Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 973: Are You Threatening Me?

Chapter 973: Are You Threatening Me?

In front of everyone's eyes, especially Li Fengyuan's eyes, the piece of cloth flew and arrived in front of Dong Lin calmly, when the next moment, the same harmless piece of cloth pierced through his defense and severed the Dong family ancestor in half. 

An expert at the peak of the Great Ascension realm had been killed in an instant! 

Dong Lin's gaze looked stupid, as if his consciousness was gone and he didn't know what was going on. 


Dong Hong roared in heartbreak as he saw his father's body split into two equal parts, from head to crotch, with both parts falling to the sides. His soul spirit was cut in half as well, resulting in the Dong family ancestor dying completely without a chance of survival. 

Without hesitating for another second, Dong Hong unleashed all of his cultivation essence and hurled his halberd towards Ling Tian. Dozens of halberds materialized in an instant, filling the place with halberds spinning and slashing towards Ling Tian. 

The other Dong family experts, enraged and shocked at the same time with a touch of terror, launched their attacks towards Ling Tian as well. If they allowed this young man to live, they would die. 

"Once you perceive but understand the concept of the sword, you can depict it and project the power of the sword onto any object!" Ling Tian casually commented, but his voice was directed towards Li Fengyuan. 

Li Fengyuan forgot to even breathe as she watched the small piece of cloth move in the air and easily cut through the dozens of halberds easily as a blade smoothly sliced through soft tofu. Li Fengyuan could even sense that the small piece of cloth was like a powerful sword, thin but sharp, slashing through everything it encountered as if they were paper. 

The piece of cloth severed all the halberds and even stopped the attacks of the Dong family experts' skills, finally slashing each of the Dong family members in half very easily. 

More than 10 Dong family great ascension realm experts fell in less than 2 seconds! 

"Do you want to leave? You asked me after attacking me twice?" 

Ling Tian faintly looked towards a distant direction, where Dong Hong was trying to escape through a small but very fast flying artifact. 

Raising his hand, Ling Tian pointed his index and middle fingers towards where Dong Hong was standing, making a sword-like sign with his fingers. 

Before Li Fengyuan's astonished and admiring eyes, the piece of cloth seemed to transform into a real sword. Its surface shone with the sun's rays and a sharp and peerless aura spread from the sword. 

The sword pointed to the sky and flew, reaching the sky in moments. At once, the sword lowered its tip as if making a smooth slash in the air in the direction where Dong Hong was escaping. The sharp aura of the sword slightly shook the space around it for a moment. 

To everyone's shock and terror-filled gaze, the sky seemed to split in half, with the clouds and some lightning at the top being split in half as a thin line divided them! 

Dong Hong's body was split in half along with his entire flying artifact, the same way it happened to Dong Lin. His soul spirit was also not spared and eventually fell to the ground with no sign of life. 

"Y-you're a swordsman too...!" 

Despite trying his best not to explode, the man stammered when he felt the special sword aura. He could see what happened, becoming even more horrified to see that this guy had a talent with a sword as well! 

"Uhm... I barely know a little." Ling Tian listened to his words and shrugged his shoulders, while puckering his mouth a bit.

Perhaps his level and comprehension of the Sword Path would be invincible in the Immortal World, but Ling Tian knew perfectly well that the Gods' Territory his sword power won't be of much help, as experts abound, and those talented with the sword are not few. 

The Way of the Sword is long, and Ling Tian feels that he still has a long way to go! 

"Sister Fengyuan, that is Ling Tian's true sword power?" 

Feng Zhiyun, utterly dumbfounded, barely murmured with effort as she saw the piece of cloth in the sky falling quietly as if it was a tree leaf being carried by the wind. No aura or sword power could be perceived in that piece of cloth, as if it was just that, a mere piece of cloth. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Feng Zhiyun's gaze finally shifted to Ling Tian. Despite looking like a man almost 40 years old in appearance, Feng Zhiyun's gaze did not show displeasure and instead she was filled with pride and admiration! 

This magnificent man she had chosen as her man is so powerful! 

"N-no... I-I think my Lord's true power with the sword is much greater..." Li Fengyuan replied barely and without thinking, not taking much notice of Feng Zhiyun's question. Her gaze was still observing the piece of cloth floating and flying in the sky thanks to the wind, as she recalled that supreme sword feeling. 

That sword that Li Fengyuan observed a few moments ago, is a whole new level and superior to all her understanding of the sword that she has learned so far! 

Once the piece of cloth was carried by the wind towards the horizon and landed on some unknown plot of land, Li Fengyuan finally shifted her gaze towards Ling Tian. This man who seemed to be just a few years older than her and had become her Master, seems to have a much deeper background and power than she had imagined. 

"Looks like this is your limit!" 

Ling Tian grimaced as he saw the pained expression of the man in front of him, as well as the aura of his body completely altered and about to cause an explosion of spiritual energy. 

However, Ling Tian was satisfied. Over 70% of his life expectancy had been extracted, leaving him with a life expectancy of less than 100 million years! 

The equilibrium was intervened and the balance shifted, the shared and extracted energy changed places and the power of Yin-Yang changed. 


The man who was struggling for pain and to control as much of the energy inside his body as he could, was confused when he felt the energy entering his body stop. 

But before he could let out a sigh of relief, the man was filled with horror as he felt all the spiritual energy in his body begin to be drawn out at a terrible speed. The life essence he had obtained was reduced in a short time, with his life expectancy being snatched away when more than half was lost in moments! 

The youthful appearance he had achieved stopped and he once again reverted back to a middle-aged man, and quickly reached an appearance of 60 years of age! 

Less than a few thousand years of life expectancy remained for him at this time after having over 1 million years of life expectancy! 

"You thought you were the only one who could decide life and death in this world?" Ling Tian sneered at the man, who now turned back into the same old dying man from a few moments ago before getting younger. 

"I... no... wait-" 

The dying old man could barely get a few words out, feeling his body weakening and death was about to claim his life. The death aura that had disappeared once again surfaced in his body, as all his immortal essence and soul spiritual force dried up. 

"It seems that even your buddies have decided to abandon you..." 

Ling Tian suddenly said, causing the dying old man to blink in surprise as he comprehended his words. 

As if responding to Ling Tian's words, a cold chill came from the horizon and flooded the entire place, causing fear and terror to everyone present. 

In the sky, four pairs of giant eyes appeared, raising their eyelids and with each pair of pupils staring directly at Ling Tian. The four pairs of eyes surrounded Ling Tian, as an overwhelming aura fell from the sky. 

"Let him go. If you do you can leave and there will no longer be a grudge between us." 

A male voice filled with power and insensitivity came from the pair of dark blue eyes that seemed to be the leader as it positioned itself higher than everyone else. The aura that the pair of eyes exuded made the space around them tremble and ripple, proving that the world would not be able to contain its power once it was released. 

"Hoo~ Are you threatening me?" 

Ling Tian showed an expectant smirk, he raised his gaze and looked directly at the pair of eyes that spoke, not caring about the other pairs of eyes, "You think I wouldn't dare to fight you?" 

Despite directly receiving the terrifying coercion from the sky, Ling Tian stood firm and calm as he scorned the pairs of eyes in the sky with his words! 

* Boom! * 

The coercion on Ling Tian multiplied in an instant, causing the ground to crack and tremble! 

But the pairs of eyes disappeared from the sky in the blink of an eye, as if they had never been there. 

Suddenly, a flash came from the horizon, flickering and glowing, rapidly approaching and crossing the tens of miles in seconds. 

A giant rock bathed in fire over 3 kilometers in diameter was about to approach the site as if it were a meteorite! 

Ling Tian scowled slightly, added strength to his hand where he had a grip on the man's neck and an expectant expression crossed his face. 

Before the giant fire rock came within 10 kilometers, Ling Tian tightened his grip further and the next moment he threw the thin and withered body of the dying old man towards the fire rock! 

* Boom! * 

The thin and almost lifeless body of the dying old man slammed into the giant fire rock, creating an explosion of fire and aura that spread in all directions, sweeping away the nearby trees and plants! 

The fire aura reached the place, causing several burn wounds and internal injuries even to the experts of the Separation and Reunion realm and some experts of the Great Ascension realm who failed to protect themselves! 

"You may be a true King, but now you are injured and also can't use all your power in this world... if you have the ability to survive the void, then come." 

The same voice as before came from the horizon this time, heading towards Ling Tian and disappearing without a trace or echo. 

Ling Tian focused his gaze towards the horizon, a glint of disappointment crossing his eyes. 

"Then I'll go visit you in a few days..." Ling Tian casually replied, using the same tone of voice that the voice used in the last sentence. 

There was no response after a while. 

The place became silent even after several minutes. Every pair of eyes watched Ling Tian, who began to stretch his body and arms slightly. 

* Yawn~ *

Ling Tian yawned in exhaustion as the nostalgic but familiar fatigue engulfed his body and mind. A bit of pain was in his body, while some muscles had become stiff and one or two bones had slight cracks. Ling Tian blinked a couple of times, feeling the tiredness in his eyes, feeling his eyelids heavy and calling for him to take a long nap. 

But Ling Tian was very satisfied! 

A large number of cells in his body had died and the remaining ones weakened, with some of his organs weakening and entering a state of decay as they struggled to survive. The amount of blood was greatly reduced, while the strength in his body had greatly diminished, feeling that if he could shatter a giant mountain with a single finger before coming, now he could only make a small hole using all his current strength without the support of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures. 

"The estimated time to forge my body and bring out the potential has been reduced to less than 6 months..." Ling Tian muttered as he stretched his arms and observed his body that had become skinnier, feeling the noticeable and obvious physical changes both on the surface and inside. 

At this rate, and if he found more opportunities, in approximately less than 3 months he could enter the nirvana state and achieve a supreme first-rate body! 

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