Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 137 137: From The Past [Pt2] [R-18]

"Ugh, when will we be able to see something new? I feel like I have seen nothing but these trees for so long now. Should we head back to the dwarf village at least? I remember the way."

Clair whined as she walked past another tree. It was all green around her and she was beginning to find this life rather monotonous. She wanted some fun and flair in her life. But nothing seemed to be happening around her.

"I like this peace of the forest. It makes me feel like I am the only one here with the Grandmaster. So can you shut your mouth and not break my fantasy, Clair."

Shimi snapped with a rather hollow voice. She did not seem to particularly care about her tone but Keith had to admit that Shimi was being a bitch to people.

Not only had Shimi fought with Nufort but also Clair at this point.

"Hmm, no I do not want to quieten down. Ah, finally. I can see the village again. Let us hurry up and walk out of here. This one night was almost like a nightmare."

Keith had to agree with Clair there. The past few hours had felt like a whole week's worth of action. He would not be surprised to know a lot of time had passed already.

"We should all go back to our rooms and rest today. Tomorrow, we shall go back and raid the forest down. I am sure we will be able to close this case soon now that we have the means to do so."

Master Fushi did not look tired but her eyes were dropping and blinking slowly. The excitement of the day had gotten to her finally

Keith was about to fall asleep as well. Only his willpower and his training were keeping him awake right now. He was sure he could sleep right where he was standing without any problem.

"Everyone, we shall meet tomorrow."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Keith kept his words short and he gracefully (and rather quickly) fled to his room. The second his head touched the pillow; he was out like a light.

But he was not able to escape that eerie laughter he had heard before. It was taunting him and Keith found himself waking up minutes later.

He did not feel well-rested and his body was still heavy with sleep. But Keith's brain and body decided it was time to wake up.

He looked at his phone screen, only to notice that time had gone back. It was currently 30 minutes before the time he had gone to sleep.

"Is this another dream? Or did my phone finally decide to give in? I do need to buy a new one so I guess it is time to go shopping. I did tell Shinzou I gave my phone away."

Keith sighed as he looked at his beloved phone. If possible, he did not want to part from this model. But desperate times called for desperate measures. And keeping a faulty phone would cause Keith problems in the future.

Keith got ready in record time. He washed up and did his hair perfectly. He could not afford to show his lacking self to the world after all. 

When he was about to open the room door, he was startled to see Shimi standing in front of his door already. And from the looks of it, she had been there for a while.

"G-Grandmaster, you are finally out. We were getting worried when you did not show up outside your room for a whole day. We wanted to call you but then Master Shinzou said that you gave your phone away and we did not want to disturb you with our words and-"

Shimi looked flustered to see the Grandmaster in front of her suddenly. All the words in her mouth were getting jumbled up because of her nervousness. 

So, instead of speaking anything else, she held out the food she had brought Keith in front of her.

"A-Anyway, I know it is not my place to remind the Grandmaster of his bodily needs, but I am worried about you. You have not eaten anything in a while so kindly have this food."

Shimi had a few plates behind her and she presented them all to Keith. He looked at all the offered food with a complicated expression on his face.

On one hand, Keith did want to take the offered food and let Shimi be on her way outside. But on the other, he also knew she would not leave so easily.

'Besides, I am quite hungry. I cannot believe I spent a whole day asleep and then thought that my phone had reversed time. Maybe I am still half-asleep right now.'

Keith sighed and opened his room doors. He was inviting Shimi inside for now and it startled Shimi.

Usually, this was a sign that the Grandmaster wanted more than a company from her. He wanted Shimi to service him and take care of his needs. 

Shimi was glad that something like this had finally happened. Her succubus half's hunger was beginning to get annoying. It had been so long since she had been sated.

'Phew. I am so glad that I did not read the signs wrong. Grandmaster did want my company. I wonder how good this new drug would work on the Grandmaster.'

Look, Shimi knew it was immoral of her to drug the Grandmaster like this but she had been curious and unable to help herself. It had been a long time since she had been held by someone.

And besides, Grandmaster was Grandmaster. He would simply not eat this drug if he was not interested. 

"Sit down for now. We shall talk once I am finished eating my food."

Keith was unaware of Shimi's tricks and he made the mistake of trusting Shimi's good-will. He took one bite out of his food and could not help but feel as if something was different about this food.

It was a little too spicy and weird for his taste. There was also a sour after-taste on his tongue which made it tingle.

But it was nothing compared to the heat that was coursing through his body. It was burning his insides and making him sweat.

'I-What did I just eat? It is making me feel a little bad in the stomach. I do not think it was normal food.'

Keith knew he had to stop now but he had eaten quite a lot of food by then. Whatever was mixed in with the food was causing him discomfort.

"What's wrong Grandmaster? Do you need my help with something?"

Shimi asked with an innocent face. But Keith knew she was anything but innocent. She was the one behind his current condition. She was the mastermind and the reason he was in pain right now.

'Oh, so Shimi thinks she can feed me aphrodisiac and then act as if nothing happened? Who does she think she is?'

Usually, Keith was a chill guy but his body was in a lot of pain and suffering right now. He was also beginning to feel irritated and he wanted to escape his skin.

Shimi's hand on Keith's arm felt good and cooling. It was making his instincts back down and allow more of Shimi's touch. And she seemed aware of the effect of her aphrodisiac on Keith as well.

Her subtle grin looked satisfied as Shimi reached out toward Keith's chest. Her hands made contact and rubbed down his chest in a suggestive manner.

"Grandmaster, you need my help, right? Then, should I help you out?"

Shimi questioned with a teasing voice. She was enjoying being the one in power and having so much control over the Grandmaster. But her delay annoyed Keith. He could not see why Shimi was being like this.

But if Shimi was going to be like this, then Keith would make sure Shimi was treated like a slut as well.

Shimi's body was all but leaning into Keith's lap. Her face was close to his own but the rest of her body was folded up rather nicely.

Keith places his hand on Shimi's shoulder blade and she looked surprised to see his action. But it was before Keith pushed her to lean down and Shimi went down without much fight.

When she opened her eyes, she was faced with Keith's semi-hardness she had been daydreaming about.

"You are a slut. You wanted this to happen to you, right? That is why you came in here in such an open manner and with that specific kind of food. Now hurry up and get to work."

Shimi's mouth watered as she took a single lick of Keith's hard, cloth-covered cock before opening his pants.

The huge cock smacked her in the face but it only made Shimi even more excited. Her mouth worked the hard cock up and down but the Grandmaster gave no indication of him noticing her work.

'I need to do better. I will make Grandmaster forget everyone else in his life.'

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