Chapter 135 - Until Death Claims His Last Breath

Hunter's mind dived straight into hell, dirty thoughts invading every fibre in his body. Hera had her hands and legs spread wide, and keeping his hands to himself felt like the hardest thing to do right then for Hunter. He never felt so helpless it was so not easy to restrain himself anymore with his Hera.

'Fuck me.' 

Throwing his head back, he groaned in sheer frustration and slid his hands into the pockets of his shorts. Fingers formed into fists inside and he hoped he would succeed in keeping them hidden and locked in there. All those porn he'd watched wouldn't match one bit the vision of Hera's body spread on the bed made him feel. His blood rushed to the south jamming in one particular part of his body. 

'If only I could keep you tied to my bed forever, Goddess.'

He wished he'd harness to do just that and the image of her hands and legs bound to his bed wouldn't leave his vision. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


A few minutes ago, she looked all chubby and cute dressed in his black and white checkered shirt and shorts, until she decided to torture him. His shirt was too big for her, and it swallowed and hid her shorts from the view completely. It possessed the whole of her torso and Hunter never felt so stupid for envying a piece of clothing. 

The milky white, creamy soft flesh of her thighs, her perfect round breasts, all were inviting his itchy hands to explore them. He so wanted to touch her and run his tongue all over her meaty bones. 

"Fuck, I'm so screwed," he muttered under his breath. The sweet sound of Hera's giggle disturbed his not so pure thoughts. He managed to tear his eyes off her body and looked at her face. 

"All of this big soft bed is only for me, and you're sleeping on the floor tonight," Hera said, her voice overly cheerful. Hunter felt as though someone poured a bucket of cold water on him, and he instantly felt guilty for having those sinful thoughts. Because his Goddess was innocent to the core and nothing she did was in any way amounts to sexual. 

She wasn't attempting seduction on him, and he could bet on his life that she knows not a thing about it. Well, she never had to do anything to lure him. He was already head over heels for her, and she could turn him on with just sparing one look at him. 

"Why would I sleep on the floor?" He asked, smiling at her victorious smirk. "Because I'm occupying the bed, and your body and legs are too huge to fit on the sofa or couch," Hera said, sounding very amused. Hunter chuckled and crossed the distance, reaching the edge of his bed, but he didn't dare to get on it yet. "We've other bedrooms in this mansion, Love. I could always sleep in one of them," he said shrugging. 

Pulling herself up, Hera sat cross-legged on the bed and clapped her hands like the innocent baby she was. "But you don't like sleeping on other's bed, Mr Hunter," she stated. "And unfortunately for you, all of the guest rooms have used beds," Hera said, mocking pity. Hunter gave her an unimpressed look and shook his head. 

"You're so dumb, Mrs Hunter. We haven't had our dinner yet, and you'll have to go down for that. Meaning, I have plenty of time to claim the place in your bed," he said, shooting her a wink. Hera clicked his tongue before she dropped back on the bed. "Then I'm not leaving this room. I'll have my dinner in bed," she made her announcement. 

Hunter stared for a few seconds, a brow rose, and he smirked. Hera eyed him suspiciously. Before she could ask what was going through his mind, Hunter climbed the bed. "I could always throw you out of the bed if I want to," he said. Hooking his arms under her knees and over her shoulder, he tried to lift her off the bed. But Hera adamantly refused to give up and held on to the bedspreads not budging from her position. 

Hunter couldn't lift her into his arms as she kept her legs and hands stiff against the bed. He groaned, annoyed. "Fuck, you're heavy," Hunter said. "I told you, you'll grow fat very soon if you keep on eating the number of sugary sweets to consume every day," he said, scowling in disapproval. Hera kicked him in the chest in retaliation. Hunter huffed out his growl at her violent approach. 

"Admit it, Mr fit and fine with muscles and washboard abs, you're only a show-off. You can't even lift me into your arms and cowardly calling me fat," Hera said bitingly, she looked offended. Hunter glared at her as he seemed offended as well. Hera watched with her intrigued eyes as the bed dipped under his weight when he placed one of his knees on the bed while his other leg remained firmly planted on the floor. She squealed when he swooped her up in his arms without warning. 

"Put me down, you Lord of evils," Hera scolded while he walked to the balcony, carrying her in his arms as if she weighed nothing. She screamed in horror when Hunter bent over the railings and pretended to throw her off the balcony. Her fingers held onto his black T-shirt in tight fists for dear life. Laughing merrily, Hunter pulled himself back and slowly put her down on the floor. 

Fists still clutching his shirt in a tight grip, Hera glared, eyes shooting daggers at him, her face flustered pink. She looked terrified, and Hunter immediately wrapped arms around her middle, his laughter died down, worry replacing it. "I was kidding, Love. I'm sorry if I scared you," he apologised, brushing his lips on her forehead. "What if you lost your grip?" She asked in a breathless whisper. 

Hunter removed his arms from her waist, and his palms covered her fists. She never let go of his T-shirt. Hunter smiled before kissing her eyelids. "Goddess, I would never leave your hand until death claims my last breath," he vowed, words laced with absolute sincerity. Hera shook her head and withdrew her hands. "You're so dramatic," she muttered, walking back into the room. 

She sat on the grey and white coloured, L-shaped corner sofa and contrary to her earlier position on the bed, she pulled her knees to chest, wrapped her arms around it and made herself appear as small as possible. Hunter sighed, looking at her sad face. 

"I said I'm sorry, Goddess," he said, crouching down at her feet. Hera glared with an angry pout gracing her full lips. "What now?" He asked, sighing again. 

"You called me fat," she accused. Hunter couldn't hide his smile at that, but it instantly dropped as Hera spoke her next words. "That's why you went after other girls. You prefer those hot, skinny girls, don't you?" She accused again. Hunter shook his head in denial.

"It was a joke, Goddess, and you're not fat. You're fit and healthy. Believe me when I say you're the only one I want. I love your chubby cheeks, your plump body, your fleshy thighs. I love it when my lips sink into the softness of your cheeks when I kiss you. You don't know how much I'm dying to touch every inch of you with my lips. I would die a happy man worshipping the ground you walk on, Mrs Hunter. I love you so much," he confessed, pouring his emotions out. 

Hera shook her head frantically, dismissing his confession. "You're lying now. Whatever comes out of your mouth first-hand is the only truth, and you said I'm getting fat," she pointed out, tone argumentative. Hunter smiled softly before taking his seat next to her. He pulled her into his arms. 

He kissed every inch of her face starting with her temples, then her forehead. He kissed her eyelids, her plump cheeks one after the other. He kissed the tip of her straight-edged nose. Hera giggled breathlessly as his lips kissed the underside of her jaw, tickling her skin. Finally, his lips settled at the corner of her heart-shaped mouth with fuller lips. 

Hera pouted in disappointment when he pulled away without kissing her full on the lips. 

He pulled her onto his lap, and once she settled comfortably against his chest, his hands fastened around her middle. 

"You know, Goddess, research study says, most guys like dating skinny girls, but they like girls with a flat stomach and fat chest more only when they're messing around, to be precise when they're thinking with their dicks," Hunter stated. Hera tilted her head, supporting it on his shoulder and looked at him with a disapproving scowl painted on her face. Hunter poked her cheek with his finger before kissing the spot. 

Hera parted her lips to say something, but her words died down when his large palms gripped the flesh on her hip. Hera sucked in a sharp breath. 

"And that research report further states that a mature man prefers a girl with soft, tender meat on her bones that would make any man want to sink his teeth into," Hunter said, and Hera blushed furiously. "I love my girl just the way she's because she's perfect," Hunter concluded. 

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