Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 129 129: We Were Fucked Over [Pt1]

The two dwarfs looked excited at the thought of leading Keith's group outside of the forest. One of them looked especially eager to have this opportunity while the other dwarfs looked envious of the main two.

"Follow along with us and we shall take you out of here."

"Yes, follow along with us. It is easy to get lost in the forest so follow along with us for now"

Both dwarfs had a similar tone of voice that made it difficult to guess who was the speaker. But Keith was not as put off as the others looked by this new development. He had gotten used to thinking of this land as weird long ago.

"Then, we shall leave our destination in your hand."

Keith wanted to give a small bow of gratitude in front of the dwarfs but his body refused to bow down. In the end, he could only confidently stand in front of the dwarfs with a hollow expression.

He looked at the group in front of him and many of the dwarfs flinched because of his harsh glare. Those who did not were also a little taken aback by the intensity of his eyes. 

"Good luck on your journey. May your efforts bear fruits in the future."

Keith nodded as soon as he heard the head dwarf's words. He was bracing himself to not notice the curious looks the other dwarfs were shooting him and his companions.

The two dwarfs stepped through the tree hollow first and then Keith and his companions followed. They were thrust into a completely random part of the original cave forest. It was impossible to tell where they were.

As expected, the sun was shining high up in the sky and its radiance shined upon the whole land. It made Keith squirt his eyes in discomfort as he watched the sun shine brightly.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The dwarfs looked used to it as well and they waited for the others to gather themselves.

"Are you alright?"

"You both look to be in pain. Is it alright with all to stand in the sun? Should we look for a shelter?"

The dwarfs questioned with an impatient and worried expression. Both dwarfs had an impassive face when they looked at the party. 

Shimi waved her hand as she tried hard to gather her thoughts. She was the one who could not take the sun the most.

"We are all alright. I am alright and before you ask - we humans are not as fragile as you think we are. So, it would be better for you not to question me about our health. We will tell you if we have a problem or something."

Keith nodded along with Shimi's words and the dwarf twins finally looked like they understood what was wrong. One of them smiled his hollow smile that creeped Keith out.

"Oh, I see. So, you humans are not as fragile, huh? That is good news to know. It will help us out tremendously in the future."

Keith had a feeling he should not look too deeply into what the man had said to him. He did not want to appear as a paranoid person after all.

"This forest was a blessing from our lord, a land of eternal youth and comfort. It was a place of productivity with a never-ending light that shined more brightly than anywhere else."

"But the other gods did not like it when our god was praised. They were jealous and wanted to boot him down from his position. So, they plotted against him."

"Not only him but the other beloved gods as well. It was a bloody bath for a long time when the gods fought. This earth became fragile as well."

"To protect us and the world, our god made a deal with the devil. But that caused his body to break and his divinity to go out of control. And that was also what caused him to fall and become a fallen god."

"But the dwarfs and the people here could never forget our god. They continued to pass down the legend of our god from generation to generation. The presence of our supreme deity also did not fade away."

"It is believed that our god would come back one day. He would be just as magnificent as he ever was and that would be when a new beginning for us begins."

The dwarfs explained, alternating between who spoke and when. It was the most Keith had ever heard of a god being mentioned.

He looked toward Clair to see her reaction but she showed no reaction to what was being spoken. Her disinterested expression told Keith that she had no intention of listening to these people talking anymore.

Not only that, but she had also stopped paying attention to the sob story.

"Ah, that must have been sad. I cannot say I relate to your story but I do understand that your people had a hard time. But is not isolating yourself from society a little too much?"

Master Fushi questioned the intentions of the dwarfs with a suspicious expression. The story had sounded fishy to her but she could not put her fingers on why she felt like that.

There had been nothing wrong with the story itself but it still felt like something was missing from it.

She looked toward the people surrounding her and they seemed to think similarly to her as well. These dwarfs did not give anyone a safe vibe with their words and actions.

"Isolating ourselves? Oh no, we are perfectly happy to live how we have. It is our devotion to our god and our ideals. There is no way we are unhappy with the outcome of such a thing."

Keith looked at the dwarfs and their easy expressions. They wholeheartedly believed what they were saying. There was no doubt in their heart and expression. 

It was creepy but heartbreaking at the same time to see. It also made Keith a little emotional to know that these people were conditioned to think in this manner.

'What an awful thing to happen to these people. But at the same time, my instincts are telling me not to pity them.'

"I think this location would be safe enough for you to get out of here from."

"There are no hunters in the vicinity and the village is also far. You will have no problem helping yourself from here on."

The dwarfs spoke but there was something viscous in their tone. Keith did not feel safe as soon as he saw the dwarfs. His heart gave a painful lunge as he noticed these dwarfs backing away from him.

"Hey, what are you doing? There is no need for you to back away from us with that scared expression."

Master Shinzou yelled suddenly, realizing that the expression on the dwarfs' faces was not normal. The feeling of paranoia he had been feeling all this time just became worse and worse for him.

"Worried? Oh no. We are not worried in the least. We are elated to see you with us and to know that you trusted us enough to follow us here. This tells us that our efforts were not in vain."

"You were able to ignite the sword of our lord, so you also have divine blood inside you. Our lord had been waiting a long time for you to arrive so that he could take his revenge. And the time had finally come."

The dwarfs raised their hands and up and their eyes glowed. They also looked eerily like each other now.

"Now, our great hound, come forth and bring these sacrifices to our lord. Make us proud and help us bring our lord back."

It was too late by that point to realize that something had happened. The space behind their group distorted and out came a huge black being that looked familiar.

It was the Fenrir beast Keith and the company had defeated before. But this one was not safe. Keith could tell that this beast was much more powerful and meaner than before.

"Y-You people? Did your leader not save us from the beast before? Why are you trying to kill us now?"

Shimi asked with a justified tone and a horrified expression on her face. She was not trying to point fingers but she was really scared this time.

The mighty power this beast let out from its body was crushing and it was also making everyone's head spin. 

Yeah, this one was no good and it would be a pain to get rid of this easily.

"We never saved you. From the beginning, our kindness was a way to make you people lower your guard. We had a feeling you would be able to control our lord's sword and you did. Now you only need to be the sacrifice needed to wake our god up and we can all live a happy and fulfilling life together."

Keith gritted his teeth when he heard those words. He realized that they were fucked over by these dwarfs.

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