Dawning Skye

Chapter 279

279 Mage Trials: Victor’s Feast(Part Two)

Servants and guards began to pour into the banquet hall with tables and chairs. They moved in almost perfect synchronicity as they set up in the usual arrangement. As soon as they had everything in place, the guests took their seats.

Like clockwork; as soon as everyone was comfortable, servants began to bring in trays of food in mass. Every kind of salad that Skye had ever seen served at the palace was brought out and offered first. From fruit ones, to leafy greens, to salads with meat bits mixed in.

After the salads came a parade of meats. Beef, chicken, duck, lamb, fish, and an entire roasted pig on a spit; complete with the apple in it’s mouth. It had to be wheeled in on an oversized cart, the thing was so massive.

The side dishes came out next. Mashed, roasted, and sautéed potatoes were carted out first. Both mixed and single vegetable dishes were offered, followed by various types of rice dishes.

Once the main dishes had been passed around at least once; the dessert trays began to steadily stream out of the kitchen. Everything from cookies, to cakes, to puddings and filled baked goods were offered and happily devoured. Skye in particular had loved the strawberry cupcakes filled with chocolate pudding.

Fresh loaves of bread, and varying jams and spreads were placed every few people apart for convenience. The side dishes took the longest to serve, which wasn’t surprising when one considered the amount available.

Alcon had a Very good growing season this year, mostly in thanks to Skye and Jakub. Not only were they steadily producing agricultural equipment, but Skye herself made special trips out to the fields that were having issues growing or producing.

Revitalizing the soil was child’s play to Skye now, and she’d checked every field that needed it within three day’s time. When the harvest came, they had over a quarter more food that their best year on record.

Magnus was so happy that he’d ordered every dish that the kitchen had a recipe for to be made. Anything that wasn’t eaten was to first be offered to the servants, then sent to the hospitals and orphanages for proper distribution.


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Marco had argued with his father at first, but when he’d begrudgingly agreed to send aid to the Sync Kingdom, Marco relented. Tidas was quite angry that they were giving anything to the kingdom that helped his uncle, but also knew the state the people were in.

For some reason, the Sync Kingdom was constantly flooded. It used to flood only once a year, but now the once vast and fertile farmlands were more akin to marshes. Putting an enormous strain on their food supply.

Their people raided as often as the Highlanders did in search of food. Meccano was their usual target, but Karena’s brother had grown tired of their pillaging. He’d ordered walls built around all the surrounding villages and farms nearest their shared boarders.

With their prime raiding arena closed off, they’d begun to branch out. Ital was having the most trouble with them right now, but they were also becoming problematic for Lawrence. The two kingdoms shared a boarder right along the south-western edge of Ruscovic.

Lawrence wasn’t worried on bit. His people were more than capable of fighting for themselves, especially when the Fae became involved in the scuffles. The Sync Kingdom’s people learned very quickly that Ruscovic wasn’t an easy target..

Skye ate so much food that her dress became a little hard to breath in. She had to sit and digest a bit before she was able to move around freely again. Tidas thought his wife was adorable as she sat next to him; rubbing her engorged stomach like a pregnant woman.

After she’d sat for a while, Skye got up and danced with her husband. As he spun and twirled her around, the crowds melted away, and they felt like they were the only two people in the room.

When the pace to the music kicked up, so did Skye and Tidas’ pace and style. They moved together perfectly; neither one truly leading or following. They simply flowed together like it was the most natural thing in the world.

After a wonderful hour spent dancing with her husband, Skye had to give the others a chance. Both she and Tidas hated it. Most that danced with her just wanted an excuse to either hit on her, or just flat-out touch her. Only a handful actually danced with her because she was an excellent partner.

Skye wholeheartedly appreciated it when Klaus, Ronnie, Lawrence, and Petrie all took turns giving her a break in between the sycophants. Her dance with Klaus was longer than the rest, aside from Tidas. However, anyone watching could tell it was because they had been in a deep conversation..

“So: what’s up with you and Kari? You two would make a lovely couple,” Skye stated; not beating around the bush at all.

Klaus had instantly tensed. He hadn’t told Skye about his feelings towards Kari, but of course she had realized them anyways. With a long sigh, he explained his issue..

“I do care for her, much more than I thought I did, but it wouldn’t be fair of me to be with her. Not when I could die at any time.”

Skye eyed him critically; “Aye, along with the rest of us. No one is Guaranteed a day of this life.. All we can do is seize the time we have, and live it up like tomorrow will always come. Otherwise ye aren’t livin’..”

Klaus nodded his acknowledgment, but Skye knew that she hadn’t gotten through to him yet. With a huff, Skye added; “Don’t ye want to spend yer limited time on this planet doin’ the things that make ye happy?”

Klaus nodded; “I do, but not at the expense of others. I don’t want her to regret anything..”

“Shouldn’t it be up to Kari to decide? What she cherishes or regrets? Let her choose, then ye have yer answer.. Just be honest about what You think her choices entail, and Listen when she’s bein’ honest with you. Don’t dismiss her feelings, Klaus..”

As the song ended, Klaus thanked her for the dance, then bowed and left to find Kari. She was easily spotted by the small staircase leading into the banquet room. As she watched them disappear, Skye braced herself for the slew of courtiers waiting for their turn to dance with the beautiful champion.

It was slightly after ten o’clock when Skye’s patience began to run thin. She and Tidas had been shooting each other longing looks the entire night as they danced with other people. There’d been a few times that Skye had wanted to rip the sleazy women off of her husband as they pawed and grabbed at him, but an ocean of people kept them apart.

Skye was attempting to drink a glass of wine while avoiding a group of young, cocky nobles that were dumb enough to think that they could compare with her husband. After slamming a glass of bitter merlot, she returned to the jungle that was the court..

Right as she was about to lose her temper, Zas saved Skye from a persistent nobleman that she’d already danced with twice. Skye had nearly jumped into him arms, she was so grateful for the save.

“Thanks for coming to me rescue. That guy kinda creeps me out..”

Zas chuckled; “No problem! I actually wanted to apologize again for-”

“I think the public apology earlier was more than enough, Zas,” Skye took a deep breath before she continued; “I understand why ye did what ye did: you were worried about yer friends. Ima not hold it against ye.”

Zas’ ears bent slightly; “But you should hold how I went about it against me.. I should’ve trusted you, Skye. I’m sorry-”

Skye’s face scrunched in displeasure; “Ack! Enough of that word! Say it again and Ima gonna yank on yer tail!”

Zas’ eyes went wide for a split second before he started to laugh. He truly felt terrible for underestimating Skye the way he did, but she clearly didn’t care or take offense. ‘She’s probably used to being underestimated.. That’s the last time I do that..’

As the song came to an end, Zas bowed to Skye a final time, then joined the other attending RMC members. After he walked away, Skye felt a light tap on her shoulder. Turning around, a giant smile lit her face as her father offered his hand out for a dance.

A slow, semi-melancholy tune filled the air as Lucas swayed with his daughter; “Ima so Proud of you, Skye! You’ve come so far in such little time. When did ye get a Tank trait?”

Skye chuckled as she mostly explained how she and Shasta’s friendship had developed, which led to her Tank trait being activated. Lucas didn’t seem too happy when his daughter told him about her trip to the Medical Ward, so she refrained from telling him about reconstructing her hand.

‘The old man would probably have a heart attack if I told him about that.. Best to keep it to me self..’

Lucas couldn’t express how proud he was of his daughter. She’d hid her magic most of her life out of fear, and now she was flourishing. Looking around at the crowds, Lucas caught sight of Genie. He wanted to have a discussion with him before he and Skye had a chance to talk.

Anger still simmered below Lucas’ calm surface towards the man, but Skye’s father knew why he’d ‘left’. The news of Tidas’ fake death nearly killed Skye, and she was still suffering from it when they’d learned the truth. Not to mention that Genie Greatly disapproved of Lucas’ plan to entrap the Fowlers in the first place..

Once the dance had ended, Shasta came over, and rescued Skye from any more enthusiastic dancing partners. She had a violin in her hands, and a giant drunken grin on her face as she wobbled in place. Skye chuckled while sobering her up a bit, then they began to play for the crowds.

Everyone cheered and clapped as Skye and Shasta played and danced; inspiring others to join in the fun. Celestia even managed to get Aero out onto the floor, even though he was extremely irritated from chasing off men attempting to dance with his wife all night.

Skye’s fingers blazed across the neck of her violin as she kept a fast, fun rhythm. Not everyone was dancing, but most were at least smiling.. All except those gathered around Karena and Marco.

Marco and most of his lackeys were grinning, but Karena and her little group were staring daggers at the two. Karena was furious that Skye was the center of attention yet again, even if she’d earned it. Her dress was actually quite beautiful, which made the Crowned Princess even more jealous.

As the night progressed, Tidas kept a close eye on his oldest brother. He’d been slipping away a lot more often lately, and no one seemed to know where he went when he did. Even Aero’s brownies hadn’t been able to figure it out.

They thought that he was slipping out through secret hallways and doors, but they had yet to find anything...

Glancing at a giant, ornate clock, a large grin spread across Tidas’ face. It was five minutes to eleven.. ‘One more hour, then Skye and I can finally be alone..”

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