Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 122 Athena's Chronicles: Joyce's Misfortune III




He fell down once again. But this was just the beginning because, a punching bag was an understatement, the lump of darkness used enough force to torture him but not enough to kill him completely.

"Look down there, isn't that your friend, he looks cool with that extra hand on his back." It suddenly stopped punching him and said. Mew looked over, disregarding his bruised face and saw Oris.


Oris had an extra bloody hand on his back, it was covered in blood, organs and carapace. It was obvious whose hand that was, because it definitely was not Oris' hand!!

"Oris!!!" Mew roared out loud in hatred and anger, trying to stand up using will alone, but his body was way too bantered to be able to move. He could only watch and do nothing as a close friend of his suffered.

Oris ignored Mew's cry, he held the hand of the Ancient Demon tightly and smiled a bloody daredevil smile at it. Golden energy began glowing from his chest, spreading throughout the soroundings.

"I'm sorry friend, this is the end for me. And even if I can't really kill one of you, I'll at least make sure you don't forget me too even after a fucking million years!!!" He mumbled at first, then let out a valiant shout at the end of his words, as the golden glow caused his body to crack up.

"Idiot!! Fool!! Crazy bastard, stop, stop your lunacy right this instant. I command you!!" The Demon tried to pull back, but realised that Oris had suddenly broken through and became a qausi-Ancient being.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Along with his Chosen talent, his strength was completely great even among Ancient beings. But it was too late now, all that strength, talent, potential, soul and realm of a Chosen Ancient Deity were compressed and ignited.

The potential to become an Imperial, with thirty Nebulous Universes within his Zone. The talent to become an Ancient Deity. The strength to overpower such beings. All compressed into an explosion.

"Hah!! I don't mind dying, for I'll die as the fool that scarred you for life. Now begone, trash!!!" Oris roared and the glow grew intensely around his entire body, mimicking a newborn small hypernova.

"Fucking lunatic!!!" The demon roared, but it was useless. He felt fear, for the first time in a millenia, he felt fear and the scent of death licking at his very soul. "No!! No no no no, NOOOO!!!"


"This bastard, ruining my plans all of a sudden!! But I like his boldness and his balls, only if you were like him little cat, you would be even cuter than you already are, HAHAHAHA!!!"

Three different voices could be heard from miles away, coming out of the Golden supernova-like covering the whole Dessert Empire. Then, the shouts were suddenly drowned by a loud explosion.


The large golden glow suddenly erupted into a burst of white and purplish-red flames, illuminating the vast Dessert Region along with the sky. Reaching as high as thousands of miles, and it was continuously growing.

Perhaps... everyone could see it, everyone from the Orange Continent could see it clearly. If they could see it, what of Joyce and the others. Unfortunately, except her, the others could not bare the intensity of the light.

The force was enough to destroy the whole Continent, or a Multiverse if released blatantly. But Oris had his target clear. Thus all that force, was concentrated on only a single entity. Plus, once again, the World Will came to the rescue.

And Joyce... could perfectly see that.


Nobody knew how long it took, an hour, two hours or half a day, but by the time the light died down, it was already morning, close to being in the afternoon.

But even now, Joyce stood atop the cliff by herself, watching the dying cloud of dust and gray mist a few miles away from them. What she was waiting for, didn't come.

Oris used his soul to ignite this explosion, but what off Mew? Where was his soul? How come she couldn't sense him or tell whether he is dead or alive.

『Would you like to promote now? ×76』

Joyce wanted to ignore it once again. But she needed a way to keep her mind from thinking about everything that has happened. So she agreed, and internally said yes.

It was useless anyway. Whether she promotes or not, she will still be weak. All she can match up to would be a Greater Deity, nothing more, nothing less.

『ID: Joy Vermont』

『Congratulations for breaking through. You have gained a new Divinity, "Lord of Misfortune". Your R7-Earthly Fortunate Law has become R8-Earthly Fortune Law. You have one chance to either upgrade one of your Providence or gain a new one. What would your choice be?』

『Providence: Titanic Creation(Fantasy), Mother of Beauty(Unique), Primordial(Unique), World Creator(Fantasy), Three Fates(Unique), King Maker(Unique), Mother of Creation(Unique)』

Looking at this, she hoped. She hope thoroughly to get an attack type Providence. Perhaps that would change her situation next time, perhaps it will make her a bit stronger.

『Congratulations. Your "Antogonist of The Heavens" has been gained』

She was not sure what it meant, but she continued on with her promotion. Only Time will tell, for she knew that this was the beginning of everything.

『You have one chance to upgrade one of your Divine Arts (Basic). Please make your choice』

This one, she knew which one she wanted the most right now. Yes, "Resurrection". As a trial type, she has 50% discount to everything, but with "Resurrection", she could revive people with the most minimal cost of faith points.

『You have recieved "Resurrection", you can use Faith to power to revive the dead and sense Souls better. Your population has been multiplied by ten. You can now have 250 believers. Enjoy your trials and do make sure to promote even faster』

『As s Trial type, you have gained a "×8" bonus to your faith per month. "7 800×8=41 400"』

『True God Pantheons have been temporarily postponed for a year』

『Your Titans have officially become a Mythical Race. They can now increase their race by accepting other Titans from Terra』

The last one was useless to her, because even these Titans were only Lesser Deities. But that was alright, from now on, she will make sure that the twelve Titans become a menace in Hell, Heaven and even the Abyss.


Suddenly an owl cry came from above, and when they all looked up, they saw a white owl flying around in circles. Joyce took out a beautiful and broken black Flute when she heard the beautiful sound.

Even with this thing, all she could do was annoy those people. She felt even worse when she thought about her weakness. Yes, trial type true god could not unleash the true effects of Lost grade Artifacts at their level.


The owl landed on her shoulder casually and began minding its business. When Joyce took a closer look, she saw a piece of paper on the owl's leg. She took it off and opened it.

After reading it for a while, tears began rolling down cheeks once again breaking her null expression, and frightening the mortals that stood behind her. But without Rani, no one dared to go and comfort her, she was a god after all.

Joyce fell down on her knees, frightening them once again, and began wailing. This time, almost everyone rushed over to help her, and disregarded their status as mortals.

'Big sister Athenaaaaaa!!!' Joyce curled up and cried even more. She could not hold it in anymore and broke down once again, all her emotions spreading out with her cry.

Someone took the letter from her and read it, after reading it once, he sighed and passed it over. And just like that, everyone knew that their young Goddess at least had another sister to depend on.

[ There is no need to worry or hold it in anymore, after all, not everything is your fault, and nothing ever goes perfectly in this twisted worlds. Plus, crying is not a sin, dearest, it is more than okay to cry... as long as you don't cry forever, crying is very much fundamental even to us gods. And dying happens, it's a way of life, and you will recover in no time as long as you realize that their souls are still with you, and would never desire to see you beat yourself down so much. Everything will be okay, life is just this shitty at times. It just require us to adapt and move, making sure the same never happens again... and most importantly, you're are not alone in this, you never were. I'll always welcome you here, anytime you want ]

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