Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 974: This Lady Will Only Have One Man In Her Entire Life, u0026 She Has Already Chosen Him!

Chapter 974: This Lady Will Only Have One Man In Her Entire Life, u0026 She Has Already Chosen Him!

"My Lord!" 

"Ling Tian!" 

"Senior brother!"

Li Fengyuan and Feng Zhiyun quickly arrived with Ling Tian as they were still in shock and surprise, remembering everything the two of them had seen just moments ago. Feng Xiao was not far behind and he too followed the two women, even showing a much better expression, his gaze shining with admiration towards Ling Tian. 

Ling Tian kept his gaze on the horizon for a few more seconds before turning his head and looking at Li Fengyuan, Feng Zhiyun and Feng Xiao. 

"What do you think, Fengyuan? Do you think you can reach that level with the sword?" 

Ling Tian narrowed his gaze, smiled slightly as he looked at Li Fengyuan. 

"Huh?" Li Fengyuan, still dumbfounded and without her mind being able to work properly, she nodded dumbly, "I won't disappoint your expectations, my lord!" 

Shock, admiration and even intense adoration with longing could be seen in Li Fengyuan's beautiful eyes, as if she had seen the most beautiful and attractive thing in life and couldn't wait to do it herself as well. 

Ling Tian chuckled lightly upon seeing Li Fengyuan's still shocked expression. Without a doubt, realizing that she could reach that level of the sword path if she trained hard filled her with longing and excitement. 


Ling Tian suddenly coughed a little, as a small line of blood flowed down from the corner of his mouth. Ling Tian had coughed up some blood in dark chunks and completely coagulated, he quickly wiped it off with his hand and took a deep breath. 

"Ling Tian!" 

"My Lord!" 

Seeing Ling Tian's current state, both Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan were once again stunned, but this time, both women snapped out of their thoughts and focused on Ling Tian as they realized that he was injured. 

"Ling Tian, where does it hurt? Come! Sit down!" 

Feng Zhiyun, without hesitation, she approached and grabbed Ling Tian's arm as she scanned his body with spirit sense looking for any wounds. She pulled him gently but firmly, wanting Ling Tian to sit down. 

Li Fengyuan even put her sword aside and she also helped Ling Tian. She took out all her medicinal pills that Ling Tian had given her earlier, as well as medicinal pills that the Feng family and Feng Zhiyun herself gave her, fully willing to give them to Ling Tian as worry constantly filled her heart. 

"Father! Grandfather! Did you bring some of your medicinal treasures? Senior brother needs them!" Feng Xiao quickly rushed towards his father and grandfather, urging them to bring out all of their medicinal resources. 

Both Feng Junze and Feng Ye did not hesitate and brought out all their medicinal resources, even legendary and unique medicinal treasures that could prevent someone from dying completely by extending their life for a little longer. 

"It's alright! You don't need to do that!" Ling Tian waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need the medicinal resources. 

Right now he is trying to push his body to the limit, if he were to consume any medicinal resources or anything to help him, it might harm his progress and even hinder the outcome in the future from being the best. 

"My lord, are you sure you don't want it? Take them all!" Li Fengyuan became much more worried, and she gave Ling Tian the most powerful medicinal treasures in her possession for him to use. 

"Yes, Ling Tian! You need to regain your strength!" Feng Zhiyun nodded her head several times at Li Fengyuan's action, she also took out her own medicinal treasures and tried to give them to Ling Tian, and added, "If you don't use them... th-then I will be angry with you and won't talk to you anymore!" 

Almost with small tears peeping out of the corners of her attractive eyes, Feng Zhiyun threatened Ling Tian with her last words as she forced him to take her medicinal treasures. 

Both Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan, as well as Feng Xiao, Feng Junze and Feng Ye, could strongly sense a death aura coming from Ling Tian, indicating that he was dying. But they could not understand why Ling Tian refused to recover. It was as if he really didn't understand that he was injured and lost much of his vital essence! 

"Will you be angry with me because I won't look young anymore?" 

Ling Tian looked at Feng Zhiyun and smirked with some mockery and amusement, then added, "I have lost much of my life essence, and I only have a few years left to live, so if I can recover I can continue to live... but my appearance will remain like this and I will no longer be able to rejuvenate even if I recover in the future!" 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Although Ling Tian still looked partially young himself, due to the rapid loss of his life essence, his surface appearance looked somewhere between a 30-40 year old man in appearance who still maintained some vestige of his previous masculine beauty, still being an attractive adult man almost middle-aged but inevitably dying. 

"I don't think you want to be with a grown man and a bit old like me." Ling Tian added sarcastically, his eyes looked straight into Feng Zhiyun's eyes, as if he could look through her soul and know her thoughts. 

If Feng Zhiyun is worried that he won't look like he used to, then that's a good way to make her understand that she has to give up on him. Her infatuation and obsession would only be superficial and would easily disappear with time or when she finds someone more handsome than him. This kind of attraction to appearance is something Ling Tian is aware of because of his own face and appearance, which caused him a lot of problems even since he was a kid and young man when he started his path in cultivation. 

Indeed, Feng Zhiyun was stunned upon hearing Ling Tian's words. However, she showed an angry expression and immediately she pulled Ling Tian's robed collar towards her and pressed her elegant body against his. 

"Huh? You think I don't care about your well-being? You think I'm just captivated by your looks or your strength? You think because you look like an old man now I'll change my mind? You are wrong!" 

Feng Zhiyun declared with firm sincerity as she looked straight into Ling Tian's eyes as well, replying, "You are the first and only man who has ever taken my heart, and just because you look older and a little old doesn't mean that I will no longer be interested in you! I'm just worried about your health!" 

Ling Tian listened to Feng Zhiyun's words without saying anything. He could feel Feng Zhiyun's heart beating intensely as they were so close together, with her sensual and beautiful body against his, with her lovely natural scent from her body reaching his nose. 

Feng Zhiyun's eyes showed no falsehood as she looked at him, as if everything she said was an irrefutable truth. Their faces were less than 10 centimetres apart from each other, feeling her breathing slightly agitated, while her long shiny silver hair waved slightly in the gentle wind of the place. 

Ling Tian looked through that pair of beautiful eyes, sighing helplessly inside as a sudden thought popped into his mind related to Feng Zhiyun. The memory of when he saved her in the past surfaced in his consciousness. 

"Whatever happened, it was just to save you, nothing else." Ling Tian commented after a few seconds when he saw that Feng Zhiyun kept looking at him, "You can either forget that or keep it as a fond memory and find someone else... I'm sure you will find someone better than me, even stronger who will be able to protect and love you with all his heart." 

Although there were several reasons why he could not accept Feng Zhiyun, Ling Tian had one main reason as a priority; he already had 5 wives, and with the acceptance of Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei, he now has 7 women! Therefore, he does not want to give Feng Zhiyun expectations, he cannot reciprocate her and, above all, he does not want to deceive and disappoint his women a second time. 

Though deep in Ling Tian's heart there are currently 8 women he loves and will love forever... 

Feng Zhiyun narrowed her gaze much more as she listened to Ling Tian, as if she was really getting deeply angry. 

"This lady will only have one man in her entire life, and she has already chosen him! If she is not reciprocated, then she will spend the rest of her life alone!" 

Feng Zhiyun finally commented with a determined tone that was different from her usual way of speaking. Her aura changed slightly, as she imposed her eternal thought and tried to make Ling Tian remember this moment: "If you will stay like this forever, then I will look for a way to become an old lady as well! Then we'll both look equally old!" Feng Zhiyun stated straightforwardly.

Ling Tian sighed inwardly, feeling helpless at the sight of this woman's obstinacy and stubbornness. It seemed that there was only the last resort of asking Zhang Xinya and his wives for help. However, Feng Zhiyun's determined and honest expression could not help but imprint itself in his mind. 

"Feng Zhiyun! You dare!" 

When Feng Zhiyun showed intent to kiss Ling Tian directly on the lips as the two of them were so close, Li Fengyuan couldn't bear it anymore and she pursed her lips and pulled her master away from Feng Zhiyun quickly as she supported and covered Ling Tian behind her body. Her cheeks flushed, but she stared defiantly and fiercely at Feng Zhiyun for what she wanted to do. 

Feng Zhiyun finally grinned with some cunning and charm, returning a defiant and utterly superior look to Li Fengyuan, expressing to her that she was in control and everything went the way she wanted it to. 

Li Fengyuan gritted her teeth and she faced Feng Zhiyun, not wanting to let her get away with it. 

However, both women still cast worried glances at Ling Tian upon seeing his current state. Clearly Ling Tian needs to recover, but they didn't know why he refused. 

"I'm cultivating a special technique and I need to reach the limit of capacity in my body." 

Sensing the concern in both women, as well as the other members of the Feng family, Ling Tian let out another sigh and he gently patted Li Fengyuan's head explaining, but at the same time allowing the others to hear him and not be so anxious. 

"A special technique?" 

Li Fengyuan's heart jumped fiercely as she felt Ling Tian's hand on her head, feeling intensely shy, but then she was stunned to hear her master say that he was practicing a special technique. 

What kind of special technique required its practitioner to touch bottom in their body to the point of not wanting to heal from their wounds? 

This question arose in the minds of everyone present who was nearby, in short, Li Fengyuan and all the members of the Feng family. 

"I think they won't really come..." Ling Tian looked at the horizon again and shook his head in disappointment, before looking at Li Fengyuan and saying, "This time I have come for you, for Di Ji and her family. I will take you to the cultivation world where my family is." 

"I will return with you, my lord?" Li Fengyuan was surprised for the umpteenth time, finally feeling some excitement to know that her lord returned for her and she will be able to accompany him, being his sword against the world as it should have been from the beginning. 

Although it seems that more and more, the difference in strength between her and her lord is abysmal... 

For the first time, Feng Zhiyun felt somewhat anxious upon hearing this news from Ling Tian, but she quickly shook her head and said, "Ling Tian! I did some research and obtained information about a heavenly-grade medicinal herb! You are looking for this kind of plant, aren't you? I heard about it from your last disciple we met in that mysterious realm!" 

Feng Zhiyun explained in a few words to Ling Tian, referring to Deng Tianjin when they met in the mysterious realm and Ling Tian fought against that powerful enemy who used Buddha and Demon techniques. Feng Zhiyun told him that the main reason for coming to this event in this place was because of the medicinal herb. 

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows slightly, slightly surprised by Feng Zhiyun's words, as well as her intention to have come all the way here just to get information. He looked at Li Fengyuan, who she nodded and confirmed Feng Zhiyun's words, both women had decided to come here to get clues from the medicinal herbs. 

"If the information is correct, I will thank you very much and I'll return the favour later." Ling Tian nodded seriously. 

"Hm? Why do you have to return the favor to me? Between us, there's no need to do that~" Feng Zhiyun chuckled charmingly again, looking at Ling Tian with her beautiful smile, "It's what a woman should do for her man!" 

Ling Tian looked at Feng Zhiyun but this time he didn't say anything. 

Li Fengyuan's gaze turned cold again, looking at Feng Zhiyun as if she was her worst enemy. 

"Well? Where is this medicinal flower? Does any special force or sect have it?" Ling Tian asked, stopping Li Fengyuan from advancing further towards Feng Zhiyun. 

"It seems to be found by one of the Dong family's young master's followers!" 

Feng Zhiyun replied at once. 

"Young master of the Dong family?" 

Ling Tian was surprised, and soon remembered something. When he was letting himself extract his life essence, Ling Tian noticed that the Dong family patriarch brought a young man with him to worship the dying old man. But Ling Tian did not remember killing him, so he should still be in this place, but regardless, the life and death of the young master Dong did not matter to him. 

Ling Tian also recalled the words of the Dong family's probable ancestor, and how they were not afraid of him that time he killed the Yuan family's central bloodline. Ling Tian remembered a little of the identity of the patriarch and ancestor of the Dong family. Most likely this dying old man was the Dong family's ace. 

"Do you know in which direction this family's main residence is?" Ling Tian asked again. If there was a chance to find the last medicinal flower he needed, he would not waste this opportunity. 

"Senior Brother! Allow me to go find that medicinal flower for you!" 

Suddenly, Feng Xiao raised his hand and looked expectantly at Ling Tian before his elder sister said something. This was his chance to help this great senior brother he admires so much. 

"You? You want to go?" 

Ling Tian couldn't help but be a little surprised to see Feng Xiao expectantly. 

"Yes! I know the location of the Dong family's residence! Moreover, I will go with my father and grandfather and the other experts of the family to be careful! That way, you can go back to rest with my elder sister and sister Fengyuan!" 

Feng Xiao replied with a big smile, causing Feng Zhiyun beside him to smile and give him a thumbs up with her gaze. Li Fengyuan listened and she agreed, if Ling Tian refused to recover with the help of medicinal treasures, then there should be no problem with recovering if he rested naturally. 

"Immortal Young Master, allow us to help you in this small but significant task in return for helping and protecting us a few moments ago." 

Feng Ye walked over and cupped his fists towards Ling Tian, causing both Feng Zhiyun, Feng Xiao and even Li Fengyuan to become strange seeing the Feng family ancestor's behavior and manner of address towards Ling Tian, when the last time they were behaving almost like old friends. 

Ling Tian looked at Feng Ye and then at Feng Junze, as well as Feng Xiao. 

"Alright! I'll entrust it to you a lot, please!" Ling Tian nodded and took out another void crystal from his storage ring and handed it to Feng Xiao, "If anything happens, smash this crystal and I will arrive with you!" 

Feng Xiao took the void crystal and his expression became much more excited, filled with gratitude and happiness that Ling Tian had entrusted him with this mission. 

"I will wait for you at your residence." 

Ling Tian took out a sword and climbed on it, flying into the sky leisurely. Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan did not hesitate and also followed him with their own flying swords, quickly saying goodbye to Feng Ye and the others. 

Feng Xiao, Feng Ye, Feng Junze and the other members of the Feng family quickly headed towards the Dong family's domain. 

At the place, only the stunned members of every famous force and sect on the continent were left, watching Ling Tian quietly disappear into the horizon. 

Ling Tian had not even glanced towards them, as if he did not notice their presence. 

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