Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 219 - Left No Space

Pan An and Shu Xian stayed in the restaurant for more than two hours. They absolutely enjoyed the wonderful steak prepared by the restaurant and they decided to enjoy the view that was before them.

Both of them were talking about random stuff such as their likes and dislikes. It turns out that other than their large age gap, most of the things that they shared to each other are complete opposites.


He likes the cold weather, she likes the hot weather. He likes spicy food, she doesn't like spicy foods. He prefers going outside, but she preferred to stay indoors. He would rather watch movies, she would rather read the books.

From the things that they shared, it was obvious that they are opposites. Even then, they find it amazing that they are attracted to each other.

"I think we have something in common," she said, making him cock his head to the side and wonder.

"What do you think do we have in common?" He asked, curiousity evident in his voice.

"That we love studying and that we love dogs."

With Shu Xian pointing that out, he smiled at her sweetly and nodded his head once. 

"I guess you can say that. We do have at least some things in common."

Maybe the saying "opposites attract" really define them as a newly-formed couple. Even then, they knew that they would have to further get to know each other so they know what the other likes and what the other doesn't like.

It is better to know each other in friendship and in a romantic relationship so they will know how to adjust to each other. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, even though they were talking about this as of this moment, Pan An thought about another thing at the back of his mind. 

He really wanted to know what Shu Xian had talked about with Wang Lei and Cai Li.

Letting out a sigh, Shu Xian arched a brow at him in wonder.

"What? It seems something is bothering you."

"We need to talk," Pan An immediately answered, Shu Xian nodding once as the professor stood up and then extended his arm for her to take. "Let's go to my hidden room found in this mall."

Shu Xian blinked her eyes a few times.

"You... have a private, hidden room in this mall. If it is an apartment building, I'd understand. But... a mall?"

Pan An didn't say a word. With him just rolling his eyes at her, he urged his arm again for her to take, Shu Xian now standing up from her seat as she felt that she had no choice but to follow him.

"Come on, Shu Xian," Pan An said, already starting to walk away with her hand now on his arm as he led the way. "Being a rich man, nothing is weird anymore as almost everything is possible."

Shu Xian scoffed at his smugness. With them already walking away from the restaurant, it was evident that Pan An need not pay for their stay.

Well, heck, it was obvious why. He owns the building and everything in it! Why would he pay?

With Pan An's sigh still lingering in her thoughts, Shu Xian looked up at him and asked about it.

"Well... aren't you going to tell me what the sigh is all about?"

Pan An looked at her from the corner of his eye. With a smile tugging the corner of his lips as the employees of the mall greeted him, soon after he answered Shu Xian's question.

"Since we are already talking about our relationship, can't I at least know what it is that you talked about with Wang Lei?"

Shu Xian went quiet for a while. She knew that if she talked about what she and Wang Lei had talked about, then it would mean that she would have to talk about what she had talked about with Cai Li.

It's because her conversation with Wang Lei is connected with her talk that she had with Pan An's mother.

"Well? Shu Xian?"

When Pan An urged again, Shu Xian snapped out of her thoughts, now furrowing her brows as a soft blush appeared on her face. 

"To be honest, I wouldn't want to be talking about this because it is somewhat an embarrassing topic and that... is also connected with the conversation I had with your mom."

Pan An stayed quiet for a while. With him turning to a fee corners with Shu Xian following in tow, they have somehow reached an area that is secluded and out of visibility from civilians.

However, there were some men dressed in black, wearing dark eyeglasses even that made Shu Xian blink her eyes a few times in wonder and at the same time amazement.

"I feel like I'm in a movie. Is this place really top secret?"

"Of course," Pan An said, a man wearing black already opening a door for them so they could enter a gigantic room. "I hide this from my mom. It's a place where I can run away if she bothers me too much."

Shu Xian didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his statement. However, before she could even react, her jaw almost dropped to the ground.

From the hallways on the way going here, it was purely white, having only a red carpet leading here.

However, when the room was revealed to her, it showed an extravagant bachelor's pad! It obviously had its own comfort room, and from the far corner, a small kitchen where he could prepare his food.

What had caught her attention, though... was the fact that there is a king-sized bed from their left and that its sheet were black and velvet-red. 

The cloth was in silk, too! Suddenly, her thoughts started running wild as she thought what it felt like to lie down on that bed, naked even and with Pan An at the side--

"Shu Xian?"

Before she could even continue her mini, growing fantasy, a soft hint of pink appeared on her face, making her feel shy to look at Pan An. 

"Y-you have a wonderful place," Shu Xian just stammered, Pan An not replying for a moment. He then took her hand in his, Shu Xian slowly raising her head to look at him.

"You know... I love this place, too. It's where I can calm down, where I can escape what I want to escape as I find solace."

Pan An then smiled at her, Shu Xian's heart racing in her chest as she listened to what he said next.

"You're the only outsider of my safe haven that ever stepped in. I may trust other people than you, but then again... I felt more comfortable showing you this place. Heck, I couldn't even open this up to Wang Lei that I have a secret base!"

Shu Xian smiled at him. With Pan An kissing the back of her palm, he spoke again that sent shivers down her spine as she felt his breath fan over her skin.

"Tell me, Shu Xian," he started, his voice sultry as it was like a symphony to her ears. "Are you officially mine?"

Shu Xian locked gazes with him. As the professor took a few steps closer, he pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her waist to give her a warm embrace.

"Because I'm yours... even before you could say yes. I'm sure now, and it wasn't because I'm using you to forget someone if that's what you think."

Not even a single word escaped from Shu Xian's mouth. She knew what she wanted to say. She wanted to say that she no longer thinks of him that way, but somehow she found it difficult to express it through words. 

The words stayed in her throat like a lump and the only thing that she wanted to do was to show him her answer through a simple action that even he didn't anticipate.

Shu Xian did a tiptoe. With her planting a brief kiss on his lips, Shu Xian then shyly, but sweetly looked at him afterwards, and spoke in soft little words that made his heart flutter.

"I'm yours, then. Because if I don't call this love, then I wonder what it is that's making me crazy foe you when I haven't felt this way before."

Pan An showed a foolish, but triumphant grin on his face. With him now cupping her face with both of his hands, his thumbs caressed her cheeks, Shu Xian smiling at him, too. 

"Tomorrow's the weekend," he said, almost in a whisper. "And I want to spend more time with you... I want to further get to know you. Alone."

"Oh, Pan An..."

Shu Xian held his hands that cupped her face, her heart still beating crazily in her chest.

"I feel the same way. How is this possible in such a short amount of time?"

"I don't know," he replied, closing his eyes as he rested his head against her forehead. "But what I do know... is that we feel the same way and I could see no reason why we shouldn't push through."

And with that, the professor pulled her in a tender, loving kiss, his student now wrapping her arms around his neck as they left no space between them. 

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