Chapter 188 - Best Friends Share Everything

"He wanted to know how babies are born. Technically speaking, the vagina is the only decent word I could think of because pussy would sound more vulgar. What am I supposed to do?" Thomas asked in an incredulous tone.

"God, why am I friends with such idiots?" Felicity muttered in annoyance. "Could you not have made some story like a fairy or an angel brings them to earth or something like that?" She asked, losing her patience bit by bit. "Who told you to use the exact meaning or the facts?" She scolded.

"You want me to lie to my godson and tell him that the stupid nonexistent fairies come and drop the baby into mother's lap when she's asleep?" Thomas asked, sounding offended. "I'm anything but a liar," he said defensively. Felicity snorted at his admission. "Mr Thomas Costa, we both know lawyers are nothing but experienced professional liars, like literally," she stated.

Felicity rolled her eyes when Thomas yelled in objection.


Meanwhile, Alexander laughed at Felicity's declaration.

She watched him walking to the bed with Hera in his arms to join Hunter. As soon as he placed her on the bed, Hunter looked at her through his peripheral view and moved away, creating distance between them.

Felicity narrowed her eyes and widened them the next second in alarm as an absurd thought crossed her mind.

"Thomas, please don't tell me my boy knows the baby-making process too," she requested, almost close to begging and heard Thomas snort from the other side of the phone. "Don't be ridiculous, Felicity. I'm not stupid," he replied, and Felicity could imagine him scowling at her.

"I know my boys are too young to learn that information. I have to wait a few more years to teach them about the magical art of making babies," Thomas said more to himself. Felicity shook her head and sighed into the phone. "Thomas, you don't know what you've done. My boy wants to marry Hera now that he knows I didn't push her out of my vagina," she snapped at him, tone filled in indignation.

She heard Thomas utter, "Oh," and then a second later, he hummed as if analysing what she said.

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"Do you want me to teach him about incest and why we don't entertain the context?" Thomas asked in all seriousness. Felicity muttered a curse and slumped on the sofa, sighing in utter frustration.

"I miss Alastair so much. My only sane and sensible best friend," she stated, looking at Alexander.

"Hey, don't mention that asshole's name, Felicity. We don't take his name in this house. He doesn't deserve to be in our conversation, and you know how much I hate him," Thomas responded, his tone of voice filled with resentment.

Alexander locked his gaze with Felicity after listening to Thomas's admission. It was easy to assume and pretend that Alastair was busy in his princely duties, and hence they couldn't meet. The more they accept reality, the more it becomes hard to digest it. The truth was always bitter.

"Don't say that, Thomas. Alastair doesn't deserve this much hate," Felicity said as the smile on Alexander's face faded into nothingness.

"He deserves it, Felicity. I hate him for turning his back on us. How could you still consider him as our friend after what he did? I will never forgive him for choosing his title over us," Thomas said, venom filling his voice. Felicity pursed her lips in disapproval even though Thomas wouldn't see it. "Anna did the same, but I never saw you, spitting this much hatred for her," she stated. 

Felicity thought it was unfair to take sides, and Thomas had clearly decided to let Mariana off the hook. It was true that Mariana also turned her back to them. She never once looked back to check on her friends, let alone worry about Hera. Sometimes Felicity couldn't help but blame her for abandoning Hera.

She supported Mariana's decision when she decided to move on from the past, but Felicity had hoped that she would want to meet Hera shortly. She waited for Hera's biological mother to come back for her baby once she got over her bitter past. But unfortunately, to Felicity's disappointment, that day never came.

Alexander still kept tabs on her, though. As per his knowledge, Mariana was safe and happy. Her life was back on track, back to normalcy. She went pursuing her career as a fashion designer, and she was dating a movie producer if rumours were to be true.

"Hey, don't compare Anna's situation with Alastair's. And let me remind you that even you forgave her without much hesitation because we both know she is the victim in this," Thomas stated. At this point, Felicity's anger was taking over her tolerance level. "You say it as if Alastair is the culprit, Thomas," Felicity said indignantly, forcing the words out through her gritted teeth.

"Isn't he, though?" Thomas asked rhetorically, disappointment coating his voice. "I hate it so much when you fight with me to defend that asshole. It almost makes me wish Alex married Anna instead of you. After all, she loved him first. She was crazy in love with him before you entered the picture. You and Alastair would've made the perfect couple, the best pair of assholes," Thomas snapped at her.

The accusing tone he used only intensified Felicity's anger. She gripped the phone in her hand, knuckles closing around it tightly as if to crush the instrument into pieces. She wished it was Thomas's neck instead so that she could choke him to death. Her chest heaved as she inhaled and exhaled in utter fury.

Alexander's head shot up, and his eyes went wide in alarm at what his best friend said. "What the fuck!" He cursed, and Felicity heard him loud and clear, but she didn't look at him. Thomas's words kept ringing in her ears. Alexander could almost see the invisible smoke rushing through her ears and nose. She was that angry.

"You fucking cunt, you piece of shit, what did you say?" Felicity barked into the phone. She heard the shuffling on the other side before Jessa's sweet voice chimed in. "Hey, best friend, greetings," Jessa said, faking too much cheerfulness, but she couldn't fool Felicity with her fake enthusiasm.

"Did you hear what he said, Jessa? He said Alexander should've married Anna," Felicity yelled incredulously. She kept complaining and whining like a child, which made Jessa smile. She could guess from where Hunter got his tantrums and anger issues. Felicity could match the tantrum level of a toddler sometimes.

"I hate him so much, Jessa. Promise me you'll make him sleep on the couch tonight," Felicity asked. Before Jessa could reply, Felicity heard Thomas's voice first. "Ah, jokes on you, Felicity. Jessa loves it and enjoys it too much when we do it on the couch," he said informatively. Thomas groaned in protest, and Felicity knew Jessa smacked him on the head.

"Aw, you two bickering buddies are so cute. It must be so much fun to be petty all the time," Jessa said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "Hey, do me a favour, both of you. Please don't drag me into your silly fight," she said, scolding them both. All the playfulness was gone from her voice.

"It's not a silly fight," both Felicity and Thomas yelled their objection simultaneously, both their voices and tones in sync.

Alexander shook his head in ridicule at their fight. He could tell Jessa was doing the same.

"It's not my fault, Jessa. He's the one who always starts the fight," Felicity said in her defence when Jessa started to scold them both for being so immature. "You don't know what I've to deal with because of him. He's corrupting our boys' innocence. Do you know my son wants to marry Hera?" Felicity asked, sounding exhausted already.

Jessa turned to her side to glare at her husband when Thomas snorted. He took the phone from her hand even though it was on speaker.

"Huh, stop acting like you've to carry the burden of the whole galaxy on your shoulders. You don't deal with half of the shit I go through every day," he said to Felicity. "The other day, your boy was asking if he and Eric could marry the same girl because they are a group of three boys and two girls. Being his godfather and Eric's father is not an easy job, you know," he admitted sounding tired.

Jessa eyed him suspiciously.

Felicity went quiet.

Alexander seemed tensed and dreaded to hear the question that he knew would follow in a second. 

"What did you answer him, Thomas?" Jessa asked, much to Alexander's displeasure.

"What do you think?" Thomas shot back. "He looked so hopeful I didn't have the heart to disappoint him. How can I resist his puppy eyes and pouty lips? I can never say no to my boys," Thomas said, affection filled in his every word as he envisioned little Hunter and Eric's cute faces. He smiled and nodded to himself.

"So I said since they are best friends and share everything, it's okay to marry the same girl. For now, it's decided Michael will marry Evelyn, and our boys will marry Bianca, and they will stay together forever," Thomas said, feeling self-satisfied with his smartness. He sounded so smug about his skill of handling kids.

"Oh, boy," Jessa muttered, feeling speechless. She didn't know whether to admire her husband for how much he loved their boys or to laugh at him for his silly way of handling kids. 

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