Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 57.3

Chapter 57.3

That should be enough exercise for today, right?

As soon as the thought crossed her mind, the world, pure, calm and peaceful a second earlier, suddenly reverberated for a moment. Then, from not too far away, near the mountain pass, a young boy in a Daoist robe flew by.


As he went along his way, he noticed a peculiar scent of aura in the air. He was about to take a few more steps forward when he suddenly noticed a little snake that was foolishly hiding under the leaves, sneakily watching him.

A snake?

Intrigued, he stepped forward and picked her up, though the silvery-white snake struggled and swayed.

So clever? Be my pet.

After deciding to keep it as a pet unanimously, the boy turned around and walked down the hill with the snake in his hand.

The little snake desperately refused to become a pet! It struggled angrily, wanting to poison the boy. However, when the silvery white snake finally struggled and raised its head to the teenagers hand, it paused in realization.

She doesnt have fangs

Yes, even though she was a snake, she had different looking teeth than other snakes.

Moreover, she didnt even have the long trailing patterns on her body, which were the usual symbols of a snake demon.

The Tiger Demon only taught her how to cultivate and ascend, not how to attack or defend herself.

Now that she was in danger, she had spiritual power but didnt know how to utilize it.

She couldnt bite without fangs, and she cant even intimidate people without the snake demon patterns.

She was merely a helpless snake

The little snake became fully aware of her helplessness at this moment.

She was just a useless and deformed snake.

After internalizing how powerless she was, she hung upside down listlessly, her eyes devoid of any hope.

She almost felt like shouting in frustration, but according to the Tiger Demon, if she ever gets caught by human beings, she shouldnt talk, and she must pretend to be incapable of transforming. After all, people would still think to treat less-than-sentient demons as pets, but they had other thoughts for sentient demons. They would cut the grass and leave no seeds of trouble for the future.

The Tiger Demon also told her to not run away or resist. Instead, she should try to stay alive until the Tiger Demon finds out that she was caught down the mountain and save her.

Remembering the advice, and fearing for her life, the little snake hung upside down with her mouth closed.

At that point, she would have been okay with just idling around. Unfortunately, her body was too delicate to be carried so far and so carelessly, she couldnt hold back from vomiting.

As she only ate vegetation and fruits, all she spat out was water. However, it was enough to shock the teenager as he carried her a little farther away.

How can a snake vomit ah?!

As he was shocked, he swung the snake around even more, leaving the snake dizzy and seeing stars.

Unfortunately, the teenager didnt give up on her because she was a snake that could vomit.

The little snake was then brought back to the teenagers clan without incident.

The teenager excitedly took his spirit pet back home.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Interestingly, his status in the clan was considerably high. His master was a demonic genius who reached his current level by practicing for only a short hundred years. Although his talent wasnt as impressive as his masters, he was definitely one of the best in the clan.

Just, since his master was strict, he had to concentrate on cultivation since he was accepted as a disciple, and he rarely left the clan. He always felt wistful whenever he snuck around the clan and saw some spiritual beasts kept by other disciples.

Although his master was an adept at everything, he was too cold. Even though he had such profound cultivation, he lived in such a humble house. He neither eats nor drinks wine, and would only cultivate every day. Although he admired such a master, he could never do it himself.

Sometimes, he wondered about life after ascending tribulation. Perhaps, he could ascend to the Heavenly Realm, but maybe the immortals there were like his master, eternally indifferent to the happenings and pleasures of the mortal world.

Regardless, the young man was full of respect for his master. After he cleaned his room, bathed, and changed clothes, he took the silvery white snake, which he also soaked in water, to the door of the wooden house where his master resides.

Disciple visits Master.

He knelt in front of the wooden house, first saying that he had successfully reached the Golden Dan Stage. Then, he mentioned he met a small snake with aura when he went down the mountain. He brought it back to accept it as a spirit pet.

The spirit pet was hanging upside down to death, its body vertical and stiff, with eyes of a dead fish.

At first, no matter how long he blabbered, no reactions came from the hut. However, the moment he mentioned the snake the wooden door suddenly slammed open.

A handsome man dressed in white stood at the doorway as he looked down lightly with a very cold expression and made eye contact with the small snake.

At that moment, the little snakes heart, which had learned to bear the severe pain since it was rescued a hundred years ago, suddenly began to tremble. This time, it did not just feel as if cut in half, but it was as if it had been cut into countless pieces stroke by stroke, and then fried in a pan.

The most painful thing was, you fried something in oil. There was no oil!!


It hurts so much

While she was immersed in pain, unable to form conscious thought, Shan Junqing extended his hand and struck some spiritual energy into her body.

A moment later, he withdrew his hand and whispered, Its just a small snake with some spiritual power, with no traces of demon cultivation on its body. You can keep it if you want, Huaiyu.

With the excitement of his master personally checking the spiritual pet he found, the teenager quickly kowtowed, dragging the stiff snake along. Thank you, Master!

The small snake, in such pain she fell into a trance, was suddenly pulled back to reality.


Why did she feel like she had heard this name somewhere before?

Visions suddenly flashed through her mind, and it was of a man whose face couldnt be seen, holding a woman in his arms, his voice seemingly nostalgic.

When you and I were poor back then, I relied on my Mother to go up the mountain to collect locust flowers and make cakes for me to study. If you and I had them with

With what?

Whats next?

The little snake simply couldnt believe that her memory was so unreliable. She could only wait for moments like these to regain any of it.

She tried hard to remember again, but the only thing she remembered was the couple in the mortal picture book that the lizard had brought back.

So, the woman inside is her and the man is her husband?


The little snake tried to think about it for a long time and finally came up with an idea.

The Tiger Demon said she had been sleeping for a hundred years.

Only ordinary people needed to study, so her husband was surely a mortal. After one hundred years, he must have been reincarnated.

As for why she felt that the name Huaiyu was familiar

Maybe that was her husbands name!!

The little snake hung upside down and looked at the boy above with her small eyes.

From this angle, she could only see his nostrils.

This husband is really pitiful, with nostrils so small. Can he even breathe properly?

Shan Huaiyu was happy because he got to talk face to face with Master today. When he went back to the house, he found a basket and put the silvery white snake in it, feeling pleasantly surprised when he watched it shrink quietly inside instead of attempting to escape. Thinking of what Master said about her having spiritual energy, his eyebrows stretched out in anticipation.

Youre a good kid, so you know its your destiny to follow me. Stay quiet. Ill get some water first. When I come back, Ill teach you how to practice spiritual pet cultivation.

Shan Huaiyu left, and the little snake quietly stayed.

She contemplated taking the opportunity to run, but then relented to the Tiger Demons words and stayed quiet, awaiting rescue.

A moment later, a man wearing a dark patterned white robe appeared out of nowhere in the room.

He looked around, frowning slightly, before waving to make the little snake in the basket fly to his hand.

Lin Shiheng checked up and down a few times, and frowned even more.

This was a small world, and the authors settings couldnt be changed, including by the author themselves.

As the heroine of the third book, Trouble with the Immortals Family, this little snake was destined for misfortune and suffering.

She was fated for the Heavenly Fury Calamity.

The so-called Heavenly Fury Calamity is the loss of friends, relatives, and loved ones in no particular order. After all of them are lost, she will grow desperate and survive the ascension to the Heavenly Realm, but will later be unable to endure Dao and die.

Heavenly Fury Calamity, also known as Heavenly Killing Calamity, was what the author dedicated to the protagonist.

The snake, being levitated and taken by this unknown man, was frightened deeply and felt at a loss. She kept her mouth shut, and continued pretending as a little snake with no intelligence who didnt understand her own height.

Nevertheless, the man in front of her, who was like an indifferent ice sculpture, spoke to her.

Child, call me father.


Heavenly Emperor Lin Shiheng, with a cold, noble and ruthless face, held out his hand expressionlessly and touched the bulging bump on his daughters head.

Who cut your horn?

The little snake, who never knew she had horns, was a little startled by the stranger in front of her. Yet, the warmth she felt in her heart made her subconsciously raise her head and rub his hand in response.

As soon as she looked up, the face of the man who beheld the pride of a sleeping dragon, remaining quiet until disturbed, became even more heavy.

Where are your claws? Have your claws also been cut?


The deformed snake was even more confused.

She was already deformed. If she even had claws before this, wouldnt that mean she was disabled?

The strange man who appeared out of nowhere was still sullenly saying, Who did it? Father will get revenge for you.

The little snake knew what a father was.

The rabbit, who always avoided her, was a father rabbit.

It was no exaggeration to say that his sons could fill the whole forest they lived in.

Just, the young ones had no intelligence and were no different from ordinary rabbits. The Rabbit Demon could only send them to live in the mountains. He goes to see them from time to time, leave some marks, and tells other beasts not to eat his children.

Sometimes, she felt envious of those little critters. As a demon whose thoughts are in line with human beings, she was always different from other demons, so she was dreadfully eager to have someone accompany her. Otherwise, she wouldnt have dwelled on so deeply about finding that someone from her fragmented memory.

As the little snake looked at him curiously and timidly, Lin Shiheng closed his eyes slightly. The hand that fell on her head gathered spiritual force and probed into her broken memory.

Some memories, even if the dragon itself had forgotten, would still be lying quietly somewhere deep down.

It was a rather opulent palace with a blanket on the table.

On the blanket, a little dragon was quietly eating the eggshell beside her. After eating it, she raised her eyes and looked at the woman in front of her, whining cutely, eager to be picked up and played with.

The most vulnerable moment of a dragon was when it was born.

Even so, they didnt have to be afraid of danger, because dragons always take care of their young. When little dragons are born, a powerful father will be there to guard them.

Unfortunately, this was a dragon without a father.

Amidst the womans sobs, a man with a sharp blade in his hand swung down at her violently.

The fragile and painful sound of the dragons roar resounded throbbingly throughout the palace.

A white jade-like dragon horn stained with blood was placed in a jade dish.

Not enough.

If you eat a dragons horn, you can become immortal.

But one dragon horn could only make one immortal.

The man moved again, and this time, the little dragon didnt even have the strength to let out a dragon roar. Another dragon horn was put onto the dish.

The baby dragon was now nearly dead, with its pair of eyes which were full of admiration before now had turned grey, covered with blood dripping from her head.

In her ear, the mans voice resounded.

If we eat it, we can become immortals and become an immortal couple.

Lin Shiheng withdrew his hand, his eyes darkened as he gradually formed a fist.

You, are you really my father?

Despite her prolonged hesitation, the little snake was really unable to resist the inexplicable intimacy she felt from the bottom of her heart. She carefully lifted her head higher and timidly looked at the man in front of her.


Noticing her anxiety, Lin Shihengs expression slightly softened, hiding the dark feelings festering within as he gently reached out to pat his daughters head.

You are my daughter, but I accidentally lost you.

It was obviously an understatement to say that after more than a hundred years, but the little snake didnt feel any grievance in her heart. After all, the Eagle Demon back at the mountain was still desperate to throw his young eagle over the cliff.

(TNote: Girl, this is just how birds teach their young to fly sigh)

However, after hearing these words, her heart was overcome with resentment and stifling pain, especially for the bumps on her head and the deformities on her body. She didnt want to cry, but her tiny eyes were instantly full of tears.

She felt like she had a lot to say, but upon opening her mouth in trying to speak, she broke down.

How can you be so careless, how How could you lose me?

Its Fathers fault.

In front of her, he supported her with a pair of slender hands so that she could be closer to him. After perceiving a familiar aura around her, the deep dragon spirit carefully explored and swam beside the snake as it began to cultivate her already wound-riddled body.

Father will protect you.

Those who hurt you Ill crush! Their! Bones! To Ashes!

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