Dawning Skye

Chapter 315

315 Mage Vs. Mystics


Skye smiled as she healed Tidas’ wounds. Most of the Highlanders were actually cheering for Tidas. Some still hated him for loved ones lost, but the majority understood how war went. They couldn’t blame him while not knowing for sure if he was truly the one that killed their kin.

As the Highlanders worked themselves into a near-frenzy, Murdoc came to stand before them. Amara and Petrie trailed behind him, both having different expressions. Petrie’s was pensive, but Amara looked like she’d just gotten some excellent news.

Before Skye could ask what was bothering Petrie, Murdoc spoke to the crowd; “What did ya think of the Commander of the RMC?! There’s a reason they put ’em on the front lines fer every fight! He may be a MacArthur, but his Winchester blood roils in his veins for a good fight!”

Surprise and cheers echoed throughout the small valley as the Highlanders learned of Tidas’ mother’s side. The Winchesters were the right hand of the original Warricks, and were a prominent family in their history. A few even still existed in the Highlands, making them distant cousins to Tidas, in a sense.

The ones that had been teetering between like and dislike were won over with that rarely recalled fact. Suddenly, it made sense to them why the last Warrick would choose him. He was no longer a MacArthur to them, but a Winchester, even though he insisted to be called by his given name, out of respect for his father.

Tidas didn’t mind it as much because he loved his mother, but both his soldiers and father would take it as an insult to ignore his royal name. He asked anyone listening to simply call him Prince Tidas, though most still preferred his northern nickname; they just saw it in a different light now.

Calling him ‘Southern Savage’ was a testament to his skills as a warrior now, but he still didn’t like it very much. If anything, he’d rather they just drop the titles all together if it was going to cause issues, but that wasn’t going to happen, either.

As Skye finished healing her husband, Murdoc announced that General Moonstone would be fighting next, then called all Mystic challengers forward. There was around two-hundred and eighty or so that stepped forward, many of them older.


The three generals that Skye sensed before we’re in the middle, towards the back of the group. Sensing their levels of magic; Skye regretted not taking on ten at a time instead of all of them at once, but only for a moment. The tougher the challengers were that stepped up, the stronger her anticipation grew.

Tidas fully understood the gleam in his wife’s eyes as they started to walk back to the far side of the ring.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As the competitors entered the ring, the crowds erupted with cheers for the Last Warrick, which again confused the majority of the troops. Thanks to Ronnie, Klaus, and Kari; rumors were quickly spreading that Warrick was simply an old and respected name in the Highlands, and that it came from Skye’s mother’s side generations back.

It was technically a lie, but not completely when wordplay was taken into account. Skye hated that she had to deal with half-truths.. They were the same as lying to her because it could cause just as much damage as an outright lie.

The fact that her entire Warrick family had been murdered, and that they still didn’t know why was the only reason that she went along with it. If it weren’t for Tidas and Peggy, Skye would happily draw out her family’s murderer so she could take revenge herself..

As the ring quickly filled Tidas cupped his wife’s cheek, kissed her, then wished her good luck. Skye grinned broadly at him before giving him another quick kiss, then smacked his arse to get him to go.

A few of the Highlanders whistled and whooped at her for doing it, but all she did was laugh at them with a smile. Skye loved her husband, and couldn’t give two shits about what people thought about her giving him a little love tap.

When Tidas jumped out of the ring, he was swarmed by overly enthusiastic RMC members the moment his feet crunched in the snow. They congratulated him on his victory while Arthur Tanner handed him a warm, wet towel to wipe the blood and sweat from his face.

After a couple minutes, Murdoc bellowed over the throngs of Alconians; “Ima about ta start the next round! In case ye wanna see how yer top mage fairs against our best!”

All of the RMC members went silent as they refocused their attention on the ring..


Skye watched the Highland mages organizing themselves as they muttered attack plans. Trying not to let Skye hear what they were saying. They knew that she possessed Shaman, Tank, Earth, and Water traits, but no one knew to what extent.

Skye was famous, but not many details were actually known about her; especially when it came to her magical capabilities. Most of her experiences had taken place in Alcon, but the Mystics remembered her recent display on the battlefield very vividly.

Most of the infantry members that Tidas had fought weren’t present on the battlefield the other day. Because of it, they could only go off of their past experiences with the prince.

The Mystics, on the other hand, had been on the front lines. They not only saw Skye’s multiple magics, but a few of them had experienced her power first-hand.

As they took their positions, every person in the ring tensed and they waited for the Highland King to announce the start..

“At the sound of the dragon: Begin!”

Zazzy slowly walked up to the same position that she’d taken last time, and stood directly behind Skye. As she lifted her short swords up, she crossed her arms. The Mystics got the same mental picture as the infantry had: their opponent looked like a dragon in human form.

They were so taken aback by the imagery before them that many had jumped when Zazzy roared the start of the fight..

Unlike Tidas; Skye didn’t move right away. She was too busy funneling massive amounts of magic into the ground. When she blinked, five Tanks surrounded her on all sides. A devilish smirk played at her lips as they were instantly inpaled by blunted rocks jutting out of the ground.

Next, ten were sent in, but the same thing happened. As the Mystic Generals tried and failed to find a weak spot in her defense, Skye took out forty of them in total before they switched up tactics.

Two Earth Mystics were sent in ahead of four Tanks to counter her magic. One could harden earth similarly to Kari, and the other could alter it’s composition to change the foundation in a specific area or object, to iron.

They’d made the section around Skye solid so she couldn’t use the immediate ground to her advantage anymore, or so they thought..

Skye chuckled loud enough for the generals to hear her as she instantly changed the ground back. However, she allowed the Mystics charging her to remain on their path..

Bending her knees, Skye darted forward, surprising the two Tanks that were now in front of her. They didn’t even have time to react as the Last Warrick used the hilts of her swords to hit them in their stomachs simultaneously. As they gasped for air, Skye paused a moment.

Flicking her swords backwards, Skye felt them come into contact with the two Earth Mystics she had just bypassed. They were jumping for her backside, hoping to tackle her, but got hit by her swords, then knocked into each other. After hearing their thud, she darted forward again, and attacked the next two Tanks.

One was a bit more prepared than the other, and managed to block Skye’s first hit. Since she’d taken out the other, she brought her other sword up, and clocked the Mystic in the side of his head. He went flying off to the side as more Mystics ran towards her, ready for all-out battle.

Smirking again, Skye stamped her foot down on the floor with force..

The ring began to shake and creak as massive amounts of magic continued to flow out of Skye, and into the ground. The thin boards cracked and snapped as they shifted under the challengers’ feet. They tried to move out of the way, but it was too late..

The boards bent and dropped the shocked Highlanders into the enormous hole that Skye had created. Several tried to climb or jump out, so she started to close up the hole. She wasn’t burying them or anything; just restoring and strengthening the boards.

Skye stared at the remaining ninety or so Highland mages with the same calm smirk that she had on her face before. It unnerved many of the less experienced ones, but the generals still hanging towards the back smiled back. They had wanted to fight their would-be Queen, and see what she was made of first-hand.

They didn’t get the chance to fight Skye on the battlefield because she’d shown up so suddenly. It wasn’t until after the battle that they’d learned who she was. Murdoc had told them that if she so desired, he would let Skye rule in his stead, as was her birthright.

They have disagreed vehemently; saying that she was southern born and raised, and hadn’t earned the throne like he had. They knew that she had saved Murdoc’s life, and was currently refusing the crown, but it didn’t earn their trust. They needed to know what kind of person they were dealing with, in case she ever changed her mind...

Tidas watched with balled-up fists and gritted teeth the entire time. He knew Skye could handle herself, but it was still utterly nerve-wracking. As he began to fidget in place, Murdoc came up from behind him, and stood off to his side as he spoke.

“Ima havin’ yer laddies whip ye up some grub. You’ll be needin’ yer stamina back fer when Skye finishes up.”

Tidas slowly turned towards Murdoc, and narrowed his eyes on him; “And Why would I need stamina?”

The Highland King smiled broadly at him; “Cause ye got one more fight ta get through if ye want All of me people offa yer backs.”

Tidas took a step towards Murdoc, and gestured towards the ring with his arm; “I thought that This was supposed to do that?!”

“Mostly.. But there still be a few determined bangers about that would rather see ye both dead than in a position ta usurp me. They’re the ones I wanna show that Skye isna a threat ta me, nevermindin’ Amara’s nonsense.”

Tidas sighed; “Why would they think she wants your throne?!”

Murdoc shrugged; “Amara’s nonsense..”

“Tis not nonsense, and twas before she told me what she wanted. Dinna fault me for assumin’ that she’d want ta claim her birthright. Most would!” Amara replied as she and Petrie came over to them.

As Tidas watched Skye ready herself for a wave of Manics with a cocky grin, he stated; “Aye, but Skye’s not like most..”

Amara grinned at the obvious affection in his eyes; “Ima beginnin’ ta get that.”

As the three Highlanders turned their attention back towards Skye, Amara could barely contain her excitement. Petrie chided her for agreeing to Murdoc’s crazy idea, but it didn’t deter Amara in the slightest..

‘Tis been so long since I had a good fight! I hope Skye has a good grasp on her Water magic. She’ll need it against me...’

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