Chapter 136 - She's Got The Most Expensive Surname

His palms pressing against her flesh felt searing hot even through the shirt she wore, and an involuntary shudder exploded inside her. Hera rolled her eyes, trying to appear unaffected by the warm sensation his touch sent throughout her body. It was a subtle attempt to hide her blush. She smoothly removed his hands from her hip before getting out of his lap. 

She let herself be seated next to him on the sofa, creating a respectable distance between them. "You and your massive brain with universal knowledge!" Hera said, dramatically shaking her head. "I don't understand why do you even know such things. Your selection of research study topics that you chose to educate yourself startles me sometimes," Hera said. Smiling, Hunter fondly stared at her while she scrunched her nose up, frowning at him. 

"Stop staring, Lucifer, you're making me feel hot," Hera said, fanning her face with her fingers. Her tone playful, teasing him, but Hunter saw through it, her intense blush spreading all over her cheeks before it reached the tip of her ears and then down her neck. His hand found her waist, pulling her closer to him. He chuckled when Hera leaned toward his face and smiled up at him suggestively.. 

"How eager are you for that kiss, Mrs Hunter?" He asked, teasing her as an audible grin followed his words. He'd noticed how Hera had started initiating the kiss these days, and it never failed to make his heart skip a beat. It gave him immense pleasure knowing he'd all her attention centred on him. Hera leaned forward, and Hunter hissed when her teeth grazed his skin under his jaw, biting a bit harshly. 

"Do you want me to change my last name from Hunter to Castellanos?" She snapped, the tip her nose turning red in anger as she glared at him. Ignoring her question, he pinched the upper swell of her well-developed breasts, which peeked from the tank top she wore under his shirt as his retaliation to her vicious bite. Hera slapped his hand away before hovering over his torso, her knees digging into the soft cushion of the sofa on either side of his thighs. 

She cradled his face with her hands and kissed the other side of his jaw before biting there too. "Teach me how to make hickeys properly," she whispered, lips trailing down to his neck just near his jawline. Hunter inhaled sharply, eyes darkening, and all the playfulness was gone as they stared into each other's eyes. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You already know how to mark me, Goddess. Your teeth do it just fine," he said but told her anyway, how to nip at the skin, bite and suck it to create the perfect hickey. 

He felt Hera smile against his skin right before sucking it harshly. Hunter made a weird noise which sounded like something between a painful grunt and an approving moan of pleasure. "You sound so hot when you make such notices," Hera said, inhaling his scent. His chest vibrated against her, and she loved the feeling it formed inside her stomach. 

'Fuck butterflies. This thing feels even better than their fluttering wings in my tummy.'

Hera reached back up to his mouth. She finally smashed their lips together and who was he to complain. He returned the kiss with the same intensity. When she felt breathless, she pulled away and smiled in satisfaction, her tongue licking the taste of his lips on hers. 

"I really love that surname though," she said and laughed when he scowled in return. Hera's laughter turned into a startled gasp as Hunter suddenly pushed her down the cushion and hovered over her form. He shut her up with a kiss, and he kissed her just the way she liked it, teeth sinking into her soft lips hard, rough, and tongue invading her mouth possessively. 

Hunter's cell phone went off with an incoming call. Cursing, he broke the kiss and left Hera's proximity to retrieve his phone from the dresser. It was Bianca's call, informing him the dinner will be ready in ten minutes and arranging the table was Hunter's duty. Humming his reply, he disconnected the line while his eyes scanned his reflection in the mirror. 

Hera had decorated his jawline and his neck everywhere with her hickeys. She left one on his cheek too. A brow rose in surprise before he grinned, impressed by her work. Hera watched while he took out a hoodie and wore it. It covered his neck completely when he zipped it, and Hera glared in disagreement. 

"I don't want your brother to feel awkward, and I'm sure Michael won't shut up rubbing it on Danny's face," he offered as an explanation. Hera tsked still scowling at him. 

"Speaking of Michael, you said yours and Eric's parents are best friends with that Alastair dude. What about Mike's? He never talks about his parents," Hera said, curious eyes fixed on Hunter's expectantly. Hunter nodded as he joined her on the sofa. "At the principal's office when they mentioned about calling his parents, you offered to call yours instead," Hera pointed out. He smiled at her with an 'I'm impressed' look. 

"You're learning to observe things I see," he said, teasing her. Hera rolled her eyes when he momentarily got distracted only to measure the length of her hair with his hand. "Did it grow a bit?" He asked, frowning at it. When he noticed Hera giving him a 'Are you serious right now' look, he let go of it with a scoff. 

"Are you, by chance, trying to avoid answering my question?" Hera asked. Hunter smiled a bit sadly, Hera noticed. "You said it yourself he never mentions his parents and it's not my place to tell you the reason. Something unpleasant happened in the past with our parents and let me say it affected many lives, including Mike's. He hates speaking about," Hunter paused, searching for the right word but didn't find any. 

"An accident, an attack, a killing, I don't know how to describe it. But Mike lost his family. I offered to call my Dad that day because Mike is my adopted brother, and my parents are his guardians," Hunter revealed shocking Hera with that piece of information. "You can ask him if you want to know. Maybe he'll open up to you about it. But a fair warning, he doesn't like talking about them," he said, and Hera inclined her head not knowing how to respond. 

After a moment's beat, Hera kissed him again to lessen the tension in the air. Hunter went oddly silent after that revelation. 

"Alastair Castellanos, the name sounds so grand as if he's some royalty," Hera said, nodding in approval. She wanted to divert his attention from whatever cause that troubled him. Hunter hummed his agreement. "He is," he said. "Haven't you heard that name before?" Hunter asked, and Hera shook her head. 

"Alastair Castellanos was a crown prince of Greece, but I don't know about his current status or title. No idea whether he's the King or not because monarchy doesn't exist in their country anymore," Hunter said, shrugging his shoulders. 

"A crown prince or a King, you say? My my! How rich is your background if your parents are friends with a royal family?" Hera asked in wonder. Her genuinely astonished eyes widened as curiosity danced in them. Hunter laughed good-naturedly, Hera felt relieved that he no longer looked upset and his mood had lifted. "I'm richer than that, said King. You've got the most expensive surname already attached to your name, Hera Hunter. So drop that ridiculous idea of changing it," he said chiding her. 

At the dinner table, Danny's phone kept ringing, and Hera noticed how her brother gulped his food hurriedly. He received the call and replied with a short 'I'm coming,' He didn't wait for others to finish their dinner and left the table in the middle. 

Hunter followed his best friend to his room where Danny was wrapping himself in his dark hoodie, getting ready to out. "Where are you going and who was that on the phone?" He questioned without beating around the bush. Danny threw some excuse of meeting a girl. Hunter stared, surprised at the lie. "Danny, you're breaking our rule," he stated indignantly. Danny chose to ignore the accusation. 

"You've been getting a lot of those calls at odd hours recently. What are you hiding, buddy? Are you into drugs or something?" Hunter asked, blocking his way when he made a move to escape him without answering. "Fuck, Ace, stop assuming and what's with the accusation? I'm not lying, okay. Just not ready to speak about it yet. We'll talk later. It's not that big of a deal anyway. Can you let me go now?" Danny asked. 

"You're not escaping this?" Hunter warned, and Danny agreed. 

At the dinner table, Hunter walked into Samantha and Hera bickering. Adding more to his annoyed mood, Bianca and Eric fought over the food, arguing who's cooking tasted more edible. Michael was having fun at their expense, and Evelyn ignored them, shaking her head as if tired of their silly antics.

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