Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 205 Inheritance Of Civilization Long Gone

"It should be dead, right?"

Yvraine asked as they finished bombarding the Mother Deathclaw with the ice-attributed spells that were most deadly to the Deathclaws and when the Mother Deathclaw went silent and Samiel couldn't sense it anymore, he came into the conclusion that the creature was finally killed.

"It is... even though the Mother Deathclaws are several times stronger than average Deathclaw, the amount of ice-attributed magic spells we have unleashed onto the creature was enough to kill it for good... this should be the last Deathclaw that is still awake in the facility, though it would be prudent to search for eggs."

Mother Deathclaws were also considered the most dangerous of their entire species because they were capable of laying eggs, creating countless generations of new Deathclaw. Samiel was aware that Mother Deathclaws could lay eggs even in the most hostile environments and grave circumstances, when the population of Deathclaws was low, to repopulate themselves as fast as possible.

Thus Samiel and Yvraine were searching through laboratory number 4 in case the Mother Deathclaw managed to lay some eggs and fortunately, they didn't find anything, indicating that the Mother Deathclaw didn't lay any eggs which was a good thing.

Though unfortunately, they didn't find anything else because this place was essentially empty or rather, the Mother Deathclaw destroyed everything. While unfortunate, there was nothing that they could do about it, as they proceeded to search through the entire laboratory number 4.

Though there was one thing that they found and it was a sealed container. Samiel looked at the sealed container when he noticed the mini-computer console; as he took out the ID Card of the Division Chief and inserted it in.

Soon enough, the sealed container opened itself, and what was in almost made Samiel gape like a fish out of water and Yvraine was no different from it; when she came to ask what had happened when she noticed that he was standing here for more than three minutes without saying a word and just staring at the object inside the sealed container.

It was an egg hovering in the swirls of Primordial Psionic Energy in some kind of stasis. The egg was huge, like very huge, probably bigger than a human torso, brown in color with several red lines running through the surface of the egg, which were pulsating with power.

"That is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is... that is..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yvraine constantly muttered like a broken machine because this thing was practically priceless, like really, really, really priceless, far more than average Holy-Grade Artifact and probably no amount of Credits would be able to tell the worth of this egg, really, not even tens of billions would be enough...


Because this was the egg of an Arrakian sandworm and not only the ordinary Arrakian sandworm, but it was the Queen Egg, meaning the thing that could hatch from this would be the sandworm Queen, which could spawn more and more eggs, even without the partner.

"How the hell did they manage to get one of these?"

Samiel was totally astonished seeing the Queen Egg of the Arrakian sandworms as his mind was working on how they managed to get this thing because this should be laid down by the Holy Legendary Level Arrakian sandworm Queen, so stealing this from the nest where not only one such worm but also her mate, which was even stronger was mind blogging.

"What should we do with it?"

Yvraine asked hesitantly because taking this thing with them could spell a lot of trouble. This wasn't something that could be ignored by anyone; even all of the 13 Gates would stop at nothing to obtain such an egg because this could give birth to a new generation of Arrakian sandworms, even though the breeding and taming method of them was lost, with enough time could develop new ones.

"What else? I will be taking this beauty with me... in truth, I was hoping to find something like this and alter capture a whole bunch of worms and try to integrate them into a new environment, but that won't be really possible because the worms will die if they leave the 10th Floor."

Samiel stated because the major, if not one of the sole reasons why nobody managed to breed the Arrakian sandworms was that if they brought one of them outside of the deserts of Sikarra, they would die within several hours as their lives were directly and tightly tied to the place where they were hatched.

Practically nobody have found a way how to safely bring the Arrakian sandworms out of the 10th Floor during the past two Epochs and there were countless people who tried such, yet everyone failed because probably the only safe way was to obtain an egg... and it would need to be a Queen Egg, but the such task was night impossible.

And yet it was here, in some god-forgotten research station of the Doom-Tex Corporation, they were researching one of such eggs; the sheet irony and impossibility of the situation almost gave Samiel a heart attack if not for his strong health.

"Are you absolutely stupid or just overcome with greed? You can't take this away?!"

She almost shrieked in shock because even taking this egg inside the Dimensional Storage would leave the possibility for the Holy Legendary Level Arrakian sandworms in the center of the deserts of Sikarra to trace them to obtain back the egg.

Meanwhile, Samiel wasn't really thinking about such possibilities because he was already thinking about how best to exploit this opportunity to make money out of it, as this was indeed and unique and heaven-sent opportunity.

"Why not? I know about the tracing from the Holy Legendary Level Arrakian sandworms, but even they would need several days to get here and if we are fast enough..."

He didn't get to finish his words as Yvraine smacked him on the back of his head as he was stopped in the middle of his speech.

"There won't be any faster, you dolt! Holy Legendary Level Arrakian sandworms would be here within three days... completing the Quest within the three days from the very second the egg is taken out of the stasis is impossible and they will eat us alive... Samiel, please find another way or just leave it here."

Yvraine spoke heatedly as he hung his head in shame... he didn't wish to admit it, but she was right, and in a moment, he was overcome by his greed over this egg and the possibilities he could obtain from it... naturally, all would be technically useless if he died here.

Indeed she was right about this. The moment the egg was taken out from the stasis, the Primordial Psionic Energy would disperse and the Holy Legendary Level Arrakian sandworms would be able to sense the Queen Egg's pulsating Lifeforce and Psinic Signals that the egg was releasing.

It would take not even three days for the Holy Legendary Level Arrakian sandworms to arrive at the outskirts of the deserts of Sikarra and eat them all in one gulp to obtain the egg. He knew that he wouldn't have enough time to finish the Quest because finding the Divine Altars in this place and traveling to them is night impossible in the situation they were in.

But at the same time, he was pretty reluctant to abandon the egg here.

'If the Mortals cannot help... then the Transcendents could at a price.'

Samiel thought after some time of contemplation about the situation as he was going to use some of the souls as a ritual sacrifice for the Azathoth to use a whisp of his might for the Void to swallow the egg together with the entire container while still in stasis and transport it directly to the Holy City of the Hall of Kadath to Hall Master's office.

"I will carry out a sacrificial ceremony for the Outer Gods to use Void to swallow the egg together with the stasis device and transport it directly in that way to the Hall Master's office in the headquarters of the Hall of Kadath... in this way, nothing on the 10th Floor would be alerted and I get the Queen Egg..."

Samiel presented his plan as Yvraine nodded because this was countless times better than the initial idea of just having it stored in the Dimensional Storage and hoping that nothing would find it... how utterly foolish... greed was really good at clouding one's judgment and Samiel made a mental note to take precautions for a future similar situation like this.

"That is a good plan... and for the future note... try reign your greed for the future occasions, or it could end pretty badly in case it goes to fuck."

Samiel nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek, secretly thinking it was so hot when she cursed

"After we return up, I have some use for that foul mouth."

He whispered into her ear as she shuddered mildly, as he then went to prepare for the ritual and praised himself for not wasting all of the souls he obtained on the 8th Floor of the Tower because now they would be put to good use.

If he didn't have them, he still had a backup plan that was riskier, which was to make use of some Holy of the Hall of Kadath to come and take out the Queen Egg, but that would notify the Holy Legendary Level Arrakian sandworm and that could end badly.

While the method he was planning to use is costlier but many times safer.

Samiel then only started praying to the Outer Gods and used ten thousand souls that he had collected as he soon got the signal from the Primordial Demiurge and "paid" another 40,000 souls to Azathoth as instantly after he delivered the souls; the portal opened above the Queen Egg in the stasis and the Void started seeping from the portal.

Instantly, Samiel opened his Holo-Brain and send a message to the Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber that soon enough, something of extreme importance to his office as the Void soon absorbed the entire Queen Egg together with the container as it closed soon after, transporting the entire thing to the Hall Master.

"Now, we have that thing done... the only thing which remains is the 3rd Layer of the shelter."

Samiel stated as Yvraine observed from the side before she nodded as they now needed only to go through the last layer of the shelter to see if there was anything of value that could be taken or used in the long run, hopefully is, because apparently, the 3rd layer was serving as the warehouse for the scientist in the shelter.

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