Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 51: Divine Predator

Chapter 51: Divine Predator

Sarah looked at Adam curiously and asked "Why this name?" Adam smiled and said "A personal reason."

In fact, this name came from his class, the berserker. On Earth, Berserkers were violent warriors who could enter into a deadly rage by using mixtures of drugs. More importantly, their name comes from the way they dressed, they always had the hide of a bear on them.

This signified that they transcended humanity, that once they entered their berserker's rage their body would be controlled by the god of battle Tyr, who created them, to kill their enemies and become divine predators.

This little bit of knowledge had come back to his mind earlier, and he found that Divine Predator was a good name for his guild, and would represent well what his goals would be.

Sarah noted down the name and said "Alright, it's your guild. Now, I need to explain the rules to you, and if you agree to them then your guild will be officially created."

Adam nodded and Sarah said "First, there is no limit to the number of members your guild can have. Second, if you ever want to construct or conquer a town, city or even Kingdom, you need to obtain the rights from the Empire. The rights are free most of the time, but are to be earned. Most of the time, your guild simply needs to have enough reputation. If you do conquer a territory without the appropriate rights, then it will go to the Empire. You can try keeping it for yourself of course, but for that you would need your guild to be powerful enough to fight against the whole Empire."

Adam smiled, that wasn't really an option, not for now at least. Sarah added "The final rule isn't really a rule, but rather a warning. Even though we are all under the Coldlands Empire, it doesn't mean there can't be infighting. So be wary of other guilds and kingdoms under the Coldlands Empire, they might very well attack you with the intention of swallowing you up. Although, I'm not too worried for you since you were granted near immortality."

Adam smiled sheepishly and said "It is a fine boon. For the rules, I accept them all." Sarah nodded and gave him a contract, saying "The moment you sign this your guild will be created."

Adam nodded and didn't even bother to read the contract as he signed it. If there was anything to be worried of in this contract, she would have told him. Moreover, it was a simple contract, even if he broke it the consequences would be like those in the real world.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Congratulation for creating your own guild, Divine Predator! You are now capable of recruiting players and NPCs into your guild.]

Adam grinned at the notification, and Sarah said "Go now, I still have work to do." Adam couldn't even answer as he was teleported out of the guards' barracks. He continued smiling though and opened his messaging tab.

He sent a message to King Slayer, saying 'The guild has been created. Let's meet when you are free.' After sending the message, Adam then walked toward the Alorge Association. As he walked his way there he felt like everything was going well for him right now, and it was such a pleasant feeling.

He also took the occasion to use his 25 AP now, so he wouldn't forget about them like he did for the last ones. Looking at his three main attributes, Strength, Agility and Endurance, Adam felt like adding his points to them was a little meaningless.

His pure Strength, Agility and Endurance were at 83, 51 and 51 respectively, and with the bonuses from his equipment his Strength was above 400 and both his Agility and Endurance were above 130.

That's why, while adding 25 to any of them wouldn't really be felt. Thus, Adam decided to add all 25 of them to his Intelligence, boosting it to 40 in pure attribute, and 45 with the boost from [Arda's Pendant].

Without counting the effects from the Godslayer's Heart, his MP was now at 450, meaning he more than doubled his MP. This was a useful addition because he had felt in the raid on the Goblin Fortress that he lacked MP to continuously use [Wind Blade]. If he picked up more skills that needed MP in the future then his measly 200 MP wouldn't ever be near enough.

For Wisdom though, he couldn't care less since the attribute was completely useless to him. Now that this had been dealt with, Adam entered the Alorge Association happily as he searched for a mission. However, the moment he entered he received a message from King Slayer.

'Sure, I'll be available tomorrow. But are you busy today?'

Adam replied 'Yeah, I was about to go grinding.'

King Slayer said 'Perfect. I need a large amount of a material to mass produce a potion that should help us earn a lot of money, but the monsters who drop it are inside a dungeon that is Level 20-30, so there are none for sale.'

Adam asked 'Can I enter the dungeon being under Level 20?' to which King Slayer replied 'Don't worry, I checked and everyone can enter the dungeon. If you feel like you can finish the dungeon, the dungeon is called 'Venomous Web'. The monsters inside are all the same, they are spiders. If you enter in Easy difficulty then the boss will only be an Elite. What I need from them are their eyes.'

Adam said 'Alright, I'll go there. How is your business doing?'

King Slayer said 'I have created quite a few armors and potions, but I have yet to sell them. After selling them though we should be able to earn around 50 Gold.'

Adam was surprised, that was a big amount of Gold. If King Slayer was able to sell them then that would already be a good step toward his goal.

Adam decided to ass a last message before closing his message tab 'I know you opened the Gate of Opening. Don't rush to get your promotion to Bronze Rank, the class you will get will vary in strength depending on your martial arts, so try to open as many Gates as you can before attempting your promotion.'

Despite already getting a target for his grinding, the spiders wouldn't only drop the eyes he needed, but other materials. In the Alorge Association a few blacksmiths and alchemists players had already appeared, posting requests, but they were only for low level materials.

However, Adam was able to find a resource quest from an NPC Tailor who needed the spider's webs, which was another drop. Adam accepted that quest and set off from the association.

He didn't get out of the city yet though, as he still had something to do. His guild was created, but he was the only one in it. He wanted to invite King Slayer in, but since the latter didn't want to be in the name he decided to wait until they met before doing that.

There were also the sisters, Burning Lotus and Holy Lotus, but he would invite them when he start the recruitment for his guild. So he didn't have any player to invite. However, there was a group of adventurers he wanted to invite, Eddy's group, as well as his eldest disciple, Judith. He also wanted to invite his second disciple but they would need to talk first, Adam wasn't sure his father would allow his son to enter a guild.

Had it been in any other game, it would have been a pain to find and contact the NPCs at this stage of the game, but fortunately Epoch was special.

The system actually wasn't exclusive to players, but was also accessible to NPCs. Of course it was more limited, but basic functions were available for NPCs, one of which was to send messages.

Again, there were more limitations for NPCs which Adam didn't know of, but it allowed them to have long distance conversations between themselves and with players. So before separating Adam had gotten them as friends in his system, and was now able to message them at any time.

So he sent a grouped message to Eddy, Louisa, Breyn, Baugh, Vodmir, Vastrik and Judith, asking them if they wanted to join his guild.

The responses didn't come immediately, so Adam started heading for the dungeon. The dungeon was some distance away from the capital, but was still closer than the Goblin Fortress. In 30 minutes he was able to reach the dungeon, and by then everyone had answered his message, all of them giving him the same answer: yes.

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