Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 130 130: We Were Fucked Over [Pt2]

This Fenrir beast looked wilder than the first one. Its huge body was swaying in front of Keith's eyes and he suddenly felt afraid for his life. 

He and everyone else in his group as well. The Fenrir beast was a menace to deal with and a vision to behold. And when it picked up its body on its back legs, it looked even more menacing.

'Shit, this is bad. I do not think I will be able to stop the attack easily.'

But Keith knew he had to try at least. He was the only one here who had a chance here. Well, he and the sword in his hand but that was a different case.

The sword was not showing any signs of waking up. So, it was not going to be of any help to him in fighting against these monsters.

'Ugh, such a mess this is. Ouch, it hurts so much.'

Keith raised the barrier in time for the beast to release his magic. The two collided and the divine power caused Keith to develop some cuts and rashes as a result.

And those cuts were deep. They were embedded into Keith's face and on his body. He was even beginning to bleed because of all the cuts. But since he was the grandmaster, he could not make himself show the pain and flinching movement.

He needed to hold himself still and not move an inch. Moreover, the bleeding had to be hidden and his hands needed to not shake.

"Grandmaster, are you alright? Did that thing hurt you in any way?"

As expected, Master Shinzou was the first person by his side. He looked at the giant blob of black in front of him with hate-filled eyes. But the Fenrir beast seemed to not mind.

It looked elated at seeing Shinzou's rage-filled expression. It licked its claws in satisfaction as it was able to breach the barrier. Its yellow eyes gleamed at Keith with a sinister look.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Suddenly, it turned toward Shinzou and decided to try its luck with him. Shinzou ducked in time as the huge claw passed over his head. It was a close call for him to face.

The beast followed with the swipe of his claws, trying to get Shinzou but it was not able to get to Shinzou in time. The master was far too agile for the beast to kill in one swipe. But the beast did not care for him for much longer.

It changed the target from Master Shinzou to Grandmaster once it noticed its targets were distracted.

"Shit, I will not make it back in time."

Shinzou yelled as he took out his sword. It was still a wooden sword and he had no idea why it was not breaking out into flames as soon as he touched it. The feeling he had gotten from the sword the last fight was missing.

Keith raised his hand and poured even more magic into his shield. But it was of no use as the dog in front of him kept on canceling his powers out. He had to keep a hold on his powers if he wanted to not overload his body.

The black dog grinned its vicious smile back at Keith and he was suddenly reminded of the sinister feeling he had before. The dog was too powerful against them.

Now, Keith had all but one plan against the dog - to use elemental powers and not magic against its resistant body. 

"Everyone, get out of the way. I cannot do what I want if you keep blocking my surroundings."

Keith yelled and the people around him quickly got out of the way. They looked at the giant ball of light that was coming right at him and braced themselves. It was going to be a massive hit to his nervous system.

But he was still determined to push through it.

'I will not let this cause me any problems. I need to endure this one hit and things would somehow work out.'

Keith did not know where he got all this confidence from but he was determined to see things through. He raised his hand and the fire burned him badly. He flinched but it was hidden in the smoke of the after-fire.

Even his lungs were parched and smoke filled his insides.

'Ouch! It does hurt a lot. I cannot believe I was forced to experience this humiliation in front of everyone.'

Keith's mind was a mess and his hands were charcoal black. But despite all this, he stood tall and maintained his form upright. He was a model representation of being 'unbothered.'

"GRANDMASTER! How dare you go after him like that? I will show you what a big mistake you made when you came after him."

Suddenly, the sword in Master Shinzou's hands lit ablaze but he was too angry to notice it. The orangish-red was rising higher and higher in the sky and Shinzou panted as his mana was being sucked out of his body.

He swung his body down in an arc and the stream of light cut through the Fenrir's body. The mass of black was too stunned to do anything but take that attack. The stream of white separated its torso from its body.

"Oh my! It was real. The legend was real. Finally, after so long we have the light of the savior in front of us. Now we shall not suffer any-"

The dwarf was killed in a single flash and the other one followed. It took only a second for this matter to resolve and Keith was left blinking.

His body was burning and he was panting harshly but he was glad to be alive and unharmed for the most part.

'I-I survived.'

Keith pulled himself together as soon as his heart stopped beating as fast as it was. He had managed to live despite having such a poor reaction to his nearing death. He was so glad he had managed to survive this long.

"You all have no right to stand in front of the Grandmaster after trying to almost kill him. I will not allow you people to live your life freely."

Before the other dwarf could take a step out of the line, the sword cleaved his head clean as well. Both dwarfs were not able to do anything against Shinzou.

"You did well. If you had not killed those traitors, then I would have killed them anyway. It is nice to see them get what they deserved in the end."

Keith breathed a sigh of relief, now suddenly glad that these people were on his side and not against him. He would not have been alive otherwise.

And now that he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was also realizing just how powerful his companions were. They truly were worthy of being called the 'Final' boss of this world with their aura and magic ability.

"Master Fushi, there is no way this small of punishment was enough for these people. They needed to get a good pounding and be tortured to the end of their lives. And even then, there is no way they should be forgiven."

Master Shinzou was burning with rage and bloodlust. His mood could not have been any worse than it already was.

Clair looked uncomfortable with what was happening and she mouthed for Keith to take charge. He had no choice but to go forward and console Master Shinzou.

"Master Shinzou, you already did what you needed to do. The dwarfs are dead already so you do not need to vent your anger out on the dead."

Keith placed his hand on Master Shinzou's shoulder and he instantly calmed down. All the anger drained out of his body once Keith was done consoling him.

"Yeah, you are right. It was my mistake to give these dwarfs an easy death. Next time, I will make their deaths as painful as possible-"

Just as Master Shinzou finished speaking, Keith noticed a very important thing in front of him. 

"The body of the Fenrir beast is missing. What do you think happened to it? Did it evaporate? Or did it decompose?"

Clair noticed the same thing he did and she sounded even more surprised than Keith. 

"You are right. The body disappeared right before our eyes and no one noticed. Do you think it is the work of something supernatural?"

Shimi asked with an excited expression. She was the only one with the child-like innocent left to think about such a thing.

Everyone else knew what had happened.

"Someone whisked the body when we were not looking. Now things are becoming messier and messier for us."

Master Fushi sighed as she looked at their situation. And it was beginning to look grimmer and grimmer by the second.

This whole mission, from the start to the end, was looking like one giant trap they could not leave.

"Should I try burning the forest? Those cowards will have no choice but to show themselves if I did that."

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