Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 131 You Speak Or You Die

In the hallway,

Solara looked behind her to witness the portal closing.



Crouching, she held onto her chest.

Alta did the same but dropped to her knees, losing her balance as she fell on her back.

"What's going on?" Alta spoke in worry.

Forcing herself up, she used the walls to assist her being partly upright.

"I... I can't use my Sux!" Solara spoke in a panic, her hands trembling in disbelief and shock.

"Our lord!" Alta brought up the thought of this affecting them.

Without the use of her portal opening, and the inability to gain her strength, she had her fists clenched in worry.

"Kritz! Yes, we need to..."


Alta's eyes bulged in shock at an unconscious Solara, reaching for her, she could see the corner of her eyes blacken and dim on her vision.

Letting out a cry in a sonic signal, she succumbed to her weakness and collapsed on the floor beside Solara.


In the grass plain,

'Are you sure they'd be safe and not interrupt?'

[Affirmative. Their Sux level had been drained to a drastic level and would need rest to rejuvenate]

Hisha let out a sigh, finally having that out of his way, he could concentrate on the enemy in hiding.

[Warning: blood lust]

'Yoru?' Hisha guessed, wondering if he was right.


"Typical of an overlord." A familiar voice snickered behind a boulder.

'Really? Him, again?!' Hisha facepalming, feeling his presence was starting to feel like a bad rash.

Stepping out of the shadow was Gregg, unlike the last time they had seen, he had ditched the hood and had his hair spiked and outgrown to his shoulder.

With his canine more pronounced and his red eyes glowing with a sinister glint, he snarled the moment he locked his gaze with Hisha.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What are you doing in this field?" Hisha hissed, clenching his fists beside him, quelling his growing disdain to engage this same Vandrik again.

'You're meant to be freaking dead! Why are you making an appearance in front of me?!'

Gregg sighed and let out a low chuckle at the words, "this is an open field, my bad for strolling by!"

'That wasn't meant the way it was said, right?'

[I don't know, host. Is it?]

Ignoring his system's tactics, Hisha activated his telekinetic ability.

'There is no way I'm letting you attempt to seal me!' Hisha growled at the thought of that playing on repeat, enforcing his telekinetic grip on Gregg.

Struggling to get free, Gregg squirmed to no avail.

Letting HTC scan his environment for any sign of the two others, the moment he heard a ding that signified the lack of people within the vicinity excluding Gregg, he let out a sigh.


He let go of Gregg, feeling he needed to vent his frustration somehow without using the easiest route.

'Why is he here alone?' Hisha felt skeptical about the set trap if he was to engage without accessing his motive.

He watched with a wary gaze as Gregg quickly got to his feet, circling him, careful of how he threaded.

[He is a walking time bomb that could ignite anytime soon. A desperate action by the Vandrik chieftess and in no way useful than a husk. It would be tricky to kill him through usual means]

'A puppeteer becomes the puppet.' Hisha chuckled.

A grin made its way to his lips at the revelation, deactivating his ability for the time being. 'This should be fun.'


Gregg's eyes widened as he felt a punch on his back that had him crashing down, dust and grass erupting from the impact.

Grabbing a hold of Gregg's feet, Hisha pulled and threw him a great distance to collide with a mountain miles away.

'This time I'd be sure to kill you permanently!'


Making a body imprint on the rock, Gregg had just pulled out his hand.


Hisha glared at how swift Gregg had been to dodge his attack and turn his head to his left.

Balling his hands in a fist, Gregg gave an uppercut which sent Hisha flying in the opposite direction.

The perfect opportunity for him to pull out his remaining body and regroup his next actions.

Tumbling a great distance, Hisha pushed back to get to his feet.

Pausing for a while, a grin made its way to his lips at how exciting the fight was for the first time in forever.

'That was oddly satisfying!' Hisha wiped off the dirt from his face.

[You need to utilize not just brute force and speed]

HTC warned its host, skeptical about the approach he was utilizing.

"What?! Why are you going easy on me, ancient one?" Gregg mocked with a grin and blew kisses his way.

Hisha cringed at the display.

[Be calm and deduce the weakness]

Inhaling and exhaling, Hisha smiled as he got an insight into the weakness he could exploit. 'He is too impulsive, I could use that.'

"It must have been hard to be the third choice," Hisha commented, watching for a change in reaction.

Gregg gritted his teeth, his body quaking with fury.

"Now that I think about it, where's the other hooded male? It would seem as though you are the lackey." Hisha burst into a fit of laughter.

Riled up enough to be blinded by his rage, he charged without proper thought to his action.

[Approach imminent]

'I'm not blind, HTC!' Hisha took a defensive stance, smiling to himself.


Kicking Gregg away, he put his hand over his forehead as he watched him get thrown a great distance once more.

[Seen enough?!]

Nodding his head, he smiled in satisfaction. 'Not quite.'


Grabbing him by the hair with his left hand, Hisha pulled up Gregg and ripped out some of it.

"Aaaghhh!" He let out a cry in pain, watching his hair fall in front of him.

Grabbing his neck with his right hand, Hisha held Gregg's left hand.


A spray of blood splattered on his face, forcing Hisha to look to the side and spat to his heart's content.

'Fuck! That was repulsive.'

[You should take your advice, host]

Gregg held onto Hisha's right hand and scratched hard on his arm, creating large open wounds with blood dripping from it.

Hisha had a stoic expression as he watched his wounds heal up with little effort.

His hard glare now on Gregg, he shook his head in disappointment.

"I had made a mistake in leaving that one dangling."



Tossing him aside, Hisha slammed his feet on Gregg's chest. Leaning slightly to have a better look at his victim in anguish.

"You know, you're the first who would hit me and get a fair good distance from it." Hisha let out a bitter chuckle, shaking his head.

He observed Gregg's slow healing as his tendons were slowly recreating the bone and muscles around it.

Clicking his tongue, he pressed harder on the Vandrik's chest.

"Tell me, why do you fight a battle you can never win?"

Gregg held his glare but chose not to speak, shaking his head and scoffing at the words. He would merely stall out time to regenerate completely.




Withdrawing his bloody fist, Hisha shook his head and wiped the knuckles on his brown shirt on Gregg.

"You've got some bad-tasting blood." He sneered.

"That's... my... hatred... right..."


"I never asked your opinion." Hisha hissed in disgust.

[Host, he won't speak. Trust me]

Ignoring the words of his system, he stepped hard on the regenerative arm on the left.

Gregg winced in pain, his face contorted in pain at the feeling.

"You're a failed cause abandoned by who you thought was on your side. You are trying to make it up to your partners who risked their lives to resurrect you from that pithole which was a better place for you!"

Gregg's eyes widened at how his words sounded like a personal attack. He couldn't understand how easy it was for Hisha to guess.

"They left you because they thought I'd capture you, bypass my security and bring you back to my citadel, and only then can you deal greater damage, especially to my harem."

[Host, you're starting to use that brain of yours!]

HTC put up numerous clapping emojis with a smirk on their faces afterward.

Hisha's brows twitched at the level of mockery he had to endure and still put up a straight face because of Gregg below him.

'You and I have some spoken battle to engage in later on!' Hisha threatened and brought his attention back to his target.

As far as Gregg could tell, a shiver ran down his spine at how accurate Hisha was in decoding the plan that had been put up.

"So what is it going to be? You speak or you die?!"



Thank you [Unphazed_Leper] for purchasing my highest privilege tier! (Would definitely make it up to you for your support)

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