Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 171 A Mission

Chapter 171 A Mission

After Makina's emotions had finally calmed down, she found herself gazing at Daniel with a new look in her eyes, a look that had never appeared before.

"Makina, now that you have received the gifts from me, you're officially a disciple of the Heavenly Harem Sect," Daniel announced with a sense of warmth in his voice.

Makina's response was immediate and filled with overflowing emotions, "Yes, Master."

She had embraced her role as a disciple wholeheartedly, understanding the opportunities it entailed.

Her decision wasn't just about herself but it was also about creating a better life for her little sister, Marin.

Daniel nodded in approval.

"For now," he continued, "just spend the next few days trying to absorb what you have received''

Makina listened attentively, eager to begin her training and exploration of her powers.

Her thoughts couldn't help but drift to Marin, her beloved sister who had been her rock throughout their difficult past.

"Master," Makina inquired, "when will it be Marin's turn?'' She asked curiously, eager for her to experience this phenomenon as well.

Daniel smiled reassuringly, understanding the depth of Makina's love for her sister.

"Marin's transformation will come soon, Makina. I will ensure that she, too, receives the blessings and teachings of the Heavenly Harem Sect."

Makina nodded with gratitude and she couldn't help but feel surreal with her situation.

As the days passed, Makina immersed herself in her training and studies, diligently honing her skills and absorbing the knowledge she had gained.

With each passing day, her connection with Daniel deepened.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In one of the days that followed, it was finally Marin's turn to receive the blessings and perks of becoming a disciple of the Heavenly Harem Sect.

Just like her sister Makina, Marin underwent a transformation that left her in awe and wonder.

Marin's reactions mirrored those of her sister when she saw her newly restored limbs, her radiant skin, and the ethereal power that now coursed through her veins.

She couldn't believe the miraculous change that had taken place, and her eyes shone with a mixture of astonishment and joy.

Makina, who had been by Marin's side throughout the process, couldn't contain her emotions as she witnessed her sister's transformation.

Tears of happiness poured from her eyes, knowing that Marin could finally live a life free from darkness and suffering.

''I-I can see again sister!'' Marin loudly declared with tears pouring out and as she observed her body, she realized that her limbs were all back.

''M-My hands and legs are all back!'' She said with a trembling voice and she also discovered that her wounds were all gone, and all of the plague that had been haunting her had dissappeared.

"You look beautiful, Marin," Makina said, her voice filled with love and pride as she embraced her sister tightly.

As the days went by, Makina and Marin spent their time together, reliving moments like never before.

They explored the enchanting mysteries of the Heavenly Harem Sect, basked in the camaraderie of their fellow disciples, and honed their powers together.

The sisters' bond grew stronger with each passing day, and they cherished every moment together.

They were no longer bound by the limitations of their past, and the future was filled with promise and potential.

As time passes by, Makina spends precious moments with her sister Marin, she receives a summons to the palace where her master, Daniel, resides.

She had come to fully accept her role as his disciple, and even more, as a woman who belonged to him.

It was a position she held with pride and reverence.

One of the aspects of the sect that had left a profound impact on her was the cult that Cecilia had created.

It was a group of devoted followers who revered Daniel as a god-like figure.

Over the course of her time in the sect, Makina joined the cult and became a devotee, much like the rest of its members.

She had come to believe in the wisdom and power of Daniel and the cult's teachings resonated with her, and she found solace in their shared faith.

So, when she received the summons to the palace, Makina felt a mix of excitement and anticipation.

She was ready to embrace her role as a disciple and a devoted member of the cult, eager to server her master.

As she made her way to the palace, Makina couldn't help but reflect on how much her life had changed since she first crossed paths with Daniel.

She was no longer the helpless girl she had once been, and the possibilities that lay before her were boundless.

"Master, you called for me?"

Makina questioned as she entered the palace, her voice laced with a wide, flirtatious smile.

With her beauty fully restored and her newfound confidence, she carried herself with an undeniable allure that had not gone unnoticed.

"Yes, Makina, I did call for you," Daniel replied with a warm smile, acknowledging her presence.

He gestured for her to take a seat, and as she did, he continued, "How is your time here? I'm curious to know how you and Marin are adjusting."

Makina's smile remained, and her eyes sparkled with genuine happiness as she responded, "It's never been better, Master. Marin is enjoying her time here as well. We've both found a sense of belonging and purpose that we never had before."

As she spoke, Makina couldn't help but feel a growing sense of obsessiveness and admiration for Daniel.

Her transformation had not only granted her incredible power but had also opened the door to a life filled with fulfilment and happiness.

She leaned forward slightly, her gaze unwavering, and added, "It's all thanks to you, Master. You've changed our lives in ways we could never have imagined."

"Then I'm glad that both of you are enjoying your time here," Daniel said with a reassuring smile.

He could see the genuine happiness in Makina's eyes, and it brought a sense of satisfaction to his heart to know that he had made a positive impact on their lives.

"However," he continued, his expression turning slightly more serious, "I have a mission for you, Makina."

Makina's attention immediately sharpened.

She had heard from Cecilia that it was rare for Daniel to personally assign missions, and those who received such missions were considered greatly fortunate and honoured within the sect.

Her inner thoughts were a whirlwind of excitement, curiosity, and anticipation.

"A mission for me, Master!?"

Makina exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Even without knowing the details or context of the mission, she was more than eager to accept it.

Daniel nodded in response to her immediate acceptance.

"I knew I could count on your dedication, Makina," he said with a smile.

Daniel leaned in slightly as he revealed the specifics of the mission to Makina.

Her attention was unwavering as she absorbed every detail.

"The main mission that you will need to complete," Daniel began, "is to recruit as many disciples from the City as you can, and the time limit is within one month. The more disciples you recruit, the better the rewards."

As he spoke, there was a subtle smirk on his face, hinting at a deeper meaning.

Makina understood the implication of those rewards, and her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

"You can use whatever means you have at your disposal," Daniel continued, "and to assist you, I'll provide you with five storage rings. Each of them contains one billion Purple Spirituals. You can use these resources to entice and attract all kinds of women, offering them as a means for a bonus upon becoming a disciple."

Makina nodded, fully comprehending the task at hand

"Thank you, Master," Makina said with gratitude and determination.

"I won't disappoint you. I'll do my best to recruit as many disciples as I can within the time limit."

As she accepted the mission, Makina's mind raced with strategies and plans.

She was ready to venture into the City and embark on this new chapter of her journey, knowing that success would not only bring rewards but also a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment that came from serving her master and the Heavenly Harem Sect.

With the five storage rings in her possession and a clear mission ahead of her, Makina wasted no time in preparing for her departure.

She understood the importance of time, and the one-month time limit was a constant reminder of the urgency of her task.

Leaving her sister, Marin, in the capable hands of the Heavenly Harem Sect, Makina made sure that everything was in order for her journey into the City.

She was ready to make the most of this opportunity.

As she prepared to depart, Makina couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and determination.

With the storage rings securely fastened, she set off towards the Plague City.

The countdown had begun, and Makina was determined to make every moment count in her quest to recruit disciples and bring them into the fold of the Heavenly Harem Sect.

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