Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 204 Deathclaw Hunting (3)

Samiel swiped the ID Card belonging to the Division Chief of the Special Research Division of the Doom-Tex Corporation as they continued through the long white corridor, door after door, before they arrived at the end of the corridor, as Samiel looked at the doors with anxiousness and at the same time the equal amount of excitement.

"There should be 21 Deathclaws in the Labs... I think that the strategy employed before is not applicable on this situation as well because nobody knows what the Doom-Tex Corporation was researching here aside from the Deathclaws, so there would be a possibility of exploding some random things or releasing some viruses..."

Samiel warned them as they would be changing their strategy this time to more close combat than before and refrain from the usage of AOE Spells as well. Yvraine didn't really have a problem with this and Ashimer just wordlessly nodded his head in acceptance.

Contrary to the last time, they would be going from one laboratory to another one, cleaning them one by one. The Deathclaws here were spread by a huge margin, they weren't concentrated in one place and there were "distributed across four laboratories that were in this Sector of the shelter.

When the huge C-Grade Alloy Doors opened, all three of them saw one long corridor with four sings leading to the four laboratories where the Deathclaws were researched. Samiel listened closely, seeing that there were none of then outside of the laboratories, which was a good sign.

"So, with what number are were starting?"

Yvraine asked jokingly, as Samiel went for laboratory number one as they would be taking this chronologically, to which Yvraine giggled a bit as she followed after him together with Higher Undead Frost Death Knight Ashimer.

When they arrived in front of laboratory number 1, he swiped through the console with the ID Card as the doors started opening. When they opened, they entered the decontamination chamber, which was still functioning to the surprise of all present because it was older more than two Epochs and still functioning.

After passing through the decontamination chamber, they entered the laboratory and it looked exactly like Samiel had predicted that it would look. Not only were there several glass tanks with the sleeping Deathclaws, but there were also several glass tanks that were destroyed, signifying that their inhabitants had escaped already.

When he looked around, he didn't see a single Deathclaw; this made Samiel realize something. Considering the fact that the entire laboratory was relatively large and had also two more room adjected to it, they were hunting and waiting for their prey to appear.

Though he sensed them, as he could sense 4 Silver-Tier Deathclaws because nothing could hide from his superior Eldritch senses.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"There are four of them and they are currently hiding... probably preying on us."

Samiel whispered to Yvraine as she nodded while also scanning the laboratory with her eyes, though, unfortunately, she didn't see anything. It was evident that either the Deathclaws were hiding too well or they were hiding in some of the rooms, adjected to laboratory number 1.

"I didn't see anything... though..."

She stated while casting a few detection spells of Divine Origin, she learned as the Holy Apostle of the Chief Goddess of the Seldarine Pantheon, Moon Goddess Eluria. Immediately, a subtle energy of the moon penetrated the entire area while Yvraine was able to pinpoint the four hiding Deathclaws.

"Two in the rooms in the back, one is hiding on the ceiling's ventilation systems and one is hiding behind the contamination area."

Yvraine whispered to Samiel who nodded as he looked at the ceiling of the laboratory, precisely, the part which looked like it was opened before, big enough for even an adult Deathclaw to enter in.

Then he started using his Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler to its maximum, as he was condensing as much power of the Winter Ruler as he could for the moment before instantly everything around the entrance to the ventilation froze within a split of a second.

"That is one. Now for the second one."

Seeing Samiel nod, Ashimer and Yvraine advanced to the contamination area, which was an enormous black glass tank. Now that the Deathclaw in the ventilations was killed, they could safely go through the are of the laboratory without being ambushed from the ceiling by a genetically engineered monster.

Ashimer and Yvraine went from different sides, one from the right and the other from the left, as they surrounded the Deathclaw who was hiding within the opened contamination chamber; as they both attacked the creature at the same time, Yvraine severing its head, while Ashimer piercing his heart and freezing its insides.

"That are two down..."

Samiel muttered as he looked at the corpse of another Deathclaw before they split once again and went for the rooms where the other Deathclaws were hiding. Samiel went for the door to the right as he entered something which appeared to be a storage room for things?

He wasn't sure himself, as he saw a lot of boxes and other things, probably some supplies for the research and other things, as he suddenly dodged to the side, evading the Deathclaw that attacked him with his extra sharp claws while simultaneously as he was dodging the attack, he conjured a 3rd Level Spell Void Strike on his right palm and then he blasted apart entire left arm of the attacking Deathclaw.

The creature shrieked in pain, but Samiel didn't waste a second, casting a 5th Level Spell of the Winter Magic Frostbites instantly, as countless frostbites covered the bleeding parts of the Deathclaw, freezing his wound and his flesh, as the monster started madly attacking everything around it.

He evaded every strike of the Deathclaw as he soon saw an opportunity and after casting three Void Strikes he sent them all at the frozen parts of the Deathclaw's body, essentially blasting apart a large part of the creature, killing it easily.

As he exited the room, he noticed that Yvraine and Ashimer were already done with their too, apparently, when they worked together, a single Deathclaw was killed faster than he could outstretch his claws.

They didn't search through the laboratories as that would be done after everything was cleared, similar to their advance on the Living Quarters Sector. Fortunately, the next two laboratories were cleared without many problems as the Deathclaws while were hiding and attempting to hunt them down; with Yvraine's superior detection of Divine Magic, they were found and killed off.

Though only when they came in front of laboratory number 4, Samiel got a very uneasy feeling out of nowhere when he looked at the doors as if something bad would happen. He got feelings like this from time to time, most usually when he was about to encounter a dangerous foe.

"Be on guard... I again got 'that' feeling."

He stated as Yvraine's gaze sharpened too because she knew that Samiel got some Divine Danger Sense from the God he worshipped, which was warning him about very dangerous situations, with a high percentage of dying.

When he swiped the ID Card through the console and the C-Grade Alloy Doors started opening, Samiel was instantly able to see why his danger sense gifted to him by his God was screaming at him like crazy.

'Mother Deathclaw.'

The Deathclaw before him was at least two times bigger than the average Deathclaw, its skin looked tougher and its spikes were bigger; practically everything about the creature looked either bigger or more powerful than your average Deathclaw that they were right now killing en masse.

Not only that, but he could see that the monster was the peak of the Silver-Tier, though it was understandable as this was the Mother Deathclaw, the pinnacle of their Deathclaw species. Only the Mother Deathclaws were females of their entire species and thus were capable of lying eggs.

Not only the Mother Deathclaw was stronger and bigger, but she was also superior to the ordinary Deathclaw in every aspect. Be it physical strength, regeneration, combat senses, intelligence or practically anything that someone can think of. Not only that but Mother Deathclaws were also armed with sets of innate abilities that were typically not available for the normal Deathclaws.

Even Yvraine realized what their foe was and her expression turned very ugly instantly when she saw the Mother Deathclaw eyeing them dangerously. Any further movement and the fight between them would erupt and overall, Samiel was getting rather a bad feeling about fighting against the Mother Deathclaw, but there was nothing they could do in at this point already.

Samiel raised his Ice Trident as he instantly cast a 5th Level Spell of the Winter Magic, Come of Cold, while Yvraine seeing him raising his Ice Trident, knew what he aimed to do, as she cast another spell of the Ice Magic called Burst of Frost, which was also a 5th Level Spell, as the temperature of the room dropped drastically within several seconds.


The Mother Deathclaw didn't like this at all as they were greeted with an enormous roar that would have broken the wills of the lesser people because it had a special effect on the psychés and wills of the enemies. It could be considered as some sort of the mind-related attack by Deathclaws that only a few of their race could execute.

When the temperature fell tremendously, with Yvraine and Samiel casting the spells together, the Mother Deathclaw was drastically affected because she was feeling the cold biting her and causing her minor injuries just being in the room.

The Mother Deathclaw didn't waste a moment as she lunged at the nearest enemy, which was the Higher Undead, Frost Death Knight Ashimer, as he easily dodged her strikes, counterattacking by slashing at her with his swords.

To everyone's shock, the Mother Deathclaw managed to block the blows without an injury, which clearly showed that her hide was extremely durable and dense for anyone to break through it without at least being peak Silver-Tier and having extreme offensive combat prowess.

"She has increased physical resistance, probably something to imitate Abilities like Skin Series and Bone Series."

Samiel shouted to Yvraine; as she nodded, hearing this and jumped away from the Mother Deathclaw, preparing to cast magic spells instead of physical attacks on the Mother Deathclaw. If Samiel's assumptions were correct and the scientist of the Doom-Tex Corporation managed to imitate the Skin Series and Bone Series Abilities into the creation of Mother Deathclaws, then using physical attacks to break her defenses would require too much energy.

Yvraine then started casting some of the Ice Spells and attacking the Mother Deathclaw, which was distracted by Ashimer, while around Samiel, three enormous ice glaciers appeared as he cast the 5th Level Spell of Winter Magic Clash of Glaciers as he shot them at a tremendous speed at the Mother Deathclaw.

Unfortunately for the poor gene-crafted monster, it didn't manage to dodge, as three enormous ice glaciers smashed into her huge body, which was like literarily made to be a target, as it flew through the entire laboratory while crashing into the walls.

"Continue casting... it is not dead... only severely injured."

Samiel stated as he continued casting one Spell of Winter Magic at the place where the Mother Deathclaw crashed, with Yvraine following suit as she was casting either Ice Spells or Water Spells, as in combination with the ridiculous amount of frost, every Water Construct that apparent in the laboratory was instantly frozen into a huge block of ice.

With each wave of the freezing cold spells falling onto the Mother Deathclaw, its shrieks were getting weaker and weaker until it went entirely silent, killed in the bombardment by two magicians.

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