Chapter 187 - She Has To Do Something For Him

Suddenly, Felicity's feet halted, and Alexander walked straight into her. He was mindlessly following her without focusing on where he was going. His wife withdrew her steps back and signalled him to be quiet. Surprised to find her little boy in the nursery, they both watched from the door. 

Little Hunter looked at the baby in the crib. Her eyes were wide awake, and she stared at him without blinking. "Do you ever sleep, stupid girl?" He muttered disapprovingly before reminding himself why he came into her room. He eyed the little pink pillow in his hands and scowled. 

"This colour is ugly, and I don't like it. But it's still my favourite because it's grandma's gift and soft like mummy's hands. I'll give you this if you stop crying all the time. Sleep well, and don't disturb my mummy's sleep from now on," he said in a firm commanding tone. 


Felicity and Alexander couldn't hear him clearly. He was talking to her in a hushed tone. It didn't help that Hunter still spoke with a slight lisp. So it was difficult to grasp what exactly he was saying. 

Baby Hera grinned with her toothless mouth wide open, and little Hunter looked at her, intrigued by her big green eyes. They shone like those big stones he had seen in his mother's diamond workshop. He was fascinated by the colour of her eyes, and they twinkled under the light just like how stars gleam in the dark sky. 

"You're pretty," he noted. Hera kicked her legs excitedly and giggled as if she understood the praise. Hunter immediately frowned in disapproval and added, "but not prettier than my mummy." Hera banged her legs against the crib mattress faster and harder than before, her giggles getting louder. 

All he could see was her large rounded forest green eyes. 

'She has such beautiful eyes.'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hunter concluded, and his smart brain decided he had to keep her to himself. Well, didn't his father say he should protect her from the bullies? 

He lifted the pillow with both his hands and was about to put it inside her crib when he heard his mother calling for him. Startled, he dropped the pillow and took a few steps away from the crib. He noticed how his mother rushed inside, and her voice sounded angry. His father followed his mother, and in his hurry, he almost broke the camera kept on the small table. 

Alexander caught the camera before it could hit the floor. Felicity had kept it in Hera's room because she would take pictures of Hera now and then whenever her baby girl giggled or blew raspberries. 

Meanwhile, their son glared at the camera. He hated it when his mother took Hera's pictures. 

'Why doesn't mummy take pictures of you when you're pooping? I'm sure you'll look more pretty when you cry and poop.'

Hunter thought sarcastically. 

"Junior, come here," he heard his father calling him. He sounded angry too. 

The little boy couldn't think or remember what wrong he did this time. 

His little brain couldn't have imagined that both his parents thought he was about to suffocate Hera to death with that pillow. 

Felicity raised her voice when her little boy didn't comply immediately. Alarmed by the anger in her tone, Hunter took a few steps back. He wasn't afraid of her. Both Alexander and Felicity knew nothing scared their little trouble maker. If anything, he seemed more determined to defy his mother at that moment. 

Noticing the confused look on the little boy's face, his mother decided to soften her approach. Passing Hera to Alexander, she knelt before Hunter and took his hands in hers. She smiled warmly, assuring him that she wasn't angry.

"What were you going to do with that pillow?" Felicity asked. The slight hesitation in her tone revealed the worry and fear she tried to hide. Felicity hadn't taught her boy how to lie. She was afraid of hearing her son's reply and hoped it wouldn't turn out to be what she suspected. 

Her little boy smiled adorably at her, his dimples adding more charm to it. 

"I'm not stupid, Mom. I know where to place the pillow. I was going to gift my favourite pillow to her, but now I've changed my mind," little Hunter said, scowling at the giggling baby in his father's arms. Felicity sighed in relief and smiled at her boy. She looked at Alexander, and both of them held the same guilty look in their eyes. 

She ruffled the boy's hair in adoration and asked him why he changed his mind. 

"I can give it to her, and now that I have decided to let her stay with us," the little boy was saying, and his mother eyed him suspiciously with her narrowed eyes. "She has to do something for me too," the boy said with a determined tone while his parents exchanged looks. "What is it, Junior?" Alexander asked in a soft tone, encouraging his son to go ahead. 

"She has to marry me and become my wife. Then only she can stay with us forever," their son answered while both of them stared at him in stunned silence. Little Hunter had rendered them speechless alright. 

Felicity came out of the shock first. Biting her lip, she took a deep breath and reminded herself to stay calm. Felicity rubbed her palms on her side as if to straighten her clothes. But Alexander knew the signs when she felt nervous. 

"It's okay, angel. Don't lose your patience. It's not the first time he's creating trouble. He's our little trouble maker after all," Alexander said in a low whisper and smiled, trying to appear as undisturbed as he could about the complicated situation. "You can handle it. Don't forget he's just a kid," he said, warning her.

Felicity nodded. 

'Dear Lord, where does this boy get such notions?'

The deep sigh she let out was audible. 

"You can't marry her, baby, because she's your sister," Felicity stated. "It's wrong to think of your sibling in such a manner," she said, trying to educate her boy. 

"Did you carry her in your tummy as you carried me?" Hunter asked. His large purple eyes were round, and he stared at his mother. "I know you didn't," he answered himself. "How can she be my sister if she didn't share your tummy with me?" He asked his mother, eyeing her with an unimpressed scowl. 

Felicity read the unspoken question her son's judging eyes screamed at her, loud and clear. "How could you be so dumb?" 

"Why doesn't his little brain work as per his age? Why does he have to be so smart?" Felicity asked her husband. Alexander bit back a smile while she threw her hands up and grumbled in defeat. 

"Nor did you push her out of your vagina as you pushed me out," Hunter spoke again. Felicity gawked at him, speechless. 

"Oh, my God!" She cried in disbelief while Alexander gaped at his son. Alarmed, he shook his head and held his hands up in surrender when his wife glared at him accusingly. "I swear I'm not your culprit," he rushed to offer his defence. 

"Who told you this, baby boy?" Felicity asked her son, adopting the softer approach. 

"Uncle Thomas said the baby comes out of mother's vagina when she pushes them out from her stomach, and I know you never kept her in your tummy," Hunter said and turned his back to them. "She can never be my sister," he declared. Both husband and wife watched while their son stubbornly walked to the bed and climbed on it with the help of a small stool kept at the foot. 

Little Hunter crossed his arms over his chest and turned his face to the side to avoid looking at his parents. 

Alexander bit back a smile and watched while Felicity scowled in displeasure. She spread out her hands as if she had no explanation. "Sooner or later, I'm going to kill Thomas," she muttered. 

Suddenly, Alexander's phone went off with an incoming call interrupting their little family feud. As soon as he saw the name on the screen, Alexander's eyes went wide, and he muttered something under his breath before receiving the call. 

"Hey, Thomas," he greeted but couldn't hear his friend's reply because his wife snatched the phone from his hands to put him on the speaker. 

"Uh-oh, seems like it's not Uncle Thomas' luckiest day," Alexander whispered to baby Hera, and she giggled at him enthusiastically. 

"Asshole, what are you teaching my boy? Why does he know how a baby takes birth? And he knows to pronounce vagina. Thomas Costa, I'll kill you if you don't mind your tongue around my boy," she screamed into the phone.

"Ah, what a hypocrite you're, Felicity Hunter," Thomas replied, his tone matching her rude one equally. 

Before Felicity could open her mouth to cuss at him, Thomas spoke again. 

"You just greeted me by addressing me as an asshole, and you're offended because I taught my Godson how babies are born. Did you forget that you're the one who curses the most in our gang? It's you who needs to mind their tongue around kids," he said, scolding her. The ridiculing tone he used only fueled her anger more. 

Alexander cleared his throat to get her attention. "Felci, you've put the phone on speaker, and you're cursing," he said, pointing at their son. 

Gritting her teeth in utter frustration, she took a deep breath. 

"Can you explain why my son knows what a vagina is?" She asked, forcing the words out of her gritted teeth. 

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