Dawning Skye

Chapter 314

314 Tidas Vs. The Highlands(Part Two)


The Highlanders that remained were called the Banshee Birgade by their kin, and were the ones sent out to handle the more complicated and targeted raids. They were mostly men specifically trained to deal with mages, but that still didn’t prepare them for Tidas’ power increase.

His speed, power, and precision tripled, making it nearly impossible to keep up with his movements. Tidas practically flew across the ring as he sent Highlanders careening out of his way. Making the extra men that the brigade had enlisted pointless.

Without firsthand knowledge of how Tank mages moved, none of the regular challengers could stand up to the Southern Prince. It was akin to training with Murdoc to the birgade, but more.. ferocious.

Murdoc would merely train with them, but Tidas was trying to hurt them; to knock them out in one way or another. Various unconscious Highlanders were scattered across the floor of the ring, and more were piling up.

After zipping past the scattered Highlanders, anyone that wasn’t a part of the Banshee Brigade was knocked unconscious, or out of the ring. They could barely keep track of Tidas now, he was moving so fast. The only reason that the birgade was still standing was because they were highly skilled, and trained by Murdoc.

Tidas hadn’t been overwhelmed by them yet because he kept changing his trajectory, which was extremely difficult to do at his speed. Most Tank mages let their momentum carry them along. The fact that the prince was directing himself around showed incredible control.

Unable to counter him in their usual ways, the birgade shifted their tactics. Instead of spreading out in smaller groups, they gathered together towards one of the corner. Tidas saw a small gap in their defenses, and sped towards it.. Not realizing it was a trap until it was too late.

They had intentionally left the gap to draw him in. Axe and sword came down on him with furry, making him cry out as he felt one of his ribs crack. One of the covered axes had struck him hard on the side, knocking the wind out of him.


The moment Tidas hit the ground, they jumped on him. Kicking and swinging their weapons as the Southern Prince did his best to protect his vital spots. Swing after swing, the Highlanders pummeled Tidas as the spectators watched..

“Get the Fuck offa me Husband!” Skye screamed as she attempted to enter the ring, but Murdoc held her back.

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Amara and Murdoc were telling her that she couldn’t enter, but she wasn’t listening. Kicking and yelling; Skye tried to break free from Murdoc, but he had a tight grip.

“Let me go now, or I Swear ye will lose the option of Ever havin’ kids!” Skye had looked back at Murdoc as she struggled and shouted.

“Can ya not go a day without causin’ trouble?” Petrie stated as he walked over.

Skye slowed in her efforts, but didn’t stop trying to break free from Murdoc. As Petrie approached, he added; “If ye interrupt the fight, people will call ’em a saftie, and lose any respect he’s gained.”

Skye stopped her struggling to ask; “What’s a saftie?”

“A weak person, dear. If ya go in there now, he’ll be the laughingstock of the Highlands by nightfall. This was yer idea, after all. Wouldna look good if ye two couldna handle yer selves,” Amara stated as she watched the group of Highlanders inch closer to Tidas.

As Murdoc released a dower-looking Skye as he said; “Those eejits.. Ye don’t need ta worry.. They lost..”

“What?!” Skye exclaimed as she looked over at the ring.

Highlanders were flying through the air as Tidas fought them without mercy. They had encircled him too closely, giving the Southern Prince the opportunity that he needed..

Grabbing one of the legs to his side, Tidas yanked one of the larger Highlanders down on top of him. While he temporarily took the hits; Tidas shifted his weight, pulled his legs up and under, then heaved the Highlander towards the others.

The man crashed into his comrades, taking three of them down with him. The gap gave Tidas a small window to escape, but instead: he let his fury be unleashed.

Ralph had taught him that if he found himself surrounded on all sides to just let loose, so that’s what he did. As the Highlanders struck him, he struck back. Bones crunched and blood spilled as they hammered away at each other.

Every time Tidas was hit, he struck twice as hard. The non-mystics had fought against countless southern mages, and had even faced Tidas on the battlefield before, but never like this.

The Southern Prince had always been one of those warriors who covered the entirety of the battlefield. There was hardly a single mystic among the Highlanders that had faced off against him longer than a few minutes; except Murdoc. As their group shrunk by elimination, the remaining challengers had to admit that the Southern Prince had earned his nicknames.

Tidas had been given many official and non-official titles over the years. The Titan Pillar, Commander of the RMC, the Avenging Prince, the People’s Hero; but none of them matched him as well the Highlanders’ nickname right now.. The Southern Savage.

Knowing the only way to win was to completely let loose, Tidas had unleashed the dark part of himself. A broad grin stretched across his bloodied face as he tore through the remaining Highlanders.

One man that had foolishly refused to wear any armor was hit so hard that he had actually thrown up before collapsing. The mystics pulled him out of the ring to heal him because everyone had heard the sickening ‘pop’ noise from Tidas’ strike.

As the remaining twenty-five or so challengers fought for their pride, they started to wonder if they were actually fighting for their lives instead..

Right as Tidas came careening towards them, one of the older Highlanders called out. A few of them had been standing shoulder-to-shoulder, hiding a couple of small, but quick women behind their broad bodies. Right as he passed the aligned men, the women jumped out: one with a sheathed sword, and one with an unsheathed axe.

Not having any other options at his speed, Tidas took the hit from the sheathed sword, and avoided the axe. It was what the old man had planned on him doing..

The aligned Highlanders jumped on him, and pinned him to the floor. Tidas struggled, but the weight of the men was difficult to deal with without seriously injuring them. He wasn’t ready to completely fall to his darkness.. Until the woman with the unsheathed axe swung at his head.

Skye cried out before the Highlander woman went to swing, snapping Tidas’ last bit of restraint. He wasn’t about to let Skye watch him get hurt or die..

After moving his head out of the way in the nick of time, the Southern Prince roared like the dragon did in the beginning, sending a spark of fear throughout his challengers. Their temporary paralysis gave him the split second he needed to break his left arm free.

Reaching out, Tidas grabbed the face of the man closest to him, and slammed his head into another competitor’s. Feeling their dead weight, the Southern Prince shifted his body to avoid another strike from the woman Highlander. Freeing up his other hand just in time, Tidas caught the axe blade from her third swing.

The people watching were going crazy where they stood. No one could believe that a single man was taking on their toughest infantry members, and winning. Over seven-hundred and fifty trained soldiers, and he had nearly beaten them all inside of three hours.

It was terrifying, and exhilarating to the Highlanders at the same time. Most loved a good fight, and respected those that gave their all in battle. As Murdoc watched his people’s opinions wavering between the two, and idea crept into his head...

Skye screamed her throat hoarse as she cheered her husband on, which made him want to win all the more. His energy shot through the roof as he looked over and saw her smiling, but concerned face..

Tidas wondered for a moment if it was due to his reveling in battle, but the blood that kept trickling into his eye was the most likely reason, or so he hoped. Skye had told him that she loved and accepted all of him, but Tidas still worried over his darkness.

As he broke through the dogpile, this thoughts were cut short by the Highlander that had been barking orders earlier. Before Tidas knew it, the old man was in front of him; punching him square in the face. He got three solid hits in before Tidas could shift himself enough to block and counter.

Right as he went on the defensive with the old man, another Highlander grabbed him from behind, and attempted to hold his arms down. Tidas easily broke free and hit the man in his gut, but two more popped up in his place to try and restrain his arms.

The old man got another few hits in, jarring Tidas a bit. He still managed to fling the other two off of him, but two more replaced them. As Tidas’ vision began to blur, he realized that he most likely had a concussion. His time was limited now, which made him feel desperate..

As the older man hit him hard enough to cause his nose to start bleeding, Tidas belted out a laugh that sent a chill up the old man’s spine..

“Guess my time is up.. I’m sorry if this kills any of you,” Tidas’ words had barely left his mouth before he pulled his arms together, making the two holding him collide with force.

As their bodies hit the floor, and two more Highlanders dove for his arms; Tidas bent his knees, and jumped to avoid them. The two crashed into each other as he kicked the old man in his face hard. He stumbled backwards while grabbing his nose and crying out in pain. Before he knew it: he fell out of the ring.

The dozen or so that were left became irrational and erratic, charging at Tidas with reckless abandonment. It took him about eight minutes to finish them off. When the last one hit the ground, Tidas looked around at the ring, expecting someone to pop up out of nowhere..

‘Where did that axe wielder go?’

Closing his eyes and focusing a moment, Tidas walked towards the area where she had nearly killed him. A soft rustle from his left side let him know where she was. Most people are right-handed, and not as aware on their less dominant side.. ‘Big mistake on her part.’

As the thought passed through Tidas’ head, he dropped his short sword from his left hand. The woman was already jumping at him with an unsheathed sword when he opened his eyes and looked right at her.

The lass’ eyes bulged as he held up his left hand, and caught her around the throat. She swung the sword at Tidas, but he smacked the side of her hand with his long sword, making her drop it..

Utter fear covered her features as he stared at her coldly. The woman knew that if they’d been on a real battlefield, she’d already be dead. Since she came at him with the intent to kill, the Southern Savage would be well within his rights to end her life.

She closed her eyes and waited for the final blow, but it never came. Instead, he released her now-bruised neck, and stated; “Spread the word: the next person who tries to kill me or mine, dies painfully..”

The woman’s eyes shot open in shock. She nodded in the positive before scurrying out of the ring, leaving Tidas standing alone. He picked up his short sword, turned towards the crowds and sauntered over to the front.

Covered in sweat and blood, Tidas spoke in a strong, unshakable tone; “Anyone else wanna go?!”

When no one responded, he added; “Then I guess I win this one!”

The crowds screamed and cheered for him as Tidas stuck his long sword into the air. Skye was instantly at his side, checking him over before Murdoc, Amara, and Petrie were even halfway around the ring.

Seeing her husband’s hesitation to look her in the eyes, Skye spoke in a sweet voice; “Ima so proud of ye, love.. Well done.”

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