Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 130 His Is Big Enough

"Lord Hisha!" They chorused.



Alta squealed in delight as she rushed to cling to Hisha's arm.

'What the fuck?! I literally threw them to break off their duel.' He deadpanned in his thoughts, disturbed that she felt no ill will towards him.

"You have some sort of locator on us, my lord?" Solara folded her arms.

Although knowing the answer, she let out a low chuckle at having to get the information in such a way.

"What would I do if you all were in some sort of danger?" Hisha jokes, opening his arm wide to get a hug from her.

Solara sprinted and gave a body slam, snuggling into his chest.


Alta snuggled in, "I want a hug too!"

'What the heck is wrong with her actions?' Hisha's brows twitched in confusion.

She wasn't this sensitive or clingy and more importantly pouting and acting all cute?

"Alta, is something wrong?"

Pulling away slightly, she closed one eye to gauge his facial expressions before her grin grew. "Of course nothing is wrong, I'm just glad to have you by my side, right, Solara?"

Solara cleared her throat, looking away as her heart thumped hard.

Hisha tilted his head, wondering if these two had been influencing one another in more ways than he could think.

Pulling Solara by the waist, he raised her chin slightly, planting a kiss on her succulent lips.

Moaning into his kiss, she felt longing for more once he pulled away.

"We can't in the open field." He whispered in a tease, winking and turning to Alta.

Alta had a wicked grin, choosing to overlook what she had seen, flapping her wings as she pulled away so she could hover and search their surroundings.

"That was some throw, my darling." She giggled, clicking her tongue on the level of damage they had caused.

Given the opportunity to speak on the topic, Hisha raised the issue of the meeting alone in such an open terrain.

Alta whistled and offered her hand in a shake to Solara. "Remember this?"

Solara facepalmed as she could already guess that this demoness was on the verge of pushing the blame onto her.

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"Typical of a demoness." Solara sighed, shaking her head.

Withdrawing her hand with a big smile, Alta shrugged and expected Solara to do the presentation on their behalf.

"You should understand, I was simply following you, dear Avira."

"Is there anyone who you would follow without being convinced?" Solara retorted.

Hisha switched gazes from both parties as they exchanged words.

Taking a few steps back, he decided to wait out their banter, materializing a chair, he took his seat, elbows on his thighs and hands supporting his chin while watching them with a curious gaze.

"That doesn't solve anything, you brought me here." Alta scoffed and blew a raspberry.

Solara was taken aback by the childish behavior of Alta and turned to Hisha to get some form of solace.

Hisha shook his head, refusing to intervene except when they gave him the information he needed.


Solara pushed back stray strands off her face as she prepared to finally respond.

"I had suggested we come here..."

Alta leaned on Solara whilst interjecting, "she needed to know who was stronger and planned all this."

Solara glared at Alta who returned with an equal eye-shut smile.

There was no way she would think Hisha would believe such exaggeration and fake acts of a succubus.

'She isn't usually this way, just only around you, my lord!' Solara had wanted to blurt out but shook off the thought as if it would make no difference.

Raising his hand to stop them from getting physical, he cleared his throat.


"Who had the higher chance?" Hisha abruptly asked.

"Huh?" They both questioned, furrowing their brows on how that made any sense.

Pointing at the two, Hisha steepled his fingers as he spoke. "Before I had interrupted, who had the higher chance of winning!"

The ladies blinked, turned to one another then looked back at Hisha.

Throwing her hand over Solara's neck, Alta pulled her closer.

"What the heck is wrong with you, today?!" Solara hissed from the corner of her lips.

Whispering from the corner of her lips, Alta hissed in reply. "Just play along!"

"Play along to what?!" She hissed back at Alta, forcing a grin as she could tell Hisha was watching them tentatively.

"It would interest you to know that little birdie..."

Solara whipped her head to her side in disbelief at how Alta had described her in front of their lord.

Muttering incoherent profanities at Alta, she stiffened her body so she could block out the name-calling and try to see where Alta was going with this.

[They seem to be getting along]

'Looks it, but there's something sort of off for me.'

Waiting patiently for their explanation, he needed to know to what extent each of them had grown in strength so he could effectively know what approach he could use.

"I'm waiting..." He spoke up to bring their attention back to the fact that he was still present.

Solara pulled her hands away, pushing Alta forward, and hissed, "deal with it."

"She does have potential and if she could just harness her innate form and not prove how weak she is, she might have a chance at getting the best of me." Alta related proudly with her chin raised in self-appraisal.

'That was your plan?! Weak?' Solara clenched her fists beside her.

"Would you want another pair of balls?" Solara threatened with a disturbing grin as two balls of fire hovering above her palms circled one another.

Shaking her head, Alta's response showed how degenerated her thoughts had gone. "Our lord's is big enough."

Hisha slipped on the armrest, hitting his head on it and forcing himself, irrespective of the pain, to get back up before they realized his state.



Hitting on his chest to ease his stuffy chest while trying to gasp for air.

Alta and Solara had rushed forward to examine him but were stopped by his hand-raised halt.

There was no way he was going to allow them to get close to him, not with his composure ruined by that statement.

"My lord..."


[That was a hilarious reference]

HTC put up a laughing-hard emoji multiple times as it scrolled on the screen in an infinite loop.

Opening one of his eyes and raising his head, he nodded his head without saying a word.

He could only blame himself for showing unprecedented interest in some of his harem members, especially those he held dear in his heart.

"Breathe, my lord." Solara inhaled and exhaled with a smile of demonstration.

'I do know that.'

"Will these do?" Alta pushed up her barely clad bust, biting down hard on her bottom lips.

For a brief second, Hisha felt his heart yearn for the offer even if it wasn't going to help with the pain.

'If it's offered, I cannot reject it.'


"What the hell?!" Alta hissed in pain, rubbing her shoulder to hit she had felt from Solara.

"What sort of help is that?!" Solara scoffed, rolling her eyes. "All you wanted was to get in his pants."

Hisha's expectation is crushed but unable to call them out on ruining his thoughts on the situation.

"I give what I have, you can too." Alta harrumphed.

"I have brains, skills, and not just reliance assets." Solara countered.

Alta raised a brow, although she had taken things lightly up until now, there was no way she would be intimidated.

Getting to his feet, Hisha had enough of their bickering and needed Alta's dangerous and calculative side back.

"It's best if we get back." Hisha declared.

Alta and Solara gave a knowing look before nodding their heads in agreement.

Opening a portal, Hisha watched as they walked through, his eyes glancing around that grassy plain with a hint of suspicion.

Closing the portal behind him, his fists clenching to the disturbing feeling he was getting.

'Is it just me or is there something lurking here?'

[Scanning the environment with a 20-meter radius]

Hisha watched as a large holographic field spread all around him to depict the radius accessible to him.


Wincing at the sound, Hisha closed his left ear as he turned in the direction of the sound.

A tree and the surrounding shrubs and a few boulders had been coated with a red holographic field.


[Anomaly detected]

'Haha, finally some action!' Hisha's eyes glowed as his hair flew wildly around him.

He could finally understand why those two had chosen such a place, a perfect lonely area to let loose if need be.

"Come on out, I won't bite–yet!" Hisha challenged.



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