Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 123 Athena's Chronicles: Joy's Fortune

[ There is no need to worry or hold it in anymore, after all, not everything is your fault, and nothing ever goes perfectly in this twisted worlds. Plus, crying is not a sin, dearest, it is more than okay to cry... as long as you don't cry forever, crying is very much fundamental even to us gods. And dying happens, it's a way of life, and you will recover in no time as long as you realize that their souls are still with you, and would never desire to see you beat yourself down so much. Everything will be okay, life is just this shitty at times. It just require us to adapt and move, making sure the same never happens again... and most importantly, you're are not alone in this, you never were. I'll always welcome you here, anytime you want ]

This was what the piece of paper said, and also the reason why Joyce cried. She realized that keeping in her emotions would only eat away at her even more, Athena was right, it was okay to cry even for a goddess.

Perhaps Joy felt it as well and thus willingly removed the connection of emotions they had, no more sharing her null emotions with Joyce, who was now releasing her own sadness, pain and agony she felt.

But... Athena could've been more soft if she wanted with her words, unfortunately, Athena has never been a soft woman in her entire life before. And she was not going to start being one anytime soon.

The owl looked at Joyce and everyone else, then it flew up and grew into a very large bird. It was so large, it covered a quarter of the entire southern hemisphere, shocking everyone to the core, with its size alone.

But this was just the beginning.

• • • • •

Middle Realm, North Cardinal

Blue Continent, Green Land

Joy looked up and gently rubbed the tears that were rolling down her cheek. Her expression was null and void, making her look ethereal and divine, but was slowly reverting to her usual impassive one.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Now that everything on her sister's side was over, she also proceeded to continue with her promotion. Not like she had a choice. They were connected by Existence.

If Joyce dies, her fate will also be the same. If Joyce experience Misfortune, she will experience Fortune. If Joyce does not promote, she will not promote. It was a connection they had together.

It can also apply vice-versa.

​ 『ID: Joy Vermont』

『Congratulations for breaking through. You have gained a new Divinity, "Lady of Fortune". Your R7-Heavenly Fortune Law has become R8-Heavenly Fortune Law. You have one chance to either upgrade one of your Providence or gain a new one. What would your choice be?』

『Providence(7): Tireless One(Unique), Titanic Mother(Fantasy), Origin(Unique), Heavenly Creator(Fantasy), Three Guardians(Unique), God Maker(Unique), Mother of Destruction(Unique)』

Just like their Providence, not much was different from the other. She only took a glance at it and waited for her new Providence. Since that was the choice Joyce made.

『Congratulations. You have gained "Protector of Earth" Providence』

She could guess what Providence Joyce got from this one. Either "Protector of Heaven" or "Antagonist of Heaven". But it was fine either way, she believed in her sister.

『You have one chance to upgrade one of your Divine Arts (Basic). Please make your choice』

『You have recieved "Resurrection", you can use Faith power to revive the dead. Your population has been multiplied by ten. You can now have 250 believers. Enjoy your trials and do make sure to promote even faster』

『As s Trial type, you have gained a "×8" bonus to your faith per month. "7 800×8=41 400÷2=20 700" each』

『True God Pantheons have been temporarily postponed for a year』

『Your Titans have officially become a Mythical Race. They can now increase their race by accepting other Titans from Terra』

Even the Divine Arts were the same. If Joyce learns a new one, then Joy will automatically learn it as well. Even the amount of faith and Believers quota are the same, they were shared.

"My lady, the preparation are ready." A man knelt down before her and reported. Joy nodded her head and decided to follow behind him. Unlike Joyce, everything was still flourishing here.

But she knew, it wouldn't last. A year shouldn't pass before she experiences the same fate as her younger sister, which was why she had something to say to everyone.

Along the way, she looked over the city that has been flourishing ever since she came here. She saw how everyone wore thick clothing and interacted joyfully before the square.

She saw the warriors barely clothed, with their thick muscles as if to accept the warmth of Winter, herself. And she saw the beautiful snow falling down from the Heavens, also known as herself (Heaven).

She finally reached the podium, where hundreds of millions of people could be seen. There were actually more, but the square wasn't that big enough to hold two to three billion people.

"SILENCE, YOU'RE AT THE PRESENCE OF THE WINTER GUARDIAN!!!" The Warrior shouted, and his voice could be held by almost all of them, quieting down the scene. He was a Half Deity after all.

Joy moved forward and looked down over everyone. Gasps could not be contained as they once again saw their beautiful Goddess of the Heavens and Guardian of Winter.

"I would love to greet you with enthusiasm, but unfortunately, I cannot, and this is not the right time." Her greetings were quite strange, and everyone looked up in confusion. Expectant of what she had to say.

"Our Fate is sealed, within less than ten months, this place will be destroyed and billions of us will die." Her bluntness was just like Enigma, direct and straight to the point.

But unlike him, she failed to take into consideration of their feelings. The place suddenly burst into loud activity as fear and dread invaded their hearts.

The Warrior was also worried, but he had to do something about this. Unfortunately before he could say anything, Joy raised her hand and the snow stopped falling.

Everyone was caught off guard and looked up at her. "I'm not telling you this to scare you. I'm only doing so because I don't want you to be taken by surprise when I propose that we move out."

'Move out?' Everyone had the same thoughts as they looked at each other in confusion. How do you move almost three billion people. How do you relocate an entire small world?

"Do not worry, my older sister has a way. I can take you all with me, or I can leave by myself. I will not make things difficult for you and leave the choice to yourself.

"Do not worry once again, I won't just abandon you. I will leave you with Kings, Deities and Guardians to protect those who choose to stay. And most importantly, without me, this place will not be destroyed, no calamity will happen.

"So think carefully, the choice will always be yours, and I will respect it. Nobody will force you and nobody must. Thank you for listening." With that, she turned around and left by herself, just like that.

Even the Warrior that brought her was shocked. How... The moment she left, the bustling returned once again, and despite all she said, most were still terrified of their Fate.

In no time at all, Five months went by, and half a year was over. Everything was sorted by and Joy stood at the top of her Empire and looked at the giant bird circling over them.

Behind her were over a billion people, all packed up and ready to leave. The rest decided to stay and protect this place, but they asked whether they could keep the trial and whether she will come back.

Joy agreed since she could now create two trials, so it was fine. With 200 000 Faith points, along with her Discount and God Maker, she could create gods at a small cost of 90% the Faith points.

God Maker and King Maker gave her and her sister an extra 10% off, plus the promotion was a plus 5%. She and her sister now had a 65% discount, which was close to the limit before becoming a Main God.

Out of 200 000 Faith points, she created eleven Devout Lesser Deities who would never betray her. Each Deity was made a King Maker, meaning without their consent, Kings would not be crowned.

And the strongest Deity, was the youngest son of Thorium, Thor, and the only one who had a Chosen potential between the eleven Deities. He was also the only one who could connect to her spirituality.

He was the lead Guardian, and the only one who had the authority to switch gaurdians. "There is no need to worry my lady, I will never betray yer expectations!!"

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