had climbed out. She ran passed them first, but the second was ahead of her already.

Ronnie was slowing him down by having falcons dive-bomb him, which gave Skye the couple of seconds that she needed to build up a bit of Earth magic. As he focused on defending himself from the birds, he didn’t notice the pitfall directly in his path.

He yelped as he dropped, slamming against the side, and nearly knocking him unconscious. Skye had practiced her speed and precision at creating them over and over again, to the point of dreaming about it. A bit of pride gave her a tiny boost as she charged ahead, but not unhindered.

The other competitor that had fallen for Ronnie’s bug trap was now sprinting down the track. She ducked and dodged apple-sized rocks that Skye was launching at her. She didn’t have much magic left, so the shots weren’t accurate.

Thirty-five feet from the finish line, an idea struck her. Instead of large ones, Skye sent a barrage of tiny pebbles at her, forcing her to put her arms up to protect her face and eyes.

As soon as her arms went up, Skye had made a large, deep pitfall that stretched out at the sides. She had assumed that Skye was planning something, so she’d moved to the side to avoid a pitfall.. Just not far enough.

She slammed into the side with a painful grunt, then nothing. Skye exhaled in relief as she passed Ronnie. She’d glared at him as she went by, but he still had a great big grin on his face as he screamed; “Ye earned it!”


Knowing he was talking about the General’s Rank, she couldn’t help but fight off a laugh. ‘I can’t believe Ronnie just turned down bein’ a General in the RMC! ...Then again, I can’t really imagine Ronnie in a position like that..’

As Skye fought off a fit of the giggles from imaging Ronnie handing out orders, she was a short twenty feet away from the finish line..

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


As Skye ran down the track, the Royal Balcony was the loudest part of the stadium. Magnus, Lucas, Marie, Lawrence, and all of the Fae screamed Skye’s name as she went. Even Aero called out when she had started using her Tank trait.

He couldn’t believe she’d gained another trait already, but the proof couldn’t be denied. ‘She’s now the most powerful human on the planet..’

Celestia wasn’t concerned with anything more than cheering for her friend, and Maevis and Nicolas were right next to her; screaming just as loudly.

Marie chuckled at their enthusiasm before joining in. She’d arrived a bit late as to avoid the majority of the entering crowds, or so she’d said. What she was really doing was making sure that her victory present for Skye was ready and waiting..

Lucas and Magnus were both awestruck by Skye’s capabilities. At first, all they could do was watch. Then Lucas started cheering like the world’s proudest father. Magnus joined in, but wasn’t as enthusiastic as his friend.

Marco and Karena were the only ones not actively cheering Skye on.

Karena hadn’t been paying attention the entire time, but Marco had been glued to Skye. When she’d used her Tank trait, he been just as surprised as everyone else.

‘So that’s what she and that beast woman were up to, hmm? She’s magnificent..’

When she beat Tidas with her Water trait, Marco had actually laughed out loud. The unfamiliar noise had startled Karena, but all she did was roll her eyes at him. Then, she’d promptly gone back to having a servant file her nails.

Marco sighed as he looked away from his wife. She was so utterly vain and conceited, which wouldn’t have bothered him if she still had some kind of use to him. The only thing she’d been good for was giving him heirs, and even then; they were weak.

Marco didn’t care for his children at all. Once his plan started, they’d be no more than a hindrance to him. ‘When Skye becomes pregnant, and bears me strong heirs, I’ll have them join their mother..’

Glancing back a final time at Karena, Marco excused himself from the rest of the trials. He wanted to go and see how much more progress the good Dr. Stein had accomplished since he’d gotten fresher bodies to experiment on. ‘Let’s see if the man can deliver..’

“Where are you going?! The trails haven’t finished yet?” Magnus asked with slight irritation in his voice.

Marco turned to the king and spoke with a smirk; “I already know who’s going to win..”

Magnus and Lucas beamed at Marco’s declaration before Lucas stated; “Our future king is both wise, and has good taste!”

Muttering under his breath so no one could hear, Marco replied; “Yes I do, and it’s more than a taste I’ll have..”

As Marco left, Aero silently motioned to one of his spies he had hidden all around them. They had predetermined signals that had various meanings, and the one the Fae King was giving now said: ‘Follow him and report back’.

Maevis caught what Aero was doing, and nodded approvingly when he’d met her eyes. There weren’t many things the two agreed upon, but Marco being a threat was one. That, and their opinion on Skye were what had kept their visit pleasant so far..

Genie was astonished by Skye’s abilities and versatility. She was the best pupil he’d ever had, and was like a beloved little sister to him. She’d told him of her powers through letters, as well as her baby dragon...

As Skye ran towards the finish line, Genie tried to look forward to catching up with her tomorrow. Once they’d discussed everything about themselves, he had a request to make of her. One he was not looking forward to asking, but he had no other choice.

‘If she really is the Catalyst, then maybe she can help me save my home.. my family, everything. It will All depend upon her...’


Skye’s lungs burned as she forced her gimp leg to carry her down the field. Right as a touch of relief filled her, Ronnie cried out to her. The single Speed Tank from B Team was careening down the track!

‘Damn it! The bastard must’ve been lyin’ in wait the whole time! Over me Dead body does he get to coast off of me team’s hard work! I just kicked me husband’s arse! Ima takin’ the win!’

Pushing through the pain, Skye managed to get herself into a decent speed again. The B Team member caught up to her quickly, but time seemed to slow to Skye. They were a mere twelve feet from the finish line..

Skye knew that if she didn’t do something now, she was going to come in second, and lose the General’s rank. Without it, she would lose any and all say in what happened to her in the RMC. What unit she was assigned, and where she would be on the Highland Raid.

Panic pumped adrenaline faster through her veins in an attempt to stay ahead, but he was almost even with her. Skye glanced back at the shape he was in, and was surprised to see a bit of blood trickling down from the side of his forehead.

His armor had dust and scuff marks all over it, and he was cradling his right arm. Shasta was the Obstacle for his side, and apparently didn’t hold back. A familiar look of fearful shock was in his eyes as he kept running straight forward.

A wave of empathy hit her, but Skye pushed it away as she drove herself forward. ‘Just because he’s had a tough go of it too, doesna take away from ours! I WON’T BACK DOWN!’

Nine feet from the end..

As Skye glanced at the ground in front of her, a silly, yet brilliant thought popped into her head. Not even thinking it through, Skye used up nearly every drop of her magic in on a Hail Mary..

Right as they hit the four foot mark, Skye triggered her plan.. She did to herself what she’d done to Jacob Fowler the first time they fought: Skye made the ground act like a springboard, and flung herself forward with the momentum boost.

By mere inches: Skye crosses the finish line ahead of the B Team competitor. With her power drained, and her stamina zapped; Skye hit the ground, and tumbled across the field until she smacked into the wall of the arena..Hard.

Skye laid there for a few short seconds, breathing hungrily. That was when she’d noticed that the enormous arena full of people, had gone deathly silent. Realizing she probably looked hurt or dead to everyone; Skye sat up, smiled, then stuck her fist into the air..

The arena was turned into a mass of positive chaos. Humans and Fae alike cheered and screamed as they jumped around, or shook hands, or hugged one another out of excitement and relief.

The Royal balcony looked like a bunch of hysterical nut jobs, but no one batted an eye about it. Princess Skye had done what most assumed was impossible. A commoner with no known mage training past a year just cleared the most difficult Mage Trial that had ever been.

Never, in all of Alcon’s history had the Pillars participated as anything other than moderators. To have such overwhelming opponents placed as trial obstacles was asking for a low turnover.. But Skye cleared the way.

Skye’s alteration of the course had given the teams on the other side a place to fall back to and strategize. All the noise they were making had also distracted Shasta, making it easier for nearly one member of every team to cross the finish line. The only one that didn’t have a single person from their team cross the finish was Team A; the first to encounter Tidas.

As everyone still standing slowly started to emerge and cross the line, they gathered around Skye to congratulate her. Those that had made it knew that they did because of Skye, regardless of which track they were on. The sensible ones openly thanked her, while some simply did it because they knew that she might be their commanding officer some day..

Skye was happy that most everyone seemed okay with her winning, but worry soon took hold of her as Tidas came into view. The competitors parted like the water at the start of the track as he approached. A couple whispered about how angry he must be, but Skye brushed them off when she looked at his face.

A giant smile covered his features as Tidas sauntered into the group. He made a beeline for his wife, who was finally on her feet, and grinning back at him.

“Guess Ima the head Victor this year,” Skye stated as her husband continued towards her.

While smirking at his wife, Tidas wrapped his arms around her, and stated; “I believe I owe you a victory kiss, then..”

With the entire arena bearing witness, Tidas didn’t give Skye time to answer.. He kissed her passionately; stealing her breath away as the trumpets sounded the end to the first day of the Mage Trials..

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