Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 30: Fu Yuxin lured (2)

"He still hasn't come?" Wang Xiao suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

"No...." Fu Yuxin whispered, a tinge of difficulty in her voice. She was now convinced that she had indeed been deceived.

Her excitement began to sour, and disappointment settled in.

"What time did you agree to meet?" Wang Xiao's eyes scanned the surroundings.

"It was set for 11:00 am," Fu Yuxin replied, her tone resigned. With the situation as it was, she welcomed the conversation with Wang Xiao, which helped ease her anxiety.

Though she stood two inches taller than him in her current ensemble, the crowd in the park began to notice them. Their difference in height didn't go unseen, but after a cursory glance, they lost interest and moved on.

"Have you tried calling him?" Wang Xiao inquired.

"I-I did," Fu Yuxin admitted, her voice tinged with frustration.

She had attempted to reach Chuan Hao only moments ago, but her calls had gone unanswered.

Wang Xiao responded with a reassuring smile before lapsing into silence.

When the clock ticked over to 11:30, he let out a sigh. "He's not coming."

Fu Yuxin turned to him, her surprise evident. "Huh?"

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Wang Xiao clarified, "He might have been caught up with something else, but I doubt he'll make it today. So, what's your plan now?"

"I don't know," Fu Yuxin sighed, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "Maybe I should just head home," she pondered aloud.

Her thoughts were a whirlwind as she began to suspect her friends might have pulled a prank on her.

With a determined expression, she swiftly pulled out her phone and blocked 'Chuan Hao' from further contact.

Then, she turned her attention to Wang Xiao.

Though her face masked her emotions, Wang Xiao, catching a glimpse of her blocking Chuan Hao on her phone, had no doubt that Fu Yuxin was feeling quite frustrated in that moment.

Interrupting the tense silence, Fu Yuxin finally broke the ice. "What were you doing here?" Her voice carried an edge of curiosity.

Up until that point, she hadn't paid much attention to Wang Xiao, but now she noticed that he was dressed up as well.

Could he be here for some event?

Uncertainty lingered in her mind about whether the man before her was truly Wang Xiao.

They seldom crossed paths, but the vivid crimson hue of his eyes was a dead giveaway, a unique feature that made him unmistakable even in the dim lighting of the surroundings.

Wang Xiao held up two tickets, a gesture of shared circumstance. "Same as you, came for a date, but she hasn't arrived yet."

Fu Yuxin was momentarily at a loss for words. She chuckled softly, her hand covering her face, a mix of disbelief and amusement. "Did we both get stood up?"

Wang Xiao shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe."

An awkward silence settled between them as they grappled with the unexpected twist of fate. Finally, Wang Xiao broke the ice. "Did you also buy tickets?"

"Yeah..." Fu Yuxin nodded, revealing the pair of tickets she had purchased.

In a surprising move, Wang Xiao snatched one ticket from her hand and produced another from his pocket.

"Hm?" Fu Yuxin looked puzzled, awaiting an explanation. Wang Xiao spoke with a half-smile, "Come with me."

Confused by his sudden actions, Fu Yuxin found herself being led by Wang Xiao towards the ticket counter, their pace hurried but light-hearted.

Wang Xiao generously handed the extra tickets to a couple patiently waiting in line.

"Now that's settled," he remarked, a satisfied grin on his face.

Fu Yuxin held up the remaining ticket, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. "What about this one?"

Realization dawned on her - Wang Xiao must have an extra ticket as well. What should they do with these extra passes?

Wang Xiao offered a reassuring smile. "We can use these to explore for ourselves. You wouldn't want to go back home without fully experiencing this place, would you?" His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, hoping to ease any concerns Fu Yuxin might have had about this unexpected proposal.

"I...", Fu Yuxin hesitated for a moment, her thoughts still lingering on her original plans.

Wang Xiao added, flashing a friendly smile to alleviate the awkwardness of the situation. "Shall we explore the park and make the most of our time? In case your partner arrives, you can go and accompany him."

Fu Yuxin pondered her options, the initial discomfort slowly giving way to a sense of adventure.

After all, she had embarked on this day with the intention of enjoying Disney to the fullest, and having a companion could potentially make it an even more memorable experience.

With a hesitant yet genuine smile, she finally agreed, "Sure, let's make the most of it."

A mix of emotions danced across Fu Yuxin's face—surprise, confusion, and a hint of relief—as both of them stepped into the amusement park.

As they stepped into the bustling park, the vibrant atmosphere enveloped them, a symphony of laughter and joy.

'It's so beautiful,' Fu Yuxin felt a surge of excitement and wonder, momentarily forgetting the earlier awkwardness.

Wang Xiao, noticing her change in demeanor, pointed toward a lively parade in the distance. "Shall we catch the parade first?"

Her eyes lit up at the suggestion, and she nodded eagerly. "Absolutely! It's one of the highlights."

They weaved through the lively crowd, finding a perfect spot to witness the parade.

The colorful floats, lively music, and enchanting characters brought an infectious enthusiasm to the air. Fu Yuxin found herself laughing and clapping along, caught in the magic of the moment.

As the parade concluded, they continued their adventure, exploring various attractions and enjoying thrilling rides.

Wang Xiao's sense of humor and Fu Yuxin's laughter blended seamlessly, making the experience all the more enjoyable.

With each passing moment, the initial awkwardness faded into the background, replaced by a growing sense of camaraderie.

They shared stories, swapped childhood memories of visiting theme parks, and discovered mutual interests.

As the day unfolded, Fu Yuxin realized that sometimes unexpected twists could lead to beautiful experiences.

And in that moment, amidst the enchantment of Disney and the newfound friendship, she embraced the spontaneity of the day, cherishing the memories being created.

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