Dawning Skye

Chapter 311

311 Setup

Tidas awoke early to their door being banged on. He’d gotten more sleep than usual, and it was better quality, too. Thanks to Skye being next to him.

Right as he had covered up Skye, Murdoc opened the door and said; “Good mornin’! Did ye two sleep well? We got breakfast already cooked, and bein’ dished up. Ye two better hurry if ye want-”



“Too Loud! Get out!” Skye yelled after she nailed Murdoc in the face with a pillow.

Tidas laughed hard and loud, which irritated Skye further. She wasn’t a morning person, especially when woken up to a ruckus. It was a sure-fire way to make her feisty all day.

As Tidas calmed himself, he looked at Murdoc and said; “Get out before I hit you, too. We need to dress.”

While rubbing his eye, Murdoc grumbled; “Is she always this violent in the mornin’? Tis not good for yer health ta start the day-”

“Get Out!” both Tidas and Skye yelled at the Highland King.


“Fine! Ima goin’, but ye need ta move yer arses. Me people are already linin’ up outside for the show..”

Skye shot up in bed, giving Tidas a heart attack. Her front was covered, so Murdoc didn’t see anything but her back. She’d worn dresses just as revealing before, so it didn’t bother him.. Until Murdoc whistled.

Butt naked, Tidas jumped up, and pushed Murdoc out the room as he yelled; “Ahhh! Ima scarred fer life!”

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Tidas had heard him, but the door was slammed shut before Murdoc’s arse hit the floor. Making sure that no one saw him in his birthday suit. Turning around, he saw that Skye was already halfway dressed.

The men and woman traded off in groups for the bathrooms, and Skye’s group wasn’t until later that night. She desperately wanted to bathe now, but was just happy to have a private toilet. Waiting in line wasn’t a viable option at the moment..

After they dressed, and Skye pulled her hair back into a tiny ponytail, they made their bed together. Skye joked about waiting to put their armor on until after they’d made their bed, but Tidas could see a glimmer of sadness in her face.

Stopping right before the finish, her asked; “What’s wrong?”

“Just missin’ Peggy a bit, tis all. She’d probably laugh ta see us doin’ this ourselves,” Skye replied as she finished her side.

Tidas gave Skye a warm smile; “I’m sure that she misses you just as much.. I wonder how she and Genie are handling Zazzy taking off on them?”

Skye looked at him with a blank expression as she imagined Genie freaking out over not being able to find her, then burst out in laughter. Her eyes teared up, she was laughing so hard from the mental picture..

“I wouldn’t laugh That hard, or it’ll come back and bite you in your arse,” Tidas stated as he pictured the worried expression on Genie’s face.

Once Skye got herself under control, she finished Tidas’ side of the bed as she stated; “Oh, tis fine. Peggy will know where she went, I bet ye. Genie will still fuss, but by now, she’s probably convinced him of it.”

As they went to walk out their door, Tidas inquired in a joking manner; “Do you think that Zazzy missed us, or ran away to us?”

When they came out; Kari, Klaus, and Ronnie were waiting off to the side to follow behind. Tidas told them to join the rest of the RMC as spectators, then turned his attention to Amara and Murdoc. They were waiting for them a few feet away. He shot Murdoc an exasperated expression, while Skye waved happily at Amara.

Her face immediately deflated as she looked her Queen in the eyes and said; “Ye ignored me advice, didn’t cha?”

Skye’s cheeks flushed as she grinned at the Highland Head Councilor. Murdoc smirked knowingly and winked at the couple, prompting Tidas to say; “You’re gonna fight today, right? I get to hit you at some point?”

Murdoc grinned broadly; “Yep! I owe ye one for mentally scarring me fer the rest of me life..”

“Then don’t barge into other people’s rooms,” Tidas quipped back as he wrapped an arm around Skye’s shoulders.

Murdoc chuckled loudly, grabbing the attention of the RMC members around them. Most had heard last night about new General’s challenge, but were surprised to hear the Highland King say that he was also participating.

The other generals didn’t like it at first, but Arthur Tanner had explained what he thought Skye and Tidas’ motives were. Thanks to him, they realized the many problematic situations that could arise if something wasn’t done to stem the animosity.

They didn’t know it yet, but the impact of Skye’s idea would reach much farther than that..


Skye and Tidas both ate quickly, and plentifully. Sweetened pancakes made from potatoes were drizzled with honey, and fresh bread and jams were passed around. They also had scrambled eggs with bits of dried meat and mushrooms in it.

Skye was surprised that the Highlanders had also brought over a small barrel of fresh berries for the Alconians. After several plates of food, and a couple large cups of water; Skye was ready to preform...


When they walked outside to start setting up, Skye and Tidas were both shocked to see that hundreds of Highlanders had already gathered. Under Murdoc and Amara’s orders, several high-ranking Mystics created a barrier between the gathering soldiers and Highlander spectators.

Nasty expressions and a few jeers were exchanged, but nothing serious so far. Most of the people’s attention was on the real dragon right outside of the Southerners’ bunker..

As more and more Highlanders poured into the snow-covered valley, Skye walked over to an over-excited Zazzy. She was cooing, trilling, and waving at her audience. Inciting cheers, ‘Ooo’s, and ‘ahh’s from the crowds.

“Alright ye scaly diva: be good today. There’s lots of people watchin’, and we don’t want anyone hurt, right?”

Zazzy nodded in agreement as she leaned down for pets. Skye giggled as she rubbed behind her ear. When Amara walked over to her, she smiled and started to love on the baby dragon as well before stating; “We best be gettin’ started..”

“Aye,” Skye replied, then looked at Zazzy; “Momma and Papa are gonna play-fight with some of the nice Highlanders, okay? No worryin’ about us. Ye got ta stay put unless I call yer name. If I do, ye know the drill, right?”

Zazzy looked over at Tidas, then nodded to her mother in the positive. As Amara watched them, she guessed that the dragon’s standing order was to protect ‘her Papa’ first. She doubted that the prince would be very happy to hear that, but Amara wasn’t about to tell him..

As Skye walked away from her scaly bairn, she asked; “Did ye get the okay for the materials?”

Amara nodded; “Aye, but the other elders are gettin’ a wee bit frustrated wit me fer askin’ fer so much lumber.. Assbutts..”

Skye wanted to as her where she’d heard the term from, but Murdoc changed the subject when he said; “Would ye like me ta call out the challengers? Ta see how big the ring should be? Or-”

Skye shook her head; “Na, the ones that wanna back out will be less inclined to do so if everyone’s eyes are already on ’em.”

As Skye turned away, Tidas looked to Amara and Murdoc; “What am I missing here?”

Amara grinned broadly; “Yer wife has a bit ofa showmanship streak in her. When I gave her those..items, last night, we had a wee chat. She probably woulda told ye about it if ye two didn’t act like rabbits the first chance ye got..”

Tidas smirked at her comment; “Not rabbits, just a couple that enjoys each other’s company..”

“I’d enjoy a wife like that ask often as I could, too,” Murdoc commented.

“...I could always just hit you now,” Tidas stated, but not seriously.

As the three bantered, Skye directed a few of the RMC members where to put to set the long wooden planks. They were the same kind as the ones that she’d used to build Zazzy’s barn, which made her job easier.

Skye had already broken down the molecular work up of the wood, so she knew how to manipulate it to her liking. As the final planks were put into place, Skye began to build her magic..

Anyone with the ability to sense magic would’ve been able to feel Skye a mile away. Her Earth and Water magics flowed into the ground, making it shake with the force from it. The crowds grew silent as the lone Warrick Heir stood in the clearing

Her power surged and connected to the planks, and the snow. Forcing the molecules in the snow move around faster, and turning the snow back into water.

With Skye’s help, the water saturated the wood quickly; making it more pliable. She imagined what rolled-out dough looked like in her mind’s eye, then stretched the wooden planks out with her magic. Breaking down, reorganizing, and reshaping the very foundations of it.

The Highlanders and RMC both watched in awe as five-hundred feet of ground raised up under the planks about four feet. The planks spanned the surface of the raised ground. Covering it like liquid spilled from a glass.

As the wood reached the edges, Skye began to pull the water back out of the wood, hardening it. As the wood creaked and popped as it dried, Skye called Kari over to strengthen it..

He head held high, Kari strode over to the fresh ring, and placed one hand on it. A new sound wave of crackling wood filled the void that the silence from the spectators had left.

After turning and bowing to Skye, Kari walked back over to join Klaus, Ronnie, and Lieutenant Tanner. When she neared them, they saw the fatigue on her face, and assumed it was from the use of her magic.. When it was actually more from the stress of standing in from of thousands of people.

Close to fifteen thousand Highlander filled the first half of the valley, and stretched around the mountainside. They even covered the edges of cliff sides that they knew were safe. All gathered to see the last Warrick in action, and so far: they had not been disappointed.

Skye took her time walking around the city-block-sized ring she wanted to make sure that it was as strong as it could be. She’d even made sure to ultra-pack down the soil for a firmer foundation.

After she rounded the corner, Skye stepped up onto her stage, turned around and grinned at the awestruck crowds. Placing her balled-up fists on her hips like Peggy always did, Skye called out; “Anyone that has a problem with Southerners, step up Now! Or forever shut yer trap!”

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