Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 206 Research Site Cleared

After they cleared out laboratory number 4, killing the Mother Deathclaw and transporting the Queen Egg of the Arrakian sandworm, he got the call from the from the Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber as his Holo-Brain lit up with the holographic projection with the familiar visage of the elderly Hall Master.

"I only ask this... where did you find that thing?"

The Hall Master asked with a tired sight, because for his disciple and Holy Son of Hall of Kadath, obtaining the Queen Egg of the Arrakian sandworm was something that he would never predict because there were countless, thousands of Legendaries that searched through every nook and cranny of the 10th Floor, including tens if not hundreds of Holies during the time and found nothing.

"Luck? Probably... when we arrived on the 10th Floor, Yvraine got backslash by lingering nature spirit. We got pursued by sandworm, so in a hurry, I used Architect to calculate the location of the place we could hide based on the information I bought through Net and Kadath's data banks. I got navigated to one of the shelters of the Korias Empire build by the Doom-Tex Corporation. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't an ordinary shelter but rather a hidden research station under the pretense of being a shelter for high-ranking people of the fallen nation and we started searching through it and in one of the areas of the laboratory, we found the Queen Egg in stasis. Evidently, it was off records because not even the central computer and its V.I. were aware of the existence of the egg, so I think that the Doom-Tex deleted it from their servers."

The Hall Master was listening to everything his disciple and the Holy Son was saying and this was already out of ordinary luck. Who would find probably the most important thing for the cultivation of Psionics through accidentally falling through the pit?

Though there was one thing that the elderly man noticed about his disciple... he had an unnatural amount of luck, like really unnaturally...

from the lucky encounters, if they could be called that way, or the rewards given to him by the Akashic Records were all top-notch and while not many were helped to him right now, most of them were for the future and they were things that even Holies would kill for.

"Unfortunately, without the breeding method and taming method, we cannot really cultivate the Sandworms effectively as the Korias Empire did and with the fall of the Empire, the methods were lost and their last copies should be stored in a place where even I wouldn't dare to enter."

Hall Master sighed as he said that; Samiel knew what he was talking about, but he promised himself that he would obtain them in the future if he reached Legendary Level and became strong enough.

"For now, I will let Queen Egg be studied by our Research and Development Department with the level of utmost secrecy and importance... we still need to find a method how to hatch it safely and also the suitable world for it."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Hall Master stated as he then cut the call and Samiel returned to Yvraine, who was already waiting for him at the entrance to the 3rd layer of the Research Station Alpha. Fortunately for this time, they didn't need to tear anything out, as he just used the ID Card to open the entrance and they descended through the ladder which was leading there as they chose to use the smaller entrance.

When they entered the third layer, both of them noticed the most significant difference was that it was an enormous space; it looked like some kind of underground cave with the size of a huge gladiatorial arena, with hundreds of glass tank containers where countless Deathclaws were put to sleep.

Aside from them, there were a few small buildings that were clearly the storage for the equipment and research materials on whatever the Doom-Tex Corporation was researching here, aside from the Queen Egg and Deathclaws.

"We are heading for the storages... other things are practically worthless... let's see what they had here stored for us."

Samiel stated as Yvraine wordlessly followed after him to the first building, though that ended up being a huge disappointment because it was full of tools, machines, and other outdated technology that was working on the Psionic Energy, practically speaking this was just two Epochs' old junk.

So nothing to take; after that, they went to another of the storage buildings, but that one was also a disappointment because it was a storage room for the blood samples of the demon species and inferior dragon species together with some corpses.

This was the place where they stored the DNA needed to manufacture the Deathclaws, but unfortunately, all of the things were so ordinary that they would be worth, at max, a few tens of thousands of Credits.

"Majority of these samples is already without their properties due to begin left here for more than two Epochs worth of years and the flesh of species in some cases already decomposed long ago due to malfunctions of some machines."

Samiel commented disappointedly as they went through the storage room because there was essentially nothing and the things that could be useful no longer were useful due to a variety of circumstances, so the only thing that the money grubber in Samiel could do was to sigh as they left the storage rooms.

"It was over two hundred thousand years... so it would be only understandable that many of these things would either rot, dissipate or go wrong in any other way due to the passage of time and malfunction of some of the machines as nobody was carrying out the maintenance on them."

He just nodded as they went back to the second layer of the shelter after going through the 3rd layer. After both arrived at the shelter's second layer, they went through the laboratory sector once more to ensure nothing was missed. They returned to the first layer, to the corridor where the hidden entrance to the further underground layers was located.

Samiel looked at the doors that he ripped apart, which were still corroded by the Void, as he put them in a place where they were before he ripped them off, while he took out some of the metal ingots and put them all around the frames as he nodded at Yvraine, who called forth the strongest and hottest flame and started melting it, sealed the entrance.

After it was melted, Samiel covered it up as it looked like the entrance to the true Research Site Alpha was never opened at all. He had the doors sealed mainly for peace of mind because he was paranoid as hell that some of the Deathclaws would wake up and attack him in his sleep... even if it was technically and realistically impossible to happen, Samiel's paranoia was never ending and high as the sky itself.

"Now we have that thing done; we can start plotting on how to complete the Quests..."

Samiel stated as Yvraine nodded, but before that, it was time for some sleep because this entire search of the Research Site Alpha left him dead tired for some reason, as he went to have a shower and get some sleep while his lovely Silvermoon Elf while trying to look stoic, her ear betrayed her emotions as she soon followed after him.


98th Floor of the Tower, approximately around the same time

The Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath was looking at the Queen Egg of the Arrakian sandworms for a few moments before he typed something on his Holo-Brain and called for some people to arrive. He wasn't either an expert on the biology of various magical beasts and other species, a scientist or researcher of the depths of Arcane who could take care of things like this.

"That boy sure knows how to give this old man a heart attack."

He muttered after some time of observing the Queen Egg, whose red veins were pulsating with power. As he was looking at the Queen Egg inside of his study, after ten minutes, he heard somebody knocking onto a huge wooden door.


He said and the person entered, wearing the insignia of the Hall of Kadath and its Research and Development Department; it was a middle-aged man with light grey short hair, wearing glasses and a pristine white laboratory cloak.

"Dr. Crowley, I have called you here because I have this specimen for you to take care of... until we can find out what to do with it."

The Hall Master stated as the man in glasses excitedly ran toward him and started orbiting around the Queen Egg of the Arrakian sandworm like a hawk and casting various spells to obtain more data.

"This should be something laid by an insectoid magical beast on the Holy Legendary Level? Psionic origin... oh and extremely strong lineage... traces of the..."

Seeing the Dr. Lloyd Crowley so excited and forgetting the time and place where he was, the Hall Master was forced to stop him, before he would start carrying out more complex experiments in his office.

"Dr. Crowley, please stop. For your information, this is the Queen Egg of the Arrakian sandworm."

When he said that, the head of the Research and Development Department of the Hall of Kadath stopped whatever he was doing as he almost got a faint heart attack despite being an Intermediate Legendary Level Professional.

People from the Research and Development Department were not among the strongest ones, because they focused more on their research than training and getting stronger.

"How...? This is..."

Indeed getting the Queen Egg of the Arrakian sandworm was a priceless treasure and also, an invaluable research object.

"Geniue one, indeed. Right now, I want for you to conduct some preliminary tests on the egg to ensure it is okey, it was in stasis for more than 200 thousand years in the end. After that, transfer some parts of funds and manpower to research how to hatch the egg."

Hall Master stated as the Head o the Research and Development Department nodded his head while he took the Queen Egg of Arrakian sandworm together with him, as there was a lot of work awaiting him.

After he was gone, that was one thing that was done from the Hall Master's list of things to do. Now, there was a matter of a suitable world to hatch the Arrakian sandworm, which would be a bit problematic, because it would need to be a High World or at least some significantly big and powerful Middle World where the nature presence was extremely strong and dominant.

Just exactly like the 10th Floor of the Tower before it became known as the deserts of Sikarra. Such worlds are typically heavily inhabited or under the control of powerful factions with mainly the elves of the Nesser Dynasty taking the majority of them and those who were independent were under the control of powerful Elven factions.

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