Dawning Skye

Chapter 278

278 Mage Trials: Victor’s Feast(Part One)

Once they left the balcony, Skye and her group headed straight to the palace. She Really wanted to go see Zazzy, but then she wouldn’t have time to wash and dress. ‘I’ll see her tomorrow; she needs to meet Genie! Oh, he’s gonna freak out over her!”

Skye, Tidas, Lucas, Petrie, and the two royal Fae traveled back in the Moonstone stagecoach together. Maevis and Nicolas decided that it’d be faster for them to just fly to the palace instead, so they left their royalty within their capable hands.

When they pulled into the courtyard, Peggy was standing by the bottom step to the stairs; wringing her hands. As soon as Skye stepped out of the stagecoach, she was nearly knocked over by her beloved servant.

Peggy leaned back a bit to look Skye in the face; “I canna Believe ye Won! I could hear them chantin’ Yer name from here! Ima So proud of ye, me bairn!”

Tears threatened to spill from Skye’s eyes as she watched them stream down Peggy’s cheeks. Her signature toothy grin was plastered on her face as she’d spoken to the lass that she saw as her own kin.

“Why didn’t you come watch? We could’ve assigned other servants to cover your work,” Tidas interjected.

Peggy’s expression deflated; “Ima not gonna stand there and watch ye pummel me bairn! Unless ye wanted me jumpin’ onto the field to beat ye, I Had to stay away.”

Tidas and those closest chuckled at the overprotective servant before Tidas replied; “Well, then you stayed away for nothing. Skye kicked my ass..”

The pride in Tidas’ tone didn’t match his words; making Skye giggle, and caused Peggy to gape at him.


Turning to Skye with bulging eyes, Peggy sputtered; “YOU?! YOU beat Tidas?! Are ye serious?!”

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Skye beamed; “Aye.. I was the first to cross the finish line, although in all fairness: it should’ve been Ronnie.”

“Ye deserved to take the rank, Skye. We wouldn’t have made it without yer strategies and leadership. Just take the win, damn it!”

Klaus, Kari, and Franky all called out in agreement with Ronnie’s statements. He and Klaus had rode along side the Moonstone stagecoach all the way to the palace. Kari and Franky rode with her family, but everyone was headed to the palace for the Victor’s Banquet.

The Victors had clothes waiting for them to choose from inside separate guest chambers. The Victors usually slept in the palace the night of the banquet. It was an extra perk for winning, and most usually took the offer.

“Ronnie’s right, Skye: you earned it. No one would’ve gotten past me if you wouldn’t have beaten me. Everyone that enters the RMC this year owes their thanks to you.”

Skye clasped her husband’s hand, even though Peggy still hadn’t let go of her. Once she had, everyone stood there talking until the amount of people arriving from the arena became too numerous. They all agreed to meet at their designated spot, then split to go get cleaned and dressed.

When Skye and Tidas reached their quarters, the smell of citrus and cherry blossoms filled the air. She ran to the bathroom and saw that Peggy had already set up a relaxing bath for her. Squeaking in delight, Skye profusely thanked Peggy for the gesture.

Tidas had a slight grimace on his face. He was hoping to have a little intimate time with Skye in the tub. But since Peggy had already poured her scented oil into it, it wasn’t possible now. Not unless he wanted to smell like it at the banquet.

Seeing Tidas’ downtrodden expression, Peggy grinned like a demon as she said; “Ye think I don’t know how ye two work by now? Aye, the oils are in already.. Ye will just have to wait until AFTER the banquet for yer hanky-panky..”

Tidas blinked at Peggy several times in surprise, but Skye cracked up laughing as she started to strip. ‘Aye, Peggy knows us a bit too well, haha!’

Once they were clean, Peggy helped Skye dress in their room while Tidas dressed in their restroom. Marie had a special dress made for Skye, along with a matching suit for Tidas..

When he stepped out of the bathroom, his breath caught in his throat. Skye’s dress was a midnight blue color that shimmered like silk, with golden stars all over from her hips, down. The top section looked like a corset, but it was clearly all one piece. The ‘sleeves’ were more like straps that hung elegantly off of her shoulders.

Skye’s dress fit her like a glove; showing all of her curves. She’d lost weight, but gained muscle that complimented her bone structure. With her golden tresses cascading around the tops of her shoulders: Skye was the definition of enchanting to him..


As Skye looked to Tidas, she inhaled sharply. His suit was the same midnight blue all over, except the vest he wore had the same golden stars as the bottom portion of her dress. It was looser around his upper chest area and arms, accenting his muscles. His pants fit a little tighter, but still looked comfortable.

His hair was slicked back, but still parted. One thick strand refusing to conform; making Tidas look extra dashing. As we walked over to his wife, he ignored Peggy’s threats about messing up her makeup, and kissed Skye with all the passion he has smoldering beneath the surface.

Breaking the kiss, Tidas leaned back and grinned cheekily at her as he said; “I don’t care what anyone says: we leave at midnight.”

Not skipping a beat, Skye replied; “Aye, husband..”

“”By the gods! I’d say get a room, but then ye two would.. Move yer arses before yer late!”

The two chuckled at Peggy’s mock outrage, clasped hands, then headed out the door..


Meeting up with the other Champions in the hall, they only waited a couple minutes for the herald to announce them one at a time. They had each been instructed to do so, and were already gathered by the time Skye and Tidas had arrived.

Skye was excited to see Klaus and Kari with linked arms as they walked up, then she noticed a certain noble shooting dirty looks at them. ‘Ah, so he’s shielding her from Connor again.. I hope he’s doing it because he cares for her, not just for nobility’s sake. I don’t want to see Kari get hurt over Klaus’ good, but misrepresented intentions..’

Franky was the first to be called out. After getting a few praises from the king, the Victors had to step to the side, and claim their rewards from Shasta and Zas. Usually it would’ve been Tidas and Zas, but Shasta had volunteered so Tidas could escort Skye.

Shasta handed out the monetary reward, then Zas gave them their RMC badge, along with some advice on improvements. Franky was told to plant his feet, and have more faith in his own strength.

“Do that, and you’ll be taking me down in no time,” Zas smiled sincerely after he’d spoken.

Next was Kari. She was told that her ‘bag of rocks’ trick impressed the moderators. That her use of her magic showed her ingenuity, and Skye agreed. She’d only suggested carrying the rocks in pouches to Kari. The idea to change their weight as she threw them was all her.

Klaus was next in line. Zas had complemented him with pride. Saying that he knows that Klaus will follow through with his pledge no matter what, and that he will always be one of the best students he’d ever had. A wide grin spread across Klaus face as he accepted his assigned rank, then rejoined Kari for a victory ‘hug’.

When Ronnie’s name was called, he threw his arms into the air victoriously, gaining cheers and applause from the surrounding spectators. Despite the fact that he’d used massive amounts of bugs as his trump card; several women were still swooning over him.

He blew several kisses to them as he sauntered up to the king, whom found him to be an amusing lad. He congratulated him on his job well done, as well as whispered a ‘thank you’, for his kindness to Skye.

Ronnie grinned as he replied so that only the king could hear; “We gotta look out for our Savior, too, sometimes..”

As Ronnie headed for Shasta, a thought crossed Magnus’ mind, bringing a distraught smile to his face; ‘You have No Idea how accurate that statement was, laddie...’

After a few compliments, then a few warnings about letting his Companion Tethers become neglected from having too many; it was Skye’s turn..

When she and Tidas entered: Trumpets blew as everyone applauded. Not only was Skye the Champion of the Mage Trials, but she was the first woman to ever cross the finish line first. As she walked towards Magnus, a tiny ball formed in her throat as she thought about everything she’d gone through to get to this point..

Standing in front of the king, both she and Tidas could sense the geyser of emotions that the king was forcing down. He was nearly as bad right now as he was when Tidas had passed his trials. The difference being he’d actually tested up then.

“I cannot express how utterly Proud I am of you, Skye. Your pre-planning and quick-thinking made you the winner today, not just your powers. Magic is merely a tool; if one cannot wield it properly, then one might as well not have it.. You have proved to All that you more than deserve both the four traits that you have, and the rank you have earned today. Congratulations lassie, you did it!”

Before Skye could move on to Shasta, the entire banquet hall erupted in cheers. Even those who Skye knew didn’t like her were cheering for her, which she found odd. ‘Maybe some of them will back off a bit now? I hope..’

Moving over to Shasta, Skye accepted the reward, and a spontaneous hug from the Vice Commander that had surprised everyone. She wasn’t known to be affectionate, but since she’d been with Lawrence, Shasta’s walls had all but come down. She was still defensive, but she hadn’t had a violent incident in months, which made Magnus extremely happy.

After Shasta’s hug a few whispered words of gratitude, Skye moved on to Zas. He looked at her with a serious expression, then bowed deeply to her before publicly apologizing.

“I’m so sorry I doubted you, Skye. If I would’ve fought you after the Summer Games, like you had offered to; I would’ve understood how wrong I was then..”

“You were willing to show me your trump card for my peace of mind, knowing that it was possible that I was going to be your opponent. That speaks volumes about the kind of person you are..”

Sitting up, Zas spoke clearly and loudly; “One who has more than earned this rank.. I present to you: your General’s Insignia!”

As the crowds cheered, Zas added low; “And your ticket to the Highlands..”

Skye beamed at Zas as Magnus stood up and called out; “Congratulations to all the Victors on their achievements! Now! Let the Victor’s Feast Begin!”

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