Dawning Skye

Chapter 277

277 Mage Trials: Champions

Skye’s mind reeled as her husband broke the kiss. He wasn’t out of breath like his wife, but he was still panting. They stared at each other a few moments, all else falling to the wayside.

An unspoken conversation exchanged between them as their eyes remained locked. Love and understanding reflected in their eyes for a sweet, simple moment.. Then, chaos erupted all around them.

Without warning, Skye’s teammates hoisted her up, and onto her husband’s shoulders. As she looked around at the countless rows of cheering people, Skye stuck her fist into the air victoriously again. Inciting a new craze of shouts and applause.

Turning her attention to the royal balcony behind her, Skye’s grin widened as she saw her loved ones calling out her name. Maevis and Nicolas were so excited that Skye could only see streaks of light as they zipped around in the air.

Celestia’s wings were flapping to the point of Aero needing to keep a hand on her shoulder. Otherwise she would’ve floated away, she was so elated for her friend. Even Aero had an approving smile on his face as he nodded to her.

Magnus and Marie were side by side, screaming her name at the top of their lungs. When Skye looked next to them and saw tears in her father’s eyes, she had to choke back happy ones herself.

‘I can’t believe I did it! Even with Zas and Tidas as me opponents; I did it! Ima gonna be named a General! I can stay by Tidas’ side!’

As she scanned the gathering crowd of competitors and evaluators, Skye caught sight of Zas. His ears were deflated in humility as he mouthed, “I was wrong, I’m sorry”, to her.

Upon seeing it, Skye signaled him with a thumbs up. She understood that he was just worried about her and Tidas, but Skye would still have a conversation with him the next time she got the chance...


After a few more minutes in the limelight, Skye and the other competitors filed off of the field. Tidas broke away from her again to go change, but promised to be waiting outside the locker rooms for her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When she entered the room, the handful of female competitors and Shasta congratulated Skye on being the first woman in Alcon’s history to win the Mage Trials. They bombarded her with questions and compliments as she tried to change out of her sensory suit and armor. Until Shasta shooed them away so she could finish in peace.

When Skye thanked her, Shasta barked a sharp laugh; “Well, you better expect this kinda fanfare for the next few weeks.. Congratulations, Skye. You proved them all wrong, just like you said you would.”

Skye beamed at her; “I never could’ve done it without yer help, Shasta. Thank you for bein’ such a good friend.”

After the two shared in a moment, Shasta left Skye to her thoughts. She could still hear the people crying out her name, which brought a grin to her face. She was surprised that Tidas had kissed her like that in front of everyone. She lightly touched her fingertips to her lips in remembrance..

As if the thought had summoned him; Tidas crept up behind Skye, then wrapped his arms around her. She’d stiffened for a split second, but then relaxed into him. His warmth and smell enveloped her, bringing a needed calm to her mind and body.

They stood there, holding each other for a few precious, private moments until Skye’s stomach grumbled loud enough to rival the arena. Tidas chuckled low in her ear, sending a shiver of attraction throughout her body.

Instinct taking her over, Skye leaned her whole body against his. His arms squeezed tighter around her in response, forcing a longing sigh to escape her lips.

Tidas grunted as he ran his hands down his wife’s sides; “As much as I’d love to properly reward you right now, love.. We’ll have to wait. There’s an entire kingdom calling out for you, and someone will come looking for us-”

Right as the words left his mouth, Shasta came into the locker room as loudly as she could. Banging on lockers and stomping her feet, she wanted to give plenty of warning that she was coming..

“Hey! There’s no time for that, love birds! Get your asses in gear before the entire arena collapses! The people wanna see their champion!”

“Damn it,” was all Shasta had heard Skye say in response, sending her into a fit of laughter.

“We’re all waiting on ya, so hurry up!” Shasta called back as she exited the locker room again.

Skye turned in Tidas arms with a cheeky grin; “She said to hurry up, so drop yer pants, husband..”

Tidas knew that she was joking... mostly. Skye was a passionate person, but knew and understood what her responsibilities were. After she finished fixing her clothes, she looked up at Tidas with a nervous grin.

“Do ye think it’s ok that Ima in pants? I feel like I should be in a dress..”

Tidas leaned down a bit to kiss the top of her head before staring; “I doubt that anyone will care about what you’re wearing.. Well, except Karena.

Skye chuckled as she grabbed her cloak from her locker and closed it; “She’s just pissed that me style is contagious, apparently..”

Tidas knew exactly what his wife was talking about. There had been a drastic increase in the younger servants wearing pants now, and he knew that it was Skye’s influence. Even Peggy wore them when she knew she’d be going in and out for the day.

Most men didn’t care, but a group of the older nobles found it utterly distasteful. They’d even complained to the king about it, who’d snapped at them for wasting his time on such nonsense. Even Marco brushed them off since he liked the way a woman’s butt looked in them.. Especially one in particular..

As Skye and Tidas made their way up to the Royal balcony, they saw Marco in the halls. He was walking with three of his guards, all of whom eyed Skye with interest. It irritated both him and Skye, but they kept their courtiers’ expressions the entire meeting.

“Congratulations, Skye. I didn’t doubt you’d win,” Marco stated as he kissed her hand.

The feeling of his lips on her skin sent a wave of nausea through Skye, but she maintained. Thanking him politely, she and Tidas moved passed them. As the two brothers came face to face, Tidas shot his brother a glare that had his guards on edge.

Marco just grinned evilly back, then continued on his way. ‘Waiting around was worth it to see that look on Tidas’ face.. I can’t wait to make Skye mine..’


When Skye first set foot onto the balcony, she was nearly struck deaf by the screams of the spectators. They chanted her name in unison, and increased their volume once she came into sight.

Celestia came very close to knocking her over as the Fae Queen ran to her for a hug. Aero stood behind her with an approving look on his face, which made Skye feel even better. Aero wasn’t easy to read, so it was nice to have him take out the guesswork for once.

The only one who didn’t look happy to see Skye was Karena. Not only were he clothes pissing her off, but the arena full of adoring fans did too. The Crowned Princess was beyond jealous at this point: she flat-out hated Skye.

‘Everything that was supposed to be mine looks like it belongs to her! I’m the future Queen! Not her! So what if she won the trials! Tidas must have let her win, the lovesick idiot! Why would any sensible woman want to join the RMC?!’

Silently fuming, Karena became sick of watching everyone fuss over Skye. With a curt farewell to Magnus and Marie; Karena thankfully left.

Right after she had disappeared, the members of E Team came onto the balcony, along with Genie and Petrie. The rest of the delegates were still in their assigned seats, including Mr. Fuu. Magnus had summoned them too, since they were close to Skye.

Both he and Lucas wanted Sorcha’s daughter to be surrounded by those she loved today. Skye had worked to the point of exhaustion to get to now. They beamed at her with sentiment and pride as she smiled and accepted congratulatory hugs from everyone.

Skye was honestly exhausted, but she gained some energy from everyone else’s. They talked over the blaring spectators; gushing to her about how proud they all were of her efforts. Warmth and love radiated from Skye, as well as confidence.

All along, Skye had said that she’d do whatever she had to, to stay by Tidas’ side. Now: No One could deny her...

As Magnus tapped the microphone to life, he called out to his people; “Ladies and gentlemen! I give you the E Team! This year’s Mage Trials Champions!”

The entire arena jumped to their feet. They called to all of the winners, not just Skye. Ronnie in particular was loving the attention from the women calling out to him.. But when they started to call out to Klaus, Kari practically wrapped herself around his arm.

Scanning the crowd, Klaus’ eyes landed on Connor Arnold. He was the man that was after Kari for her magic, for his family’s construction company. It didn’t help Any that he was also one of Marco’s lapdogs.

Before he’d realized it; Klaus was wrapping his arm around Kari in a protective manner. Glaring at the noble of equal rank across from him..

Skye chuckled as she watched Kari flush prettily. She truly cared for Klaus, but he still seemed hesitant. ‘I think we’ll have to have a wee talk durin’ the banquet..’

After Magnus gave a general overview of their scores and accomplishments, he handed off the mic to one of the mage evaluators. It was the retired Earth mage that helped create the obstacle course..

“This year’s Champions of the Mage Trials have truly earned their rewards! The princess in particular, demonstrated not only her vast capabilities with her magics, but also her natural ability to step into a leadership role! All of the evaluators agree: Princess Skye Moonstone has not only earned the Rank of General, but is Truly deserving of it!”

Motioning her forward, the old man pinned the General’s insignia on her shirt as he said; “Congratulations on a job well done, Princess Skye! I look forward to seeing your progress!”

The arena erupted again, making everything and everyone shake. Skye looked around at all the people, recognizing only a very small percentage. ‘Seein’ this many people... Can I really save all of them?’

As the heavy truth of Skye’s destiny shook her to her core, Tidas squeezed her hand. Looking over and seeing his adoring smile, Skye squeezed it back, then she turned back to face the crowds head on..

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