Dawning Skye

Chapter 309

309 Sleeping Arrangements

Ronnie scurried away faster than a rat from a sinking ship. Kari had shot him a glare as he ran off, and Klaus looked up at the ceiling. Apparently, they were guilty of tent-sharing, too...

Skye laughed at the situation as Amara spoke; “Ye might want ta wave that rule while yer here, at least if ye want everyone ta fit comfortably. Ye can put couples on one level, and singles on another. Since ye have more men than women fighters, I’d put the women and couples on the same side ta conserve space.”

Skye looked up at Tidas, who had a contemplative expression on his face; “Oh, come on, husband. Don’t ye miss sleepin’ next ta me?”

Tidas huffed in defeat; “Of course I do, but I seriously doubt that I can trust my soldiers to ‘just sleep’ with their spouses.”

Amara chuckled; “We do grow herbs that can make sure that there’ll be no new Alconians made while yer here.”

Skye’s eyes shined as she looked up at Tidas, who got a light tint to his cheeks over her enthusiasm. Amara and Murdoc laughed out loud as stars practically shined in her eyes.

“She reminds me ofa anime character gettin’ excited over food,” Amara commented to her king.

Murdoc laughed even more as he agreed, wiping a tear away from his eye as he tried to get a grip. Tidas and Skye shared a confused look between them, but didn’t say anything. Neither of them knew what it was, although the word sounded familiar to Skye...

After they had discussed possible distribution methods, Amara and Murdoc led Skye and Tidas to their room. It was a small one, but more secluded than the others. It was on the other side of the wall to the utility room, and the only one on that side of the bottom level.


Skye squeaked, she was so excited to be able to sleep in a bed, and with her husband. Aside from when they stayed at Moonstone Castle, Tidas had been sticking to the rules. It irritated her, but Skye understood that as the Commander of the RMC; he had to set an example.

If he slept next to his wife while forbidding everyone else, it would caused unwanted strife among his soldiers, and most likely carry over onto the battlefield. It was a risk that he wasn’t willing to take.

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Tidas adored his wife, and didn’t sleep well without her. Their nights spent at Zazzy’s Place had spoiled him, and now it was difficult to find peace without her by his side. Being tired before a fight was never a good idea, but he would’ve dealt with it, if it meant that his soldiers would go into battle focused and rested.

Being invited to stay with the Highlanders was turning out to be more beneficial than he imagined. All Tidas was hoping to gain was knowledge and allies, but the bonus of his wife’s company wasn’t something he would turn away.

“As long as they agree to take the contraception, they can share a bed,” Tidas conceded.

“Yay!” Skye chimed, then blushed prettily as Kari, Klaus, Amara, and Murdoc started laughing again.

Klaus and Kari had been standing right outside the room, and heard their conversation. Truth be told, she was just as excited as Skye. She and Klaus had become very close, although a distance still layed between them.

Skye had told Kari that Klaus would explain himself to her in due time, but it was still hard to wait. One moment, she would feel utterly adored by him, the next she’d feel like a burden. It was confusing, and slowly chipping away at her heart, but she loved him.. All she could do was be patient.

Skye looked around the room with a soft smile. It was less than half the size of the other rooms, but had only one bed in it. All of the other rooms had large bunk beds lining the walls. Decent-sized cubbies were at the ends of each bed, built into the wall.

They were big enough to hold their packs, although the ends stuck out quite a bit. The soldiers worked it out that the couples sleeping on the bottom bunks would put their packs under their beds for storage.

On the other side, the top level had two hallways for the single women that couldn’t fit with the others. The rest were all full-up with the men. As roommates were chosen, and everyone got situated, Skye asked Amara for the wood that they had planned to use to build Zazzy’s shelter with.

After a few orders were issued, and a bit of time had passed, groups of Highlanders started to bring in massive planks of wood. It looked and smelled like pine, but Skye wasn’t sure.

As they walked the planks through the door she had made, Skye followed behind them. The sky was dark, and the snow was thick on the ground. Looking around, Zazzy was no where to be seen..

Feeling panic bubbling up in her chest, Skye called out to the dragon. Upon saying her name a third time, Zazzy popped her head out of the snow bank she’d created. It scared a few of the Highlanders, making them drop the planks. One man fractured his foot due to it, and required Skye to heal it.

The Highlanders were scared of Zazzy at first, but when Amara walked over and started petting her, they eased up a bit. Once all of the wood was accounted for, they went back inside, and left.

Skye focused her Earth magic, then had Kari guide her on how the planks should lay. What usually took days with multiple people, took Skye about forty-five minutes. Once she’d finished, Kari strengthened the wood with her magic.

“I canna believe it took ye so little time ta make such a large structure,” Amara commented once she finished.

Skye grinned as she rubbed the back of her neck; “I probably woulda had it done sooner if I would’ve actually known what I was doin’. Kari’s a life-saver.”

Amara and Murdoc both stared at her with shocked expressions as Tidas walked up behind them and said; “You never get used to it.”

“Get used ta what?” Murdoc asked.

“Bein’ impressed with her,” Tidas replied as he smiled warmly at his wife.

Amara still didn’t trust Tidas because of who he was, but could tell the he genuinely loved Skye. Murdoc felt a twinge of jealousy towards the prince for his happiness. The princess was a kind, intelligent, and powerful person. She could rule on high, but didn’t want to. She was a rare breed, and one that actually deserved her birthright.

Murdoc would’ve been happy to step down as the King of the Highlands. He’d never liked the responsibilities that accompanied the title, and had always been more of a free spirit. Involving himself within politics was something he always disliked. If it wasn’t for Amara, the Highlanders probably would’ve died off under his leadership alone.

Many of the elders were honorable men, but a few of them were corrupt like Drexel had been. Malcolm had been a large supporter of Amara’s husband, and still held sway with those who resented the Alconians.

As Murdoc watched Skye join Amara in fawning over the over-sized baby dragon, an ominous feeling gnawed at his gut. Warning him that tomorrow’s bouts would be climatic in one way or another for them.

The word had already spread about Skye’s bloodline. The thousands of Highlanders that would show up tomorrow to either watch, or participate, would most definitely be referring to her as a Warrick. Even if Murdoc made an announcement, there would still be people who would call her by her rightful name.

As Murdoc sighed, Tidas asked what was wrong..


The moment the building was finished, Zazzy shook the snow off of herself, wiped her feet as best she could, then went into her little home. It wasn’t as big as her barn in Alcon, but the snugness of it would help to trap the warmth.

“Did that dragon just wipe it’s feet off?!” a random Highlander said.

“Got better manners than me bairns,” another one stated.

After Skye contained her chuckle, and was sure that Zazzy would be dry and happy; everyone went back inside for dinner. The kitchen within the bunker was almost as big as the main room. Double ovens the likes of which Skye had never seen before lined one wall, and a large U-shaped island was in the middle for prep work.

Electronic appliances that she’d never seen lined the other. From industrial-sized mixers, to items that she had no clue as to what they did shined from the light cast by the rows of ceiling light fixtures. Everything was far more advanced that she’d ever imagined..

A Highlander by the name of Randall explained the uses of a few of the machines that would be easiest to use. He was one of Murdoc’s favorite chefs, and owned a popular restaurant that was in the middle of their inner town.

As Skye listened, she turned to Tidas and said; “Can ye imagine how excited Peggy woulda been ta see all of this?”

Tidas’ expression softened; “Miss her already, do you?”

Skye flashed a small grin; “Aye.. Tis strange not wakin’ up to her.”

As he stared at his wife, a wave of sympathy made Tidas wrap his arm around her shoulders. To be honest, he was happy that Peggy couldn’t come. It wasn’t even about the fact that she would slow them down, it was the fact that she was simply too old for the journey anymore.

Peggy and Tidas had discussed it right before Petrie and Lucas had shown up before the Mage Trials. She was debating whether or not to go, and was leaning towards not before she’d gotten sick.

Peggy was in her late sixties now, and didn’t have the best health anymore. She ached constantly, and got sick easily.. The poor woman hated getting older. At some point, Skye would have to face a world without her in it.. And he feared what would happen to her when the day came...

“Out yer head, love. Yer place is here, with me..”

The familiar phrase brought Tidas back from his thoughts just in time to hear Randall called out; “Line up ye Southerners! Food’s on! Come get yer grub while Tis hot!”

Skye squeaked for joy as she grabbed her husband’s hand, and yanked him along to her in line. He let her drag him through the gathering crowds, most letting them cut ahead because they knew that Skye had used her magic to create a shelter for Zazzy.

As they approached the giant U-shaped island, Skye beamed as she spoke; “Ima starvin’! I hope that they made enough to feed two armies..”

Tidas quirked an eyebrow; “I don’t think the Highlanders will be joining us.”

Skye chuckled loudly before she replied; “Tis me, husband! Ima the other army..”

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