Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 203 Deathclaw Hunting (2)

The Living Quarters Sector of the second layer of the shelter was consisting of several tens of standardized rooms. All of them were pretty small, just enough for one or two people to live in them, as they were designed with utility in mind as the first objective.

Then there was some sort of standard room, which was connected through several corridors with the rooms of the scientist and the personnel that was working for the Doom-Tex Corporation. With the limited space that the shelter of the Research Site Alpha provided, then every square meter has been used with the highest utility possible.

"There are thirty rooms in the Living Quarters Sector, spread across six corridors, plus there are also bathrooms, consisting of two ones one for males and one for females. Also, there is the common room, which is in the middle of the Living Quarters Sector, where are right now approximately fifteen to twenty Deathclaws as they are constantly moving around the entire Living Quarters Sector."

Samiel stated while their group of three was advancing through the corridors, occasionally encountering some skeletons of the employees of the Doom-Tex Corporation. They advanced carefully as they would be arrived at the common logue for the employees where several of the Deathclaws were currently taking their time and probably heading towards them.

Deathclaws while having a limited lifespan as they were gene-engineered, they could go to hibernation; thus they were able to survive for very long periods of time because, during the hibernation, they were preserving their Life Force; thus they could survive for a very long time if they actively used the hibernation.

Now that the Vault-76 was opened by Samiel when he was escaping from the Arrakian sandworm that was pursuing them. Naturally, when he opened the Vault, this act also woke up all of the active Deathclaws which weren't in the glass tanks and were in hibernation. Now, the Deathclaws were roaming through the second layer of the shelter and searching for something to kill and eat.

"Ashimer on the front, Yvraine hide behind him... we will use the element of surprise."

Samiel said as both of them did what he said as they advanced onto the common room of the Living Quarters Sector. When they entered the common room of the Living Quarters Sector, he noticed that it was relatively big, though entirely destroyed, with the furniture either already decomposed with only some metal parts remaining and all around where the signs of battle and skeletons of the people.

'So the Deathclaws went first here and they even fought against them... though the results were pretty much clear.'

They soon noticed seven Deathclaws advancing at them from the right and another nine from the left. They were of the same appearance like the previous one, as Samiel was tempted to call them big white demon lizards, though that wouldn't be that wrong as one of the base materials in the creation of the Deathclaws was actually DNA of some of the inferior dragons and DNA of some lowest ranking demon species.

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Naturally, the combination of these two types of DNA resulted in the creation of Deathclaws, which was why their appearance was so similar to that of drakes and demons as if some amalgamation between the two of them was created.

Samiel immediately cast 5th Level Spell Come of Cold like the previous time and started spamming the 3rd Level Void Strikes as the incoming Deathclaws that were coming at them from the right side. At the same time while Ashimer held his ground while using his Frost Aura Ability to freeze them while Yvraine jumped from behind Ashimer's back directly in the mids of the Deathclaws and started crippling them one after another.

Samiel even used his Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler to condense a large amount of frost and cold from the environment, which was created from the previous conjuration of the 5th Level Spell of the Winter Magic Come of Cold, as several huge balls of highly condensed frost and cold were created in a split of second and threw them at the incoming 7 Deathclaws.

As he threw there the condensed balls of Frost and Cold, upon its explosion, it enveloped all of the 7 Deathclaws as they shrieked in pain and anguish, in piercing cry that probably warned all of the remaining Deathclaws that something was fighting them and that they remaining compatriots were dying from fighting whatever enemy they were fighting.

Naturally, the attack that Samiel has done was frightening against the Deathclaws because the nearest three of them that were in the center of the explosion of frost and cold were basically killed on the spot as the frost was too intense for them to bear. The remaining 4 Deathclaws that managed to survive were half frozen and Samiel finished them with only a few Void Strikes aimed at the half-frozen Deathclaws blasted them apart.

In another part of the common room, the fight was still going on, as Yvraine was crippling one Deathclaw after another, severing legs and hands here and there, as Ashimer joined in the fight, as the two of them worked in perfect synchronization as they were fighting against 9 Deathclaws.

When Samiel saw that, he immediately went into action, using the coldness of the place with the Winter Ruler, as he started conjuring several of the ice weapons and shooting them at the two Deathclaws, skewering them from their back.

Yvraine then severed the head of another of the Deathclaws as their numbers started dropping and soon enough, only three from the initial nine remained. When Ashimer slit the throat of one of the remaining three Deathclaws and it dropped on the ground, he pierced its head, killing it instantly, as the remaining two Deathclaws roared loudly, summoning here other Deathclaws from the entire Living Quarters Sector.

'Though this could be good... they would be coming to us, so we can kill them en masse, and didn't need to hunt them on by one across the rest of the Living Quarters Sector. We killed 6 in the corridor, and here 15, that makes it 21 killed from the initial 46 Deathclaws... so now we have here 25 Deathclaws.'

Samiel thought as he calculated the best course of action that they should take as the next step, while Yvraine was distressed when she heard those Deathclaws roaring because she knew that other Deathclaws from the entire Living Quarters Sector were heading right now here, though at the same time, it was also a perfect opportunity to take them out simultaneously.

"Start preparing traps around the exits... we have exactly one minute and forty seconds when the first Deathclaws come."

Samiel stated as Yvraine immediately went to the nearest corridors after decapitating the Deathclaw, whom she kicked down and started lying down a trap for the Deathclaws, mainly with the combination of Ice Magic.

He did the same thing; as he was lying down, the Spell Holding Wards capable of holding Intermediate Magic, he was sending them on all entrances to the corridors that were spread across the Living Quarters Sector and at the same time, he was injecting there 4th Level Spells and 5th Level Spells of the Winter Magic to give the Deathclaws as nice welcome as possible.

It didn't take long for them to finish as soon afterward, the remaining Deathclaws started flooding in as several violent ice elemental explosions took place while freezing the Deathclaws that came through the corridors in a split of a second.

This alone killed 12 Deathclaws that were nearest and immediately came to the common room, as they answered the call for help from their compariots. Deathclaws acted mainly as pack animals if there were more of them in one place and soon enough, more of the Deathclaws were arriving as they were greeted with the whole bunch of Ice Spells that were cast by Yvraine and Samiel working in unison with each other.

The poor Deathclaws were basically defenseless against the barrage of elemental spells that both of them were spamming at them as they were attacked the second they exited the corridors. This tactic was most effective in this situation because the Deathclaws were essentially defenseless and there were not many of them, so Samiel and Yvraine could safely use their magic against them without fear of missing some of the Deathclaws.

Even if, by any chance, some of the incoming Deathclaws managed to slip by their barrage of Spells, they would be intercepted by Samiel's Frost Death Knight Ashimer, who was standing guard beside his master.

Within several minutes, the Deathclaws were killed as under the countless ice elemental spells was something that was extremely deadly to them, as it was their greatest genetic weakness. When it was finished, Samiel looked around; right now, it was time to search through the Living Quarters Sector to see if there was something valuable in this place; thus Samiel and Yvraine split up.

All Deathclaws here were killed, thus making it safe to move within the sector. Unfortunately for Samiel, there weren't many valuables in the Living Quarters Sector because their former inhabitants weren't, in the first place, rich people but rather just employees of the Doom-Tex Corporation. Though he found some data disks, with something that appeared to be the currency of the Korias Empire, but that was virtually useless because nobody would want the currency of the long-destroyed nation.

After half an hour searching through all the rooms inside the Living Quarters Sector, Samiel managed to find virtually nothing of any value, though some of the rooms had hidden side them data disks with some bits of research... apparently, some of the researchers were stealing from the Doom-Tex Corporation their research.

"Have you found anything?"

Samiel asked as Yvraine shooked her head in denial; clearly, the results of her search were the same as Samiel's. Even she didn't manage to find anything useful in the rooms that she was searching, though like Samiel, she found some data disks with the currency of the Korias Empire, but those ones were worth less than dirt.


After saying that, he nodded, as they then left the Living Quarters Sector and headed towards the Laboratory Sector. Contrary to the Living Quarters Sector, the Laboratory Sector was much better secured because this was the place where the scientist of the Doom-Tex Corporation were carrying out their research on the genetically modified Deathclaws.

When that came in front of the huge C-Grade Alloy Doors leading to the Laboratory Sector, Samiel swiped with his ID Card and the humongous metal doors started slowly opening, showing them a nice and clean white corridor with another C-Grade Alloy Doors several meters before them.

There were five of such doors across the entire corridor to ensure the security of the Laboratories, as they were the most prized asset of the Doom-Tex Corporation here, technically, aside from the Deathclaws that were being researched here.

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