Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 50: Tale of the North

Chapter 50: Tale of the North

Adam frowned, this was a big choice to make, each power certainly provided different advantages, but he didn't know whether it would be possible to change allegiances after the guild has been created. After all, the two sides were in more of a cold war than anything, so it wasn't sure a side would accept traitors from the other side.

It was like on Earth back during the actual Cold War, if a country standing with the USSR were to suddenly change sides and tried to ally itself with the US, the US probably wouldn't ever trust that country in fear they were actually a Trojan horse, or simply spies.

That's why, this was a difficult decision to make. But like with every decision, to make a good choice he needed to know what each side offered.

Adam thus asked Sarah, who replied "First is the resources, the Coalition has a big inner market shared between only the members of the Coalition, while the Coldlands Empire has their own resource but can also ask for the allied Racial Powers for resources."

Adam said "Even though the whole Coalition is only as strong as a single Racial Power, they have more members. Wouldn't they have a bigger market?" Sarah nodded "They do sell more items, but that stands for lower quality items. The Empire does sell less items, but the quality is better."

She added "Apart from the resources, there is also the matter of political alliances. Entering the Coalition gives you access to every Sovereign Kingdom for free, but entering any of the Racial Powers' lands would either cost some money or even be impossible to enter. If you are under the Coldlands Empire, you will have access to the lands of every Racial Power allied to us for free, but pay to enter the Sovereign Kingdoms."

Adam nodded, he already knew what the alliances were between the races, split in Light, Neutral and Dark side. Serving under the Coldlands Empire would then mean free access to Feynwoods, land of Wood Elves and Fae, as well as Aldeneid, land of Foxkin and Light Elves.

He didn't know how big the land of the Sovereign Kingdoms was, but it shouldn't be far from the three Racial Powers combined, after all even though they were weaker the Coalition had more members.

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So for now, the two powers were near equal in term of advantages, but Adam had a last, important question. He asked "What can I hope for my guild if I come under the Coldlands Empire? If I join the Coalition, the stronger I am the better my guild's position will be, but what about the Empire? Will they really accept for a Guild to become so strong?"

Sarah replied "Honestly, whatever power you decide to serve, be it the Coalition or any of the Racial Powers, the moment you threaten their authority they will react. Only if they are absolutely sure of your allegiance would they let you grow more and more powerful. But if you do earn their trust, then topping the Coalition would allow you to be one of the commanding powers.

In the Empire, if you ever become a Legend then your guild would have different rights depending on your class, but even if you become the weakest kind of Legend your guild would still be granted a status only below the King of the North. If you are a powerful enough Legend, and your guild is powerful, becoming the second King of the North wouldn't be impossible."

Adam scratched his head and asked "You keep talking about the King of the North, but who is he?"

Sarah laughed and said "You never heard of him? Remember when I said there are three official Legends in the Coldlands Empire?"

Adam nodded so she said "First is the Emperor, second is the King of the North, and third is the brother of the Emperor. Both the Emperor and his brother are S Rank Legends, but the King of the North is the most powerful as he is the only SS Rank Legend in the Empire."

Adam raised an eyebrow and asked "And he never wanted to take the throne for himself?" Sarah shook her head and said "The King of the North is even closer to the Emperor than the Emperor's own brother. You never heard of the tale between the two of them?"

Adam shook his head and Sarah started looking nostalgic as she said "A few years ago, some terrible events shook the whole Empire, and by extension most of the world through various means. They took place slightly after Henry created this kingdom.

It all started when the Emperor was still a Prince, and the King of the North was an adventurer. The King of the North is called Conan Clearwater. Conan was a great adventurer as he was one of the rare holders of an SS Class, and he fought only with his sister, a beautiful maiden known for her beauty and fearsome mastery of her Cleric spells.

When Conan was a Hero Rank, because of his class and equipment he was one of the strongest Heroes, comparable to a Legend, and so he accepted the hardest missions, one of which allowed him to meet the Emperor, who was only a Prince back then. Conan and the Prince became brothers, and the Prince fell in love with Conan's sister.

For years everything went well for the three of them, the Prince also became a Legend and became one of the pretenders for the position of Crown Prince. Unfortunately, it was at that time that the old Emperor finally perished, and the War for the Throne began.

The Prince didn't especially want the throne, all he wanted was to live with Conan's sister for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, the Prince's brothers and sisters didn't agree with this, and tried to kill him. They assaulted his mansion, trying to kill him, but since he was a legend and Conan was nearby, they were able to survive. Unfortunately, Conan's sister died.

A month later, Conan brokethrough to become an SS Legend, and the two of them stormed through the Imperial Palace, killing everyone involved and avenging the dead sister of Conan. Since then, the Prince became the Emperor, and Conan became known as the King of the North, the right hand of the Emperor."

Adam smiled, this was indeed a good story. A sad one, but a good one nonetheless. He couldn't help but ask "Which of the two is considered more powerful then? Is it the King of the North for his individual might, or the Emperor for having him at his beck and call?"

Sarah shook her head and said "Neither really is. If I to name the most powerful individual in the entire Empire, then it would be the Crown Princess. When Conan's sister died, she left behind a child, whose father is the Emperor. Both the Emperor and the King of the North would be ready to give up their life to save the Crown Princess were she to ever be in danger."

Adam asked "The Emperor never married again after his coronation?" Sarah shook her head and said "The Emperor never accepted any other woman, and probably won't But we're getting sidetracked. Now tell me, do you want to create your guild under the Coalition, or under the Empire?"

Adam remained silent for a few seconds before answering "I choose the Empire. The son of the King of the North is my disciple after all, joining the Coalition would put him in a difficult place. Moreover, I already have several connection with powerful people in the Empire while I know no one in the Coalition."

Sarah smiled and said "I'm happy you made this choice, now I know we are on the same side for sure. I only need one more information, and that is the name you want to give your guild. I think I remember you called yourself future Guild Leader of King's Heart?"

Adam smiled slightly and said "Yeah, I did say that, but I won't be using this name in the hand. For some reason my partner doesn't want to be associated with the name of the Guild."

Sarah didn't comment and simply asked "What shall it be then?"

Adam looked down, remaining silent for a couple of seconds before raising his head and saying "Divine Predator."

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