Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 57.2

Chapter 57.2

The Tiger Demon sighed.

When it comes down to it, they were two demons that could also be considered half my parents.

The snakes eyes immediately lit up. Did they adopt you?


The Tiger Demon licked his lips before continuing, Didnt I tell you before? At the beginning, they were too young, and their views on right and wrong hadnt been established yet. When the Chicken Demon met the Weasel Demon again, they discovered that the Chicken Demon was actually a rooster, and it was impossible for it to give birth. The Weasel Demon felt cheated, whereas the Chicken Demon was bent on revenge. The two demons fought for three days and three nights, and finally they died together.

The little snake looked up blankly, her eyes confused and her three views shattered. But hens cant give birth to baby weasels too, can they?

(TNote: the three views = refer to the world outlook, values, and outlook on life.)

At first, I also thought that hens could only lay eggs. However, about a thousand years ago, I went to the wedding banquet of a Hen Demon and a Rabbit Demon. Not long after, I also attended the funeral of the Hen Demon. Before that, she was pregnant with a little rabbit, and since she had only laid eggs before, when she gave birth to a rabbit, the hen died in childbirth. The Rabbit Demon was so heartbroken that he ate the Hen Demons inner Dan and went into seclusion. He still hasnt come out yet, that poor thing.

The little snake He ate ate her Dan?

(TNote: inner essence/ internal Dan/ Dan pill = it is generally known in wuxia novels that cultivators and demons have a dans/spiritual essence in the form of a pill/sphere/condense form, in their body.)

The Tiger Demon, upon hearing her disbelief, recalled his initial point, then said Lets go back to the Chicken Demon and the Weasel Demon.

At that time, I was just a small mortal demon. I was hiding in the mountains while cultivating every day, and I didnt dare to venture out. Suddenly, I heard a commotion and ran over to find the two demons fighting, and I kept watching for all three days. Fortunately, there was too little aura in the Mortal Realm, and they must have suppressed their cultivation, so they didnt detect my presence. When they died, I swallowed their essence up. That was how I gained 10,000-years worth of cultivation so quickly. If it wasnt for this, how could I have ascended to the Divine Stage in just a few thousand years?

Later, I solidified my cultivation and set up a memorial tablet for them. After that, I came to the Cultivation Realm. For so many years, although my memory is getting worse and worse, I remember it clearly.

Having said that, the Tiger Demon still lamented, Its a pity that I have only met such a good thing once in these thousands of years. If I met such things a few more times, I could have ascended to the Heavenly Realm.

The little snake was already dumbfounded by this demon version of a love story.

She didnt know what was going on with her. Maybe she really was injured in the head. She was obviously a demon, but her thinking was just like a human being. She just couldnt keep up with this thinking of demons.

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The Tiger Demon, misunderstanding the lost look on the little snakes face, waved his paw and soothingly said, Dont worry, Im different from those bad demons who kill other demons and eat their inner Dan. I only eat the inner Dan of the dead demons. As long as youre alive, I wont kill you.

You too will have to do the same in the future, you know?

The snake eased up a bit as she exhaled and understandingly said, I know, but I still wont hurt my own kind.


The Tiger stretched his paw and touched the small bump on her head. His head was starting to hurt from trying to explain, Why are you always so stupid? I mean, killing a demon and taking their inner Dan will do more harm than good. If you kill the demon, you will have to waste a lot of effort. Every time you ascend to the next stage, heavenly thunder will strike you. How painful is that? If you dont practice honestly, you could make mistakes. Anyway, we demons have a long life, so we let it simmer slowly, and we will ascend to the Heavenly Realm.

Also, if we kill demons to eat their inner Dan, one day we will also be eaten. This is called the cycle of karma. Look at you, you are stupid, and you have a strange disease, but you so happen to have aura. If we had a bad demon eating inner Dans on this mountain, the first thing they would target is you, since you are so weak. Even if you were outside, those cultivators would chase you to kill you and take your inner Dan. Just quietly stay here and slowly cultivate. One day, we can ascend to the Heavenly Realm.

The little snake looked at the sky with some resignation as one or two birds flew by, their wings tracing the arc of freedom.

A moment later, she insisted, I must go out and find that person. I want to be like those two birds, flying high in the sky, so I can find him easily.

The Tiger Demon then handed her a book. Cultivate, and wait until you reach the Golden Dan Stage. You will be able to fly by then. Perhaps, cultivate a few hundred thousand years more, and you can turn into a dragon.

I forgot to tell you that I calculated your cultivation before. It is strange. You are the fate of Heavenly Fury calamity.

Simply put, you will lose your friends, relatives, and lovers. Its hard to get through it anyway, but I have a great idea here.

The Tiger Dan smiled proudly at her. You dont remember anything anyway. You dont have any relatives, no lovers, no friends. You never had any. How could you lose any then?

I would have had none.

The little snake got up and turned into a teenage girl.

Her appearance was beautiful. If human words were used to describe it, they would say hiding the moon, and shaming the flowers, or sinking fish and falling geese. Although she was young, one could already imagine her future stunning beauty.

(TNote: hiding the moon, shaming the flowers = idiom; fig. female beauty exceeding even that of the natural world sinking fish and falling geese = idiom; fig. female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts.)

Its a pity that the one looking at this appearance was the Tiger Demon who didnt appreciate the beauty of hairless creatures. Seeing that the small snake, who withheld a little beauty, had turned her appearance to such an ugly creature like a human being, the Tiger Demons face was suddenly filled with disgust as he instinctively turned his face away, trying not to hurt its own eyes.

The little snake transformed because her true form couldnt take the book. At the moment, a pair of white jade hands were holding the book, but her eyes looked confused.

This calamity should be fairly easy to pass, I have nothing, and I am not afraid of losing it. However, the person I always dreamed of seemed to have a lot to do with me. Could he be my relative?

However, I always felt that he was human. What if, when I come out of cultivating here, he would have already died of old age?

Its alright.

The Tiger Demon yawned, lying on the ground with drowsiness, and closed his eyes. Every living creature has a soul, and the soul would go to the ghost world, which is a branch of the underworld, and then it would be reborn again. Maybe when you leave, he would have been reborn as a snake.

The little snake was persuaded and nodded seriously, Okay! Then Ill wait until the Golden Dan stage to find him!

The Tiger Demon squinted at her cheerful figure and yawned again in boredom.

This silly child, how gullible Can a reincarnated person even be considered the same person?

The little snake ran to the woods to read the book. As she ran, she went past two Rabbit Demons who were having a barbecue. When they saw her figure, they put down their bowls and chopsticks before running away in terror.

She bowed her head sadly as she reached out to touch her face.

Most of the animals in the mountains were afraid to approach her.

Other than the Tiger Demon, the Bear Demon and the Lizard Demon, the rest all ran away in fear at the sight of her. Once, she ran after them to find out why. Everyone just said they were scared when they saw her, and after half an hour of chasing, at last they confronted each other in the forest. Even then, they were too hesitant to speak, so she concluded it may be because she was too ugly.

This answer made the little snake feel inferior until now.

As it turns out, snakes werent liked by most demons. Although there were other snakes in the forest, since she was born deformed with two bulging bumps on her head and she slithered much slower than the others. When she once agreed to play in the pool with the others, they had already played three or four laps before she even got into the pool.

In the end, she decided to just forget it. At first, everyone tried to accommodate her and took the form of a human, but their differences in appearance was clear even from just a glance. Most of the serpents had a flirtatious figure, with long oblique eyes and pointed jaws. It was needless to say that these features were what defined their species.

However, looking at this little snakes human form, the others noticed how her eyes were neither slanted nor long, and her chin was not very sharp, not to mention her average figure. Most of the serpents were exclusionary already, and with nothing much in common between them, the other snakes didnt want to play with her anymore after a couple of times.

As for the three demons who werent afraid of her, unless the Tiger Demon needed to go out, he had to sleep for 8 hours a day. Then, the Bear Demon steals honey every day and has no time to play with her. Finally, the Lizard Demon would go down the mountain for several months, but he would leave again in less than a day when he came back.

In fact, the Tiger Demon felt that her lethargy wasnt from a need for rest. It was her loneliness wearing her down. Apart from sleeping and cultivating, she really didnt know what to do.

Even when she only sleeps and cultivates, no demons would understand her.

In the eyes of the little snake, as long as she lied down and closed her eyes, she could absorb aura and cultivate automatically.

But in the eyes of many demons, this was simply a pipe dream.

How could your cultivation keep growing if you just keep sleeping?

If one could cultivate by sleeping, then everyone would be sleeping all the time. Why would they need to cultivate so hard every day?

This also became another reason why the little snake wasnt accepted by the demons in the mountain.

She was too strange. They heard that she also had a strange disease. What if it infected them? They might die too.

Most demons were relatively independent by nature. If any other demon met this situation, would you play with them? None of them would. A demon cultivator doesnt know the meaning of feelings anyways.

Despite it all, the little snake knew she was destined to be different from the average demon. Despite her lack of memories, she understood feelings. When she was rejected by the demons, she was very sad and lonely.

Furthermore, while she sleeps, many images appear in her mind sometimes.

One moment, she was playing with several human children when they pushed her into the water and she struggled to get out. Another was where she was locked up in a place made up of wood, which the picture book said it was a place for humans to sleep.

Most of the images showed her locked up in this room, leaving her feeling very cold, hungry, and scared. She felt like she had been locked up for a long time. When she woke up, she would kneel on the ground and cry when she saw the sun.

The little snake often woke up crying, though she had no idea why she was so sad.

The only things she had were the fleeting dreams that flash through her mind and the nagging feeling that she needed to find the person she wanted to see more and more.

She wanted to see him so much.

That man could be her next of kin.

As long as she found him, perhaps, her past memories could be recovered.

Today, as usual, the little snake was still lonely.

She read the book and began to cultivate, as simple and relaxed as ever.

The book was read quickly. When she was done, she placed the book on the ground and stretched out into her true form, intending to crawl slowly for a while.

A kind-hearted serpent told her that her deformity might be a molt gone awry, and she should exercise more. Maybe, her next molting will be normal.

Although she didnt remember ever molting, the little snake obediently crawled on the ground to exercise as much as she could.

She began crawling for half an hour, since it was too difficult for her body to slither. In the end, it took her half an hour to crawl almost 200 meters.

That should be enough exercise for today, right?

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