Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 29: Fu Yuxin lured (1)

29th December, 10:55 am.

In the heart of the enchanting Shanghai Disney Park, where the air was electrified with the joyous laughter of children and the palpable excitement of visitors, Fu Yuxin stood as a beacon of elegance and curiosity.

She graced the vibrant surroundings with her presence, adorned in a resplendent one-piece white outfit that flowed gracefully to her ankles.

Her attire was accentuated by delicate lace patterns that embellished the dress, creating an aura of timeless sophistication.

A petite handbag hung effortlessly from her shoulder, adding a touch of practicality to her ensemble.

Fu Yuxin's makeup was an artful blend of subtlety and enhancement. A light touch of foundation illuminated her complexion, while her lips bore a shade that hinted at understated allure.

Her eyes, framed by meticulously groomed lashes, sparkled with anticipation, mirroring the park's infectious energy.

As she stood in the midst of the bustling crowd, she couldn't help but marvel at the kaleidoscope of colors and the whimsical architecture of the park.

Gaily painted facades adorned with intricate details gave rise to a fairytale ambiance.

The park's walkways wound through meticulously manicured gardens, and the sound of whimsical melodies drifted from unseen speakers, adding to the magical atmosphere.

Yet amidst this enchanting tableau, Fu Yuxin's heart was gripped by a flicker of doubt.

Meeting a stranger in such an enchanting yet unpredictable setting felt like taking a leap of faith.

She couldn't help but question herself, 'Did I fall for a trick?'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Time continued its relentless march forward, and despite the park's enchantment, there was still no sign of Chuan Hao.

The apprehension weighed heavily upon her, the minutes ticking away like grains of sand in an hourglass.

When the clock finally struck 11:10 am, Fu Yuxin's patience wore thin. Meanwhile, Wang Xiao arrived at the scene, immediately noticing her standing in the relatively desolate area.

He couldn't help but be slightly surprised by her choice of dress—wouldn't she feel the chill in such attire?

'Should I give him a call?' Fu Yuxin pondered, biting her lower lip in contemplation, her hand hovering over her phone. Eventually, she decided on a message, quickly typing her thoughts.

Just as she was about to send the message, a tap on her shoulder from behind sent a jolt of surprise through her.

"Fu Yuxin?"


The sudden tap on her shoulder followed by the inquiry left Fu Yuxin momentarily stunned.

She turned to face the person who had approached her, and to her utter surprise, it was not Chuan Hao.

It was someone else entirely.

"No... you're not Chuan Hao," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of confusion and disappointment.

The newcomer was none other than Wang Xiao, who had come to the meeting spot expecting to meet Fu Yuxin under the guise of Chuan Hao.

He looked at her, noticing the perplexed expression on her face and laughed inwadly.

"I'm not," Wang Xiao confirmed, carefully watching her reaction. "But you are Fu Yuxin, Fu Chao's sister, right?"

Fu Yuxin nodded, feeling a bit flustered by the unexpected revelation. "Yes, that's me. I was expecting to meet Chuan Hao. H-he is—"

Her words trailed off, panic seizing her as she considered the implications of her situation.

Wang Xiao was a friend of her brother, and if Fu Chao found out she was here to meet a stranger, he would undoubtedly be furious.

Seeing the distress in her expression, Wang Xiao let out a chuckle. "Ah, I see. You were waiting for your boyfriend. So, were you on a date or something?"

"N-No, it's just a friend!" Fu Yuxin stammered, staring at Wang Xiao's knowing smile, she felt the heat rising to her cheeks.

The misunderstanding only added to the complexity of the situation, and she desperately hoped she could clear it up without causing any trouble.

Wang Xiao abandoned the mischievous façade and gently patted Fu Yuxin's shoulder, offering her an earnest, reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I won't breathe a word of this to your brother."

"You won't?" Fu Yuxin gazed at him, a blend of astonishment and gratitude reflected in her eyes.

Wang Xiao maintained his warm smile. "...So, you were indeed on a date, and your family is in the dark about it?"

"I-I..." Fu Yuxin stumbled over her words, feeling caught in a whirlwind of admission.

Hadn't she just confessed to lying earlier?

Her face paled as fear gripped her.

Observing her unease, Wang Xiao couldn't help but chuckle softly, savoring how easily he can toy with her. "Look at your face. Why so frightened? Didn't I assure you I won't reveal anything to your brother?"

"You really won't?" Fu Yuxin squinted at him, a mix of suspicion and surprise in her eyes.

"I have nothing to gain from it," Wang Xiao casually mentioned, brushing off her concern with a light-hearted laugh. "By the way, why are you so worried about it? Shouldn't it be your personal life and decision?"

"...." Fu Yuxin let out a sigh, her anxiety lessening as she realized Wang Xiao's genuine intent.

However, she chose not to delve into the intricacies of her situation.

Some things were best left unspoken.

"You don't know anything about it," she murmured, grateful for his understanding.

For her personal life and decision, she chose not to delve into the complexities of her situation with Wang Xiao.

The realities of financial dependence and societal expectations were burdens she carried silently.

While she aspired for personal freedom, she was pragmatic about her circumstances.

She still had to attend university, and until she secured a well-paying job, she relied on her family for support.

Disobeying them could lead to dire consequences, even the risk of being left to fend for herself.

Living alone was an option, but it meant juggling part-time work to survive, and she was all too aware that these jobs often paid just enough to scrape by.

Fu Yuxin knew better than to jeopardize her stability by indulging in reckless actions.

Wang Xiao noticed the anxiety etched across Fu Yuxin's face and fought to suppress his smile, adopting a serious demeanor as he stood close to her.

Fu Yuxin stole a glance at him before averting her eyes and opening her WeChat.

Though she stood two inches taller than him in her current ensemble, the crowd in the park began to notice them.

However, their attention quickly shifted away after a brief glance.

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