Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 136 136: From The Past [Pt1]

"Both of you will remain quiet from now on. You are making my mood worse with your yelping and I will punish you both if you do not give me silence."

These words were a bluff but no one knew it. Well, only Keith, but that was a different matter.

Everyone looked startled to hear the Grandmaster raise his voice like this. Although it was a single octave, the impact it had on the listeners was massive.  No one moved for a solid minute and looked at each other.

"What the Grandmaster is saying is right. We can play the blame game later. For now, what we need to do is to ensure all these matters get taken care of."

Keith was glad that Master Shinzou had taken the burden off his shoulders. He did not want to be the object of everyone is staring at this openly.

Now that everyone was focusing on Shinzou, Keith felt his breathing ease out after that. The sweat on his face was also beginning to cool down now. He was relieved that someone was taking care of the monsters in his stead.

Master Shinzou raised his sword full of flames and let his thoughts and emotions sore up to the sky. The flames on his sword got higher and higher as a result.

Before he knew it, the flames had started to spread around the forest and burn the black masses in front of the group. They were all being disintegrated one by one in that flame.

"May all your souls find peace in the afterlife."

Shimi prayed on the dying souls with her eyes closed. She bowed down in front of the dying bodies in the forest.

"Dude, there are no sous in those bodies. They all are artificially cultivated to recycle the same soul again and again. No matter how much you pray, it will never be fruitful."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Nufort spoke up, breaking the calm atmosphere and causing the mood to sour. He did not mean to make Shimi angry, he just wanted to state some facts. But in the end, it resulted in him being unable to stop his mouth.

"You know what? I am not even going to bother correcting the kinds of wrongs that are in your statement. I hope you have a good time ahead."

Shimi's face went blank and she clamped up tightly once she heard Nufort's words. She was also angry but she decided to repress it all inside herself.

Everyone watched the field burn with calm looks on their faces. But no one forgot what Nufort had said before - they had only destroyed the physical bodies of the Fenrir beast. The real problem had yet to be taken care of.

Keith looked toward the forest which had fallen silent once more. He suddenly remembered that the real reports the Guild had received did not match the ones government received.

Why had there not been any mention of missing people in the report submitted to the guild? Why only mention the Fenrir beasts?

'It is almost like someone knew we would come down here if the 'Fenrir beast' was mentioned in the report. So does that mean we fell into a trap the second we read the report submitted to us?'

Keith's intuition was not telling him much about this case. And the blindness of his association was making Keith worried and doubtful.

Suddenly, the case seemed to have shifted tones again. He no longer knew what was going on with the case.


In the deep parts of the forest where even beasts hesitated to take a step in, the silence was broken by the sound of leaves being crushed beneath a heavy body. The regular intervals of such sounds could only mean one thing - someone was walking through the forest at a leisurely pace.

Suddenly, the scene changed to a wisp of black running through the green. The flashing lightning in the air produced a burning smell air.

"What is wrong? Did someone bully you, my precious? Do not worry because I will take care of you from here on. From today, there is no need for you to worry about anything anymore."

Gentle hands picked up the black whisp and gave it a form. It condensed and formed a small, black blob and then formed animal-like features. The sensation of the world was explained and a new form was being birthed.

The first things this new being looked at would later become its master and a god. 

"Are you alright? It was a little tough to take care of you like this but I am glad I am making an impact on your life."

The divine being extended its hand toward the small blob.

"From today onwards, you are no longer a mere beast but a Fenrir beast that shall be beloved by all. I hope you will take care me for the years to come."

The Fenrir beast looked at the divine one in front of him and felt affection bubble in its tiny heart. This was the start of a new life for the beast but it knew what it needed to do.

It needed to take care of its master's needs and to see if any physical needs were met in the end. The tiny being licked the palm in front of its tiny mouth.

"Oh, you sure are an annoying one. Now hurry and get moving. We do not have a lot of time on our hands."

Fenrir beast growled as it followed its new master. It could raise its head with pride and joy once again. There was no longer a need for a being without a purpose.

The Fenrir beast spent a few minutes in bliss before it felt a soul-ripping agony take over its existence. Angry and dark hands clutched at the Fenrir beast, intending to cleave its body in half.

"Did you think you will be able to win if you awakened my memories of the peaceful days? You have lived for a mere fraction of my life span. My pain! My agony! You think you can share it at all?"

The divine being asked as it looked down at the Fenrir beast with the craziness in its eyes but the loyal beast was far from being outdone. It was not going to let anything take its master's senses.

Even if ended up having to save the divine being from his powers, the Fenrir beast was going to do it.

Its sharp teeth bit the fallen god's arm to make him let the beast go. But the beady and curious eyes did not move away from the god in front of him.

"You are so faithful and you will do. Now hurry up and revive me back. Create a body for me and bring me more souls. Once you finish, we shall be going."

The Fenrir beast growled lowly as it realized what it had to do. But it was too weak to do anything but follow the orders it had been given. Inside its heart, the Fenrir vowed to save its precious person.

The Fenrir beast hung its head and got ready to start a new chase. Its master had asked for more tribute to be brought to the Fenrir beast was obligated to follow.

Just as he was about to head out, the space flashed around it. But the beast was too dejected with another rejection to notice it.

"So, do you think the beast noticed that this is all an illusion and its 'beloved' master is no longer in this world?"

A voice asked and it caused the surroundings to part. A human face looked down at what was happening with a calm and blank expression. 

"I do not think the beast noticed that it is under an illusion. But it does not matter to us anymore. Focus on gathering ingredients and harvesting human lives. The rest will follow with time."

The second and more intimidating voice reminded the other voice before they both faded away.

The Fenrir beast did not notice it all happening as it lepta out of the bushed it had been hiding behind. The open fields greeted it and it roared in pleasure.

But once the thrill of the battle had faded away, the Fenrir beast's loneliness settled in and it started to walk around. It needed to find ways to capture more people.

On the way outside, the smell of burning forest, as well as the scent of death, reached the Fenrir beast's nose. It gave a threatening low growl and ran after the smell.

It was sure it had felt these auras before and their presence was tainting the forest around him. The Fenrir beast refused to lose its home for any reason.

But since it had died a few times already, it had no choice but to open its power receivers and make do with these intruders. 

Even if one of them had the authority to wield the god's sword of purification, the Fenrir beast still refused to accept these humans into its territory.

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