Dawning Skye

Chapter 310

310 Party Planning And A Nightgown


Skye ate like a starving person, but that didn’t really surprise anyone by now. Their General was an amazing mage, and she didn’t stand on ceremony for anyone but the King. The more the soldiers interacted with her, them more they came to genuinely like her as a person.

Tidas was extremely happy that his men saw their new General for the wonderful person that she was. An added bonus of Zazzy becoming the unofficial mascot was like a cherry on top to him. The more people that saw she was a good lass, the better..

Tidas had a growing concern in the back of his head about his oldest brother’s plan for the Highlanders when he became king. If it were up to Marco, they would be tearing through the Highlander’s base right now. Slaughtering anyone that didn’t submit to Alconian rule.. His Rule.

‘What will happen to our people? Will he change the Indoctrination Law to an even younger age limit? Will he let Zazzy roam freely like she does now? And Skye..’

Tidas’ blood boiled when he thought of what his brother might do to her. Needing a distraction, he quickly finished his food, then told Skye that he needed to double-check that everyone was fed and situated.

“I’ll meet you back in our room in a wee bit, alright?”

Skye nodded happily as she shoveled, then he kissed the top of her head before walking away. As she watched her husband leave, she made a mental note to talk to him before they went to sleep; something was clearly bothering him.

As she took another bite of mashed potatoes and gravy, Amara walked towards her with a cheeky grin. Skye stared at her with a suspicious expression as she stopped in front of Skye and said; “I have a little gift for you..”



As the icy grip of winter claimed the Highlands; Skye, Tidas, and the rest of the RMC were snug in the bunker. Zazzy was wrapped up in the tent that Murdoc had given her, cozy inside her temporary home. She was just nodding off when she heard footsteps crunching the snow..

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lifting her head up to look, Zazzy was happily surprised to see her father standing before her. He had a smile on his face, but worry reflected in his eyes. She went to get up, but Tidas held his hand up for her to stop.

He sat down on the cold ground, and leaned against her as he said; “How’s my scaly princess tonight? I saw the goat bones.. I take it that Murdoc delivered on his promise?”

Zazzy nodded vigorously as she made little chomping noises, making Tidas chuckle. When he’d finished laughing, he went silent as they watched the snow falling. She bent her head, and nuzzled the at her father’s side. Hoping that it would cheer him up a bit.

Tidas smiled again and pet her, but his thoughts were in chaos. He didn’t want to think about what would happen when his father died, but his health was in constant peril. If it wasn’t for Skye’s healing, he probably would’ve been dead by now..

Zazzy nuzzled against again as his hand stopped moving. Tidas chuckled lightly as he said; “Greedy tonight, aren’t we?”

As she pushed at him more, Tidas actually laughed full-heartily at the dragon’s antics. She was clearly trying to make him feel better, and it was slowly working. Zazzy was like his own child to him, in a way.

He and Skye had raised Zazzy from an egg, and it was nearly Yuletide; her birthday. A warm smile spread across his face as an idea struck him. One that would bring a smile to everyone around them. It would be difficult to pull off, and require the Highlanders’ help, but he knew that they would cooperate..

Looking down at his scaly bairn, Tidas kissed her horn, then said; “Thanks, lass. You always know how to make your Papa feel better.”

In response, Zazzy wrapped her tail around Tidas, spiked out, and gave him her version of a hug. Tidas choked, she had pressed him against herself so hard, but chortled as she made her little trilly noise of happiness.

After standing and brushing himself off, he bid Zazzy sweet dreams, and headed over to the door. Right as he went to grab the handle, the door opened; revealing several RMC members holding large trays of meat left over from dinner.

They stared at their commander with shocked expressions as he asked; “Were you guys sneaking Zazzy food?”

“No sir!” most of them replied, but it was obvious what they were doing.

Tidas smiled as he held the door open for them; “She’s already had at least two goats, but I’m sure she won’t turn down more food. If she gets sick, you guys are responsible for cleaning it up.”

“Yes Sir!” they all replied as they filed out the door.

Tidas laughed hard when he saw that Arthur Tanner was among the soldiers going out to fuss over Zazzy. He’d been talking about Skye’s gift to his daughter to anyone who would listen. They figured that if Lieutenant Tanner was okay with his daughter being around the enormous dragon, then they should be fine as well.

Tidas looked around for Skye, but didn’t see her amongst the soldiers anywhere. The last place he’d seen her was sitting on the kitchen floor, eating. Most just grabbed a plate, then sat down out of the way. The huge table in the main room was being used by the generals, Lieutenants, and their personal guards.

It didn’t seem to bother the soldiers, but it did irritate Tidas a bit. He would have to make it clear that the available tables would be rotated. If they had been in tents, everyone would be eating together. Staying in the bunker didn’t change how he would run his Corp.

Giving up on looking for his wife, Tidas decided to retire to his room. He gave strict orders not to disturb him unless it was an emergency. After his men bid him goodnight, Tidas headed over, and went into his room..

Skye was laying on their bed, wearing a nearly see-through nightgown. It was a light-blue color, and had a slight shimmer to the fabric. Her golden curls swayed as she sat up, and smiled brightly while saying; “Hello, husband..”

Tidas’ mouth gaped a moment before he hastily shut the door. He didn’t want his men seeing how stunning she looked, or the fact that she had nothing on under the flimsy fabric.

The soft glow from the dimmed fluorescent lights made Skye’s hair and eye color stand out. They reminded him of a large cat on the prowl.. And he was her willing prey.

All other thoughts left his mind as he walked over to the bed. Skye scooted over to him on her knees while maintaining her sultry smile. They were towards the end of the bed, on the edge of it when Tidas asked; “Where did this come from?”

“Amara gave it to me.. And some herbs,” Skye replied as she leaned up, and began to loosen the clasps on his armor.

Tidas grinned back at her as he removed his arm guards; “Did she now? I must remember to thank her..”

Skye chuckled; “Not yet. Technically, she told me not ta wear it tonight because of the bout tomorrow. She didna want us wastin’ our energy.”

Tidas chuckled; “Her calling it ‘a waste’, is her opinion..”

“That’s why I love ye so much, husband.. We think alike,” Skye’s smile turned devilish as he removed the upper half of his armor.

After he’d gotten everything but the body suit off, Skye stopped him to kiss him. Her lips made his senses skyrocket as she unzipped his suit, and pushed it over his shoulders.

As soon as Tidas had unstrapped his boots and removed it, Skye yanked him into their bed. He caught himself before he could crash down onto her, then started to kiss her fervently. As he moved from her lips, to her jawline, he laughed at his own lack of self-restraint.

He wanted her as much as Skye wanted him..

As he shifted his weight to one side, Tidas slid his other hand up and down Skye’s side. Goosebumps bloomed all over her body as he kissed and nipped his way down her neck. As he reached one of the peaks of her perfect mounds, Tidas bit down on her nipple through the sheer fabric.

A groan of pleasure escaped Skye as he brought his free hand up to her other breast, and gently massaged his way up to her nipple. Once he reached the peak, he gently pinched it in time with his mouth. Teasing her with synchronicity..

When he removed his hand and reached down, Tidas felt her wetness already building. He grinned at his wife as he spoke; “Looks like I’m not the only one who won’t last long tonight..”

Skye smiled cockily; “What can I say: yer good at what ye do..”

His eyes flared with passion; “I could say the same thing to you..”

Tidas crashed down onto his wife’s lips as his finger toyed with her most sensitive place. Skye reared up against him as he pressed the soft fabric against her, seeking her core.

Skye tried to pull the nightgown up and out of the way, but Tidas wasn’t letting her. Instead, he slid his body down, pulled the fabric tightly against her flesh, then began to lick at her bud through the fabric.

The sensation was unbearably thrilling, sending Skye over her first peak of ecstasy. As she gripped the bedsheet to keep herself from crying out, Tidas lifted up her nightgown, and slid inside her warmth. He was sitting up as Skye lay splayed out, giving him a perfect view of her as she writhed in pleasure.

Skye was instantly teetering at the edge of a new peak when Tidas had entered her. He only needed to piston his hips a handful of times before she was moaning his name. The moment he felt her tightening around his member, Tidas shuttered with his own release.

It was a quick, but fulfilling coupling as Tidas rolled off of his wife, then pulled her into his arms. They laid there quietly, listening to the sounds of their breathing slowly returning to normal.

Once Skye had caught her breath, she asked; “So what was botherin’ ye earlier? Ye had that look on yer face ye get when yer tryin’ ta keep quite about somethin’.”

Tidas sighed deeply, not wanting to ruin their happy moment. It wasn’t something he should be worrying about yet, not with everything else that was going on. Against his better judgement, Tidas replied; “I was trying to figure out what we could do for Yuletide for the troops.. And for Zazzy.”

Skye’s eyes lit up; “Aye! Tis our scaly bairn’s first birthday! I didna think of the troops, though.. I think we need ta have a wee chat with Amara before the Bout tomorrow.”

Tidas smiled warmly as he squeezed his wife in his arms; “Aye. Tomorrow, we will..”

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