Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 170 Makina’s Gratitude

Chapter 170 Makina's Gratitude

As time passed by, Makina began to comprehend the nature of the realm she found herself in.

It was a place steeped in ancient power and lineage, and she realized that she was within the realm of the Bloodline of Hestia (???), a name whispered in reverence throughout the age, something that belonged to the Mythologies.

Within this realm, the very essence of her being seemed to resonate with the ancient legacy of her lineage.

It was as if the threads of destiny had woven her into the grand tapestry of kindness and the knowledge and power of the gifts began to flow into her like a mighty river.

As she delved deeper into her newfound understanding, she discovered that she had been granted the rare and coveted Physique of Universal Order (???), a gift bestowed only upon her to reshape the course of worlds, galaxies or even realms.

This divine physique brought with it unparalleled command, allowing her to harness the fundamental forces of the universe itself.

But that was not all.

She also became aware of the Spiritual Root of Absolute Serenity (???), an ethereal connection that allows her to manipulate anyone's emotions, feelings and actions.

It might not sound like a huge deal, but it could affect greatly even the Gods. It could even turn the cruellest hideous demon into the kindest and most forgiving individual.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of revelation and transformation, Makina's consciousness was gently returned to her physical body.

As her eyes slowly fluttered open, she found herself back in the familiar room, but everything had changed.

She couldn't help but stare at Daniel with overwhelming emotions swirling within her.

The flood of knowledge and power that had coursed through her was still fresh in her mind, and she was only beginning to grasp the enormity of what had transpired.

"D-Daniel, I-" Her voice quivered with overwhelming emotions, and all the words she wanted to express seemed to get stuck in her throat.

The weight of the experience was almost too much to put into words.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Seeing her reaction, Daniel formed a soft, reassuring smile.

"It's alright, Makina," he said in a calm and comforting tone.

"Take your time to absorb it all, and perhaps, look at your body now. You've undergone a remarkable transformation."

He gently pointed out the changes, and as Makina turned her gaze downward and examined herself, her astonishment deepened.

Her body had indeed transformed.

She could feel the power coursing through her veins, the very essence of the Physique of Universal Order and the Spiritual Root of Absolute Serenity manifesting in her physical form.

Her skin seemed to glow with an otherworldly radiance, and her eyes held a depth of wisdom and power that hadn't been there before.

The ethereal aura that had surrounded her in the mystical realm now danced within her, a proof of her newfound connection to the universe's fundamental forces.

Every movement she made felt effortless, and she knew that her strength and abilities had been elevated to a level beyond her wildest dreams.

It was as if she had become a living embodiment of the legacy of Hestia, a vessel for the power and knowledge of her Bloodline.

Tears welled up in Makina's eyes as the magnitude of the transformation fully sank in.

She had embarked on a journey that had taken her from her sufferings to the extraordinary, from uncertainty to infinite potential.

With a mixture of gratitude and overwhelming emotions, Makina finally found her voice.

"I-I don't know what to say but, thank you, Daniel," she said and she kept repeating her gratitude.

As Makina observed her transformed body, her tears continued to flow uncontrollably.

Nevertheless,? what left her utterly speechless and moved to tears were her arms.

Her missing limbs had miraculously grown back, whole and healthy as if they had never been lost.

She blinked in disbelief, unable to comprehend the sheer impossibility of it all.

"M-My arms," she stammered, her voice quivering with a mixture of awe and gratitude. "They're back. H-How is this possible?"

Even though Makina knew the answer deep down in her heart, the reality of it was beyond anything she had ever imagined.

It was as if the universe itself had conspired to grant her a second chance, to mend what had been broken, and to restore her to wholeness.

Her hands trembled as she reached out to touch her newly regenerated limbs, and a surge of emotion washed over her.

She flexed her fingers, feeling the strength and vitality coursing through them, and tears of joy continued to stream down her cheeks.

At that moment, Makina became acutely aware of the profound impact that Daniel had on her life.

He had not only given incredible power to her but had also orchestrated this miraculous healing.

Her heart swelled at his ability to change her heart and at the same time, she couldn't help but develop a certain type of obsession for him, not just out of gratitude, but also out of a growing admiration and affection.

She felt a powerful connection to him, one that transcended mere mentorship, and she couldn't help but want to be by his side.

Makina's tears kept flowing and her voice quivered as she repeated her heartfelt thanks to Daniel, unable to find words that could adequately convey the depth of her emotions.

"T-Thank you, Daniel," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and appreciation. "I'll never be able to repay you for this gift."

Daniel watched her with a warm and understanding smile, knowing that her gratitude was genuine and heartfelt.

He had seen the transformation within her, not just in her physical form but also in her emotions.

As Makina wiped away her tears, she couldn't help but contemplate the vast power that had been bestowed upon her.

The realization that she possessed the ability to affect entire worlds or realms left her in awe.

It was an unimaginable responsibility, one that she knew she needed to wield with great care.

But it wasn't just her newfound power that left her astounded.

The amount of knowledge she had absorbed during her transformation was beyond comprehension.

The secrets of the universe, the mysteries of existence, and the profound wisdom of ages had all become a part of her being.

She felt as if she held within her the very essence of knowledge itself, a library of cosmic understanding that didn't belong in the mortal realm.

Overwhelmed by the enormity of her transformation and the support she felt from Daniel, Makina couldn't contain her emotions any longer.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she suddenly threw herself into his embrace, hugging him with all her might.

"Daniel!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with a mixture of joy and relief. "Thank you, thank you so much!"

Daniel held her close, returning the embrace with a comforting strength.

He could feel the depth of her emotions and knew that this moment was a turning point for her, a moment of realization that all of it was true.

As Makina clung to him, she couldn't help but think of her little sister, Marin.

She had once been trapped in a world of darkness and uncertainty, just like Makina herself.

But now, with the newfound power and knowledge she possessed, she believed that even Marin's life could change for the better.

Through her tears, she whispered, "Marin... I can't wait to share this new world with her. We won't have to suffer anymore. We can finally be free."

Daniel nodded in understanding, his own heart touched by the depth of Makina's determination and love for her sister.

Eventually, Makina's tears began to subside, and she managed to regain her composure after hours of emotional release.

As she wiped away the last traces of her tears, she looked up at Daniel, someone who had changed her life.

"How is it, Makina?" Daniel questioned with a warm smile. "Do you like the gifts that I had given to you?"

Makina hesitated for a moment, her emotions still raw, but then she spoke, her voice filled with newfound confidence and respect, "I like it, Master."

Her use of the word "Master" was a significant shift, a symbol of her acceptance of her role as his disciple, and also his woman.

It was also a recognition of the profound impact he had on her life and her unwavering dedication to follow his lead.

Yet, as Makina embraced this new chapter of her life, a realization washed over her.

The man she was addressing, Daniel, felt like someone who shouldn't exist in this realm.

His power and knowledge were beyond mortal comprehension and the mere thought of what he might be capable of sent shivers down her spine.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and awe in his presence. He was not just a mentor but a figure of immense authority, someone whom mortals should kneel before.

The fact that he had bestowed unimaginable powers upon her was a testament to his incredible abilities.

With each passing moment, Makina's admiration for Daniel grew, bordering on a fanatic kind of emotion.

She couldn't deny the deep connection she felt with him, one that transcended ordinary mentorship.

It was a mixture of respect, fascination, and a growing affection that she had embraced completely.

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