Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 218 - Understand

Pan An and Shu Xian already arrived in the restaurant. The moment they went to the rooftop, it had set a romantic setting, the place only lit up with candles that illuminated the place. 

Their table was specifically found in the middle of the rooftop. With a waiter leading them to their location, Shu Xian gratefully placed her hand on Pan An's arm. The professor then smiled and walked with her following beside him.


"Good evening. This will be your table for the duration of the evening. Enjoy."

Pan An just nodded at the waiter. With him already pulling the chair for Shu Xian to sit down on, she elegantly sat down on the chair, already eyeing the food that was before them on the table.

"Wow, they already served food?"

"Indeed," Pan An replied, already sitting down across her and pulled his seat closer so he could sit closer to the table. "I already told them that we will be arriving in a few minutes and that prompted them to prepare the food."

"Wow! You're really prepared," Shu Xian complimented with such a sweet smile on her face, Pan An, appreciating her reaction.

"Of course. You did say you were hungry, so I made sure to prepare this."

Pan An then lifted the cover from their food.

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With Shu Xian grinning excitedly as she saw the steak on a hot, sizzling platter, her eyes twinkled like stars as she loved the gravy boiling on top of the hot steak. The scent of the buttered vegetables being fried as well is what made her hungrier.

"Oh… I can't wait to have this in my stomach. To be honest, I'm famished!"

As Shu Xian was about to get her cutlery to devour her dinner, Pan An quickly but safely got her food from her side, making the girl's eyes widen in surprise.

"Hey, why did you—"

"I'm going to slice your steak for you, silly," Pan An interrupted, already pushing his steak aside for a moment then started to turn her steak into smaller versions for her to eat. "Eat your mashed potato first while you wait."

And Shu Xian did as she was told like a little girl. With her getting her spoon and with her carrying the small bowl in her other hand, she started to eat the mashed potatoes and chewed slowly, admiring the professor in front of her.

She never imagined having such a handsome and accomplished man before her. Heck, she never even imagined dating a man such as him!

Shu Xian couldn't help but smile from time to time as she marveled at Pan An. He looked extra handsome today. He had the effort to change into new clothes—a simple three-piece suit for this special occasion.

It made her feel special that Pan An has prepared more than what she had expected. She thought that they would only eat in a usual, common place—only to find out that he had reserved a romantic place such as this.

It was her first date even so she knew that this is going to be a memorable one that she will not forget.

Pan An looked at her as he continued slicing her steak. Arching a brow, he asked her a question, snapping Shu Xian out of her thoughts.

"What are you thinking of? Am I being too slow?"

"Oh, no, no!" Shu Xian immediately replied, putting down the small bowl of mashed potatoes then got her table napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth. "It's just that… it just couldn't quite sink in—the fact that both of us are having a date."

Pan An by this time had already finished slicing her steak into smaller pieces for her. With him already giving back her plate, Shu Xian waited for a while for Pan An to start slicing a small piece of his steak and putting it in his mouth before she started eating for courtesy.

"So you consider this as our first date, and not the one that we had during the time that we met my mother?"

"Well," Shu Xian started, chewing a piece of her steak before she swallowed then replied. "To be honest, I didn't consider that first outing as our first day because we decided it was a ruse."

Pan An playfully rolled his eyes at her and nodded once in agreement.

"Well, true. You do have a point! Anyway, now that we are having a date with the intention of you officially being my girlfriend, I have a question to ask you."

Somehow, this prompt made Shu Xian feel slightly nervous. With her brows slightly furrowing together, she took a sip of her sparkling water, putting it down after she was sure that it was enough to calm her down.

"Well, what is it?"

Pan An didn't answer for a while. With him putting down his cutlery down, he narrowed his eyes at her, what he asked making Shu Xian cough on the steak that she just recently put in her mouth.

"What did you talk about with Wang Lei and with my mother?"

Shu Xian knew that Pan An was asking too much! The talk that he had with Wang Lei and with Cai Li were completely different and if he is asking about those specifically, then that would mean that she would have to tell him what they have talked about separately!

Besides, his question made Shu Xian think that Pan An is taking this opportunity to ask her since they are already going to be a couple!

But even though Pan An may think of this, Shu Xian thought that she still had the right not to tell him anything and that he should not obligate her to do so because she has to have her own privacy.

Shu Xian's lip curled into a teasing smirk. With her taking a sip of her sparkling water to push down the food that she took in, she answered his question, but not the answer that he was looking for.

"You may be asking me to be your girlfriend officially, but I am entitled not to tell you anything since this is between me and your best friend, and between me and your mother."

Pan An let out a small sigh, however, a smile still appeared on his face afterward. With both of them continuing to eat as they enjoyed their dinner, the professor just let it slide as he changed the topic.

"Either way," he said, a smug grin tugging the corners of his lips. "You are going to tell me eventually. I'll just have to build up your trust towards me."

Shu Xian didn't reply to what he said and just chuckled on her seat. With them already talking about other stuff lightly, both of them enjoyed the ambience of their date location.

With the city lights at their side captivating, to Shu Xian, the candles that lit up their table was more beautiful compared to the artificial ones in the city.

With them having a light conversation about what they had done for the day other than being naughty in the empty classroom beside their first-period room, both of them knew that they had to get to know each other further if they want their relationship to work.

Both of them are aware that they only know little of each other, and that they should take this opportunity to talk about one's likes, and dislikes—and other things that will help them understand each other.



To those who are reading my other two stories which are The Soul Eater's Possession and Accidental Harem: Let's Kiss Again!, I'm sorry.

The reason for the apology is that I had no choice but to go on hiatus on those two stories starting today because being a teacher is taking a toll on me now.

With me having an advisory class, grade 7 students at that, I would have to devote my time to work and guide these students.

However, this story, Fancy Me, Professor!, will still be updated daily because it is under its MGS. This is my third month of MGS and its last month of MGS will be on September.

To those of you who don't know, MGS means that we need to have four months of non-stop writing so we can get our guaranteed $200 per month (for four months only). Once the MGS period is over, I will be slowing down and may put this book on hiatus, too.

But I will try my best to write in all three of my stories if I have the time. Though, I won't promise you about daily updates starting October onwards (especially in my other two titles) because I will not only teach grade 7 English, but I will also teach grade 11 ABM and HUMSS.

I hope you guys will understand! I may frequently update once the Christmas break starts, or if there are long weekends or holidays. :D

Anyway, thank you so much for the support and for the loving messages. ^^

You guys are the best!

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