Dawning Skye

Chapter 316

316 Quicksand And Shackles


Skye ducked and dodged as a row of Manics launched a variety of things at her. First, it was just sheathed daggers and clubs. One Manic simply cut his hand open, and flung blood on a clear patch of ground.

Rocks and pebbles floated up, then flew through the air at high speeds towards Skye. As she moved around the ring, Tanks attempted to either stop her by fighting her, or just delay her long enough for the Manics to land a hit. Neither tactics worked.

Whenever she had to stop to fight, Skye would use her Earth magic to create a half-barrier, similar to the first time she’d fought Shasta. If the Manics couldn’t see where their comrades were, then they wouldn’t just rain hell down on her.

It was a useful strategy, but consumed quite a bit of the magic she was dumping into the ground. Skye had shifted the earth under the ring to allow the competitors she’d trapped there to crawl out to the sidelines. If they had been smart and stayed, it would drained even more of her magic, but they didn’t.

However, no one wanted to sit in a dark hole surrounded by loose earth that felt like it would crumble and bury you alive if you messed with it. When the tunnel opened up, the Highlanders were more than happy to get out, and Skye was excited that they went for it..

The spectators cheered, divided about who they wanted to win. Most wanted to see their Mystics win, but they still called out whenever they saw the Last Warrick do something amazing; which was damn-near the whole time.

When the last fallen competitor cleared the side hole, she closed it up, and started on the next part of her plan while still avoiding the remaining Highlanders. There had been ninety to start, and were now down to around seventy-five or so. It was hard to keep track of them all as she zipped around, looking for ones to pick off.

As her plan neared completion, Skye’s magic was starting to strain. She had only recently gotten used to Unison Magic, and she’d been using her Tank trait the entire time on top of it. With her forth now being needed on occasion, Skye knew her window of opportunity was limited..


Splitting her concentration had just put the Would-Be Queen in a bad placement in the ring. The generals had noticed that she was still putting a lot of magic into the ground, and had prepared for it. As Skye zipped around, she thought that the Mystics were moving to attack her, but that was to throw her off.

As Skye quickly looked around, she realized that she was in the middle of the ring, and completely surrounded on all sides. Stopping almost dead-center, Skye shifted her swords forward, ready to be attacked.

The man named Wallace stepped forward with a sad grin and said; “I expected more from ye, but I suppose the pitfall in the floor was a nifty trick. So sorry we won’t be havin’ that talk-”

Skye grinned broadly, then chuckled as she discreetly checked everyone’s positions a final time; “And who said that?! Me arse ain’t out the ring yet, but yer about ta wish You already were..”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“ATTACK! Don’t give her a chance ta do anythin’!” another general yelled when all Wallace did was smirk.

As the Mystics either used their magic on her, or rushed her if they were a Tank; Skye grinned devilishly, then put up a barrier. Instead of displacing the iron deposits from earlier, Skye had collected more off to the side, and was now using it for her barrier.

Weapons ricocheted off of it as Tanks landed face-first against it. As everyone took a few steps towards the sphere, the ground gave way under their feet, but not into a pitfall..

The boards of the ring disappeared, and they all fell into waste-deep, icy, liquidy mud. As they struggled to free themselves, the mud quickly thicken into a paste-like substance. As panic began to spread, the iron sphere fell apart like sand, then sank into the mud.

Skye used her magic to force it to the bottom, surround her opponents’ feet, then harden. She then separated the water from the dirt and rocks, and had it pool around her. Ready to use at a moment’s notice..

As she stood above everyone, Skye called out in a stern tone; “None of ye can move now. Not only are ye stuck in about four feet of dirt, there’s also a solid plate of iron around all of yer ankles that covers the size of the ring. Even if a Manic uses weapons against me, I’ll knock yer arse out before ye can miss again..”

There were seventy-eight Mystics left in the ring two minutes ago, and now no one could raise a finger to the Last Warrick. She had trapped them completely, and if they’d been in a real battle; Skye could slaughter them easily.

As Wallace looked up at Skye, a thrill ran down his back. She had taken out most of the top Mystics that the Highlands had to offer in less than an hour and a half.. The knowledge both excited, and worried him.

While he’d known Sorcha for a short time, Wallace had no idea what kind of a person her daughter had turned out to be without her. The rumors said that she was a kind, generous, and strong lass, but he couldn’t be sure himself until he spoke with her.

‘She sure does look like her Ma, though..’

As the thought crossed his mind, Wallace chuckled and said; “Ye win, lassie! Ye win! Now let us out! Tis blood freezin’ in here!”

Skye looked at the other Highlanders to see if anyone disagreed with him, but no one raised a hand or weapon. With a wave of her hand, she sent the water around her back into the ground directly around them, and loosened the iron around their feet.

As they pulled themselves out, Skye rehardened the ground they’d just came from, then released her magic. Wallace walked up to her, smiled, then raised her arm in victory..

The crowds exploded with cheers and applause as the Mystics cleared the way for the Last Warrick. They had prepared themselves for another pitfall; ready to jump as soon as their feet hit the ground. All the preparation did was sink them deeper.

Feeling a familiar, gentle hand on her lower back, Skye turned and wrapped her arms around her husband. Tidas smiled and laughed, but looked more worse for wear than he had when he’d left the ring. Realizing why, Skye asked; “Were ye that worried for me?”

Tidas clicked his tongue; “Yes and no. I know you can handle yourself, but.. I canna help it.”

Skye leaned up on her toes, and kissed her husband before saying; “I understand ye perfectly. I worry, too, even though I know yer one of the strongest people alive.”

“Ach! Canna ye not wait til yer behind closed doors fer yer mush?” Petrie stated in a joking manner as he walked up to them with Murdoc and Amara.

“I could, but I don’t wanna,” Skye replied with a cheeky grin.

“That was Amazin’! How did ye think ta shackle ’em down in place wit the iron? Is it really one solid chuck, or was that a bluff?-”

“AMARA! Calm down! Ye can ask her all that stuff after she eats again. We need ta get things goin’ if we want our shot,” Murdoc yelled over the crowds.

Skye broke her hold on her husband to glare at at the Highlanders; “Why would I need ta eat again? Ima done fightin’..”

Amara’s grin widened as she spoke in a sing-song-type voice; “Oh, no yer na-aught..”

Tidas recognized that Skye was about to start yelling, so he said; “I don’t like it either, but they have a valid reason to do it.”

Skye looked at her traitorous husband flatly; “And what would that be?”

Petrie stepped forward; “To deter anyone that would try and cause ye two, or the other RMC members any issues-”

Skye huffed, then gestured to the ring as she spoke; “I thought that’s what That was for?!”

“I said the same thing,” Tidas stated with a slightly goofy grin to his wife, then went back to being serious when her expression remained unamused.

After a bit of back and forth, Skye finally said; “Alright, I’ll agree to another fight on two conditions..”

Murdoc quirked an eyebrow at her; “What is it ye be wantin’?”

Skye smiled innocently; “Ye have to help me in any way ye can wit doin’ somethin’ for our troops on Yuletide. The second is that ye have ta help me make a gift for Zazzy. It’s her birthday-hatch day? Ye know what? We’re stickin’ ta birthday..”

Murdoc, Amara, and Petrie all chuckled as Murdoc replied; “Aye! I can agree ta that! But I want somethin’ in return-”

“Ack! Ye can’t ask her fer anything! Yer fightin’ Tidas! Ye gotta make a deal wit him! I get ta make a deal with Skye!” Amara yelled as she intervened.

Skye stared at her with a confused expression; “Why would ye make a deal-”

“Because I get ta fight ya! Ima so excited! I havena fought in years! I Cannot wait!” Amara had cut Skye off due to her level of enthusiasm.

Bewilderment covered Skye’s features until she recalled Petrie telling her something about how Amara was one of their most powerful Mystics. Saying as much, Petrie grinned and explained in further detail..

“Tis was how she’s earned sway wit our Council in the first place, and why she’s been promoted to High Councilor: Amara used ta be the Commander of our Mystic Division.”

Skye looked at Amara with a shocked expression, but it quickly faded. Amara quirked an eyebrow at he and spoke in a defensive tone; “What? Don’t believe’em?”

Shaking her head in the negative, Skye replied; “Nope, I absolutely believe it.. What’s yer trait then? Are ye a Tank?”

Before Amara could answer, Murdoc addressed the Highlanders, whom were chomping at the bit for an answer as to what they should do. It was past lunch time, and the children in the crowds were growing ever restless. He announced a ‘bonus round’ was to take place after everyone took a break to warm up, and eat lunch.

When he announced that both he and Councilor Amara were going to be fighting, the Highlanders freaked out even more than when Skye had won. Anyone in their late twenties hadn’t seen the former Commander fight before, but Wallace remembered.

He laughed boisterously as he made his way back the way he’d come the first time. He didn’t wait for Murdoc to finish talking before heading back. No doubt the restaurants would be filled with people demanding quick service soon, and he didn’t want yo risk missing the fight..

As Murdoc continued to talk, Skye asked Amara what her trait was again. Seeing the annoyed look flashed at her from her king, the two women moved away as not to be heard.

Once they were a few feet away, Amara grinned mischievously at Skye, then said; “Ima not tellin’..”

“Oh come on! Ye know all of me traits, and seen a bunch of me tricks! Ye can at least tell me what kinda magic ye use!” Skye hollared indignantly.

“Will ye stop teasin’ the poor lass, and just tell her?!” Petrie chided as he came over to join their conversation.

Amara gave him a hard stare; “Yer no fun, Petrie Haugan..”

Turning back to Skye, Amara flashed a cheeky smile again; “Ima quite rare on the Star Continent, but the Fire Nation is famous fer havin’ me kinda magic users.. What type of Mystic am I?”

Skye’s eyes went wide as she realized; “Yer a bloody Fire Mage?!”

Amara waved at them to follow her as she stated; “Ima Flame Mystic, dear.. Sounds more elegant, don’t ya think?”

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