Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 179 Marie and Marin

Chapter 179 Marie and Marin

[: Daniel's POV :]

After a night spent in the enchanting company of Makina, I couldn't resist the urge to see just how many future female disciples she had managed to gather.

And I made my way to the city accompanied

by Mecil, Cecilia, Marie, and of course, Makina herself.

As we arrived at the bustling main centre I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the astonishing changes that had taken place.

My eyes widened in awe as I gazed down from the balcony.

The entire area was teeming with a sea of people, thousands of them.

Men and women mingled together, and to my surprise, there were even structures erected in my likeness scattered throughout the city.

It was a breathtaking sight, a testament to Makina's incredible efforts.

"Makina, you have exceeded all my expectations," I uttered, genuine admiration lacing my words.

I could hardly believe that she had managed to rally the entire city under my influence.

She had truly transformed it into my loyal domain.

"Hehe... thank you, master," Makina's blushing cheeks and her innocent reaction were undeniably adorable.

Moved by her efforts, I affectionately ruffled her hair, my eyes filled with warmth and appreciation.

But it seems like someone else was jealous.

By my side stood a cute and envious small figure, and it was none other than Marin, who couldn't hide her jealousy.

"It's not fair that Makina always gets all the compliments," she protested, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Can't you compliment me too, master...?" she pleaded, her eyes welling up with tears of longing.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her antics.

Why do all my female disciples possess this endearing vulnerability?

Though they may melt my heart with their cuteness, shouldn't they also have a modicum of respect for me as father?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Well, Perhaps it was my fault for spoiling them so thoroughly.

Even then, I had no intention of stopping anytime soon.

After all, they were my pride and joy, and I relished every moment of spoiling them even further.

With a resigned but affectionate sigh, I couldn't resist the charm of my dear children.

I effortlessly lifted Marin with one hand, and her joyful laughter filled the air.

"Hehe," Marin shot a victorious glance at her sister that said 'I won'.

However, Makina, simply responded with an amused smirk, considering her little sister's antics not worth her time.

But my attention didn't end there.


She, who had taken to calling me "Papa" since her life took a new turn, looked up at me with those puppy eyes of hers.

Unable to resist her request, I carefully cradled her in my arms.

Now, as we stood there, overlooking the bustling city, I turned to my precious children.

"Do you like what you're seeing?" I inquired, looking at Marin and Marie in turn.

Their eager nods warmed my heart.

Marie's curiosity shone through as she gazed at the throngs of people below.

"There are so many people, will they be joining the sect?" she asked, her astonishment palpable.

"They might, Marie," I began, a warm smile on my face.

Marie looked at me innocently with a raised eyebrow and I chuckled looking at her reaction.

"The sect is only meant for good women and children like you and Makina and as long as I want and like to, I could recruit anyone" I explained.

"But my selfishness only applies to those who I deemed as worthy, and to those who are not would simply leave," I said.

Even though men are not allowed in the sect, considering that this city is where they live, I could close one eye as long as they worship me.

Marie's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she absorbed my words. "Papa, then I want to help people too, just like you and my sisters."

I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at Marie's eagerness to contribute.

"You already make me proud every day, Marie," I assured her, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"Just be the way you are and don't grow up so fast."

Meanwhile, Marin, still cradled in my other arm, chimed in, "And I'll be right there with you, Marie. We can help people together, just like a team."

Marie beamed at her sister's support, and they shared a heartfelt sisterly moment.

"Marin and Marie," I called out to them, their names rolling off my tongue with affection, and they turned their curious eyes toward me.

"What do you want to be when the both of you grow up?" I inquired, genuinely curious about their aspirations.

Although they possessed incredible strength and the potential to achieve greatness in any field, I wondered what dreams they held in their hearts.

In this world, the path of cultivation to the end of their lives might seem like a natural choice.

However, for the women and children in our sect, there was a desire for more than just power.

They took immense pride in their strength and held a deep devotion to me, their master.

As I pondered their future, I couldn't help but wonder about the kind of goals these two might have.

Did they dream of ruling a world, a realm, a galaxy, or even the universe?

If they asked for it, I would have begun planning immediately, but looking at the pace we're going, it might take a while.

Upon hearing my question, both of them looked at me as though I had asked something obvious and stupid.

Their stunned expressions left me slightly perplexed.

Had I asked something foolish or obvious?

I questioned myself, but then, they exchanged knowing glances and shared a chuckle before turning back to me with wide, radiant smiles.

It was clear that Marin and Marie had something special in mind, something they wanted to share with me.

"Our dream is to marry Daddy when we grow up!"

They both said simultaneously, their smiles as radiant as angels.

Their words filled me with a warmth that words couldn't describe.

"So, that's both of your dreams," I replied with a deep affection in my voice.

While I knew that my children held a deep affection for me, I hadn't imagined they would have such thoughts about the future.

As I considered their aspirations, it dawned on me that they, too, would one day become young women with desires.

It seemed their ideal partner was me, their master and father figure.

I hadn't given much thought to their future partners, but now I couldn't fathom the idea of another man having my daughters once they grew up.

A deep sense of protectiveness welled up within me, and I realized that I had grown just as affectionate towards them.

Their answer, unexpected as it was, warmed my heart.

"Then, I'll be waiting," I replied with a smile.

Both of them beamed with anticipation, eager to grow up and become adults in pursuit of their dreams.

Minutes later, as the 2 suns began to dip below the horizon I gently set Marin and Marie down.

The atmosphere around us began to shift, and it felt as though an electric charge was running through the air.

With a deep breath, I stepped forward to address the masses that had gathered below.

As I stood there, it was as if I had become a figure of reverence, the people below kneeling, bowing, and worshipping me like a god.

Some even shed tears of gratitude, calling out my name with reverence, "Heavenly Master."

As I stood at the balcony's edge, Makina's voice resonated with a captivating grace as she introduced me to the fervent masses below.

"Ladies and gentlemen"

"Gathered before you are our Heavenly Master, the guiding light of our lives"

"He's a god who will guide us lost sheep and he'll be the one to give you the strength to rise!"

Makina's introduction seemed to ignite a fervour within the crowd, and they responded with fervent cheers and cries of "Heavenly Master!"

When it was my turn to speak, I addressed the throngs of people.

"My beloved future disciples and all those who have gathered here today," I began.

"I stand before you as your light"

"The pain that you all had before was the result of incompetence, but now, with me here, there's no need to worry about suffering!"

As I continued my speech, the atmosphere became electric.

"There's no need to worry about food!"

"Nor Water! Crimes and even injustice!"

The masses became even more fanatic, their cries and praises reaching a crescendo.

"We shall live a life and a land where we are free from worries, and if you become my women and disciple, you will receive much more than just a land and peace,"

"And the menz you can live leisurely in the land that I create provided that you shall prove your loyalty to me"

"Together, we shall create a heavenly paradise!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, their devotion to me swelling to unprecedented levels.

They believed in my shared vision, and their loyalty knew no bounds.

The scene before me was overwhelming, as the masses continued to cry out, worshipping their Heavenly Master with an intensity that left me humbled and awestruck.

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